406 research outputs found

    Estimació de construccions compromeses per la presència de coves en el litoral del sud i llevant de Mallorca mitjançant l’ús de Sistemes d’Informació Geogràfica (SIGs)

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    [cat] S’exposen els resultats estimats de l’extensió de construccions (habitatges) i infraestructures construïdes sobre quatre cavitats càrstiques a la franja litoral del Sud i Llevant de Mallorca a partir de l’ús de Sistemes d’Informació Geogràfica (SIGs). L’estudi s’ha basat en l’anàlisi cartogràfic en el que s’ha contrastat la cartografia existent del recorregut de les coves, el mapa topogràfic digital a escala 1/5.000, diverses col·leccions de fotografies aèries i la cartografia digital del cadastre. La informació manejada es troba disponible al visor cartogràfic del Servei d’Informació Territorial de les Illes Balears S.A. i es pot visualitzar a qualsevol programa de SIG. La cartografia corresponent al recorregut de les cavitats es troba a les publicacions de la revista Endins, també disponibles a internet. Els resultat es una estimació dels metres quadrats construïts sobre les coves. D’aquesta manera s’ofereix una informació que podria esser una eina de consulta per a la presa de decisions i contribuir a la sostenibilitat de la zona costanera d’acord amb una concepció integrada de les àrees costeres i marines.[eng] This work exposes the estimated results of the built area (homes and infrastructures) above four karstic caves located at the coastal fringe in the South and East of the Mallorca Island using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The study has been based on the analysis of the cartography of the path/extension of the caves, 1/5.000 scale topographic maps, many collections of digital aerial photography and the cartography of the cadastre. The information managed is available in the map viewer of the Geographical Information Service of the Balearic Islands and can be displayed in any GIS program. Cartography of the paths of the caves are in the issues of Endins Journal, also available in internet. The result is an estimation of the square meters built above the caves. In this way, we offer a kind of information that could be a decision support tool to contribute to the sustainability of the coastal zone according with the concept of integrity of coastal and marine areas

    Use of a managed solitary bee to pollinate almonds: Population sustainability and increased fruit set

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    Osmia spp. are excellent orchard pollinators but evidence that their populations can be sustained in orchard environments and their use results in increased fruit production is scarce. We released an Osmia cornuta population in an almond orchard and measured its population dynamics, as well as visitation rates and fruit set at increasing distances from the nesting stations. Honeybees were 10 times more abundant than O. cornuta. However, the best models relating fruit set and bee visitation included only O. cornuta visitation, which explained 41% and 40% of the initial and final fruit set. Distance from the nesting stations explained 27.7% and 22.1% of the variability in initial and final fruit set. Of the 198 females released, 99 (54.4%) established and produced an average of 9.15 cells. Female population growth was 1.28. By comparing our results with those of previous O. cornuta studies we identify two important populational bottlenecks (female establishment and male-biased progeny sex ratios). Our study demonstrates that even a small population of a highly effective pollinator may have a significant impact on fruit set. Our results are encouraging for the use of Osmia managed populations and for the implementation of measures to promote wild pollinators in agricultural environments

    El registre paleontològic de l’illa d’Eivissa a jaciments litorals pleistocens

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    [cat] Es presenta des d’una visió històrica, l’estudi del registre paleontològic del Pleistocè de l’illa d’Eivissa, des dels seus inicis a finals del segle XIX fins l’actualitat, per després comentar els jaciments de platja i els que contenen fòssils continentals. Els primers són escassos per la qual cosa hi ha un registre baix de tàxons marins. Els jaciments d’origen continental són nombrosos i el registre paleontològic es caracteritza per a presentar mol·luscs endèmics (Tudorella ferruginea) i en alguns indrets traces fòssils d’insecte (i.e. Rebuffoichonus casamiquelai).[eng] This article gives a historical view of the Pleistocene on the island of Ibiza, from its beginnings in the late nineteenth century to the present. Then, beach deposits are synthetically described focusing on paleontological content and finally, the deposits that contain continental fauna. The first ones are scarce, for this reason there is a few marine taxa registers. Moreover, there are a high number of continental deposits and their paleontological data is characterized by endemic Mollusca and in some sites there are insect traces

