1,344 research outputs found

    Le casque d'Agris, chef-d'oeuvre de l'art celtique occidental

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    Observations about style & region of fabrication of the IVth century B.C. prestigious celtic helmet from Agris (Charente, France)Remarques sur la stylistique et la région de production du casque d'apparat celtique du IVe siècle av. J.-C. d'Agris (Charente, France

    Graduate Recital: Catherine J. Kondi, soprano

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    Bonnie Gale v. Floyd C. Gale : Brief of Appellant

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    Verger Philippe. Place des apports en micronutriments durant la période de récupération. In: Les Cahiers de l'INSEP, n°27, 2000. Sport de haut niveau et récupération. pp. 85-87

    Métissage au Brésil

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    Métissage au Brési

    Umbrales para una poética de J. J. Arreola

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    Artículo número 5 de la Sección Tema. 10 páginas. tyvlliUna de las preocupaciones de Arreola ha sido dar cuenta de la importancia del oficio literario: su ars poetica. Siempre que tuvo la oportunidad dejó testimonio de sus reflexiones, del esmero y cuidado del lenguaje como materia prima del soporte del discurso literario. Ejemplo de ello, de manera formal, han sido algunas confesiones en el texto “De memoria y olvido”; a ello se adhieren charlas y entrevistas, pero también, de manera formal, epígrafes, textos, títulos, etcétera, es decir, umbrales o paratextos (siguiendo la teoría de Genette). El relato “Parturient montes” sirve como ejemplo para demostrar esta preocupación de Arreola acerca del oficio, cuya tradición arranca desde los primeros testimonios, de las estructuras más o menos estables que soportan la expresión verbal, pasando por las exigencias retóricas grecolatinas que debe observar todo texto escrito, incluyendo el literario.One of Arreola’s concerns has been to give an account on the importance of the literary profession: his ars poetica. Whenever possible, he gave testimony of his reflections on care about language as the raw material of the support of literary discourse. For instance, in a formal way, there have been some confessions in the text “De memoria y olvido”; to this, talks and interviews are attached, but also, in a formal way, epigraphs, texts, titles, etc., that is to say, thresholds or paratexts (following Genette’s theory). The story “Parturient montes” serves as an example to demonstrate Arreola’s concern about the trade, whose tradition starts from the first testimonies of the more or less stable structures that support verbal expression through the Greco-Latin rhetorical demands that every written text must comprehend, including the literary one

    Pierre Riché et Jacques Verger, Des nains sur des épaules de géants. Maîtres et élèves au Moyen Âge

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    Les géants, ce sont les sages de l’Antiquité gréco-latine, dont l’héritage profite tant, aux dires de Bernard de Chartres, aux médiévaux. Pour brosser un tableau d’ensemble de cette translatio studii de l’Antiquité au Moyen Âge, deux spécialistes de la culture médiévale se sont associés. P. Riché a rédigé la première partie : “ Le temps des écoles (vie-xiie siècle) ” ; la deuxième partie : “ Le temps des universités (xiiie-xve siècle) ” est due à J. Verger. De fait, les passages de relais féc..

    Low Incomes, Limited Consumption and Poor Well-Being: Statistical Approaches to Poverty Put to The Test of International Comparisons

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    The statistical approach to poverty poses conceptual and measurement problems, which are exacerbated when international comparisons endeavour to compare highly diverse societies from the point of view of current living standards and their economic and political history. National definitions are far from uniform. The English-speaking world and the Eastern European countries tend to use measurements based on the capacity to purchase more or less variable shopping baskets - an approach that is often, but improperly called absolute. Western Europe traditionally takes a relative approach. The fact that most of the countries adopt a monetary poverty concept does not mean that the definitions based on being deprived in terms of consumption or finding it hard to balance the budget should be overlooked. Each approach has its strengths and weaknesses, and each is based on normative assumptions corresponding to societal choices, political choices and implicit social norms.Multiple Dimensions of Poverty, International Comparisons, Living Standard

    A universidade medieval : uma memória

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    Neste artigo pretendemos analisar, em linhas gerais, as origens da Universidade medieval, considerando-a como local novo, próprio do saber, que comungava com os interesses da comunidade e era, legitimamente, reconhecida como um espaço fundamental pelo governo laico e eclesiástico. Neste estudo nos basearemos em alguns estudiosos que se ocuparam das Universidades na Idade Média, como SAVIGNY (1844), VERGER (1973), STEENBERGHEN (198?) e NARDI (1996). Acreditamos que as questões tratadas pelos teóricos medievais e que esses estudiosos destacam não expressam preocupações individuais, mas inquietações e indagações que a sociedade fazia nessa época histórica. Por meio dessas questões, buscamos as origens da Universidade, o que é uma forma de indagar pela razão da sua existência. Mas, vemos nesse estudo um alcance maior do que um debruçar sobre as medievais. Ao assim fazermos, julgamos estar tangenciando questões que as perpassam hoje, não por achar que os problemas sejam os mesmos, mas por se tratar da mesma Instituição. Desse modo poderemos, ao menos, verificar como os homens de saberes daquela época construíram esse espaço que continua sendo um espaço próprio e oportuno para o conhecimento. Com isso, ao estudarmos as origens das Universidades medievais por meio da historiografia e de documentos medievais estamos, igualmente, criando uma nova memória e um novo espaço de saber estabelecido pelos nossos problemas e pelas nossas relações cotidianas.In this article, we intend to analyze in general, the origins of the medieval university, considering it as a new place, favorable to the knowledge that participated with the community interests and it was legitimally knew as a fundamental space by the laic and ecclesiastic government. In this study we have based in some studious writers who held good position studying about the medieval university as SAVIGNY (1844), VERGER (1973), STEENBERGHEN (198?) e NARDI (1996). We believe that the questions treated by the medieval theoretical and what these studying people try to put in relief don't express only the individual worries, but inquietudes and questions that the society asked in this historic epoch. Through these questions, we look for the origins of University that in other ways is a meaning of asking for the reasons for its existence. But we see in this study a further reach, not only just a look over the medieval. Doing this, we judge to be referring questions concerned to the future too, not thinking that there are the same problems, but because we are talking about the same Institution. In this way, we will be able, at least, to verify how the wise men of that epoch built these spaces that continue being a proper and opportune space for the knowledge. With that when we study the origens of the medieval universities using the historiography and the medieval documents, we are, in the same manner, creating a new memory and a new space of knowledge, established by our problems and our daily relations

    El tractament del tema eròtic-amorós a Verger de les galanies

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    The medieval university : a memory

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    In this article, we intend to analyze in general, the origins of the medieval university, considering it as a new place, favorable to the knowledge that participated with the community interests and it was legitimally knew as a fundamental space by the laic and ecclesiastic government. In this study we have based in some studious writers who held good position studying about the medieval university as SAVIGNY (1844), VERGER (1973), STEENBERGHEN (198?) e NARDI (1996). We believe that the questions treated by the medieval theoretical and what these studying people try to put in relief don’t express only the individual worries, but inquietudes and questions that the society asked in this historic epoch. Through these questions, we look for the origins of University that in other ways is a meaning of asking for the reasons for its existence. But we see in this study a further reach, not only just a look over the medieval. Doing this, we judge to be referring questions concerned to the future too, not thinking that there are the same problems, but because we are talking about the same Institution. In this way, we will be able, at least, to verify how the wise men of that epoch built these spaces that continue being a proper and opportune space for the knowledge. With that when we study the origens of the medieval universities using the historiography and the medieval documents, we are, in the same manner, creating a new memory and a new space of knowledge, established by our problems and our daily relations