41 research outputs found

    Tissue Characterisation In Spectral Ct Data

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    This article deals with tissue characterisation in virtual monoenergetic images (VMI). It presents that with growing energy of VMI the median of CT number increases or decreases with different steepness depending on a type of tissue. As a consequence, some VMI enable better soft tissue distinction and therefore their better classification. To determine which VMI are best suited, Cohen d was used. After that, Random Forest classification algorithm was applied to these images. If median of pixels is considered in addition to pixels themselves, the tissues can be clasiffied correctly

    Utilization of convolutional neural networks for segmentation of mouse embryos cartilaginous tissue in micro-CT data

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    Automatická segmentace biologických struktur v mikro-CT datech je stále výzvou, protože často objekt zájmu (v našem případě obličejová chrupavka) není charakterizovaný unikátním jasem či ostrými hranicemi. V posledních letech se konvoluční neuronové sítě (CNNs) staly mimořádně populárními v mnoha oblastech počítačového vidění. Konkrétně pro segmentaci biomedicínských obrazů je široce používaná architektura U-Net. Nicméně v případě mikro-CT dat vyvstává otázka, zda by nebylo výhodnější použít 3D CNN. Diplomová práce navrhla CNN architekturu založenou na síti V-Net včetně metodologie pro předzpracování a postprocessing dat. Základní architektura byla dále optimalizována pomocí pokročilých architektonických modifikací jako jsou pyramidální modul dilatovaných konvolucí (ASPP modul), škálovatelná exponenciálně-lineární jednotka (SELU aktivační funkce), víceúrovňová kontrola učení (multi-output supervision) či bloky s hustými propojeními (Dense blocks). Pro učení sítě byly použity moderní přístupy jako zahřívání kroku učení (learning rate warmup) či AdamW optimalizátor. I přes to, že 3D CNN v úloze segmentace obličejové chrupavky nepřekonala U-Net, optimalizace zvýšila medián Dice koeficientu z 69,74 % na 80,01 %. Používání těchto pokročilých architektonických modifikací v dalším výzkumu je proto vřele doporučováno, jelikož můžou být přidány do libovolné architektury typu U-Net a zároveň výrazně zlepšit výsledky.Automatic segmentation of the biological structures in micro-CT data is still a challenge since the object of interest (craniofacial cartilage in our case) is commonly not characterized by unique voxel intensity or sharp borders. In recent years, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have become exceedingly popular in many areas of computer vision. Specifically, for biomedical image segmentation problems, U-Net architecture is widely used. However, in the case of micro-CT data, there is a question whether 3D CNN would not be more beneficial. The master thesis introduced CNN architecture based on V-Net as well as the methodology for data preprocessing and postprocessing. The baseline architecture was further optimized using advanced architectural modifications such as Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) module, Scaled Exponential Linear Unit (SELU) activation function, multi-output supervision and Dense blocks. For network learning, modern approaches were used including learning rate warmup or AdamW optimizer. Even though the 3D CNN do not outperform U-Net regarding the craniofacial cartilage segmentation, the optimization raises the median of Dice coefficient from 69.74 % to 80.01 %. Therefore, utilizing these advanced architectural modifications is highly encouraged as they can be easily added to any U-Net-like architecture and may remarkably improve the results.

    Production and logistics performance of Czech and Slovak companies

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    This contribution deals with the issues of production and logistics performance of Czech and Slovak companies. The goal of the research was to analyze logistic processes, methods of industrial engineering, methods and evaluation of manufacturing, software tools utilized for measurement and management of performance, which are currently applied in manufacturing companies in the Czech and Slovak Republic. This analysis was done with the utilization of qualitative research conducted in 80 selected manufacturing companies in 2009. The results are compared in the continuity with the conclusions from previous researches on manufacturing and logistic factors of the competitiveness of Czech industrial manufacturers carried out during the period 2000-2001 in the framework of the research project of the Faculty of Economics and Management completed in 2004.GACRGrant Agency of the Czech Republic [402/09/1739]; [IGA/79/FaME/10/D UTB

    Biometric Authentication Using the Unique Characteristics of the ECG Signal

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    ECG is a biological signal specific for each person that is hard to create artificially. Therefore, its usage in biometry is highly investigated. It may be assumed that in the future, ECG for biometric purposes will be measured by wearable devices. Therefore, the quality of the acquired data will be worse compared to ambulatory ECG. In this study, we proposed and tested three different ECG-based authentication methods on data measured by Maxim Integrated wristband. Specifically, 29 participants were involved. The first method extracted 22 time-domain features – intervals and amplitudes from each heartbeat and Hjorth descriptors of an average heartbeat. The second method used 320 features extracted from the wavelet domain. For both methods a random forest was used as a classifier. The deep learning method was selected as the third method. Specifically, the 1D convolutional neural network with embedded feed-forward neural network was used to classify the raw signal of every heartbeat. The first method reached an average false acceptance rate (FAR) 7.11% and false rejection rate (FRR) 6.49%. The second method reached FAR 6.96% and FRR 21.61%. The third method reached FAR 0.57% and FRR 0.00%

