273 research outputs found

    El Abencerraje. Estudio y notas de Eugenia Fosalba, Madrid, Real Academia Española (Biblioteca Clásica, 33), 2017 [Reseña]

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    [Resumen] Esta edición, al cuidado de Eugenia Fosalba, presenta las tres versiones distintas de El Abencerraje en un único volumen, que permite al lector consultar y valorar por sí mismo las cualidades de cada una. La versión más antigua, conocida como Crónica es la que más se aproxima al texto original, de carácter oral, escrita no antes de 1548. Esta versión, muy desdeñada por los estudiosos, dejó un espacio muy útil que la editora ha aprovechado con una edición crítica anotada y justificada dentro de las coordenadas interpretativas modernas. La segunda versión apareció en el Inventario de Antonio de Villegas, y la tercera, la más leída y difundida, se insertó al final del libro IV de la Diana de Montemayor (edición vallisoletana). La editora aborda en el estudio introductorio los problemas irresolubles hasta el momento de El Abencerraje: ¿Quién es el autor de la Crónica?, ¿cuál es la evolución textual de las diferentes versiones?, y/o ¿fue Montemayor quién firmó la versión inserta en la Diana? Sobre la autoría de la Crónica, Fosalba apunta a Jerónimo Jiménez de Urrea, hombre de temperamento humanista, militar y escritor, responsable de la famosa traducción del Orlando furioso y la Arcadia, como la más plausible. Acerca de la precedencia de las versiones queda demostrado como la Crónica es anterior a I y D con indicios irrefutables como son las notas eróticas y las palabras malsonantes incluidas en algunos pasajes de C que se tijeretean en I y en D. Finalmente un exhaustivo cotejo de la versión aparecida en la Diana con otras obras de Montemayor avalarían la hipótesis de que el escritor luso está detrás del Abencerraje pastoril[Abstract] This edition, in the care of Eugenia Fosalba, presents the three different versions of El Abencerraje in a single volume, which allows the reader to consult and assess for themselves the qualities of each one. The oldest version, known as the Chronica, is the one that most closely approximates the original, oral text, written not before 1548. This version, very disdained by critics, left a very useful critical space that the editor has taken advantage of with a critical edition annotated and justified within the modern interpretative coordinates. The second version appeared in the Inventario of Antonio de Villegas, and the third, the most read and disseminated, was inserted at the end of book IV of the Diana de Montemayor (Valladolid edition). The editor tackles in the introductory study the irresolvable problems until the moment of El Abencerraje: Who is the author of the Chronica?, what is the textual evolution of the different versions ?, and / or was it Montemayor who signed the inserted version in the Diana? On the authorship of the Chronica, Fosalba points to Jerónimo Jiménez de Urrea, a man of humanistic temperament, military and writer, responsible for the famous translation of Orlando furioso and Arcadia, as the most plausible. About the precedence of the versions is shown how the Chronica is prior to I and D with irrefutable indications such as the erotic notes and the mispronounces included in some passages of C that are scissored in I and D. Finally, an exhaustive collation of the version appeared in the Diana with other works of Montemayor would support the hypothesis that the Portuguese writer is behind the pastoral El Abencerraj

    Say pays! Shareholder voice and firm performance

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    This paper estimates the effects of Say-on-Pay (SoP); a policy that increases shareholder "voice" by providing shareholders with a regular vote on executive pay. We apply a regression discontinuity design to the votes on shareholder-sponsored SoP proposals. Adopting SoP leads to large increases in market value (4.6%) and to improvements in long-term performance: profitability and labor productivity increase, while overheads and investment fall. In contrast, we find limited effects on pay levels and structure. This suggests that SoP operates as a regular vote of confidence, increasing efficiency and market value

    Say pays! Shareholder voice and firm performance

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    This paper estimates the effects of Say-on-Pay (SoP), a policy that increases shareholder "voice" by providing shareholders with a regular vote on executive pay. We apply a regression discontinuity design to the votes on shareholder-sponsored SoP proposals. Adopting SoP leads to large increases in market value (5%) and to improvements in long-term profitability. In contrast, it has limited effects on pay levels and structure. Taken together our results suggest that SoP can be seen as a repeated regular vote of confidence on the CEO and that it serves as a disciplining device

    Price and probability: decomposing the takeover effects of anti-takeover provisions

