346 research outputs found

    Recruitment and Retention in the Post-Floyd Era: A Phenomenological Study of Miami-Dade County Law Enforcement

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    This study employed a phenomenological approach to analyze law enforcement professionals\u27 perspectives regarding police recruitment and retention in Miami-Dade County after the murder of George Floyd. The study focuses on two primary issues: the ongoing shortage of police officers and the absence of effective retention measures. The study’s theoretical approach is informed by the principles of transformational leadership theory and Herzberg’s two-factor motivation-hygiene theory. The research utilized a qualitative methodology, including face-to-face interviews with a total of twenty-nine participants from three police jurisdictions within Miami-Dade County. These individuals were selected based on their experience in the field. The data was collected, coded, and examined by manual means. The study yielded noteworthy results, which may be summarized as follows: (1) The responses provided by officers from different jurisdictions indicate a shared perspective that recruiting efforts in Miami-Dade County have not been sufficiently prioritized. (2) The consensus among law enforcement officers is nearly uniform in acknowledging the persistent challenges associated with recruitment and retention, emphasizing the need for further examination and intervention

    Efficient Support for Video Communications in Wireless Home Networks

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    This paper investigates the performance of video communications over wireless networks employing the recently proposed Time-Division Unbalanced Carrier Sense Multiple access (TDuCSMA) coordination function. TDuCSMA is fully IEEE 802.11 standard compliant but offers novel bandwidth management capabilities. In this work the peculiar characteristics of TDuCSMA are configured and exploited to maximize the performance of video communications in a realistic home networking scenario. Simulation results show significant performance improvements with respect to legacy IEEE 802.11 network. The video quality gains are up to 13 dB PSNR with 500 ms playout buffer, while the average delay of the video packets is much lower, for the same amount of video traffic offered to the network. These results significantly contribute to enhance the quality of experience of the users of the video communicatio

    Contenidos de fósforo total en suelos con características vérticas de la Provincia de Entre Ríos

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    p.53-58En Entre Ríos, los suelos con características vérticas ocupan el 69 por ciento del total de la superficie provincial, sin contar el D elta del río Paraná (Proyecto PN U D-FA O -INTA, 1980), generalmente estos suelos son deficientes en fósforo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el contenido de fósforo total y su distribución en las fracciones orgánicas e inorgánicas en perfiles de suelos con características vérticas de Entre Ríos. Se tomaron muestras de suelo provenientes de cuatro Vertisoles, tres Alfisoles y un Molisol con características vérticas. En superficie los contenidos de fósforo total (Pt) de los suelos de los tres ordenes estudiados fueron de 200 a 300 mg kg. Del P total superficial de estos suelos predomina la fracción de P orgánico (Po) en relación a las formas inorgánicas (Pi). La distribución del P orgánico total en el perfil sigue un patrón general de disminución con el aumento de la profundidad, mientras que el Pi tiene una tendencia opuesta. Los horizontes C mostraron valores de P inorgánico de 150 a 200 mg de P kg `1 de suelo, reduciéndose aproximadamente a la mitad en los horizontes superficiales. Como resultado de este estudio, se puede concluir que los suelos del centro norte de la provincia de Entre Ríos presentan valores bajos de Pt. En estos suelos son im portantes las proporciones de Po en superficie, las cuales oscilan entre el 60 por ciento el 70 por ciento del Pt

    Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in swine slaughtered in Sicily

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    Several studies showed that the consumption of raw or undercooked meat contaming Toxoplasma gondii tissue cysts from infected animals is one of the most important sources of human toxoplasmosis. Foods of animal origin most frequently contaminated are pork and small ruminants\u27 meat. In order to investigate the seroprevalence of Toxoplasmosis in Sicilian pig farms, 1063 swine sera were collected dunng the slaughtering from locally born and bred ammals and 1312 from imported ones (from France and Spain). The local animals came from 154 farms distributed along Sicily, representing pigs of all ages: the others came from lairages

    Synthesis, Characterization, Fluorescence Properties, and DFT Modeling of Difluoroboron Biindolediketonates

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    We report a simple and efficient strategy to enhance the fluorescence of biocompatible biindole diketonates (bdks) in the visible spectrum through difluoroboronation (BF2bdks complexes). Emission spectroscopy testifies an increase in the fluorescence quantum yields from a few percent to as much as >0.7. This massive increment is essentially independent of substitutions at the indole (-H, -Cl, and -OCH3) and corresponds to a significant stabilization of the excited state with respect to non-radiative decay mechanisms: the non-radiative decay rates are reduced by as much as an order of magnitude, from 109 s−1 to 108 s−1, upon difluoroboronation. The stabilization of the excited state is large enough to enable sizeable 1O2 photosensitized production. Different time-dependent (TD) density functional theory (DFT) methods were assessed in their ability to model the electronic properties of the compounds, with TD-B3LYP-D3 providing the most accurate excitation energies. The calculations associate the first active optical transition in both the bdks and BF2bdks electronic spectra to the S0 → S1 transition, corresponding to a shift in the electronic density from the indoles to the oxygens or the O-BF2-O unit, respectively