    Effect of occupational exposure to cytostatics and nucleotide excision repair polymorphism on chromosomal aberrations frequency

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    Authors evaluated the incidence of total chromosomal aberrations (CA) and their types – chromatid-type (CTA) and chromosome-type (CSA) in peripheral blood lymphocytes from 72 oncologic unit's workers occupationally exposed to cytostatics in relationship to polymorphisms of DNA repair genes XPD, XPG and XPC. The cytogenetic analysis was used for determination of chromosomal aberrations frequency and PCR-RFLP method for polymorphisms of genes. Statistically higher frequency of total CA was detected in exposed group as compared to control (1.90±1.34% vs. 1.26±0.93%; Mann-Whitney U-test, p=0.001). There was not detected any difference between CTA and CSA (0.92±1.04% vs. 0.98±1.17%). Similarly, in genes XPD exon 23 and XPC exon 15 wasn't detected any difference neither in total chromosomal aberrations nor in CTA and CSA types. Statistically significant decrease of total chromosomal aberrations and CTA-type with presence of variant allele C was detected in gene XPG exon 15. Authors pointed out the importance of individual susceptibility factors in evaluation of effects of genotoxic agents, in that event, when the concentration does not meet the occupational exposure limit

    XXV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 57 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism, or regional public administration

    Psychosomatics in Connection with the Corresponding Biblical Stories

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    The work deals with psychosomatic in connection with the corresponding biblical stories and is divided into several parts. First, the reader is introduce to the general issue of psychosomatics from which is transition to the specific examples of psychosomatic diseases and along with a sample of places which deal with them. The work also continues to the spiritual dimension of a person, where is explain what it is and whether everybody has it. This chapter also includes the topic of spirituality and specifically Christian spirituality. Furthermore, there is an of three ways from a Christian point of view how to take care of own spiritual component, which includes the preoccupation with the Bible. Thus it is move towards a bridging subject between psychosomatics and biblical stories of healing, which is Hagiotherapy. In Hagiotherapy there is clarify the term, describe to how Hagiotherapy session look like, how people work with the Bible there and how the Bible can help a person as a whole. The penultimate circuit are illness and healing in the Bible, where I point to how the disease was understood in biblical times. However, there is refer to the last and crucial part which is an effort of the disassembly of selected biblical stories of healing and an offer how they can help contemporary people to have their..

    Leisure pre-school children in 55. Nursery school in Pilsen

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    Práce se zabývá dítětem v předškolním období a jeho volným časem. V bakalářské práci jsou rozebraná témata, která přímo souvisí s volným časem. Je zde popsána hra dítěte, tedy pojem hra, znaky hry a přínos hry pro dítě. Také jsou v práci uvedeny různé teorie hry a typy dělení her podle různých autorů. Další téma související s volným časem dítěte jsou zájmové aktivity. V práci je vysvětlen pojem zájem a vývoj zájmu z hlediska ontogenetického vývoje dítěte. Jsou zde uvedeny příklady zájmových činností. Stručně popsán je pojem motivace, který se zájmovými aktivitami a také s hrou souvisí. V třetí kapitole je rozebrané téma rodina a volný čas dítěte. Kapitola se zaměřuje především na podmínky pro hru v rodině a na média, která v dnešní době tolik ovlivňují volný čas dětí. Z médií jsou vybrané internet a počítač, televize a mobilní telefon. Výzkumná část nás seznamuje se stručnou charakteristikou 55. Mateřské školy v Plzni, dále jsou ještě jednou výrazněji vytyčeny cíle práce a samozřejmě je popsána metoda, kterou byl výzkum proveden. V poslední části práce jsou uvedeny výsledky práce v podobě grafů.Katedra pedagogikyObhájenoThe thesis is dedicated to child in the preschool period and his free time. In the bachelor thesis there are topics that relate directly to free time. Game of child is described there, it is also concept of game, game characters and contribution of game for the child. Various theories of game and types of game divisions by various authors are also described there. Next topic which relates to the free time of a child is recreational activities. Terms like interest and development of interest in terms of ontogenetic development of human are described in the thesis. Examples of recreational activities are also given there. Term of motivation that relates to recreational activities and game is briefly described. In the third chapter the topic of family and child?s free time is discussed. The chapter is dedicated mainly to conditions for game in family and to media that exerts influence over the free time of children. From the media internet and computer, television and mobile phone are chosen. The research part informs us about a brief characteristic of 55. Kindergarten in Pilsen, the goals of the thesis are also defined and naturelly the method of the research is described. The results of the thesis in the form of graphs are given in the last part of the thesis

    Estimating order of a time series model

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    Department of Probability and Mathematical StatisticsKatedra pravděpodobnosti a matematické statistikyMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic