295 research outputs found

    Low-inputsysteem schapen: de groei van gras en lammeren in 1998

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    De groei van lammeren in dit systeem is vooral afhankelijk van de graslandproductie, de kwaliteit van het gras en de gezondheidsstatus van de lammeren

    Liquid racism and the Danish Prophet Muhammad cartoons

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2010 The Author.This article examines reactions to the October 2005 publication of the Prophet Muhammad cartoons in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. It does so by using the concept of ‘liquid racism’. While the controversy arose because it is considered blasphemous by many Muslims to create images of the Prophet Muhammad, the article argues that the meaning of the cartoons is multidimensional, that their analysis is significantly more complex than most commentators acknowledge, and that this complexity can best be addressed via the concept of liquid racism. The article examines the liquidity of the cartoons in relation to four readings. These see the cartoons as: (1) a criticism of Islamic fundamentalism; (2) blasphemous images; (3) Islamophobic and racist; and (4) satire and a defence of freedom of speech. Finally, the relationship between postmodernity and the rise of fundamentalism is discussed because the cartoons, reactions to them, and Islamic fundamentalism, all contain an important postmodern dimension.ESR

    A large-scale experiment to evaluate control of invasive muskrats

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    The muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) is an invasive species in Europe. The extensive waterways of the Netherlands provide ideal habitat for muskrats, and a large population established itself after arrival in 1941. A control program was put into effect immediately because muskrat burrowing can compromise the integrity of dikes and, hence, poses a significant public safety risk. The current (2015) annual catch of approximately 89,000 individuals is equivalent to approximately 0.30 muskrats/km of waterway, well above the national objective in spite of decades of effort. The control program is expensive (€35 M annually) and contested by animal rights groups. These factors created the need for a careful evaluation of the full range of control possibilities, from ‘no control’ to ‘extermination.’ As part of this, we experimentally evaluated the validity of a previously published correlation (based on historical data) between catch and effort. We raised or lowered removal effort (2013–2016) in a stratified random sample of 117 5-km × 5-km ‘atlas squares’ from the national grid. We found that catch-per-unit effort (CPUE) decreased after effort was increased, and rose after effort was decreased, by amounts slightly greater than expected based on the correlational data, though confidence intervals enclose zero. As anticipated, CPUE varied consistently and strongly between seasons. The biggest (and unanticipated) effects were those of the catch in the preceding 3 years (‘history’), and surrounding area (‘neighborhood’). Our experiment confirms estimates of intensity of control required to lower muskrat populations. These results will help with more effective allocation of control effort, and better-informed evaluation of the economic costs of various control options

    Tumor slice culture system to assess drug response of primary breast cancer

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    Background The high incidence of breast cancer has sparked the development of novel targeted and personalized therapies. Personalization of cancer treatment requires reliable prediction of chemotherapy responses in individual patients. Effective selection can prevent unnecessary treatment that would mainly result in the unwanted side effects of the therapy. This selection can be facilitated by characterization of individual tumors using robust and specific functional assays, which requires development of powerful ex vivo culture systems and procedures to analyze the response to treatment. Methods We optimized culture methods for primary breast tumor samples that allowed propagation of tissue ex vivo. We combined several tissue culture strategies, including defined tissue slicing technology, growth medium optimization and use of a rotating platform to increase nutrient exchange. Results We could maintain tissue cultures for at least 7 days without losing tissue morphology, viability or cell proliferation. We also developed methods to determine the cytotoxic response of individual tumors to the chemotherapeutic treatment FAC (5-FU, Adriamycin [Doxorubicin] and Cyclophosphamide). Using this tool we designated tumors as sensitive or resistant and distinguished a clinically proven resistant tumor from other tumors. Conclusion This method defines conditions that allow ex vivo testing of individual tumor responses to anti-cancer drugs and therefore might improve personalization of breast cancer treatment

    HSF2BP negatively regulates homologous recombination in DNA interstrand crosslink repair