    Receiving Stocker Cattle Performance is Similar With Either Corn or Sorghum Wet Distillers Grains

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    Distillers grains are an excellent energy and protein feed source for beef cattle. Corn distillers grains have been fed to beef cattle for many years, but sorghum distillers grains are becoming more popular and may be more cost effective than corn. Sorghum is very comparable to corn in terms of energy, but has a higher crude protein value. All distillers grains are available in a wet and dry form. The moist texture of wet distillers grains can help to reduce sorting at the bunk and appears to improve intake in young calves. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of corn and sorghum wet distillers grains on performance and digestibility of receiving stocker calves

    Automotive Communications in LTE: A Simulation-Based Performance Study

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    2017 IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall)The integration of automotive communications in 5G systems must build on a clear understanding of the performance of services for connected vehicles in today's LTE deployments. In this paper, we carry out a simulation-based performance evaluation of automotive communications in LTE, with particular attention to realism: to that end, we investigate the impact of different road traffic models, employ a state-of-the-art commercial LTE tool, and study a practical service use case. Our results demonstrate that unrealistic road traffic datasets can bias network simulations in urban vehicular environments, and provide insights on the limitations of the current radio access architecture, when confronted to connected vehicles.This research has received funding from the People Pro-gramme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Unions Sev-enth Framework Programme (FP7/2007- 2013) under REA grant agreement n.630211, ReFleX. Also, this work has been performed in the framework of the H2020-ICT-2014-2 project 5G NORMA

    Evaluation of the Productivity of a Single Subcutaneous Injection of LongRange in Stocker Calves Compared With a Positive (Dectomax) and a Negative (Saline) Control

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    Subclinical parasitism is commonly observed in stocker cattle. Treatment of internal parasites helps to improve weight gains, feed conversion, and immune status and decreases morbidity and mortality of beef cattle (Hawkins, 1993). Some of the most concerning classes of internal parasites include Cooperia, Haemonchus, and Ostertagia. Commonly used anthelmintics come in the form of pour-ons, oral drenches, and subcutaneous injections. A majority of these drugs are designed to be administered in a single dose and provide defense against stomach worms for approximately 14 to 42 days, but the typical grazing season lasts for approximately 120 days. For grazing cattle to have season-long protection from parasites, they may require a second dose of anthelmintic treatment, which would require cattle to be gathered and processed through a chute in the middle of the grazing season. LongRange (Merial, Duluth, GA) is the first single-dose extended release anthelmintic that provides approximately 100 to 150 days of protection. This is accomplished by combining two forms of the active ingredient: one that is released into the blood immediately after injection and a second that consists of a slow-release polymer that releases the active ingredient gradually throughout the grazing period. The objective of this study was to measure body weight productivity, fecal egg counts, and fly repellent capabilities of LongRange when administered once subcutaneously at 1.0 mg/kg body weight as a long-acting solution compared with a commercially available injectable (Dectomax; Zoetis, Florham Park, NJ) and saline in stocker cattle

    Short communication: Gender and heat stress effects on hypothalamic gene expression and feed intake in broilers

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    Our study aims to evaluate gender and heat stress effects on animal performance and on the expression of five hypothalamic genes related to feed consumption: neuropeptide Y (NPY), ghrelin (GHRL), pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPKα-1), and liver kinase B1 (LKB1). To assay these effects, 42-day-old male and female broilers were maintained in thermal comfort or were subjected to heat stress (HS, 38°C for 24 hours). All animals were fed with diets formulated to meet their nutritional requirements. Broilers subjected to HS showed lower weight gain (p=0.0065) and tended to have lower feed intake (p=0.0687) than broilers kept in comfortable conditions. We observed gender and heat stress interaction effects on NPY (p=0.0225), AMPKα-1 (p=0.0398), and POMC expression (p=0.0072). The highest NPY gene expression was observed in male broilers from the thermal comfort group. Male broilers exposed to HS showed the highest AMPKα-1 gene expression levels. Comparing POMC expression between males and females at the comfortable temperature, we observed that females showed higher POMC expression levels than male broilers. A gender effect was also observed on LKB1 and AMPKα-1 gene expression (p=0.0256 and p=0.0001, respectively); increased expression was observed in male broilers. Our results indicate that the expression of some hypothalamic genes related to food consumption may contribute to the observed differences in voluntary feed intake between animals of different gender exposed to different environmental conditions