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    Based on field study of geological structures, the aim of this research is to find steady interpretation io be connected with stratigrphic contact between Eocene Wungkal-Gamping Formation with Oligocene Kebo-Butak Formation. From the geological structural study, the both rocks formation have unconformable contact with each other. Black claystone at eastern Pendul Hill have low total organic content (between 0.2%-0.4%), and the organic carbon have gone through degradation. Because of the degradation, the black claystone is verry dcult to become natural oil source rocks

    Motherhood in Toni Morrison’s Beloved

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    Motherhood in Toni Morrison’s Beloved   Ign. Hendra Wicaksono English Literature Faculty of Language and Arts State University of Surabaya [email protected]   Hujuala Rika Ayu, S.S., M.A. English Department Faculty of Language and Arts State University of Surabaya [email protected]   Abstrak Studi dalam Novel Beloved oleh Toni Morrison ini berpusat pada Ibu. Analisis dari sosok ibu sangatlah penting dan layak untuk didiskusikan karena ini adalah fenomena yang terjadi hampir di masyarakat. Perempuan yang mempunyai naluri keibuan cenderung untuk sayang pada anaknya; melindunginya, mencintainya dan mengasuhnya, namun beberapa ibu kadang-kadang memiliki cara ekstrim seperti Sethe yang membunuh anaknya sendiri. Ini merupakan bagian dari karakter utama Sethe di novel Beloved. Berdasarkan fakta diatas, masalah yang ditimbulkan terbagi menjadi dua pertanyaan (1) Bagaimana sifat keibuan dari seorang ibu berras hitam yang digambarkan dalam novel Beloved oleh Toni Morrison? Dan (2) Apakah pengaruh perbudakan dari sosok keibuan Sethe dalam novel Beloved oleh Toni Morrison?  Data dalam thesis ini berdasarkan novel Beloved sebagai sumber utamanya. Data yang dimati dalam bentuk bagaimana ibu ini sebagai objek yang tertindas, bagaimana pula penggambaran dari ibu ini, dan bagaimana juga pengaruh perbudakan yang dialami ibu ini dalam hidupnya. Yang digunakan dalam hal ini adalah bagaimana sejarah hubungan antara ibu dan anak ini dalam novel. Menunjukkan bahwa adanya penggambaran sosok seorang ibu pada Sethe. Dia adalah figur utama dalam novel ini. Alasan yang kedua adalah pengaruh perbudakan ini terhadap Sethe. Dia mengalami perasaan trauma yang berasal dari latar belakang hidupnya.   Kata Kunci: Keibuan, Beloved, Sethe dan Perbudakan   Abstract This study is centered on the analysis of motherhood in Toni Morrison’s Beloved. This analysis of motherhood is very important and worthy to be discussed because it is a phenomenon which happens almost in society. Woman as a mother has “a maternal instinct” caring her children; protecting, loving and nurturing, but some mother sometimes do an extreme action, such as Sethe murdering her own child. This is the case of Beloved’s main character. Based on the fact, problems arise along with to two main questions of (1) How is motherhood in Black mother depicted in Toni Morrison, Beloved? and (2) What are the influence of slavery to Sethe’s motherhood in Toni Morrison, Beloved? The data of thesis are gathered from the novel as the main source. The data observed are in the form of how the motherhood of a slave mother as the oppressed object, how motherhood in black mother are depicted, and also how slavery influence motherhood. The used the history of motherhood to talks how about relation between mother and her daughter in this novel. The show finds the depiction of motherhood in Sethe. She is the central figure of the novel. The second reason is the influence of slavery to Sethe’s motherhood. Sethe is traumatic experiences become her traumatic backgrounds.   Keywords: Motherhood, Beloved, Sethe and Slavery           Introduction As a part of American people, Afro-American is still a marginalized group in gaining education as well as important position since they are considered as lower class by the whites. The marginalization of African American people in America started when they were first brought to America as indentured servants and then slaves. In relation with their status as slaves, the marginalization also shows that slavery has not ended, yet it remains in the other forms. Furthermore, the separation of whites from blacks in America has never changed significantly. Consequently, the status of ‘black’ in America remains the same, as the second class in America. All these facts awake wonder to know the life of blacks further. To satisfy the wonder, chooses the work of an African American writer in order to understand their life. One of the Afro American greatest writers is Toni Morrison. Toni Morrison was born Chloe Anthony Wofford in Lorain, Ohio. Morrison began her writing career in 1957 when she returned to Howard as a lecture. Although she is considered as a twentieth century writer, her stories are about the past. She is married to Harold Morrison, a Jamaican architect.During the marriage Morrison joined a writer’s group at Howard, she writes her first novels, The Bluest Eye (1970), Sula (1973), Song of Solomon (1977), and Tar Baby (1981). Morrison’s novels are characterized by meticulously crafted prose, using ordinary words to produce shiny, lyrical phrases and portray precise emotional perception (Tate, 1984: 117). Toni Morrison focuses on the black female and this theme gathers strength in her later work, where she considers the issues of female friendship, different aspect of love and mother-daughter relationship. Morrison always emphasizes her works on the past life of the Blacks and distinguishes herself from other modern writers (Tate, 1984: 426-427). Being a black writer, she tries to portray the past life of black’s especially about slavery and combined it with her make up stories. Her make up stories are from her own black folks and community in which she grew up (Wilentz, 1992: 81). Morrison invites the readers to ask question important history and she is trying to say that not all of the truths are being recorded in history. Morrison’s is the third black American, and the second black America woman receives the Pulitzer Prize for fiction, in 1988 for the best-selling Beloved (1987). This novel also made into movie in 1993. Toni Morrison is put on the portrayal of her characters especially her female characters. The portrayal of these female characters is always connected with the hardship of life in the time of slavery. Morrison focuses the story on the marginal group at the time in order to make the people realize that the human beings feelings and emotions toward their surrounding environment (Tate, 1984: 121). According to Tate, Another critics said of her that the characters in Morrison novels are the representatives of sustaining values of life in past time that appear within the black community (Tate, 1984: 815). Morrison is also regarded as a black woman writer who tells life of black in the past time so vividly. For all of these, the writer chooses Toni Morrison as well asto discussed in this thesis. The novel is based on true story of the slave Margaret Garner, who murdered her own child rather than returns her to slavery. The novel takes place in 1873 Cincinnati, Ohio. After escaping from Kentucky plantation the main character, Sethe, attempts to kill her children to prevent them from being enslaved. She succeeds in killing only one of her four children the crawling already girl. This event, in all its brutality, condemns Sethe to be rejected by society. She then seeks refuge within the walls of her house at 124 Bluestone Road, where she separates herself as well as her daughter, Denver, from the black community. Sethe murdered her young daughter to prevent her from slavery. The baby’s ghost plays a much more destructive role in the house 124. The baby’s ghost shows-up as the 19-year-old “Beloved”, Beloved appears as a young woman, but behaves like a child. Consequently, she comes back to claim what was taken from her. Beloved is full all of history and memory, especially talking about history and memory in slavery times. Morrison always emphasizes her works on the past life of Blacks and distinguishes herself from other modern writers (Goldstein, 1989: 49). Being a black writer, she tries to portray the past life of black’s especially about slavery and combined it with her make up stories. Her make up stories are from her own black folks and community in which she grew up. Morrison concerns with the social condition in the slavery times and the African American Community, she additionally focuses on the inner psychic that has been destructed by her knowledge of slavery. Moreover, her emphasis in one of her novel, Beloved reflects the effects of slavery to the African American people. White racial oppression aimed at devaluating and abusing all black people without exception, and that actions tend to bring black women into suffering. African American and Native American cultures is manifested in the form of hybridity, in the theme of motherhood it reveals itself in the form of subversion The family had to depend more on family members and roles which were preserved partially due to the enforced segregation, isolation, and insularity of Black families” (Joseph 89). Thus, she contends that “the Black family in concert developed and established new roles, combining the requisites of the new society with all that could be maintained from the old” (Joseph, 1981: 90). The signs of this Afrocentric ideology of motherhood she uncovers, for example, in traditions surrounding the Mother’s Day celebration. Despite the fact that the holiday is a nationwide phenomenon and is not limited to black families, “the style and manner of celebration for Blacks has cultural differences and the role of honor and respect for the Black mother has its roots in African history” (Joseph, 1981: 87). Patricia Hill Collins in her article The Meaning of Motherhood in Black Culture and Black Mother/Daughter Relationships identifies major conditions that are implicit in white perspectives on motherhood, forming the foundation for the cult of true womanhood, but are particularly problematic for African American and Native American women, as well as other women of color. According to Collins, The idea of the cult of true womanhood has been held up to Black women for emulation, racial oppression deprived black families of sufficient resources to support private, nuclear family households. Moreover, due to the same reason, black women were unable to conform to the white middle class standard of strict sex-role segregation, according to which to be considered a ‘good’ mother, one was supposed to stay at home, making motherhood a full-time ‘occupation’ (Collins, 1991: 327), while developing a complete economic dependency on men. Both of those conditions are equally uncharacteristic for African American and Native American families. The difference is especially laid