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    The tumor suppressor BRCA2 is essential for homologous recombination (HR), replication fork stability and DNA interstrand crosslink (ICL) repair in vertebrates. We show that ectopic production of HSF2BP, a BRCA2-interacting protein required for meiotic HR during mouse spermatogenesis, in non-germline human cells acutely sensitize them to ICL-inducing agents (mitomycin C and cisplatin) and PARP inhibitors, resulting in a phenotype characteristic of cells from Fanconi anemia (FA) patients. We biochemically recapitulate the suppression of ICL repair and establish that excess HSF2BP compromises HR by triggering the removal of BRCA2 from the ICL site and thereby preventing the loading of RAD51. This establishes ectopic expression of a wild-type meiotic protein in the absence of any other protein-coding mutations as a new mechanism that can lead to an FA-like cellular phenotype. Naturally occurring elevated production of HSF2BP in tumors may be a source of cancer-promoting genomic instability and also a targetable vulnerability

    Attenuated XPC expression is not associated with impaired DNA repair in bladder cancer

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    Bladder cancer has a high incidence with significant morbidity and mortality. Attenuated expression of the DNA damage response protein Xeroderma Pigmentosum complementation group C (XPC) has been described in bladder cancer. XPC plays an essential role as the main initiator and damage-detector in global genome nucleotide excision repair (NER) of UV-induced lesions, bulky DNA adducts and intrastrand crosslinks, such as those made by the chemotherapeutic agent Cisplatin. Hence, XPC protein might be an informative biomarker to guide personalized therapy strategies in a subset of bladder cancer cases. Therefore, we measured the XPC protein expression level and functional NER activity of 36 bladder tumors in a standardized manner. We optimized conditions for dissociation and in vitro culture of primary bladder cancer cells and confirmed attenuated XPC expression in approximately 40% of the tumors. However, NER activity was similar to co-cultured wild type cells in all but one of 36 bladder tumors. We conclude, that (i) functional NER deficiency is a relatively rare phenomenon in bladder cancer and (ii) XPC protein levels are not useful as biomarker for NER activity in these tumors

    The influence of maternal obesity on macrophage subsets in the human decidua

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    Obesity is seen as a low grade inflammatory state, and is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Disturbed macrophage characteristics might be essential in obesity associated pregnancy pathology via effects on the regulation of angiogenesis and placental development. This study aims to address the effects of maternal obesity on macrophage subsets in the decidua of women with term uncomplicated pregnancies. Macrophages were isolated from the decidua basalis and decidua parietalis of women with pre-gravid BMI <25 (control) and BMI > 30 (obese). Macrophages were characterized and quantified using multi-color flow cytometry. Placentas of 10 obese and 10 control women after an uncomplicated term pregnancy were included. The decidua parietalis, but not decidua basalis, showed significantly lower levels of M1-type (HLA-DR+, CD163(-)) macrophages (p <0.05) in obese women (4,3% of total macrophages) compared to control women (5,3% of total macrophages). The lower levels of M1 macrophages, considered to be pro-inflammatory, might indicate a mechanism to compensate for the pro-inflammatory environment in obese women to ensure healthy pregnancy outcomes

    De novo mutations in SMCHD1 cause Bosma arhinia microphthalmia syndrome and abrogate nasal development

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    Bosma arhinia microphthalmia syndrome (BAMS) is an extremely rare and striking condition characterized by complete absence of the nose with or without ocular defects. We report here that missense mutations in the epigenetic regulator SMCHD1 mapping to the extended ATPase domain of the encoded protein cause BAMS in all 14 cases studied. All mutations were de novo where parental DNA was available. Biochemical tests and in vivo assays in Xenopus laevis embryos suggest that these mutations may behave as gain-of-function alleles. This finding is in contrast to the loss-of-function mutations in SMCHD1 that have been associated with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) type 2. Our results establish SMCHD1 as a key player in nasal development and provide biochemical insight into its enzymatic function that may be exploited for development of therapeutics for FSHD

    Pity for economically disadvantaged groups motivates donation and ally collective action intentions

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    We argue that pity can motivate collective action intentions toward groups that are both politically and economically deprived. We tested this connection in four online surveys and an experiment. In Study 1 (N = 1,007), pity for the Roma in Hungary predicted collective action intentions, which was replicated in Study 2 in connection with refugees in Germany (N = 191) and in Hungary (N = 563). Study 3 (N = 475) demonstrated that for not economically but politically disadvantaged groups (e.g., sexual minorities), pity was not a predictor of ally action. In an experiment (Study 4, N = 447), pity was just as strong a predictor of collective action intentions as outrage on behalf of an economically and politically disadvantaged outgroup. Pity can be a mobilizing emotion when it comes to groups that are both economically and politically disadvantaged; however, outrage remains more important in the absence of economic hardship
