73 research outputs found

    Human/computer control of undersea teleoperators

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    The potential of supervisory controlled teleoperators for accomplishment of manipulation and sensory tasks in deep ocean environments is discussed. Teleoperators and supervisory control are defined, the current problems of human divers are reviewed, and some assertions are made about why supervisory control has potential use to replace and extend human diver capabilities. The relative roles of man and computer and the variables involved in man-computer interaction are next discussed. Finally, a detailed description of a supervisory controlled teleoperator system, SUPERMAN, is presented

    Buttons, Handles, and Keys: Advances in Continuous-Control Keyboard Instruments

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Buttons, Handles, and Keys: Advances in Continuous-Control Keyboard Instruments, which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/COMJ_a_00297. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with MIT Press Journal's Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. © 2015, MIT Press Journal

    Discovery of 1,3-Diaminobenzenes as Selective Inhibitors of Platelet Activation at the PAR1 Receptor

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    A high-throughput screen of the NIH-MLSMR compound collection, along with a series of secondary assays to identify potential targets of hit compounds, previously identified a 1,3-diaminobenzene scaffold that targets protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1). We now report additional structure–activity relationship (SAR) studies that delineate the requirements for activity at PAR1 and identify plasma-stable analogues with nanomolar inhibition of PAR1-mediated platelet activation. Compound 4 was declared as a probe (ML161) with the NIH Molecular Libraries Program. This compound inhibited platelet aggregation induced by a PAR1 peptide agonist or by thrombin but not by several other platelet agonists. Initial studies suggest that ML161 is an allosteric inhibitor of PAR1. These findings may be important for the discovery of antithrombotics with an improved safety profile

    The p12 Domain Is Unstructured in a Murine Leukemia Virus p12-CAN Gag Construct

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    The Gag polyproteins of gammaretroviruses contain a conserved p12 domain between MA and CA that plays critical roles in virus assembly, reverse transcription and nuclear integration. Here we show using nuclear magnetic resonance, that p12 is unstructured in a Moloney murine leukemia virus (MMLV) Gag fragment that includes the N-terminal domain of CA (p12-CAN). Furthermore, no long range interactions were observed between the domains, as has been previously predicted. Flexibility appears to be a common feature of Gag “late” domains required for virus release during budding. Residues near the N-terminus of CAN that form a β-hairpin in the mature CA protein are unfolded in p12-CAN, consistent with proposals that hairpin formation helps trigger capsid assembly

    Adaptive Gesture Recognition with Variation Estimation for Interactive Systems

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    This paper presents a gesture recognition/adaptation system for Human Computer Interaction applications that goes beyond activity classification and that, complementary to gesture labeling, characterizes the movement execution. We describe a template-based recognition method that simultaneously aligns the input gesture to the templates using a Sequential Montecarlo inference technique. Contrary to standard template- based methods based on dynamic programming, such as Dynamic Time Warping, the algorithm has an adaptation process that tracks gesture variation in real-time. The method continuously updates, during execution of the gesture, the estimated parameters and recognition results which offers key advantages for continuous human-machine interaction. The technique is evaluated in several different ways: recognition and early recognition are evaluated on a 2D onscreen pen gestures; adaptation is assessed on synthetic data; and both early recognition and adaptation is evaluation in a user study involving 3D free space gestures. The method is not only robust to noise and successfully adapts to parameter variation but also performs recognition as well or better than non-adapting offline template-based methods

    Rescue of HIV-1 Release by Targeting Widely Divergent NEDD4-Type Ubiquitin Ligases and Isolated Catalytic HECT Domains to Gag

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    Retroviruses engage the ESCRT pathway through late assembly (L) domains in Gag to promote virus release. HIV-1 uses a PTAP motif as its primary L domain, which interacts with the ESCRT-I component Tsg101. In contrast, certain other retroviruses primarily use PPxY-type L domains, which constitute ligands for NEDD4-type ubiquitin ligases. Surprisingly, although HIV-1 Gag lacks PPxY motifs, the release of HIV-1 L domain mutants is potently enhanced by ectopic NEDD4-2s, a native isoform with a naturally truncated C2 domain that appears to account for the residual titer of L domain-defective HIV-1. The reason for the unique potency of the NEDD4-2s isoform has remained unclear. We now show that the naturally truncated C2 domain of NEDD4-2s functions as an autonomous Gag-targeting module that can be functionally replaced by the unrelated Gag-binding protein cyclophilin A (CypA). The residual C2 domain of NEDD4-2s was sufficient to transfer the ability to stimulate HIV-1 budding to other NEDD4 family members, including the yeast homologue Rsp5, and even to isolated catalytic HECT domains. The isolated catalytic domain of NEDD4-2s also efficiently promoted HIV-1 budding when targeted to Gag via CypA. We conclude that the regions typically required for substrate recognition by HECT ubiquitin ligases are all dispensable to stimulate HIV-1 release, implying that the relevant target for ubiquitination is Gag itself or can be recognized by divergent isolated HECT domains. However, the mere ability to ubiquitinate Gag was not sufficient to stimulate HIV-1 budding. Rather, our results indicate that the synthesis of K63-linked ubiquitin chains is critical for ubiquitin ligase-mediated virus release