on the preparation to have a family. A black mother is prepared to have a single parent house hold while white woman does not have that. Because of that opposition, Morrison describes clearly the influences of depression of being a black woman slave as well as a black mother. Toni Morrison as an author makes this study quite challenging because of her concern, as a black female author, on historical, fact, and memory during slavery times. The slavery system not only consumed the black physically but also destroyed them spiritually. In Beloved, Sethe a black woman and mother, is suffering from loss of motherhood under slavery. Motherhood posed a problematic challenge to Afro-American women under the slave regime. This situation does not allow for free mother in caring for the children or perform their biological role as caregivers and mothers to their children, and especially their female children, had very debilitating consequence on the psyche of the women. At last, the writer hopes this thesis becomes stepping stone for the readers to analyze Toni Morrison’s Beloved more deeply and also expects the readers to have a picture of motherhood.   RESEARCH METHOD This study takes the data source of this thesis is a novel entitled Beloved written by Toni Morrison. It is first published by Penguin Group (New York) in United States of America in 1988. This thesis will analyze dialogues between characters, their opinion and actions based on Toni Morrison’s Beloved. Dialogues, actions, and statements which are concerned motherhood will be used as the quotation revealing both first statement and second statement. While to motherhood of the first statement of the problem refers to the present time, to reveal the contributing factor of the mother’s relations style it will deal with the image of the mother’s past. In addition, dialogues, opinions, and actions related to daughter’s character development will be used to reveal the third problem. Each part of the data is the evidence and justification during analyzing process. The impact of the motherhood concept on the daughter’s character development in Toni Morrison’s Beloved approaches by two main concepts. First, the concept is motherhood. In this case, the concept will be used to motherhood it reveals itself in the form of subversion. The second concept is Slavery. In this case, the concept their status as slaves. The last concept is Race. Race is a classification systems used to categorize humans into large and distinct populations or groups by anatomical, cultural, ethnic, genetic, geographical, historical, linguistics, religious, or social affiliation. First step of making an analyzing is close reading. Reading novel is important to accomplish the themes of the novel. After being agreed that this novel is suitable for the thesis by the thesis supervisor, the title of the thesis is easily found. The next procedure is making an outline of the whole content of the thesis. In the outline of the thesis it has been decided what the statements of the problem is going to be. The problem above is also under the supervision of the thesis supervision. Two statements of the problems appear in this thesis entitled “Motherhood in Toni Morrison’s Beloved” They are how is motherhood in Black mother depicted; the causes of Sethe’s motherhood; and the impacts of Sethe’s motherhood The analysis process starts by doing closed reading on Toni Morrison’s Beloved as the source of the data. The first closed reading is to find the quotations which are taken also related to the violence that the owners do to the main character.  Before conducting this study, there are some steps to do. First is reading the novel and find the theme which is found in the novel, then the second step is close reading which is useful to find and quotes the quotations that indicate the theme that supposed to be discussed. The quotations here refer to any kinds of statement or sentences that show motherhood and the main characters show the mother’s feels with the child.   MOTHERHOOD Motherhood refers to the relationship of the mother to her child as a sociologic, physiologic, and emotional whole (Deutsch, Helene 1973: 20). The words for mother and mud (earth, slime, the matter of which the planet is composed, the dust or clay of which ‘man’ is built) are extremely close are many languages: mutter, Madre, material, moeder, modder. The name Mother Earth still has currency, although, significantly, in our time, it has acquired a quaint, archaic, sentimental ring. Motherhood is a communal affiliation. In biological motherhood, as in these other activities woman was not merely a producer and stabilizer of life: there, too, she was a transformer. Menstrual blood was believed to be transformed into the and into to milk which flowed from the mother’s breasts. This relationship begins with the conception of the child and extends through the further physiologic processes of pregnancy, birth, feeding and care. All these functions are accompanied by emotional reactions that are to some extent typical of or common to the species but for the most part vary individually, for they are inseparably connected, in each woman, with the total personality. Woman did not simply give birth. She made it possible for the child to go on living. Her breasts furnished the first food, but her concern for the child led her beyond that one-to-one relationship. The woman’s body, with its potential for gestating, bringing forth and nourishing