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    We study the effects of anti-takeover provisions (ATPs) on the takeover probability, the takeover premium, and target selection. Voting to remove an ATP increases both the takeover probability and the takeover premium, that is, there is no evidence of a trade-off between premiums and takeover probabilities. We provide causal estimates based on shareholder proposals to remove ATPs and address the endogenous selection of targets through bounding techniques. The positive premium effect in less protected firms is driven by better bidder-target matching and merger synergies

    Decúbito prono en adultos con síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo

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    Treball Final de Grau en Infermeria. Codi: IN1138. Curs: 2019/2020Introducción: El síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo (SDRA) es un cuadro clínico frecuente en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI), caracterizado por una lesión pulmonar aguda y severa, secundaria a un proceso inflamatorio local o sistémico. El tratamiento va dirigido a la corrección de la causa subyacente con ayuda de terapias de soporte, una de ellas, el posicionamiento en decúbito prono (DP). Objetivos: Evaluar la efectividad del DP en pacientes con SDRA ventilados mecánicamente e ingresados en UCI. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión integradora de la literatura desde marzo a mayo de 2020, en 6 bases de datos (PubMed, Biblioteca Cochrane, BVS, SciELO, Scopus y CINAHL) a partir de la pregunta clínica; mediante las palabras clave procedentes de los tesauros DeCS y MeSH, combinadas por los operadores booleanos “OR” y “AND”. La búsqueda se limitó a publicaciones de los últimos 10 años, en inglés y español. Resultados: Tras aplicar los criterios de selección y evaluar la calidad metodológica, se incluyó el 6,09% (n=12) de los 197 resultados obtenidos con filtros: 4 meta-análisis, 1 revisión sistemática, 1 GPC y 6 estudios observacionales. Conclusiones: El DP en adultos con SDRA mejora la oxigenación, potenciando el reclutamiento alveolar mediante un drenaje de secreciones, secundario a la redistribución de presiones y volúmenes pulmonares. Esta estrategia parece disminuir la mortalidad en SDRA grave. Se requieren más estudios para unificar y actualizar la evidencia.Introduction: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a frequent clinical picture in the intensive care unit (ICU), characterized by an acute and severe lung injury, secondary to a local or systemic inflammatory process. Treatment is aimed at correcting the underlying cause with the help of support therapies, one of which is prone positioning (PD). Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of PD in mechanically ventilated ARDS patients hospitalized in the ICU. Methodology: An integrative review of the literature from March to May 2020 was conducted in 6 databases (PubMed, Cochrane Library, VHL, SciELO, Scopus and CINAHL) based on the clinical question; using the keywords from the thesauri DeCS and MeSH, combined by the Boolean operators "OR" and "AND". The search was limited to publications from the last 10 years, in English and Spanish. Results: After applying the selection criteria and assessing the methodological quality, 6.09% (n=12) of the 197 results obtained were included with filters: 4 meta-analyses, 1 systematic review, 1 CPG and 6 observational studies. Conclusions: PD in adults with ARDS improves oxygenation by enhancing alveolar recruitment through drainage of secretions, secondary to redistribution of lung pressures and volumes. This strategy appears to decrease mortality in severe ARDS. Further studies are required to consolidate and update the evidence

    CRISPR-Cas12a genome editing at the whole-plant level using two compatible RNA virus vectors

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    [EN] The use of viral vectors that can replicate and move systemically through the host plant to deliver bacterial CRISPR components enables genome editing at the whole-plant level and avoids the requirement for labor-intensive stable transformation. However, this approach usually relies on previously transformed plants that stably express a CRISPR-Cas nuclease. Here, we describe successful DNA-free genome editing of Nicotiana benthamiana using two compatible RNA virus vectors derived from tobacco etch virus (TEV; genus Potyvirus) and potato virus X (PVX; genus Potexvirus), which replicate in the same cells. The TEV and PVX vectors respectively express a Cas12a nuclease and the corresponding guide RNA. This novel two-virus vector system improves the toolbox for transformation-free virus-induced genome editing in plants and will advance efforts to breed more nutritious, resistant, and productive crops.This research was supported by grants BIO2017-83184-R and PID2019-108203RB-I00 from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain) through the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund) and H2020-760331 Newcotiana from the European Commission. M.U. andM.V.-V. are the recipients of fellowships FPU17/05503 from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain) and APOSTD/2020/096 from the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain), respectivelyUranga, M.; Vázquez-Vilar, M.; Orzáez Calatayud, DV.; Daròs, J. (2021). CRISPR-Cas12a genome editing at the whole-plant level using two compatible RNA virus vectors. The CRISPR Journal. 4(5):1-9. https://doi.org/10.1089/crispr.2021.0049194