    Euphorbia paniculata Desf. subsp. paniculata en el sureste ibérico

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    Euphorbia paniculata Desf. subsp. paniculata in SE SpainPalabras clave. Euphorbia, Corología, Murcia, Almeria, España.Keywords. Euphorbia, Chorology, Murcia, Almeria, Spain

    Evaluation of the interactions between Human Serum Albumin (HSA) and Non‐Steroidal Anti‐Inflammatory (NSAIDs) drugs by multiwavelength molecular fluorescence, structural and computational analysis

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    The interaction between drugs and transport proteins, such as albumins, is a key factor in drug bioavailability. One of the techniques commonly used for the evaluation of the drug‐protein complex formation is fluorescence. This work studies the interaction of human serum albumin (HSA) with four non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (ibuprofen, flurbiprofen, naproxen, and diflunisal) by monitoring the fluorescence quenching when the drug‐albumin complex is formed. Two approaches - the double logarithm Stern‐Volmer equation and the STAR program - are used to evaluate the binding parameters. The results are analyzed considering the bind‐ ing properties, determined by using other complementary techniques and the available structural information of albumin complexes with NSAID‐related compounds. Finally, this combined analysis has been synergistically used to interpret the binding of flurbiprofen to HSA

    New trimethoprim-like molecules: bacteriological evaluation and insights into their action

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    This work reports a detailed characterization of the antimicrobial profile of two trimethoprim-like molecules (compounds 1a and 1b) identified in previous studies. Both molecules displayed remarkable antimicrobial activity, particularly when combined with sulfamethoxazole. In disk difusion assays on Petri dish, compounds 1a and 1b showed synergistic effects with colistin. Specifically, in combinations with low concentrations of colistin very large increases in the activities of compounds 1a and 1b were determined, as demonstrated by alterations in the kinetics of bacterial growth despite only slight changes in the fractional inhibitory concentration index. The effect of colistin may be to increase the rate of antibiotic entry while reducing efflux pump activity. Compounds 1a and 1b were susceptible to extrusion by efflux pumps, whereas the inhibitor phenylalanine arginyl ß-naphthylamide (PAßN) exerted effects similar to those of colistin. The interactions between the target enzyme (dihydrofolate reductase), the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH), and the studied molecules were explored using enzymology tools and computational chemistry. A model based on docking results is reported

    Statics and dynamics of domain patterns in hexagonal-orthorhombic ferroelastics

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    We study the statics and the dynamics of domain patterns in proper hexagonal-orthorhombic ferroelastics; these patterns are of particular interest because they provide a rare physical realization of disclinations in crystals. Both our static and dynamical theories are based entirely on classical, nonlinear elasticity theory; we use the minimal theory consistent with stability, symmetry and ability to explain qualitatively the observed patterns. After scaling, the only parameters of the static theory are a temperature variable and a stiffness variable. For moderate to large stiffness, our static results show nested stars, unnested stars, fans and other nodes, triangular and trapezoidal regions of trapped hexagonal phase, etc observed in electron microscopy of Ta4N and Mg-Cd alloys, and also in lead orthovanadate (which is trigonal-monoclinic); we even find imperfections in some nodes, like those observed. For small stiffness, we find patterns like those observed in the mineral Mg-cordierite. Our dynamical studies of growth and relaxation show the formation of these static patterns, and also transitory structures such as 12-armed bursts, streamers and striations which are also seen experimentally. The major aspects of the growth-relaxation process are quite unlike those in systems with conventional order parameters, for it is inherently nonlocal; for example, the changes from one snapshot to the next are not predictable by inspection.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures (1 b&w, 2 colour); animations may be viewed at http://huron.physics.utoronto.ca/~curnoe/sim.htm