105 research outputs found

    Patterns of Population Structure and Historical Dispersal in Squaloid Sharks: A Species-Level Approach using Molecular Markers

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    Squaloids (Order Squaliformes) are a highle diverse group of mostly deepwater habitats (\u3e 200 m). Many species are regularly caught in commercial fisheries worldwide but their low productivity and correspondingly low intrinsic rebound potentials make them particularly vulnerable to population depletion and overexploitation. of special concern to fisheries management and conservation efforts are the spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias, the leafscale gulper shark Centrophorus squamosus and the Portuguese dogfish Centroscymnus coelolepis. These taxa have recently been declared overfished in several parts of each species\u27 distribution but management efforts have been made to recover the stocks without a good understanding of the species\u27 population structure and the level of connectivity among populations. as such, the goal of this dissertation is to elucidate the intraspecific patterns of population structure of each species, for future inclusion in fisheries management efforts, and to infer the patterns of historical dispersal of the three species of squaloid sharks. to this end, I have developed a suite of highly polymorphic molecular markers (including nuclear microsatellites and nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial DNA gene regions) and have collected tissues samples from throughout each species geographic range. The genetic population structure of S. acanthias was characterized by high genetic divergence across the equatorial Pacific, and by comparatively higher genetic homogeneity among the sample collections from the South Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Nevertheless, small but significant genetic differentiation was detected by both nuclear and mitochondrial markers among spiny dogfish collections from either side of the equatorial Atlantic. Genetic differentiation in the spiny dogfish occurred across low latitude regions characterized by warm-temperate and tropical waters, suggesting that such regions may act as effective barriers to gene flow among populations. Regarding C. coelolepis and C. squamosus, the pattern of genetic population structure uncovered for the eastern Atlantic was similar between species. Within this region, no evidence of genetic differentiation was found among sample collections ranging from off Ireland to South Africa, and including the Azores, consistent with the existence of a single genetic stock for each species within the sampled region. Furthermore, evidence for inter-oceanic dispersal between Atlantic and New Zealand populations was also found for the leafscale gulper. These results strongly suggest that both C. coelolepis and C. squamosus have high dispersal potential and no major barriers to gene flow within the deep eastern Atlantic. Overall, high genetic homogeneity was observed over large geographic areas (i.e. in the order of thousands of miles) in all three target species consistent with long-distance dispersal with gene flow. However, there were differences between the coastal and the deepwater squaloids regarding the regions of genetic discontinuity, which may be associated with adaptations to their respective habitats. In the coastal spiny dogfish, environmental factors such as unsuitable water temperatures appear to exert a strong influence in the species\u27 distribution and in its genetic population structure. In the deepwater squaloids, stable environmental conditions but limited food supply may result in widely distributed populations as a strategy to maximizing resource partitioning while minimizing resource competition among individuals

    Forensic reconstruction of Ictalurus punctatus invasion routes using on-line fishermen records

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    In this work, the presence of the channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus in the Portuguese section of the Guadiana drainage (Iberian Peninsula) is confirmed based on morphological and molecular species identification. The spatial and temporal dispersal of this non-native catfish was also reconstructed for the Guadiana drainage, based mostly on online fishermen records with minor contributions from the few scientific reports available. The obtained records (mainly from angling fora) span the period since the species\u27 first reported presence in Iberia (1980s) up to the present, and support a westward invasion pattern of non-native fish (NNF) reported for the Iberian fish invasion hotspot. The invasion pathway is driven mainly by natural dispersal downstream at a rate between 8 and 42 km per year. Yet, at least four introduction events within the Guadiana drainage can unambiguously be assigned to human translocations after the initial human-mediated introduction. The present study reinforces the usefulness and relevance of using validated on-line fishermen records, provides a more complete and updated distribution range of NNF species and enables assessment of their dispersal patterns. This is of particular importance because it allows near real-time monitoring of NNF dispersal, including first occurrences of NNF, at minimal cost

