21 research outputs found

    A three-dimensional view of the remnant of Nova Persei 1901 (GK Per)

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    We present a kinematical study of the optical ejecta of GK Per. It is based on proper motions measurements of 282 knots from ~20 images spanning 25 years. Doppler-shifts are also computed for 217 knots. The combination of proper motions and radial velocities allows a unique 3-D view of the ejecta to be obtained. The main results are: (1) the outflow is a thick shell in which knots expand with a significant range of velocities, mostly between 600 and 1000 km/s; (2) kinematical ages indicate that knots have suffered only a modest deceleration since their ejection a century ago; (3) no evidence for anisotropy in the expansion rate is found; (4) velocity vectors are generally aligned along the radial direction but a symmetric pattern of non-radial velocities is also observed at specific directions; (5) the total Halpha+[NII] flux has been linearly decreasing at a rate of 2.6 % per year in the last decade. The Eastern nebular side is fading at a slower rate than the Western one. Some of the knots displayed a rapid change of brightness during the 2004-2011 period. Over a longer timescale, a progressive circularization and homogenization of the nebula is taking place; (6) a kinematic distance of 400+-30 pc is determined. These results raise some problems to the previous interpretations of the evolution of GK Per. In particular, the idea of a strong interaction of the outflow with the surrounding medium in the Southwest quadrant is not supported by our data.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (19 pages, 17 figures). Higher resolution version of this article (2.5 MB) is available at http://www.aai.ee/~sinope/ApJ89291_liimets.pd

    New insights into the outflows from R Aquarii

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    R Aquarii is a symbiotic binary surrounded by a large and complex nebula with a prominent curved jet. It is one of the closest known symbiotic systems, and therefore offers a unique opportunity to study the central regions of these systems and the formation and evolution of astrophysical jets. We studied the evolution of the central jet and outer nebula of R Aqr taking advantage of a long term monitoring campaign of optical imaging, as well as of high-resolution integral field spectroscopy. Narrow-band images acquired over a period of more than 21 years are compared in order to study the expansion and evolution of all components of the R Aqr nebula. The magnification method is used to derive the kinematic ages of the features that appear to expand radially. Integral field spectroscopy of the OIII 5007A emission is used to study the velocity structure of the central regions of the jet. New extended features, further out than the previously known hourglass nebula, are detected. The kinematic distance to R Aqr is calculated to be 178 pc using the expansion of the large hourglass nebula. This nebula of R Aqr is found to be roughly 650 years old, while the inner regions have ages ranging from 125 to 290 years. The outer nebula is found to be well described by a ballistic expansion, while for most components of the jet strong deviations from such behaviour are found. We find that the Northern jet is mostly red-shifted while its Southern part is blue-shifted, apparently at odds with findings from previous studies but almost certainly a consequence of the complex nature of the jet and variations in ionisation and illumination between observations.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Mapping Cumulative Environmental Risks: Examples from The EU NoMiracle Project

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    We present examples of cumulative chemical risk mapping methods developed within the NoMiracle project. The different examples illustrate the application of the concentration addition (CA) approach to pesticides at different scale, the integration in space of cumulative risks to individual organisms under the CA assumption, and two techniques to (1) integrate risks using data-driven, parametric statistical methods, and (2) cluster together areas with similar occurrence of different risk factors, respectively. The examples are used to discuss some general issues, particularly on the conventional nature of cumulative risk maps, and may provide some suggestions for the practice of cumulative risk mapping

    Effects of the fungicide metiram in outdoor freshwater microcosms: responses of invertebrates, primary producers and microbes

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    The ecological impact of the dithiocarbamate fungicide metiram was studied in outdoor freshwater microcosms, consisting of 14 enclosures placed in an experimental ditch. The microcosms were treated three times (interval 7 days) with the formulated product BAS 222 28F (Polyram®). Intended metiram concentrations in the overlying water were 0, 4, 12, 36, 108 and 324 μg a.i./L. Responses of zooplankton, macroinvertebrates, phytoplankton, macrophytes, microbes and community metabolism endpoints were investigated. Dissipation half-life (DT50) of metiram was approximately 1–6 h in the water column of the microcosm test system and the metabolites formed were not persistent. Multivariate analysis indicated treatment-related effects on the zooplankton (NOECcommunity = 36 μg a.i./L). Consistent treatment-related effects on the phytoplankton and macroinvertebrate communities and on the sediment microbial community could not be demonstrated or were minor. There was no evidence that metiram affected the biomass, abundance or functioning of aquatic hyphomycetes on decomposing alder leaves. The most sensitive populations in the microcosms comprised representatives of Rotifera with a NOEC of 12 μg a.i./L on isolated sampling days and a NOEC of 36 μg a.i./L on consecutive samplings. At the highest treatment-level populations of Copepoda (zooplankton) and the blue-green alga Anabaena (phytoplankton) also showed a short-term decline on consecutive sampling days (NOEC = 108 μg a.i./L). Indirect effects in the form of short-term increases in the abundance of a few macroinvertebrate and several phytoplankton taxa were also observed. The overall community and population level no-observed-effect concentration (NOECmicrocosm) was 12–36 μg a.i./L. At higher treatment levels, including the test systems that received the highest dose, ecological recovery of affected measurement endpoints was fast (effect period < 8 weeks)

