24 research outputs found

    The Effect of Leaflet on Reproductive Health Media Accessing Behavior Among Students in Medan North Sumatera

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    Background: Psychological changes in adolescents can be influenced due to hormonal changes in the body and the desire to express sexual appetite so that it can result in increased sexual problems such as increased premarital sexual behavior or free sex. Therefore, it is necessary to do an intervention step to be able to increase information and knowledge for adolescents about reproductive health. This study aimed to determine the effect of information through leaflets on the habit of accessing media related to reproductive health and premarital sexual attitudes on students at Vocational School (VS) Parulian I Medan. Subjects and Method: This was quasi experimental with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design without a control group. The study was conducted from May to July 2019. A total of 133 students of class X and XI of Medan Parulian I Vocational School was selected for this study. The data were collected using a questionnaire. The data was analyzed by Wilcoxon. Results: The habit of accessing media after being given information through leaflets (Mean=1.59; SD= 0.49) was higher compared to before getting information through leaflets (Mean= 1.26; SD= 0.44), and statistically significant (p<0.001). Pre-sexual behavior marriage after got the information through leaflets (Mean= 42.38; SD= 11.11) was higher than before got the information through leaflets (Mean= 38.92; SD= 11.97), and statistically significant (p<0.001). Conclusion: Information in the leaflet improved the habit of accessing media related to reproductive health and positive premarital sexual attitudes


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendekatan Chemo-Enterpreneurship (CEP) terhadap life skill siswa kelas XI pada materi asam basa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di semester genap tahun ajaran 2016/2017 di SMA Negeri 113 Jakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment dengan desain Pretest-Posttest Non equivalent Control Group Design. Sampel penelitian ini diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, sehingga didapatkan dua kelas yaitu kelompok eksperimen menggunakan metode praktikum aplikatif dengan pendekatan CEP sedangkan kelas kontrol menggunakan metode praktikum tanpa pendekatan CEP. Aspek life skill yang dinilai pada penelitian ini meliputi decision making, critical thinking, communication, goal-setting, dan solving problems. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata life skill siswa pada kelas eksperimen (105,78) lebih besar dibanding kelas kontrol (99,06). Berdasarkan perhitungan diperoleh nilai thitung = 2,70 dan ttabel = 2,00 pada taraf signifikan 5%. Hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa thitung > ttabel yang bermakna H0 ditolak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan perhitungan uji t dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan Chemo-Enterpreneurship (CEP) dapat meningkatkan life skill siswa pada materi asam basa. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of Chemo- enterpreneurship approach towards the life skill of student class XI on acid base material. The reserch was conducted on the even semester of the academic year 2016/2017 at SMA Negeri 113 Jakarta. The research method used quasi experiment with research design Pre test-Post test Non equivalent Control Group Design. The sample of this research is taken by purposive sampling technique so that it is obtained two classes that is experiment class that apply applicative practical method with chemo-enterpreneurship approach while control class that apply practical method without chemo-enterpreneurship approach. Life skills aspect are assessed in this research comprise decision making, critical thinking, communication, goal-setting, dan solving problems. The results showed that the average life skill of experimental class (105,78) was greter than the control class (99,06). Based on the calculation using the T test obtained tcount of 2,70 and ttabel 2,00. Result of T test showed that tcount > ttabel meaning Ho is rejected. Based on the result of reserch and T test calculation can be concluded that the application of Chemo- Enterpreneurship (CEP) approach can be increase life skill of student on acid base material

    The Development of Image Media Based on Problem Based Learning to Grow Communication Skills on Second Grade of Elementary School

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    The purpose of this research and development is to develop and describe the feasibility and effectiveness of developing image media based on Problem Based Learning products to improve student learning communication. This type of research and development refers to Borg and Gall theory. The sample was determined by purposive sampling of 16 students of second-grade at Darma Bangsa Elementary School. Data were collected through observation sheets, questionnaires, and test questions. The data analysis technique used the n-Gain test to determine the effectiveness of the results obtained, namely 0.488. The results of the validation of image media based on Problem Based Learning are done by material, design and media experts. The results showed that, product development based on Problem Based Learning that is produced effectively is used in the learning process for second-grade students. This is evidenced by the increase in student learning outcomes and student communication skills after using Problem Based Learning based on image media. Keywords: image media, Communication Skills, Problem Based Learning DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-3-06 Publication date: January 31st 202

    The Effect of Leaflet on Reproductive Health Media Accessing Behavior among Students in Medan North Sumatera

