509 research outputs found
Statistical Exploration of Local Transmission Routes for African Swine Fever in Pigs in the Russian Federation, 2007–2014
Experimental pig-to-pig transmission dynamics for African swine fever virus, Georgia 2007/1 strain
African swine fever virus (ASFV) continues to cause outbreaks in domestic pigs and wild boar in Eastern European countries. To gain insights into its transmission dynamics, we estimated the pig-to-pig basic reproduction number (R 0) for the Georgia 2007/1 ASFV strain using a stochastic susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered (SEIR) model with parameters estimated from transmission experiments. Models showed that R 0 is 2·8 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1·3–4·8] within a pen and 1·4 (95% CI 0·6–2·4) between pens. The results furthermore suggest that ASFV genome detection in oronasal samples is an effective diagnostic tool for early detection of infection. This study provides quantitative information on transmission parameters for ASFV in domestic pigs, which are required to more effectively assess the potential impact of strategies for the control of between-farm epidemic spread in European countries.ISSN:0950-2688ISSN:1469-440
Estimating the incidence of equine viral arteritis and the sensitivity of its surveillance in the French breeding stock
Equine viral arteritis (EVA) may have serious economic impact on the equine industry. For this reason, it is monitored in many countries, especially in breeding stock, to avoid its spread during breeding activities. In France, surveillance is mainly based on serological tests, since mares are not vaccinated, but difficulties in interpreting certain series of results may impair the estimation of the number of outbreaks. In this study, we propose specific rules for identifying seroconversion in order to estimate the number of outbreaks that were detected by the breeding stock surveillance component (BSSC) in France between 2006 and 2013. A consensus among multidisciplinary experts was reached to consider seroconversion as a change in antibody titer from negative to at least 32, or as an eight-fold or greater increase in antibody level. Using these rules, 239 cases and 177 outbreaks were identified. Subsequently, we calculated the BSSC's sensitivity as the ratio of the number of detected outbreaks to the total number of outbreaks that occurred in breeding stock (including unreported outbreaks) estimated using a capture-recapture model. The total number of outbreaks was estimated at 215 (95% credible interval 195-249) and the surveillance sensitivity at 82% (CrI95% 71-91). Our results confirm EVA circulation in French breeding stock, show that neutralizing antibodies can persist up to eight years in naturally infected mares and suggest that certain mares have been reinfected. This study shows that the sensitivity of the BSSC is relatively high and supports its relevance to prevent the disease spreading through mating
Towards black hole scattering
We study black holes in three-dimensional Chern-Simons gravity with a
negative cosmological constant. In particular, we identify how the Chern-Simons
interactions between a scattering particle and a black hole project the
particle wavefunction onto a wavefunction in the black hole background. We also
analyze the set of space-times that should be allowed in the theory and the way
in which boundary conditions affect the spectrum of space-times.Comment: 12 pages, v2: reference added, typos correcte
Velocity fluctuations in forced Burgers turbulence
We propose a simple method to compute the velocity difference statistics in
forced Burgers turbulence in any dimension. Within a reasonnable assumption
concerning the nucleation and coalescence of shocks, we find in particular that
the `left' tail of the distribution decays as an inverse square power, which is
compatible with numerical data. Our results are compared to those of various
recent approaches: instantons, operator product expansion, replicas.Comment: 10 pages latex, one postcript figur
On the athermal character of structural phase transitions
The significance of thermal fluctuations on nucleation in structural
first-order phase transitions has been examined. The prototype case of
martensitic transitions has been experimentally investigated by means of
acoustic emission techniques. We propose a model based on the mean
first-passage time to account for the experimental observations. Our study
provides a unified framework to establish the conditions for isothermal and
athermal transitions to be observed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev. Let
Local Light Alignment for Multi-Scale Shape Depiction
International audienceMotivated by recent findings in the field of visual perception, we present a novel approach for enhancing shape depiction and perception of surface details. We propose a shading-based technique that relies on locally adjusting the direction of light to account for the different components of materials. Our approach ensures congruence between shape and shading flows, leading to an effective enhancement of the perception of shape and details while impairing neither the lighting nor the appearance of materials. It is formulated in a general way allowing its use for multiple scales enhancement in real-time on the GPU, as well as in global illumination contexts. We also provide artists with fine control over the enhancement at each scale
The ROAD MOVIE project - Resistance Of Apple against Diseases : Mechanisms Of Virulence and Identification of Effectors
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