new life, has been through the ages a field of contradictions: a space invested with power, and an acute vulnerability; a numinous figure and the incarnation of evil; a hoard of ambivalences, most of which have worked to disqualify women from the collective act of defining culture. The mother’s love for the child is often associated with the fact that she considers herself absolutely and exclusively indispensable to him. Woman’s love for her child is normally greater than her self-love, and the idea of eternity inherent in reproduction overcomes her fear of being destroyed. The contemporary woman experiences as uncleanness, pre patriarchal women may well have understood as one of their sacred mysteries. In primitive communities a woman’s whole life is focused around the regular changes of her physiological cycle. Periods of work at home and in the community of social life with her neighbors and of marital relationship with her husband, alternate with periods of seclusion. At regular intervals she is obliged to go away alone; she may not cook, nor tend the cultivated patch, nor walk abroad; she is precluded from performing any of her customary tasks; she is compelled to be alone, to go down into her, to introvert. Anthropologist, who, as a rule, are more interested in the customs of a tribe than in the psychology of individuals, have not asked what effects these customs have on the women themselves. Yet, this periodic seclusion must inevitability have had a profound effect on the woman’s relation to life. (Harding, 1970:70) The stereotypical view that motherhood comes naturally to women may have no basis in fact, but it does have an influence on women’s feelings and attitudes. Almost all women in every culture accept being a mother as a source of immense pleasure and pride (Oxford, 1983:281). Because it is difficult to carry “a mother” status, how they bear and nurture the children, breast-feeding and raising them, doing the household chores, even men cannot doing it well, makes women so proud to call their self “mother”. In some cultures, even a woman was seen as being closer to God than a man, for she alone had been given the power (Gray, 1996: 26). They were honored because of the gift and capability to bearing children. Women felt proud of their biological roles, since mothering was highly respected, and even considered sacred. The parenting process itself totally put and identified mother as “the visible God”. Parenting is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of a child rather than the biological relationship. Mothers were assumed to love their children infinitely and unreservedly, to be glad to devote their self completely in their role, and to want to be with their children at all times. (Oxford, 1983: 285). Jaggar in Tong stated that a person does not need to be a biological mother in order to be a social mother (1998:80). A bonding between mother and another children, not their own, or the bonding among women themselves, could be the media and impact to reveal the motherhood feeling. Naturally, women had instinct to keep and nurture each other, no matter to their peers or other younger person. Oakley in Tong (1998) also explained that social mothers are just as effective as biological mother (81), while Firestone added that people do not need to be biological parents in order to lead child–centered lives (82). Oakley claimed that studies have shown, adopted children are at least as well adjusted as non-adopted children. Though these theories, known that there must be not bearing a child at first to feel and applied motherhood in women’s self. Their instinct appears as natural as they accepted the bonding and womanhood to each other. Mother is perceived not only just as a woman who bore a child but also as a carrier of a tradition “whose continuance signals part of cyclical way of life” (Reynolds 2007: 179-180). In her article “Mother Times Two: A Double Take on a Gynicentric Justice Song” Margot R. Reynolds Argues that The term ‘mother’ or ‘grandmother’ in many Native American tribes signifies woman who is committed to wholeness and well-being. This kind of committed to wholeness and well-being. This kind of commitment can manifest itself in multiple ways – from gardening to childbearing to mentoring (177) Moreover, as Reynolds accentuates, the continuance of tradition has an especially strong and essential role in mother and daughter relationship. According to Paula Gunn Allen that your mother’s identity is the key to your own identity naming your mother (or her equivalent) enables people to place you precisely within the universal web of your life, in each of its dimensions: cultural, spiritual, personal, and historical. Failure to know your mother is failure to remember your significance, your reality, your right relationship to earth and society. It is the same as being lost-isolated, abandoned, self-estranged, and alienated from your own life. (Allen 1986: 210)   RELATION BETWEEN MOTHER AND DAUGHTER The relation of a mother and her child, especially daughter is considered simple that every woman takes it for granted. It seems that the problems that existed between them are also regarded as the simple ones. In fact, this relationship is not so simple since it involves two closely related persons who have different perspectives. Woman has wide opportunities for making compromise between motherhood and her other, more personal needs, drives and interest. Many variations in the

