307 research outputs found

    Plan de Acción Tutorial en la Facultad de Educación: percepciones del alumnado sobre sus tutores

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    El acceso a la universidad es un momento en el que el alumnado de primer curso de grado precisa cierta orientación para resolver sus dudas y conocer todos los servicios que tiene a su disposición en la universidad. La Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Alicante ofrece el Plan de Acción Tutorial (PAT), iniciativa desarrollada por diversos tutores que aumenta anualmente el interés entre el alumnado. El objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer las percepciones que presenta parte del alumnado que asiste al PAT en cuanto a la función que ejercen sus tutores. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 26 alumnos del grado de Maestro de Educación Primaria e Infantil quienes cumplimentaron un cuestionario de elaboración propia acerca de sus percepciones respecto a la labor de sus tutores universitarios. Los resultados obtenidos señalan que entre las funciones más valoradas por los alumnos se encuentran: la obtención de información acerca de las salidas profesionales, el funcionamiento del Prácticum y los itinerarios educativos y cursos. No obstante, se precisa considerar la intervención de los tutores en el área emocional del alumnado (autoestima, confianza personal, emociones negativas y relaciones sociales entre compañeros) ya que es una de las funciones menos valoradas

    Ozone in Spain's National Parks and Protected Forests

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    In general, it is difficult to measure air pollutant concentrations in remote areas, as they are mostly national parks and protected areas. Passive samplers provide an accurate and inexpensive method for measuring cumulative exposures of different air pollutants. They have been used to collect ozone data in both laboratory and field at different geographical scales. The objective of the present study is to fill the knowledge gap regarding air quality in remote areas of Spain, such as national parks and protected areas. Because there were no systematic data sets on the main air pollutants that could affect these areas, an air quality measurement network was established between 2001 and 2004 on 19 locations inside Spanish national parks and protected areas. The data collected suggest that ozone levels in mountainous areas are high enough to affect sensitive vegetation. Most of the locations registered moderate-to-high ozone levels, with important interannual variability. Altitudinal ozone gradients were observed in most of the parks with complex topography due to the establishment of local circulations that incorporate polluted air masses from polluted airsheds or even long-range transport (i.e., Canary Islands). Different latitude-dependent, yearly cycles were also observed, showing two, one, or no clear peaks depending on the region. These findings extend to the most southerly locations, except in the Canary Islands, where pollution transported from other regions in the upper transport layers probably led to the high concentrations observed

    La concepción del desarrollo profesional docente como factor influyente en la actividad educativa

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    Son múltiples las experiencias que sirven al profesorado como actividades de desarrollo profesional, no obstante, los aprendizajes alcanzados resultarán, según su metodología y finalidad, más satisfactorios o menos en la consecución de una formación y enseñanza de calidad. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la concepción de los docentes sobre el desarrollo profesional y el grado de asimilación de la tendencia social como estrategia primordial para el avance en conjunto. Participaron 25 docentes de Educación Primaria, quienes completaron una entrevista semiestructurada formada por cuatro cuestiones sobre sus experiencias formativas y la funcionalidad de estas en su labor educativa. La información recogida fue analizada mediante el soporte informático AQUAD 6, clasificando las aportaciones de los sujetos en cuatro categorías que sustentan las principales conclusiones. Son las escuelas, entendidas como comunidades de aprendizaje, las que conducen hacia la actual concepción de desarrollo profesional docente, proceso continuo basado en aprendizajes aplicados a la realidad educativa de forma cooperativa

    Vortex motion channeling effects in Nb with mesoscopic arrays of Ni lines

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    Ordered arrays of submicrometric Ni lines have been fabricated in sputtered Nb films. Magnetotransport R(H) and (I, V) curves were measured close to the critical temperature using a cross-shape bridge that allows us to apply current in two directions: parallel or perpendicular to the lines. The experimental results show anisotropic vortex motion with clear channeling effects. In R(H) data, magnetic features appear but they are absent in the (I, V) curves

