695 research outputs found

    Conditions for Privative, Abnormal and Pro Tempore Use of Cultural Goods of Heritage Interest in Spain

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    Este trabajo se ocupa de indagar acerca del uso anormal y excluyente de aquellos bienes definidos y categorizados como de interés cultural (bic). Más concretamente, interesa verificar la posición que asume la Administración pública (prevalentemente los municipios), como entidad que debe autorizar el evento a desarrollar. En este sentido, el evento asume una importancia trascendental debido al elemento temporal de exigua duración. Se trata, en definitiva, de eventos efímeros y circunstanciales cuya esencia no elimina la necesidad de una autorización por parte de la administración competente. Tras esto, el trabajo estudia el instrumento jurídico-administrativo capaz de establecer la tipología de autorización que la administración deberá otorgar para la ejecución del acaecimiento y el papel de las tasas por el uso del bien.Este trabajo se ocupa de indagar acerca del uso anormal y excluyente de aquellos bienes definidos y categorizados como de interés cultural (bic). Más concretamente, interesa verificar la posición que asume la Administración pública (prevalentemente los municipios), como entidad que debe autorizar el evento a desarrollar. En este sentido, el evento asume una importancia trascendental debido al elemento temporal de exigua duración. Se trata, en definitiva, de eventos efímeros y circunstanciales cuya esencia no elimina la necesidad de una autorización por parte de la administración competente. Tras esto, el trabajo estudia el instrumento jurídico-administrativo capaz de establecer la tipología de autorización que la administración deberá otorgar para la ejecución del acaecimiento y el papel de las tasas por el uso del bien

    Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors: do they have a therapeutic potential in cardiac fibrosis?

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    Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) is a bioactive lipid that is characterized by a peculiar mechanism of action. In fact, S1P, which is produced inside the cell, can act as an intracellular mediator, whereas after its export outside the cell, it can act as ligand of specific G-protein coupled receptors, which were initially named endothelial differentiation gene (Edg) and eventually renamed sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors (S1PRs). Among the five S1PR subtypes, S1PR1, S1PR2 and S1PR3 isoforms show broad tissue gene expression, while S1PR4 is primarily expressed in immune system cells, and S1PR5 is expressed in the central nervous system. There is accumulating evidence for the important role of S1P as a mediator of many processes, such as angiogenesis, carcinogenesis and immunity, and, ultimately, fibrosis. After a tissue injury, the imbalance between the production of extracellular matrix (ECM) and its degradation, which occurs due to chronic inflammatory conditions, leads to an accumulation of ECM and, consequential, organ dysfunction. In these pathological conditions, many factors have been described to act as pro- and anti-fibrotic agents, including S1P. This bioactive lipid exhibits both pro- and anti-fibrotic effects, depending on its site of action. In this review, after a brief description of sphingolipid metabolism and signaling, we emphasize the involvement of the S1P/S1PR axis and the downstream signaling pathways in the development of fibrosis. The current knowledge of the therapeutic potential of S1PR subtype modulators in the treatment of the cardiac functions and fibrinogenesis are also examined

    Il deficit pragmatico a seguito di TCE: un approccio fenomenologico alla riabilitazione

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    Riassunto: Tra i disturbi del linguaggio, il deficit di tipo pragmatico viene spesso osservato nelle persone a seguito di trauma cranio-encefalico (TCE). Nonostante sia negletta nella pratica clinica, questa componente gioca un ruolo centrale nella qualità di vita di persone con TCE. L’aspetto peculiare del deficit di tipo pragmatico è la sua natura intrinsecamente connessa sia ad altre capacità di tipo cognitivo che relazionali delle persone fin nella storia pre-morbosa. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è proporre un punto di vista teorico che, beneficiando del dialogo tra neuropsicologia e fenomenologia, possa costituire un paradigma utile per considerare in modo più sistematico il deficit di tipo pragmatico. Piuttosto che frammentarlo e ridurlo solo a una lista di singoli sintomi, esso viene analizzato come conseguenza di un’alterazione non storica dell’ipseità, mettendolo in relazione con il concetto di “embodiment”. Si avanza, in conclusione, una possibile proposta di presa in carico di tale neuropsicopatologia.Parole chiave: Trauma cranio-encefalico; Pragmatica; Comunicazione; Embodiment; Fenomenologia Pragmatic disorder due to TBI: A phenomenological approach to rehabilitation – Abstract: People who suffer from traumatic brain injury (TBI) are frequently affected by pragmatic disorder (PD), among other communicative impairments. While largely neglected in terms of rehabilitation strategies, the skills impaired by PD play a fundamental role in the quality of life of people who suffer from TBI. PD uniquely impacts a person’s cognitive and interpersonal abilities, including those from their pre-morbid history. The aim of this work is to propose a theoretical framework, based on a dialogue between neuropsychology and phenomenology, that may provide a useful paradigm in approaches to rehabilitation in PD. Instead of fragmenting this disorder into a list of symptoms, we address it as a consequence of a non-historical alteration of “ipseity” in connection with the concept of “embodiment”. In conclusion, we suggest an intervention for this neuropsychopathology.Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury; Pragmatics; Communication; Embodiment; Phenomenolog