    Low impact of different SNP panels from two building-loci pipelines on RAD-Seq population genomic metrics: case study on five diverse aquatic species

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    The irruption of Next-generation sequencing (NGS) and restriction site-associated DNA sequencing(RAD-seq) in the last decade has led to the identification of thousands of molecular markers and their genotyping for refined genomic screening. This approach has been especially useful for non-model organisms with limited genomic resources. Many building-loci pipelines have been developed to obtain robust single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) genotyping datasets using a de novo RAD-seq approach, i.e. without reference genomes.Here, the performances of two building-loci pipelines, STACKS 2 and Meyer’s 2b-RAD v2.1 pipeline, were compared using a diverse set of aquatic species representing different genomic and/or population structure scenarios. Two bivalve species (Manila clam and common edible cockle) and three fish species (brown trout, silver catfish and small-spotted catshark) were studied. Four SNP panels were evaluated in each species to test both different building-loci pipelines and criteria for SNP selection. Furthermore, for Manila clam and brown trout, a reference genome approach was used as control

    A conservação da natureza como política pública e instrumento de protecção e sustentabilidade da paisagem. Caso de estudo: Baixo Alentejo e Algarve

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    Mestrado em Arquitectura Paisagista - Instituto Superior de AgronomiaThe concept of Conservation of Nature has always been implicit in the Man’s thoughts throughout his existence through direct or indirect actions in order to protect the environment where he lives. Environmental Policies and Nature Conservation Strategies and Instruments are a part of these actions, which, over time, have undergone evolutionary processes through the inclusion of new concepts in the world panorama, such as Sustainable Development and Biodiversity. In the first part of this paper, a synthesis about the evolutionary process of the concept of Nature Conservation and of the Environmental Policies is presented in three distinct levels: Global, European and National. Subsequently, in this paper, the different Nature Conservation Strategies and Nature Conservation Instruments, which undertake the protection of nature, were characterized. The case study allows the analysis of the inclusion of Nature Conservation Instruments in a smaller area, facilitating the analysis of how the instruments insert themselves in the national territory and the relationships that they have between each other in a certain biophysical are

    Gender Stereotyping, Sex and Violence in Portuguese and Spanish Advertisement

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    This study analyses the gender stereotypes, sex and violence in advertisements in all media except radio, from Portugal and Spain. We have conducted this study after ascertaining that gender stereotypes, as well as sexual and violent scenes, are embedded in advertisement as a formula to increase the possibility of remembering them. This advertisement analysis explores gender stereotyping, sex and violence, both for the Portuguese and Spanish advertisement market. We used a sample of 245 messages from Portuguese and Spanish advertising and a specific grid for this analysis from. We used all media, except radio, between July and November of 2008. The messages were selected from the following categories of products: foods and non-alcoholic beverages, cars and accessories, restaurants and commercial spaces, financial services and insurance, household products, electronic devices and communications, clothes and alcoholic beverages. These ads messages were select with a criterion of the characters. All messages must have at least one character, male or female. The messages were selected from the following categories of products: foods and non-alcoholic beverages, cars and accessories, restaurants and commercial spaces, financial services and insurance, household products, electronic devices and communications, clothes and alcoholic beverages. These ads messages were select with a criterion of the characters. All messages must have at least one character, male or female.The results in Portugal and Spain about gender stereotypes are in line with previous advertising studies from different countries across the years, showing that it prevails despite the change in women´s role in the world. However, there were practically no situations of discrimination of women or placing them in subordinate roles to men. The results also show us that sex and violence are in a lower level in the advertising of Portugal and Spain. advertising messages from (all) media – Television 83 – Press – 149 – Outdoor 9 – Internet 4. The TV ads were found from 200 hours watched in prime time, (between July and November of 2008 in all broadcast in open signal in Portugal, and Spain, the press ads were found from 300 titles consulted, between July and November of 2008, 22 mensal review, 5 weekly review like, and diary and weekly press, the Internet ads were found from 90 visits to the sites with more visits in Portugal and Spain, between July 2008 and November 2008. Finally the messages from Outdoor came from 50 visits to locations where they were placed between July 2008 and November 2008 in Lisbon and Badajoz