    Influence of interpenetration on the flexibility of MUV-2

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    The crystal structure of an interpenetrated tetrathiafulvalene (TTF)-based metal-organic framework (MOF) is reported. This MOF, denoted as MUV-2-i, is the interpenetrated analogue of the hierarchical and flexible MUV-2. Interestingly, the large flexibility exhibited by MUV-2 upon polar solvent adsorption is considerably reduced in the interpenetrated form which can be explained by short S⋯S interactions between adjacent TTF-based ligands ensuring more rigidity in the framework. In addition, the porosity of MUV-2-i is significantly decreased in comparison to that of MUV-2 as shown by the reduced free volume in the crystal structure

    The usefulness of Olanzapine plasma concentrations in monitoring treatment efficacy and metabolic disturbances in first-episode psychosis

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    Introduction: The role of Olanzapine therapeutic drug monitoring is controversial. The present study explores the associations of Olanzapine plasma concentrations with clinical response and metabolic side effects in first episode psychosis (FEP) after 2 months of treatment. Methods: Forty-seven patients were included. Improvement in clinical symptomatology was assessed using the PANSS. Metabolic assessment included weight, blood pressure, waist circumference, blood glucose, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, and triglycerides. Results: The Olanzapine plasma concentrations after 2 months of treatment were positively correlated with weight gain (r = 0.49, p = 0.003), and a concentration > 23.28 ng/mL was identified as a positive predictor of weight gain (≥ 7%). The Olanzapine concentration to dose (C/D) ratio was positively correlated with the percentage of improvement in the total PANSS (r = 0.46, p = 0.004), and a C/D ratio > 2.12 was identified as a positive predictor of a good response (percentage of improvement > 30%) after 2 months of treatment. We also identified several factors that could alter Olanzapine pharmacokinetics: gender (p = 0.03), diagnosis (p = 0.05), smoking habit (p = 0.05), and co-medications such as valproic acid (p = 0.05) and anxiolytics (p = 0.01). Discussion: In conclusion, our results suggest that therapeutic drug monitoring of Olanzapine could be helpful to evaluate therapeutic efficacy and metabolic dysfunction in FEP patients treated with Olanzapine

    Angular dependence of the artificially induced anistropy in α-axis-oriented EuBa_2Cu_3O_7/PrBa_2Cu_3O_7 superconducting superlattices

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    α-axis-oriented EuBa_2Cu_3O_7/PrBa_2Cu_3O_7 (EBCO/PBCO) superlattices allow us to separate contributions to the anisotropy coming from the natural layered structure of EBCO from that introduced by the artificial layering with PBCO. The angular dependence of the critical current and resistivity in a magnetic field has been studied with different superlattice modulation lengths (strong coupling regime). The increase in the insulating PBCO layer thickness produces a crossover from an a-axis-oriented three-dimensional (3D) superconductor with a distribution of planar pinning centers to a 3D superconductor with an angular anisotropy behavior similar to single-phase c-axis-oriented films

    Correlational study between negative affect and school refusal

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    El estudio del afecto y su relación con el comportamiento de rechazo a la escuela es un campo de investigación con escasos trabajos previos. El objetivo de estudio fue analizar la relación entre el Afecto Negativo y los distintos factores que justifican el rechazo escolar en estudiantes de Educación Primaria. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 476 estudiantes españoles con un rango de edad que osciló entre los 8 y los 12 años (M = 10.08; DE = 1.28). Las variables de este estudio fueron evaluadas mediante el 10-Item Positive and Negative Affect Schedule for Children (PANAS-C), para medir la subescala de Afecto Negativo, y la School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised for Children (SRAS-R-C), para evaluar los cuatro factores que justifican el comportamiento de rechazo a la escuela (I. Evitar la Afectividad Negativa; II. Escapar de la Aversión Social o Evaluación; III. Búsqueda de la Atención de otras Personas Significativas; IV. Búsqueda de Refuerzos Tangibles Fuera del Ámbito Escolar). Los resultados revelaron que existían correlaciones positivas y significativas entre el Afecto Negativo y los tres primeros factores de la SRAS-R-C, mientras que no resultaron significativas para el cuarto factor. Los resultados obtenidos confirman la relación entre sentimientos de afectividad negativa y el rechazo escolar, aspecto que debe ser considerado en el estudio de estos casos.The study of affect and its relationship with school refusal behaviour is a field of research with little previous works. The aim of the study was to analyse the relationship between Negative Affect and the different factors that justify the school refusal in students of Primary Education. The sample consisted of 476 Spanish students with an age ranged between 8 and 12 years (M = 10.08; DE = 1.28). The variables of this study were evaluated by the 10-Item Positive and Negative Affect Schedule for Children (PANAS-C), to assess the Negative Affect subscale, and the School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised for Children (SRAS-R-C), to assess the four factors that justify the school refusal behaviour (I. Avoid Negative affectivity; II Escape the Social Aversion or Evaluation; III. Search for Significant Attention of Others; IV. Search Tangible Reinforcements Outside School). The results revealed that there were significant and positive correlations between Negative Affect and the first three factors of the SRAS-R-C, but they were not significant for the fourth factor. The results confirm the relationship between negative emotions and feelings with school refusal, something that should be considered in the study of these cases