    The mediating role of sleep quality in the relationship between negative emotional states and health-related quality of life among italian medical students

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    Sleep problems have been shown to be related to adverse outcomes concerning physical and mental well-being. Furthermore, mental health issues and sleep problems were reported to be highly prevalent among medical students and physicians, and were found to be associated with worse academic and clinical performance in these populations. This study aims to investigate the prevalence of poor sleep to examine the associations between sleep quality and health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and to explore the possible mediating role of sleep in the relationship between psychological distress and HRQoL itself in a sample of medical and dental students attending a large Italian university. Participants (n = 407, mean age: 24.2 +/- 2.4) answered an online questionnaire comprising the 21-item Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and the Short Form-12 health survey. Up to 62% of the participants reported poor sleep quality. Controlling for psychological distress, sleep quality components were found to be associated with physical and mental HRQoL. Mediation analysis showed that overall sleep quality mediated all the single associations between anxiety, depression, and stress and HRQoL. These preliminary findings suggest that the quality of sleep is important for the well-being of medical students and that targeting sleep issues in this academic population may be beneficial

    Los menores de edad migrantes no acompañados y sus exigencias jurídicas: Un diálogo entre España y México

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    220 p. Libro electrónicoEsta obra se sitúa en el hilo de la jornada organizada por el Comité de Estudios para el Adelanto de la Mujer y la Equidad de Género de la Cámara de Diputados del Gobierno de México, del día 24 de enero de 2011, bajo el titulo: “La situación jurídica de los menores de edad no acompañados”. El testimonio del interés hacia un tema de estricta actualidad y que une países y continentes de diferentes entornos, nos dio el impulso para trabajar en una óptica comparada entre España y México. Siendo, el problema de la inmigración de los menores de edad no acompañados, de alcance internacional, nos centramos en tratar las normas que afectan directamente a la infancia. La extranjería y la protección de los menores de edad inmigrantes (y de hecho también de los nacionales), es una de las pocas materias que no pueden prescindir de una mirada abierta a más ciencias del conocimiento; no solamente entonces las ciencias jurídicas, sino también las ciencias sociales y la antropología

    Endoluminal calprotectin measurement in assessment of pouchitis and a new index of disease activity. A pilot study

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    Pouchitis is the most common complication following proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis (UC). To provide a standardized definition of pouchitis clinical, endoscopic and histological markers were grouped and weighted in the pouch disease activity index (PDAI). However, the delay in the assessment of the final score due to the time requested for histological analysis remains the main obstacle to the index implementation in clinical practice so that the use of modified-PDAI (mPDAI) with exclusion of histologic subscore has been proposed. We tested the ability of calprotectin measurement in the pouch endoluminal content to mimic the histologic score as defined in the PDAI, the index that we adopted as gold standard for pouchitis diagnosis. Calprotectin was measured by ELISA in the pouch endoluminal content collected during endoscopy in 40 consecutive patients with J-pouch. In each patient PDAI and mPDAI were calculated and 15% of patients were erroneously classified by mPDAI. ROC analysis of calprotectin values vs. acute histological subscore 3 identified different calprotectin cut-off values with corresponding sensitivity and specificity allowing the definition and scoring of different range of calprotectin subscores. We incorporated the calprotectin score in the mPDAI obtaining a new score that shows the same specificity as PDAI for diagnosis of pouchitis and higher sensitivity when compared with mPDAI. The use of the proposed new score, once validated in a larger series of patients, might be useful in the early management of patients with symptoms of pouchitis