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    Background: Psychological changes in ado­les­­­­­­cents can be influenced due to hormonal changes in the body and the desire to express sexual appetite so that it can result in increased sexual problems such as increased premarital sexual behavior or free sex. Therefore, it is ne­ces­­­­sary to do an in­ter­ven­tion step to be able to increase information and knowledge for ado­les­­cents about reproductive health. This study aim­ed to determine the effect of information through leaflets on the habit of ac­ces­sing media re­­­la­ted to reproductive health and premarital sexual attitudes on students at Vo­ca­tio­nal Sc­hool (VS) Parulian I Medan.Subjects and Method: This was quasi expe­ri­­mental with One Group Pretest-Postest De­sign with­out a control group. The study was con­­­­­duc­­ted from May to July 2019. A total of 133 studentsof class X and XI of Medan Parulian I Vocational School was selected for this study. The data were col­­lected using a questionnaire. The data was analyzed by Wilcoxon.Results: The habit of accessing media after be­ing given information through leaflets (Mean= 1.59; SD= 0.49) was higher compared to before getting information through leaflets (Mean= 1.26; SD= 0.44), and statistically significant (p<0.001). Pre-sexual behavior marriage after got the in­for­­ma­tion through leaflets (Mean= 42.38; SD= 11.11) was higher than before got the infor­­­­mation through leaflets (Mean= 38.92; SD=11.97), ­and statistically significant (p<0.001).Conclusion: Information in the leaflet im­proved the habit of accessing media related to re­pro­duc­ti­ve health and positive premarital sexual attitudes.Keywords: leaflets, media access, premarital sexual attitudeCorrespondence: Veronica Anggreni Damanik. Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Pharmacy and Health, Hel­vetia He­­alth Institute Medan. Jl. Kapten Su­mar­­­sono 107, Medan, North Sumatera. Email: ve­­ro­­ni­ca.­da­ma­nik­88­@gmail.com. Mobile: 0813675­79723Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2020), 5(1): 18-25https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2020.05.01.0


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    Abstrak Latarbelakang: Penggunaan internet yang tanpa pengawasan dari orang tua dapat menimbulkan dampak negative untuk remaja salah satunya kondisi kecanduan. Banyaknya waktu yang digunakan untuk mengkases internet membuat remaja menjadi enggan beraktifitas fisik. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini ditujukan untuk memberikan pengetahuan pada remaja tentang cara mencegah kecanduan internet dengan aktivitas fisik yang sehat. Metode: Kegiatan PKM dilakukan dengan metode seminar, diikuti oleh remaja yang duduk di Sekolah Menengah Atas sejumlah 45 siswa. Edukasi kesehatan yang diberikan pada peserta meliputi mengenal adiksi internet pada remaja serta cara mencegah adiksi melalui aktivitas fisik. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan menilai perbedaan skor pengetahuan peserta sebelum dan sesudah diberi edukasi Kesehatan. Hasil pendidikan kesehatan ini yaitu terjadi peningkatan nilai rata-rata pengetahuan siswa tentang kecanduan internet dan aktivitas fisik untuk remaja dari 76.59 menjadi 95.68. Kesimpulan: Pengetahuan siswa tentang pencegahan kecanduan internet dan aktivitas fisik pada remaja meningkat setelah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan, dengan demikian promosi kesehatan jiwa bagi remaja yang merupakan kolaborasi antara professional kesehatan dan instansi pendidikan perlu semakin ditingkatkan.Abstract: The use of the internet without parental supervision can have a negative impact on adolescents, one of the condition is internet addiction. The amount of time used to access the internet makes teenagers reluctant to do physical activities. Methods: The activity was carried out using the seminar method, attended by adolescents who were in Senior High School, totaling 45 students. Health education provided to participants includes recognizing internet addiction in adolescents and how to prevent addiction through physical activity. The evaluation was conducted by assessing the difference in participants' knowledge scores before and after being given health education. The result of this health education is an increase in the average score of students' knowledge about internet addiction and physical activity for adolescents from 76.59 to 95.68. Conclusion: Students' knowledge about preventing internet addiction and physical activity in adolescents increased after being given health education, thus mental health promotion for adolescents which is a collaboration between health professionals and educational institutions needs to be be increasingly promoted


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    Desa Tumbang Manyangan, Kecamatan Kurun, Kabupaten Gunung Mas, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah adalah salah satu desa yang mempunyai luas wilayah yang cukup besar. Maka dari itu banyak lahan pekarangan rumah tangga yang kosong untuk dimanfaatkan membuat kebun RT Desa dengan bertujuan untuk ketahanan pangan sumber daya pangan keluarga agar dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat desa setempat. Dengan pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan yang berkelanjutan. Hal ini dapat mendukung masyarakat untuk berubah menjadi kreatif, mandiri, dan maju secara finansial. Lahan pekarangan memiliki potensi dalam hal penyediaan bahan pangan keluarga, dan mengurangi pengeluaran rumah tangga, Permasalahannya adalah belum optimalnya pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan rumah oleh masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan perencanaan yang matang dalam hal pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan rumah tangga sehingga mampu lebih optimal dalam mendukung pendapatan rumah tangga dan prospek untuk memproduksi aneka ragam pangan dalam penyediaan bahan pangan yang bergizi bagi keluarga.&nbsp;Desa Tumbang Manyangan memiliki potensi lahan pekarangan di RT 01 dan RT 02 yang masih bisa dijadikan untuk lahan kebun&nbsp; (sumber daya pangan keluarga). Sehingga kegiatan pemanfaatan lahan&nbsp; pekarangan bisa dilakukan dengan baik, seperti menanam tanaman sayuran dan buah-buahan, baik secara penanaman langsung maupun menggunakan polybag untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-har


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