    Simultaneous analysis of natural pigments and E-141i in olive oils by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

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    This work describes the development of an ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) method for the determination of carotenoids (β-carotene, lutein, β-criptoxanthin, neoxanthin, violaxanthin) and chlorophylls, as well as their related compounds (chlorophyll A and B, pheophytin A and B and the banned dyes Cu-pyropheophytin A, Cu-pheophytin A and B) in olive oils. For this purpose, the feasibility of electrospray ionization (ESI), atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) and atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) for the ionization of these compounds was evaluated and compared. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) fragmentation was discussed for each family of compounds, and the most characteristic and abundant product ions were selected to propose a selective and sensitive UHPLC-MS/MS method. The best results were obtained using APCI and APPI, while ESI provided the worst signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) for all compounds. For the analysis of olive oils, a simple solid-phase extraction (SPE) with silica cartridges was applied before the determination by UHPLC-MS/MS (APCI and APPI) in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. Method quality parameters were stablished, and the results demonstrate the good performance of the new methods, providing low limits of detection (0.004-0.9 mg L−1), high extraction efficiencies (62-95%) and low matrix effects (< 25%). The developed UHPLC-API-MS/MS(APCI and APPI) methods were applied to the analysis of olive oil samples, and β-carotene, pheophytinA, pheophytin B and lutein were detected and quantified in all of them at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 9.5 mg L−1

    Desempenho do modelo 'Pampa-Corte' em diferentes sistemas de terminação de bovinos na Espanha

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    The Pampa-Corte model was developed to simulate the growth of beef cattle in grazing systems in a dynamic and mechanistic way. It was validated under Brazilian conditions. This paper aims to verify the performance of the model in conventional and alternative beef cattle finishing systems in Spain. An experimental dataset of 21 Parda de Montaña calves of similar age and weight at weaning was used to evaluate the model. They were slaughtered individually on reaching 450kg liveweight. The model considered genetic group maturity rather than breed, in order to adjust growth parameters, once Parda de Montaña breed is not contemplated by AFRC (1993). Parameters from late maturing group were initially used considering adult animal size of Parda de Montaña animals; however, the best fit was with values from the early maturing group. The model predicted accurately animal growth in grazing and conventional finishing systems in Spain, although estimates were less precise when changes in animal management involved physiologic modificationsO modelo Pampa Corte foi desenvolvido para simular de forma dinâmica e mecanistica o crescimento de bovinos de corte em sistemas de pastejo, sendo validado nas condições de produção brasileiras. Este trabalho tem como finalidade demonstrar a performance do modelo em situações de engorda tradicionais e alternativos de bovinos de corte na Espanha. Com essa finalidade, foram utilizados dados de 21 animais inteiros da raça Parda de Montanha com similar idade e peso de desmame e que foram abatidos individualmente quando atingiram o peso vivo de 450kg. O modelo considera grupos genéticos no ajuste de seus parâmetros conforme AFRC (1993), entretanto, a raça Parda de Montanha não é contemplada em suas tabelas. Devido ao seu tamanho adulto, inicialmente, foram considerados os parâmetros referentes ao grupo tardio de maturidade, entretanto, os melhores ajustes ocorreram ao serem utilizados os parâmetros de animais de maturidade precoce. O modelo prediz satisfatoriamente o crescimento e terminação dos animais nos sistemas convencionais e alternativos de produção. No entanto, essas predições são menos precisas quando envolve a troca de sistema de pastoreio para confinamento tota

    Etiologies and 12-month mortality in patients with isolated involuntary weight loss at a rapid diagnostic unit