    Elementary School Management Based School perating Cost (A Site at SD Tidar 1 Magelang)

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    The objectives of this research are to describe (1) the characteristic of policy of BOS program at SD Tidar 1 Magelang; (2) the characteristic of BOS fund allocation at at SD Tidar 1 Magelang. This research is a qualitative research with ethnography design. This research was conducted in SD Tidar 1 Magelang. The resource persons in this research are the principal, BOS treasurer, and teacher. Data collection method used is in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis used is an analysis technique arranged in a site. The validity of data uses triangulation. The results of the research show: (1) The policy of BOS fund includes (1)recording the whole number of students and providing the information and data required by central BOS management team; (b) checking the fund received according to the number of students; (c) appointing the BOS treasurer separated with the routine treasurer; (d) Preparing the School Budget with involving parents. Determining the transparence BOS program policy is a positive way that can be used properly by parents to give their opinion and carry out their role as the control function to the use of fund in the school. There is a cooperation between the principal and parent that show a democratic of policy-making; (2) according to the priority scale if a post is less can be taken to the other post which is still full (egah-eguh system); (b) for procurement of textbook and teaching book, recruiting new student, activity of repairing and maintaining school infrastructure, financing bills, guiding activity and developing professionalism of teacher, enrichment activity and remedial, and developing student’s talent and interest. The proper use of fund according to the school’s need and the rule set is expected to improve the quality of learning. All school communities and parents have the same obligation to actively supervise the use of BOS fund in order to minimize the misuse of the fund

    Studi awal tentang penggunaan teknik sensus titik dengan jarak tertentu dan jarak tak terbatas untuk pendugaan kemelimpahan dan keanekaragaman burung = Preliminary study on the application of point counts with fixed ...

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    ABSTRACT: Metode penghitungan titik dengan jarak pengamatan terbatas dan jarak pengamatan tidak terbatas digunakan untuk menduga kemelimpahahan dan kekayaan jenis burung di hutan Wanagama dan hutan Magir. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa metode yang kedua menghasilkan kekayaan jenis lebih tinggi, namun kedua metode menghasilkan kemelimpahan sebagian besar jenis-jenis burung dominan yang tidak berbeda nyata, komposisi jenis burung dominan juga tidak berbeda. Kata kunci : teknik sensus titik - burung - kemelimpahan - keanekaragama

    Desain Komunikasi Vosual Sebagai Sarana PromosiI Anantara Seminyak Resort & Spa Di Seminyak Kuta