    Cryo Electron Tomography of Native HIV-1 Budding Sites

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    The structure of immature and mature HIV-1 particles has been analyzed in detail by cryo electron microscopy, while no such studies have been reported for cellular HIV-1 budding sites. Here, we established a system for studying HIV-1 virus-like particle assembly and release by cryo electron tomography of intact human cells. The lattice of the structural Gag protein in budding sites was indistinguishable from that of the released immature virion, suggesting that its organization is determined at the assembly site without major subsequent rearrangements. Besides the immature lattice, a previously not described Gag lattice was detected in some budding sites and released particles; this lattice was found at high frequencies in a subset of infected T-cells. It displays the same hexagonal symmetry and spacing in the MA-CA layer as the immature lattice, but lacks density corresponding to NC-RNA-p6. Buds and released particles carrying this lattice consistently lacked the viral ribonucleoprotein complex, suggesting that they correspond to aberrant products due to premature proteolytic activation. We hypothesize that cellular and/or viral factors normally control the onset of proteolytic maturation during assembly and release, and that this control has been lost in a subset of infected T-cells leading to formation of aberrant particles

    Functional Interchangeability of Late Domains, Late Domain Cofactors and Ubiquitin in Viral Budding

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    The membrane scission event that separates nascent enveloped virions from host cell membranes often requires the ESCRT pathway, which can be engaged through the action of peptide motifs, termed late (L-) domains, in viral proteins. Viral PTAP and YPDL-like L-domains bind directly to the ESCRT-I and ALIX components of the ESCRT pathway, while PPxY motifs bind Nedd4-like, HECT-domain containing, ubiquitin ligases (e.g. WWP1). It has been unclear precisely how ubiquitin ligase recruitment ultimately leads to particle release. Here, using a lysine-free viral Gag protein derived from the prototypic foamy virus (PFV), where attachment of ubiquitin to Gag can be controlled, we show that several different HECT domains can replace the WWP1 HECT domain in chimeric ubiquitin ligases and drive budding. Moreover, artificial recruitment of isolated HECT domains to Gag is sufficient to stimulate budding. Conversely, the HECT domain becomes dispensable if the other domains of WWP1 are directly fused to an ESCRT-1 protein. In each case where budding is driven by a HECT domain, its catalytic activity is essential, but Gag ubiquitination is dispensable, suggesting that ubiquitin ligation to trans-acting proteins drives budding. Paradoxically, however, we also demonstrate that direct fusion of a ubiquitin moiety to the C-terminus of PFV Gag can also promote budding, suggesting that ubiquitination of Gag can substitute for ubiquitination of trans-acting proteins. Depletion of Tsg101 and ALIX inhibits budding that is dependent on ubiquitin that is fused to Gag, or ligated to trans-acting proteins through the action of a PPxY motif. These studies underscore the flexibility in the ways that the ESCRT pathway can be engaged, and suggest a model in which the identity of the protein to which ubiquitin is attached is not critical for subsequent recruitment of ubiquitin-binding components of the ESCRT pathway and viral budding to proceed

    Efficient Production of HIV-1 Virus-Like Particles from a Mammalian Expression Vector Requires the N-Terminal Capsid Domain

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    It is now well accepted that the structural protein Pr55Gag is sufficient by itself to produce HIV-1 virus-like particles (VLPs). This polyprotein precursor contains different domains including matrix, capsid, SP1, nucleocapsid, SP2 and p6. In the present study, we wanted to determine by mutagenesis which region(s) is essential to the production of VLPs when Pr55Gag is inserted in a mammalian expression vector, which allows studying the protein of interest in the absence of other viral proteins. To do so, we first studied a minimal Pr55Gag sequence called Gag min that was used previously. We found that Gag min fails to produce VLPs when expressed in an expression vector instead of within a molecular clone. This failure occurs early in the cell at the assembly of viral proteins. We then generated a series of deletion and substitution mutants, and examined their ability to produce VLPs by combining biochemical and microscopic approaches. We demonstrate that the matrix region is not necessary, but that the efficiency of VLP production depends strongly on the presence of its basic region. Moreover, the presence of the N-terminal domain of capsid is required for VLP production when Gag is expressed alone. These findings, combined with previous observations indicating that HIV-1 Pr55Gag-derived VLPs act as potent stimulators of innate and acquired immunity, make the use of this strategy worth considering for vaccine development