    Population genomics and phylogeography of a benthic coastal shark (Scyliorhinus canicula) using 2b-RAD single nucleotide polymorphisms

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    The existence of strong genetic structure is expected in species with limited ability to disperse and philopatric behaviour. These life-history traits are found in many small benthic elasmobranchs, such as in the small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula). However, no evidence of genetic structure was found across its northeastern Atlantic (NEA) range using traditional molecular markers. Here, fine-scale genetic differentiation was detected between the British Isles and southern Iberia using 2674 single nucleotide polymorphism loci generated using 2b-restriction site-associated DNA (2b-RAD). Geographical distance and historical demography were two major drivers shaping the distribution of genetic diversity of S. canicula along the NEA. Significant positive spatial autocorrelation of allelic frequencies was detected, with genetic differentiation generally increasing with geographical distance. However, marked genetic divergence of the Celtic Sea and South Portugal collections from their closest neighbours resulted in geographically constrained genetic breaks south of the British Isles and off southwestern Iberia. Historical demographic reconstruction of population pairs across these genetic breaks suggested a scenario of historical isolation before secondary contact, probably related to distinct northern and southern glacial refugia. These results provide new insights into the population structure of S. canicula along the NEA and serve as a reference for benthic elasmobranchs with similar distribution ranges

    Caregivers’ perceived emotional and feeding responsiveness toward preschool children: Associations and paths of influence

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    Although there is a large body of research connecting emotion to eating behaviors, little is known about the role of caregivers’ responses to children’s emotions in the context of child feeding. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relation between caregivers’ emotional responsiveness and feeding responsiveness. The mothers of 137 children between 2 and 6 years of age reported on their responses to children’s negative emotions using the Coping with Children’s Negative Emotions Scale and on their feeding practices using the Comprehensive Feeding Practices Questionnaire. The results showed that mothers’ supportive emotion responses (e.g., problem-focused, emotion-focused, and expressive encouragement reactions) tend to be positively associated with responsive feeding practices (e.g., encouraging, modelling, and teaching healthy food-related behaviors). Instead, mothers’ unsupportive responses (e.g., distress, punitive and minimization reactions) tend to be positively associated with nonresponsive feeding practices (e.g., food as reward or to regulate emotions, and pressure to eat) and negatively associated with responsive feeding practices. Our results suggest that emotional and feeding responsiveness may be intertwined and that differences in parent’s emotional responsiveness may translate into differences in their feeding styles, setting the stage for parents’ use of positive vs. negative feeding practices.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estereótipos de género, sexo e violência na publicidade portuguesa e espanhola