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    Abstrak “Desain Komunikasi Visual Sebagai Sarana Promosi Anantara Seminyak Resort & Spa Di Seminyak Kuta” merupakan sebuah Skripsi Tugas Akhir yang mencoba memaparkan sebuah proses perancangan media untuk menginformasikan suatu pesan berkenaan dengan upaya promosi sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa pariwisata yaitu Anantara Seminyak Resort & Spa yang terletak di Seminyak Kuta. Pemilihan Anantara Seminyak Resort & Spa sebagai studi kasus dalam Tugas Akhir ini didasari atas pertimbangan bahwa perusahaan ini memiliki potensi yang besar untuk bersaing dengan perusahaan jasa sejenis lainnya yang bergerak di bidang jasa pariwisata. Hampir seluruh wilayah Kuta berdiri perusahaan penginapan dan spa yang menawarkan fasilitas yang sama membuat persaingan semakin sulit. Perusahaan yang telah lama berdiri benar-benar harus pandai dalam menarik pelanggan agar perusahaan tersebut tetap aktif seiring dengan banyaknya perusahaan baru yang berdiri. Desain Komunikasi Visual merupakan sebuah sarana promosi yang tepat dalam membangun identitas diri dari Anantara Seminyak Resort & Spa untuk dapat bersaing dan memiliki citra yang baik dikalangan wisatawan. Konsep dasar perancangan yang digunakan adalah kesederhanaan/simplicity. Makin simpel ide yang kita punya, makin mudah di mengerti dan diterima audience. Konsep ini merupakan konsep yang bergaya sederhana namun mampu menarik perhatian. Dalam penerapannya pada Anantara Seminyak Resort & Spa banyak menggunakan ilustrasi fotografi dan elemen ruang kosong (white space) dan tidak menggunakan terlalu banyak unsur-unsur aksesoris, seperlunya saja. Dari segi warna menggunakan sedikit warna, warna biru dan putih sebagai warna utama dengan warna tertentu sebagai nilai kontras. warna latar belakang ucat (terang) jika menggunakan teks utama dengan warna gelap, warna latar belakang gelap jika teks utama dengan warna terang. menggunakan huruf yang mudah dibaca jenis san serif dan tidak menggunakan jenis font yang ornamental. Melihat kondisi dan permasalahan, pencipta berupaya untuk merancang suatu desain komunikasi visual yang dapat berfungsi efektif dan variatif, adapun media- media tersebut adalah iklan majalah, poster, x-banner, brosur, billboard, pin, t-shirt, paper bag, mug dan katalog. Kata kunci: Desain, Promosi, Kesederhanaan, Anantara Seminyak Resort & Spa

    Pengawetan dengan Radiasi Sinar Gamma

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    Di negara yang telah maju, tenaga atom berupa radiasidipergunakan sebagai alternati! untuk mengawetkan bahanbahanmakanan. _,r~naga atom mempunyai manfaat yangsangat besar bila aigunakan untuk kepentingan manusia.Di Indonesia telah diadakan berbagai penelitian tentangpenggunaan radiasi untuk mengawetkan berbagai. bahan makanan,seperti pengawetan ikan laut:. pengawetan buah-buahandim lain-lainnya. Perkembang.an pengawetan bahan-bahan makanandengan radiasi hendaknya mendapat sambutan yangbesar ,baik dari masyarakat Juas maupun para pemilik modalagar benar-benar dapat membantu perkembangan" perekonomianpara petani dan nelayana Penggunaan radiasi untuk kepentinganpengaw~tan bahan makanan, -se-perti: ikan, daging,buah-buahan, dan' hasil pertanian-, diharapkan meluaskan pemahamantentang salah satu penggunaan tenaga atom yangsangat membantu kehidupan manusiaa Pada pr.insipnya penggunaanradiasi untuk mengawetkan bahan-bahan makanan. maupun sterilisasi adalah sarna, yaitu dengan cara meradiasibahan yang akan disterilisasi atau diawetkan. Perbedaannyaterletak pada besar kecilnya dosis radiasi yang digunakankarena besarnya dosis ini. menentukan Perubahan karakteristikbahan-bahan yang diradiasi