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    Detección y diagnóstico del cáncer; Tumores malignos; EtiologíaDetecció i diagnòstic del càncer; Tumors malignes; EtiologiaCancer detection and diagnosis; Malignant tumors; EtiologyBackground Numerous studies on involuntary weight loss (IWL) have been published since the 1980s, although most of them have included small samples of patients with specific symptoms. The aim of the present study was to determine the causes, demographic and clinical characteristics and mortality at 12 months in patients attended at a rapid diagnostic unit (RDU) for isolated IWL. Methods A single-center retrospective observational study including all patients presenting to the RDU for isolated IWL between 2005 and 2013. The following data were recorded: demographic and clinical variables, results of complementary tests (blood tests, x-rays, computed tomography scan and digestive endoscopy), main diagnosis and vital status at 12 months. Results Seven hundred and ninety-one patients met the criteria for IWL. Mean age was 67.9 years (SD 4.7), 50.4% were male and mean weight loss was 8.3 kg (SD 4.7). The cause for IWL was malignant disease in 23.6% of patients, non-malignant organic disease in 44.5%, psychiatric disorder in 29.0% and unknown in 3.2%. Overall mortality at 12 months was 18.6% (95%CI: 16.1–21.6). The mortality rate was highest in the group with malignancy (61.1%; 95%CI: 54.2–68.2). Conclusions Almost a quarter of all patients attended at the RDU for IWL were diagnosed with cancer. Mortality at 12 months was higher in this group than in the other three. Malignancy should therefore be ruled out during the first visit for patients attended for IWL.The authors received no specific funding for this work

    Proceso de adaptación cultural del “Questionnaire for Assesing the Childbirth Experience (QACE)”

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    Background: Negative experiences during delivery are associated with women disempowerment, postpartum depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and low breastfeeding rates. The Questionnaire for Assessing the Childbirth Experience (QACE) is a 23-item screening tool useful for discovering women with a negative experience in their birth process and avoids future complications in following pregnancies or couple's relationships. Objective: The general objective is to adapt the Questionnaire for Assessing the Childbirth Experience (QACE) to the Spanish population and to obtain its psychometric characteristics.Methodology: The cultural adaptation process consisted of forwarding translation and back translation into Spanish, conceptual equivalence evaluation by a committee of judges, comprehensibility evaluation and cognitive interview to a postpartum group. Psychometric characteristics were obtained throughout the factorial analysis, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett’s test of sphericity and Cronbach alpha level.Results: After complete the adaptation process, the committee of judges made several adjustments to achieve a better comprehension in the Spanish population, avoid misunderstandings or offensive words in the target language. 138 participants were needed to calculate factor analysis. The KMO (0.838) and Bartlett test (p &lt; 0.001) confirmed the adequacy of factor analysis and the Scree plot showed 6 factors with the predictive power of 73.75% supported total variance. Internal consistency was assured using a Cronbach α of 0.896.Conclusions: Data from this study demonstrate that the Spanish version of QACE is a valid and reliable measure of childbirth experience in the Spanish population.Introducción: Las experiencias negativas durante el parto se han asociado con desempoderamiento de la mujer, depresión postparto, trastorno por estrés postraumático y bajas tasas de lactancia maternal, entre otros. El Questionnaire for Assessing the Childbirth Experience (QACE) es una herramienta de 23 ítems útil para identificar mujeres que han tenido una mala experiencia en su proceso de parto y evitar así futuras complicaciones en embarazos posteriores o en la relación de pareja.Objetivo: El objetivo general consiste en adaptar el Questionnaire for Assessing the Childbirth Experience (QACE) a la población española y obtener sus características psicométricas.Metodología: El proceso de adaptación cultural ha consistido en la traducción y retro traducción al español, evaluación de la equivalencia conceptual por un comité de jueces, evaluación de la comprensibilidad y una entrevista cognitiva a un grupo de mujeres puérperas. Las características psicométricas se han obtenido mediante el análisis factorial, los test de Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) y Bartlett y el alfa de Cronbach.Resultados: Tras el proceso de adaptación transcultural, el grupo de expertos realizó las modificaciones necesarias para conseguir una mayor compresión del cuestionario en la población española, evitar malentendidos y palabras ofensivas en la lengua de destino. Se necesitaron 138 participantes para obtener el análisis factorial. El KMO (0,838) y el test de Bartlett (p &lt; 0,001) confirmaron la adecuación del análisis factorial y el grafico de sedimentación mostró 6 factores con un poder predictivo del 73,75% del total de la varianza. La consistencia interna se obtuvo mediante un alfa de Cronbach de 0,896.Conclusiones: Los datos obtenidos en este estudio demuestran que la versión española del QACE es una herramienta válida y fiable para medir la experiencia en el nacimiento en la población española