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    Este estudo pretende analisar os estereótipos de género, o sexo e a violência presentes em anúncios de todos os meios de comunicação, com exceção da rádio, em Portugal e Espanha. Realizámos o estudo após termos verificado que os estereótipos de género bem como as cenas de cariz sexual e violento são integrados nos anúncios para que estes permaneçam mais facilmente na memória dos espetadores. Esta análise publicitária tem por objetivo explorar os estereótipos de género, o sexo e a violência nos anúncios lançados no mercado publicitário de Portugal e Espanha. Selecionámos uma amostra de 245 mensagens de anúncios portugueses e espanhóis, tendo também recorrido a uma grelha específica para esta análise. Utilizámos material proveniente de todos os meios de comunicação, exceto a rádio, referente ao período de julho a novembro de 2008. As mensagens foram extraídas das seguintes categorias de produtos: alimentação e bebidas não alcoólicas, automóveis e acessórios, restaurantes e superfícies comerciais, serviços financeiros e seguros, produtos do lar, aparelhos eletrónicos e comunicações, vestuário e bebidas alcoólicas. As mensagens publicitárias foram selecionadas com base no critério das personagens. Todas as mensagens deviam ter pelo menos uma personagem masculina ou feminina.Os resultados obtidos em Portugal e Espanha sobre os estereótipos de género confirmam estudos publicitários anteriores realizados noutros países, demonstrando que estes prevalecem apesar das mudanças no papel da mulher no mundo. Refira-se, no entanto, que quase não foram observadas situações de discriminação de mulheres ou em que as mulheres fossem colocadas em papéis subalternos aos homens. Os resultados também revelaram que o sexo e a violência se posicionam num patamar inferior da publicidade produzida em Portugal e Espanha. Usámos uma base de dados composta por 245 (181 de Portugal e 64 de Espanha) mensagens publicitárias de todos os meios de comunicação - Televisão 83 - Imprensa - 149 - Cartazes 9 - Internet 4. Os anúncios televisivos foram selecionados a partir de 200 horas visionadas em horário nobre entre julho e novembro de 2008 em todas as emissões de sinal aberto em Portugal e Espanha; os anúncios da imprensa foram extraídos de 300 títulos consultados entre julho e novembro de 2008, incluindo 22 revistas mensais, 5 revistas semanais e imprensa diária e semanal; os anúncios da Internet foram selecionados a partir de 90 consultas aos sítios mais visitados em Portugal e Espanha; por último, as mensagens dos cartazes foram recolhidas em 50 visitas a locais onde tinham sido colocados entre julho e novembro de 2008, em Lisboa e Badajoz

    Infection of the lesser spotted dogfish with Proleptus obtusus Dujardin, 845 (Nematoda: Spirurida) reflects ontogenetic feeding behaviour and seasonal differences in prey availability

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    Proleptus obtusus Dujardin, 1845 is the most common parasite infecting the gut of the lesser spotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula, Linnaeus). This nematode is trophically transmitted from an intermediate crustacean host to the definitive elasmobranch host. Sexual and age-related differences in habitat occupancy and feeding behaviour of the lesser spotted dogfish make this parasite-host dyad ideal for testing which aspects of host biology influence parasite transmission. Here, the relationship between P. obtusus burden and host condition, sex and age were investigated in lesser spotted dogfish captured in the Northeast Atlantic. Prevalence of P. obtusus was of 94.8% with a mean abundance of 23.3 worms per host. Our results indicate that parasite burden is best explained by the interaction between ontogenetic differences in foraging behaviour of the lesser spotted dogfish and seasonal differences in prey availability

    Phylogenetic analysis of apicomplexan parasites infecting commercially valuable species from the North-East Atlantic reveals high levels of diversity and insights into the evolution of the group

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    Background: The Apicomplexa from aquatic environments are understudied relative to their terrestrial counterparts, and the seminal work assessing the phylogenetic relations of fish-infecting lineages is mostly based on freshwater hosts. The taxonomic uncertainty of some apicomplexan groups, such as the coccidia, is high and many genera were recently shown to be paraphyletic, questioning the value of strict morphological and ecological traits for parasite classification. Here, we surveyed the genetic diversity of the Apicomplexa in several commercially valuable vertebrates from the NorthEast Atlantic, including farmed fish. Results: Most of the sequences retrieved were closely related to common fish coccidia of Eimeria, Goussia and Calyptospora. However, some lineages from the shark Scyliorhinus canicula were placed as sister taxa to the Isospora, Caryospora and Schellakia group. Additionally, others from Pagrus caeruleostictus and Solea senegalensis belonged to an unknown apicomplexan group previously found in the Caribbean Sea, where it was sequenced from the water column, corals, and fish. Four distinct parasite lineages were found infecting farmed Dicentrarchus labrax or Sparus aurata. One of the lineages from farmed D. labrax was also found infecting wild counterparts, and another was also recovered from farmed S. aurata and farm-associated Diplodus sargus. Conclusions: Our results show that marine fish apicomplexans are diverse, and we highlight the need for a more extensive assessment of parasite diversity in this phylum. Additionally, parasites recovered from S. canicula were recovered as basal to their piscine counterparts reflecting hosts phylogeny
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