    Estetika, Seren Taun antara Seni, Ritual, dan Kehidupan

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     ABSTRACT Seren taun presents a ceremony system which has aspects of ideas, aspect of language, aspect of behaviour and aspect of equipments. These aspects is related to one another and understood as a sacred communication. Three life principles as the conditions to achieve as the perfection of life and The Truth of death is ritualized on the Pwahaci as the birth symbol, the priciple of maturity and the image of per- fection (death).Under Djati Kusumah leaderships, Seren taun was developing physically as well as the content of appreciation presentation of the ADS spiritual, be able to be accepted by the community. SerenTaun is seen as guidance of aesthetical beauty in the trilogy of verum, bonum, and pulchrum. Beautiful ways to present aesthetic of Seren taun which is anticipate the nature beauty and art as the safety signs, there are shown by the guidance of the harmonization between human beings and God, the nature and other human beings. The art and ritual performance are kinds and true gives the universal as the harmoniza- tion and balance of humans’lives physically and mentally. Keywords: Seren taun, ritual performance, aesthetic of beauty, and balancing of humans’lives     ABSTRAK Seren taun merupakan presentasi estetik masyarakat agraris untuk mendatangkan berkah dari leluhur. Sistem upacara meliputi aspek gagasan, kebahasaan, prilaku, dan peralatan dalam seren taun dimaknai sebagai komunikasi sakral. Tiga prinsip kehidupan sebagai syarat menca- pai kesempurnaan hidup diritualisasikan pada Dewi Pwahaci untuk mengungkapkan tentang prinsip kelahiran, kedewasaan, dan gambaran prinsip kesempurnaan (kematian).Di tangan Kekarismatikan pemimpin tradisional Pangeran Djati Kusumah, Seren taun berkembang baik secara bentuk maupun isi, sebagai  presentasi penghayatan ajaran spiritual ADS, agar mudah diterima oleh semua orang. Pemahaman itu menunjukan Seren taun sebagai tuntunan nilai-nilai keindahan, yang syarat dengan trilogi antara verum (kebenaran) bonum (ke- baikan), dan pulchrum (keindahan). Cara-cara indah dari presentasi estetik Seren taun merupa- kan keindahan alam dan seni sebagai tutuntunan-keharmonisan manusia dengan Tuhan, alam semesta, dan sesamanya. Pertunjukan seni dan ritual itu, memberikan manfaat secara universal sebagai penyelaras atau balancing kehidupan manusia secara lahir maupun batin.

    Desain Interior Planetarium Denpasar

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    ABSTRAK Hidup manusia jaman sekarang sudah mengalami kemajuan yang sangat pesat. Hal ini ditandai dengan munculnya trend hidup yang simpel, fungsional, stylish, dan trendy. Manusia selalu menginginkan kehidupan yang lebih baik. Gaya hidup masyarakat melakukan segala sesuatu berjalan cepat didukung teknologi dan industrialisasi serta lingkungan tropis yang menonjolkan unsur dari modern menjadi postmodern dan merupakan iklim daerah sekitar, konsep Imagine System of Sky terpilih menjadi konsep bergaya postmodern yang pantas diaplikasikan pada desain Planetarium Denpasar. Bagaimana mendesain interior Planetarium Denpasar sesuai dengan konsep yaitu “Imagine System of Sky” dengan memanfaatkan kombinasi bahan-bahan modern dan buatan secara optimal dengan mempertimbangkan keadaan site yang berada di daerah tropis? Diperlukan adanya suatu konsep desain yang memperhatikan kondisi dan situasi dimana planetarium akan dibangun karena planetarium hendaknya dirancang secara berkesinambungan antara manusia, arsitektur, interior dan alam sekitarnya. Salah satu konsep desain interior yang cocok untuk iklim tropis sesuai dengan keadaan iklim tempat dimana objek studi kasus ini dibangun adalah konsep desain bergaya Postmodern. Konsep interior Imagine System of Sky ini dapat dipadukan dengan konsep desain interior bergaya Postmodern sehingga tampilan interior Planetarium Denpasar ini akan terlihat bergaya hidup kekinian sesuai dengan perkembangan jaman. Konsep Imagine System of Sky dapat dijabarkan yaitu dari bentuk asimetris, orientasi pola horizontal, halus, penampian efisien, sudut lengkung,mengurangi elemen yang tidak berfungsi. Dari warna, yang sesuai dengan karakter alam semesta (Sky Colour). Dari penggunaan material yaitu besi crome, stainless, kaca, marmer langit. Dalam akustik salah satunya adalah dapat menjadikan suasana lebih tenang pada ruang tertutup. Kata Kunci : Planetarium, Imagine System of Sky, Gaya hidu

    Desain Interior Berdasar pada Kebutuhan Sosial dan Material Ekologis

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    Space organization harmony depended on awareness of air circulation lighting, appropriate esthetics and security. A house is not only give the protection in just physical, but also psychological protection, like peacefulness, security, and bliss (quality of live). Interior device claimed as according to life style and improve the quality of live. Good design is not only simply form problem and color, but also function deputizing requirement of social owner needs. For that, interior design do not only consider the system construction and technological, but also sensitivity of substance problem (materials) influencing ecological life quality
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