    Antegrade rheolytic thrombectomy and thrombolysis for superior sagittal sinus thrombosis using burr hole access

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    Superior sagittal sinus (SSS) thrombosis has high morbidity and mortality, and urgent recanalization is critical for severe cases. Standard endovascular techniques for thrombolysis and thrombectomy use retrograde venous access, an approach that may be unsuccessful in cases with extensive firm clot burden involving the dural sinuses distal to the SSS. An anterior open transcranial approach to the SSS for catheter sheath placement to facilitate antegrade mechanical thrombectomy and thrombolysis of the SSS and more distal sinuses has not been previously described. Here we describe a case in which multiple unsuccessful attempts at retrograde endovascular access were attempted. Thus, a burr hole over the anterior SSS was performed for daily endovascular antegrade procedures using the Angiojet rheolytic catheter device and chemical thrombolysis. Near-complete recanalization of the SSS was achieved with venous outflow via dilated left transverse and left sigmoid sinuses, along with significant collateral flow in multiple cerebral veins

    New insights into the outflows from R Aquarii

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    (Marcel Pagnol écrit, à partir de 1957, ses « Souvenirs d’enfance », comprenant quatre tomes, « La gloire de mon père », « Le château de ma mère », « Le temps des secrets », « Le temps des amours ». Il y décrit, notamment, surtout dans le premier tome, les rapports entre son père, Joseph, et son oncle, Jules. L’été, les deux beaux-frères pratiquent la chasse et Joseph réalise un magnifique doublé de bartavelles. Joseph est un grand défenseur de la laïcité-combat. Jules est un catholique pratiquant. Leur violente opposition initiale s’adoucira avec le temps, parce qu’ils sont tous les deux généreux)

    Distinctive RNA expression profiles in blood associated with white matter hyperintensities in brain

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    Background and Purpose—White matter hyperintensities (WMH) are areas of high signal detected by T2 and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequences on brain MRI. Although associated with aging, cerebrovascular risk factors, and cognitive impairment, the pathogenesis of WMH remains unclear. Thus, RNA expression was assessed in the blood of individuals with and without extensive WMH to search for evidence of oxidative stress, inflammation, and other abnormalities described in WMH lesions in brain. Methods—Subjects included 20 with extensive WMH (WMH_), 45% of whom had Alzheimer disease, and 18 with minimal WMH (WMH_), 44% of whom had Alzheimer disease. All subjects were clinically evaluated and underwent quantitative MRI. Total RNA from whole blood was processed on human whole genome Affymetrix HU133 Plus 2.0 microarrays. RNA expression was analyzed using an analysis of covariance. Results— Two hundred forty-one genes were differentially regulated at _1.2-fold difference (P_0.005) in subjects with WMH_ as compared to WMH_, regardless of cognitive status and 50 genes were differentially regulated with _1.5-fold difference (P_0.005). Cluster and principal components analyses showed that the expression profiles for these genes distinguished WMH_ from WMH_ subjects. Function analyses suggested that WMH-specific genes were associated with oxidative stress, inflammation, detoxification, and hormone signaling, and included genes associated with oligodendrocyte proliferation, axon repair, long-term potentiation, and neurotransmission. Conclusions—The unique RNA expression profile in blood associated with WMH is consistent with roles of systemic oxidative stress and inflammation, as well as other potential processes in the pathogenesis or consequences of WMH.Huichun Xu, Boryana Stamova, Glen Jickling, Yingfang Tian, Xinhua Zhan, Bradley P. Ander, Dazhi Liu, Renee Turner, Jonathan Rosand, Larry B. Goldstein, Karen L. Furie, Piero Verro, S. Claiborne Johnston, Frank R. Sharp, and Charles S. DeCarl

    The X-shooter Spectral Library (XSL): Data release 2

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    International audienceWe present the second data release (DR2) of the X-shooter Spectral Library (XSL), which contains all the spectra obtained over the six semesters of that program. This release supersedes our first data release from Chen et al. (2014, A&A, 565, A117), with a larger number of spectra (813 observations of 666 stars) and with a more extended wavelength coverage as the data from the near-infrared arm of the X-shooter spectrograph are now included. The DR2 spectra then consist of three segments that were observed simultaneously and, if combined, cover the range between ˜300 nm and ˜2.45 μm at a spectral resolving power close to R = 10 000. The spectra were corrected for instrument transmission and telluric absorption, and they were also corrected for wavelength-dependent flux-losses in 85% of the cases. On average, synthesized broad-band colors agree with those of the MILES library and of the combined IRTF and Extended IRTF libraries to within ˜1%. The scatter in these comparisons indicates typical errors on individual colors in the XSL of 2-4%. The comparison with 2MASS point source photometry shows systematics of up to 5% in some colors, which we attribute mostly to zero-point or transmission curve errors and a scatter that is consistent with the above uncertainty estimates. The final spectra were corrected for radial velocity and are provided in the rest-frame (with wavelengths in air). The spectra cover a large range of spectral types and chemical compositions (with an emphasis on the red giant branch), which makes this library an asset when creating stellar population synthesis models or for the validation of near-ultraviolet to near-infrared theoretical stellar spectra across the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram