1,027 research outputs found

    Treating Coordination with Datalog Grammars

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    In previous work we studied a new type of DCGs, Datalog grammars, which are inspired on database theory. Their efficiency was shown to be better than that of their DCG counterparts under (terminating) OLDT-resolution. In this article we motivate a variant of Datalog grammars which allows us a meta-grammatical treatment of coordination. This treatment improves in some respects over previous work on coordination in logic grammars, although more research is needed for testing it in other respects

    Desarrollo y evaluación de un modelo de procesos para el desarrollo de software libre basado en el modelo bazar

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    El objetivo de este documento es proponer un modelo de procesos para desarrollar software libre basado en el estilo de desarrollo Bazar, el mismo que es ampliamente utilizado por proyectos FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) en la actualidad. Se han adoptado sus características más aceptadas y beneficiosas y se dejaron de lado aquellas prácticas que no son comunes y usualmente no ayudan al desarrollo en general. Adicionalmente se definieron una serie de métricas que permiten a los líderes de los proyectos, conocer el estado del proceso en cualquier instante de tiempo y tomar las decisiones pertinentes. En este documento encontraremos también los pasos que tuvimos que seguir y los elementos necesarios para diseñar el modelo y para ponerlo en uso al desarrollar una aplicación para administración de seminarios en línea usando software libre. Al final del documento, se evalúa su validez a través de las métricas definidas durante su definición

    Igneous Rock Associations 25. Pre-Pliocene Andean Magmatism in Chile

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    Andean-type magmatism and the term ‘andesite’ are often used as the norm for the results of subduction of oceanic lithosphere under a continent, and the typical rock formed. Although the Andes chain occupies the whole western margin of South America, the most comprehensively studied rocks occur in the present-day Chilean territory and are the focus of this paper. Andean magmatism in this region developed from the Rhaetian-Hettangian boundary (ca. 200 Ma) to the present and represents the activity of a long-lived continental magmatic arc. This paper discusses Pre-Pleistocene volcanic, plutonic, and volcano-sedimentary rocks related to the arc that cover most of the continental mass of Chile (between the Pacific coast and the High Andes) between the latitudes of 18° and 50°S. They comprise most of the range of sub-alkaline igneous rocks, from gabbro to monzogranite and from basalt to rhyolite, but are dominated by the tonalite-granodiorite and andesite example members. Variations in the petrographic characteristics, major and trace element composition and isotopic signature of the igneous rocks can be correlated to changes in the physical parameters of the subduction zone, such as dip angle of the subducting slab, convergence rate and angle of convergence. Early Andean magmatic products (Jurassic to Early Cretaceous) are found along the Coastal Cordillera in the westernmost part of the Andes. The rock record of the subsequent stages (Late Cretaceous, Paleocene–Early Eocene, Middle Eocene–Oligocene, Miocene) is progressively shifted to the east, reflecting migration of the magmatic front towards the continent. Tectonic segmentation of the convergent margin, as attested by the magmatic record, may have occurred throughout the Andean life span but it is particularly evident from the Eocene onwards, where the evolution of the northern part of the Chilean Andes (north of 27°S latitude) is very different to that of the southern segment (south of 27°S latitude). RÉSUMÉLe magmatisme de type andin et le terme « andésite » sont souvent les appellations utilisées pour décrire les résultats de la subduction de la lithosphère océanique sous un continent, et la roche typique formée. Bien que la chaîne des Andes occupe toute la marge ouest de l'Amérique du Sud, les roches les plus étudiées se trouvent dans le territoire chilien actuel et sont l'objet de cet article. Le magmatisme andin dans cette région s'est développé depuis la limite rhéto-hettangienne (environ 200 Ma) jusqu'à aujourd'hui et représente l'activité d'un arc magmatique continental persistant. Cet article a pour sujet les roches volcaniques, plutoniques et volcano-sédimentaires du pré-Pléistocène liées à l'arc qui couvrent la majeure partie de la masse continentale du Chili (entre la côte du Pacifique et les Hautes Andes) entre les latitudes de 18° et 50°S. Elles comprennent la majeure partie de la gamme de roches ignées sous-alcalines, du gabbro à la monzogranite et du basalte à la rhyolite, mais sont dominées par des roches de type tonalite-granodiorite et andésite. Les variations des caractéristiques pétrographiques, de la composition des éléments majeurs et traces et de la signature isotopique des roches ignées peuvent être corrélées aux changements des paramètres physiques de la zone de subduction, tels que l'angle de pendage de la plaque plongeante, le taux de convergence et l'angle de convergence. Les premiers produits magmatiques andins (du Jurassique au Crétacé inférieur) se trouvent le long de la Cordillère de la Côte dans la partie la plus occidentale des Andes. La succession de roche des stades suivants (Crétacé supérieur, Paléocène – Éocène inférieur, Éocène moyen – Oligocène, Miocène) est progressivement déplacée vers l'est, reflétant la migration du front magmatique vers le continent. La segmentation tectonique de la marge convergente, comme l'attestent les enregistrements magmatiques, peut avoir eu lieu tout au long de la formation des Andes, mais elle est particulièrement évidente à partir de l'Éocène, où l'évolution de la partie septentrionale des Andes chiliennes (au nord de 27°S de latitude) est très différente de celle du segment méridional (sud de 27°S de latitude)

    Contextos virtuales en ámbitos académicos: potencialidades para promover emociones positivas en el ingreso a la universidad

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    Tres líneas o ejes de interés confluyen a lo largo del escrito: a) el ingreso en la Universidad; b) las emociones en ámbitos académicos; c) el uso de contextos virtuales en educación. La hipótesis sobre la que se asienta el trabajo sostiene que ofreciendo y promoviendo oportunidades de expresar e intercambiar emociones en un ambiente conocido por los jóvenes, como lo son las redes sociales, puede lograrse un impacto positivo en el ingreso y adaptación del estudiante al nuevo contexto de la universidad. Pensamos que poner a disposición un espacio virtual en el que se promueva la participación de los ingresantes desde una perspectiva social, sin vínculo directo con tareas académicas, puede operar como apoyo y sostén del ingreso universitario. En función de esta idea general, se diseñó e implementó una experiencia de uso de Facebook en el marco del ingreso universitario 2013, cuyos resultados se exponen a lo largo de este escrito.Fil: Moreno, Jacqueline Elizabet. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Chiecher, Analía Claudia. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Paoloni, Paola Veronica Rita. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Diseño curricular por competencias para un programa privado de formación en psicoterapia psicoanalítica

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    El presente Proyecto de Innovación plantea un diseño curricular por competencias profesionales para un programa privado de formación en Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica. El diseño se ha realizado sobre la base del enfoque socioformativo planteado de Sergio Tobón, educador colombiano de gran trayectoria. Luego de la revisión y análisis de los documentos que posee el programa privado de formación en Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica, se procedió a plantear un perfil del egresado basado en competencias profesionales; y un cartel de capacidades e indicadores, aspectos metodológicos y lineamientos de evaluación, asociados a las áreas y cursos que actualmente posee el programa privado de formación en Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica. Además, se incluyen las necesidades educativas del Psicoanálisis, determinadas a través de entrevistas a expertos, así como referencias a la enseñanza del psicoanálisis en formaciones de Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica en Latinoamérica, aspectos que han nutrido el planteamiento de la propuesta.Tesi

    What Drives Cross-Border Flows?

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    This paper examines the drivers and impact of cross-border bank financial positions in a destination emerging market economy (the Philippines) for global banks using a unique dataset of disaggregated data for 55-58 internationally active banks during the period 2015 to 2020. The data allow us to analyze the cross-border asset position of banks in the destination country, as well as the cross-border liabilities, thus going beyond the traditional focus on cross-border liabilities only. We find that global risk appetite, real exchange rate movements, return on assets and the spread between the domestic policy rate and the US Fed funds rate influence cross-border financial positions. We also find, apparently for the first time in this type of study, that the domestic credit cycle for banks in the destination country affects the cross-border asset position of banks. This effect is stronger in foreign banks. A separate analysis of how cross-border financial positions affect the domestic credit cycle reveals that these have a significant positive impact for all banks

    Empowering Higher Education Extension Workers for Community Engagement: The Case of a Certificate Course Offered by a Comprehensive University in Manila

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    Even though community engagement is an important function of higher educational institutions (HEIs), many HEI personnel across the world are in need of training in this area. In the extant literature, trainings for community engagement in an HEI context are well studied in countries of the Global North. However, there seems to be a dearth of literature about this field in the Philippines. Our research addresses this gap by delving into the certificate course on community engagement and organizing offered by the University of Santo Tomas (UST) in Manila. Specifically, this study describes the content and conduct of the course, presents the satisfaction evaluation results of course participants, and examines their learnings and insights. This study contributes to the literature by documenting efforts made by HEIs in the Philippines in mainstreaming community engagement in the fabric of academic life

    New and Old Materials in the Architectural Heritage. Case Study: Behaviour of Glass Fiber Reinforced Lime Based Concrete

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    [EN] In recent years, the importance of structural interventions in architectural heritage for repairing and strengthening has increased considerably. During the 20th century, there has been a tendency to replace traditional materials with the most widespread ¿new¿ materials used: steel and reinforced concrete. However, in many cases, the durability of the interventions has not been as expected. An extensive damage to the ancient masonry due to incompatibility of reinforced concrete with the old materials has been clearly established, leading to a rapid deterioration. International centers, such as ICOMOS, have recommended the use of materials similar in composition and properties to the original ones for the restoration works. An adequate choice of mortars is critical to the success of a restoration process. Compatibility between the new mortar and the original components is very desirable. So that, the renascence of lime based mortars technology for the restoration of historic structures has been observed. Besides that, steel presents several practical difficulties in protecting against corrosion and environmental effects, and sometimes in their handling at the construction site. As an alternative, steel can be replaced with advanced fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) materials, commonly called composites, which offer excellent physical and mechanical properties and are lightweight and insensitive to corrosion. The present analysis shows the use of lime-based concrete, with pozzolanic loads, internally reinforced by GFRP bars. Lime concrete manages to consolidate the existing historical building, providing safety to masonry structure and solving their structural problems. In addition, GFRP bars exhibit a high tensile strength required. The performance of this combination is investigated by numerical simulation using the FEM method. The response is simulated firstly with current materials (as reference) and finally with the proposed lime based concrete reinforced with GFRP.Almerich-Chulia, A.; Moreno-Puchalt, J.; Alonso Durá, A.; Llopis-Pulido, V. (2019). New and Old Materials in the Architectural Heritage. Case Study: Behaviour of Glass Fiber Reinforced Lime Based Concrete. International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research. 8(3):196-203. https://doi.org/10.18178/ijscer.8.3.196-203S1962038