    Profiles of Perfectionism and School Anxiety: A Review of the 2 × 2 Model of Dispositional Perfectionism in Child Population

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    The 2 × 2 model of dispositional perfectionism has been very well received by researchers of the topic, leading to the creation of new studies that have analyzed the way in which the four proposed subtypes are distinctly associated with measures of adaptation and maladjustment. The goal of this study was to determine the possible existence of four profiles of child perfectionism that are congruent with the subtypes proposed by the 2 × 2 model, and whether these subtypes are associated with school anxiety, in accordance with the hypotheses established by the model. The sample was composed of 2157 students from Spanish Primary Education aged between 8 and 11 years (M = 9.60, SD = 1.24). The Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale was used to assess Socially Prescribed Perfectionism and Self-Oriented Perfectionism, and the School Anxiety Inventory for Primary Education was used to measure school anxiety. The results of cluster analysis identified four differential groups of perfectionists similar to the subtypes defined by the 2 × 2 model: Non-Perfectionism, Pure Personal Standards Perfectionism (Pure PSP), Pure Evaluative Concerns Perfectionism (Pure ECP), and Mixed Perfectionism. The four groups presented a differentiable pattern of association with school anxiety, with the exception of Pure PSP and Pure ECP, which showed no significant differences. Participants classified as Non-perfectionists presented the most adaptive outcomes, whereas subjects included in the Mixed Perfectionism group scored significantly higher on school anxiety than the three remaining groups. To conclude, the results partially supported the hypotheses of the 2 × 2 model, questioning the consideration of Self-Oriented Perfectionism as a positive manifestation of perfectionism and showing that it is the combination of high scores in both perfectionist dimensions, Self-Oriented Perfectionism and Socially Prescribed Perfectionism that implies higher levels of school anxiety. These findings should be taken into account when generalizing the 2 × 2 model to child population.Part of this investigation is supported by the project “Assessment of school anxiety and its relation with psychoeducational variables in childhood. Study of the efficacy of a preventive program” (EDU2012-35124), awarded to JG-F, as well as by aid for the recruitment of pre-doctorate research staff, Program VALi+d (ACIF/2014/368) granted to MV, and by aid to contracts for the training of doctors -UA FPU 2013-5795 y 2015-5995, granted to CG and RS, respectively

    Anisotropic pinning enhancement in Nb films with arrays of submicrometric Ni lines

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    Arrays of submicrometric Ni lines have been fabricated in superconducting Nb films by electron beam lithography. In the mixed state, these arrays induce strong anisotropy in the dissipation behavior. The dissipation is reduced several orders of magnitude, in the whole applied magnetic field range, when the vortex motion is perpendicular to the Ni lines (applied current parallel to them) in comparison with dissipation of vortices moving parallel to the lines. In addition, for the samples studied in this work, a change in the slope of the rho(B) curves is observed when the vortices move perpendicular to the lines and the vortex lattice parameter matches the width of the Ni lines