    Taste and olfaction in middle ear surgery

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess pre- and postoperative taste ability in patients undergoing middle ear surgery for otosclerosis or chronic otitis media. Olfactory function was also evaluated to rule out taste deficits due to concomitant nasal pathology. METHODS: All patients underwent ear, nose, and throat examination, otomicroscopy, nasal endoscopy, anterior rhinomanometry, taste testing, and olfactory testing. Patients were evaluated at 1 to 5 days preoperatively (T0), and at 1 (T1), 6 (T6), and 12 (T12) months postoperatively. RESULTS: Both groups of patients experienced worsening of the mean taste threshold postoperatively. This phenomenon was more serious in poststapedotomy patients. Follow-up showed progressive improvement in both groups. All values of olfactory testing were within the normal range for otosclerosis patients. Patients with chronic otitis media showed variable postoperative findings. CONCLUSION: Chorda tympani function can be negatively affected by middle ear surgery. Deficits may be more marked in stapedotomy patients than in those undergoing tympanoplasty. Postoperative recovery of taste is satisfactory, although with different timelines for the 2 types of patholog

    La trayectoria constitucional boliviana: entre transformación y desafío jurídico. El estado metodológico de la cuestión

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    This paper attempts to give a brief response to the changes made in the Bolivian Plurinational State after the aproval Constitution in 2009. To do this it is neccesary to understand how Bolivia is facing a generational change that has led to talk about neo-constitutionalism, and most of all how the country is constitutionally confronting the issue of indigenous people and their justice system.Este trabajo intenta ofrecer una breve respuesta a los cambios ocurridos en Bolivia tras la aprobación de la Constitución de 2009. Para hacerlo es necesario indicar algunos elementos que identifican un verdadero cambio generacional que ha llevado a hablar de neoconstitucionalismo, y sobre todo, cómo el país ha abordado la cuestión de los pueblos indígenas y de sus sistemas de justicia

    Las actividades prácticas evaluables en los estudios jurídicos universitarios. Vídeo-ejercicios como instrumentos transformadores

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    This study is the result of the analysis of the Teaching Innovation and Improvement Project carried out during the 2020-2021 academic year and approved by the Vice-Rectorate for Digitalisation and Infrastructures of the University of Cadiz. The project was developed with the students of Administrative Legal Management I, Administrative Structures and Administrative Law of the Degree in Management and Public Administration, who used video-exercises as a tool for practical learning and development. The main purpose of these activities is to improve the oral and operational skills of our students, in order to gradually acquire a certain fluency in the oral explanation of complex legal-administrative issues. One hundred and twenty video-exercises were carried out over the three courses mentioned, a sufficient number to proceed with a careful analysis to determine how these types of practical activities have had an impact on the academic training of our students. In our opinion, the data obtained can also be considered, adapted and extended to those legal subjects included in different social science degrees.Este estudio es el resultado del análisis del Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora Docente llevado a cabo durante el curso académico 2020-2021 y aprobado por el Vicerrectorado de Digitalización e Infraestructuras de la Universidad de Cádiz. El proyecto consistió en que los estudiantes de Gestión Jurídico Administrativa I, Estructuras Administrativas y Derecho Administrativo del Grado en Gestión y Administración Pública, realizaran vídeo-ejercicios como enseñanza práctica y de desarrollo. El propósito principal de estas actividades es el de mejorar las capacidades orales y operacionales de nuestros alumnos para que paulatinamente vayan adquiriendo cierta desenvoltura en la explicación oral de cuestiones jurídico-administrativas complejas. En el ámbito de los tres cursos mencionados se realizaron ciento vente vídeo-ejercicios, número suficiente para proceder con un atento análisis sobre la repercusión que este tipo de actividades prácticas han supuesto en la formación académica de nuestros estudiantes. En nuestra opinión, los datos obtenidos pueden ser adaptados y extendidos también a aquellas asignaturas jurídicas que se incluyen en distintos grados de las ciencias sociales