34 research outputs found

    Diez reglas sencillas para una exitosa colaboración transdisciplinar

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    El presente artículo es la versión en castellano de la publicación: KNAPP, B.; BARDENET, R.; BERNABEU, M.O.; BORDAS, R.; BRUNA, M.; CALDERHEAD, B. ET AL. (2015) “Ten Simple Rules for a Successful Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration”. PLoS Comput Biol 11(4): e1004214, disponible en: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004214. La traducción, autorizada por la entidad editora, ha sido llevada a cabo por Ona Lorda Roure y Leila Adim, colaboradoras del Instituto de Investigación TransJus y supervisada por el Dr. Juli Ponce Solé, Director del TransJus. En la misma se han incluido algunas notas aclaratorias para el lector en español, así como bibliografía complementaria en español.[spa] En el auge de las colaboraciones interdisciplinarias entre los distintos campos científicos, la transdisciplinariedad se presenta como la clave para encontrar soluciones a una variedad de problemas globales. Este trabajo, situado en el marco de la biología informática, se centra en exponer una lista extensa de reglas y consejos útiles para lograr una exitosa sinergia entre los varios colaboradores de un proyecto transdisciplinar. Se trata, de hecho, de una guía que pretende dirigirse tanto a investigadores noveles como a aquellos investigadores consolidados que se adentran en un espacio transdisciplinar por primera vez. En particular, este trabajo expone los beneficios principales de establecer una colaboración transdisciplinar, así como los problemas que de ella puedan surgir.[cat] En l'auge de les col·laboracions interdisciplinàries entre els diferents camps científics, la transdisciplinarietat es presenta com la clau per trobar solucions a una varietat de problemes globals. Aquest treball, situat en el marc de la biologia informàtica, es centra en exposar una llista extensa de regles i consells útils per aconseguir una reeixida sinergia entre els varis col·laboradors d'un projecte transdisciplinar. Es tracta, de fet, d'una guia que pretén dirigir-se tant a recercadors novells com a aquells recercadors consolidats que s'endinsen en un espai transdisciplinar per primera vegada. En particular, aquest treball exposa els beneficis principals d'establir una col·laboració transdisciplinar, així com els problemes que d'ella puguin sorgir.[eng] At a time of increasing interdisciplinary collaboration between different scientific fields, cross-disciplinarity represents a key for finding solutions to a variety of global problems. This work, located within the framework of computer biology, focuses on exposing an extensive list of rules and useful tips to achieve a successful synergy among the various collaborators of a transdisciplinary project. It is, in fact, a guide aimed at addressing both first-time researchers and consolidated researchers who enter a transdisciplinary space for the first time. In particular, this work exposes the main benefits of establishing a cross-disciplinary collaboration, as well as the problems that may arise from it

    Ten Simple Rules for a Successful Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration

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    Cross-disciplinary collaborations have become an increasingly important part of science. They are seen as key if we are to find solutions to pressing, global-scale societal challenges, including green technologies, sustainable food production, and drug development. Regulators and policy- makers have realized the power of such collaborations, for example, in the 80 billion Euro "Horizon 2020" EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. This programme puts special emphasis on “breaking down barriers to create a genuine single market for knowledge, research and innovation

    3,3,4,4,5,5-Hexahydroxystilbene impairs melanoma progression in a metastatic mouse model

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    Das Melanom neigt dazu, früh Metastasen über Lymph- und Blutbahnen auszubilden. Etwa 2/3 aller Erstmetastasierungen sind zunächst auf das regionäre Lymphabflussgebiet beschränkt. Bei Fernmetastasierung ist die Prognose zumeist infaust, die mediane Überlebenszeit ohne Behandlung beträgt nur 6-9 Monate. Aus diesem Grund sind neue Therapieoptionen insbesondere beim metastasierenden Melanom von höchster Relevanz. Wir verwendeten ein Derivat des Resveratrols, ein in der Natur vor allem in Weintrauben vorkommendes Polyphenol, das chemisch durch drei Hydroxylgruppen charakterisiert ist. Für Resveratrol ist seit längerem eine anti-neoplastische Wirkung auf Tumorzellinien beschrieben. Um diesen Effekt zu steigern, wurden Resveratrol-Derivate synthetisiert und ihre Effekte auf unterschiedlichen Tumorzellen untersucht. Dabei hat sich das insgesamt sechs Hydroxylgruppen tragende Resveratrol Derivat M8 (3,3,4,4,5,5-hexahydroxystilbene) als überaus wirksam auf Melanomzellen erwiesen, da es signifikant stärker die Proliferation der metastasierenden, humanen Melanomzelllinie M24met sowie einer Vielzahl von primären Melanomzellen in vitro unterdrückt als Resveratrol. Zur Analyse des Wirkmechanismus von M8 wendeten wir eine Vielzahl von Analysesystemen an. M8 führte in FACS Analysen zu einer Arretierung in der G2/M Phase vergesellschaftet mit einer dosis- und zeitabhängigen Induktion von p21 sowie auch zur Apoptose. In Übereinstimmung mit diesen Daten detektierten wir mittels Westernblot Analysen eine M8 mediierte Induktion von phosphoryliertem p53. Dieses Tumorsuppressorgen ist über die transkriptionelle Aktivierung von einer Vielzahl von Proteinen in der Lage, den Zellzyklus zu regulieren sowie Apoptose oder aber auch DNA Schaden zu induzieren. Passend dazu konnten wir M8 vermittelte Induktion des Reparatursystems (MSH6, MSH2, MLH1) nachweisen, welches bei vorliegenden DNA Schäden über p53 aktiviert wird. Im Cometen-Assay konnte dann der M8 mediierte DNA Schaden verifiziert werden. Mittels eines Zellmigrationsassays detektierten wir zudem eine M8 induzierte Blockade der Tumorzellmigration. Um die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen zu analysieren, führten wir Proteomanalysen mehrerer Melanomzelllinien in vitro durch. Für diese Analyse griffen wir auf eine völlig neu etablierte Strategie zurück. Wir analysierten systematisch das Profil der zytoplasmatischen Proteine sowie die Sekretionsleistung der Melanomzellen mittels Massenspektrometrie ("shotgun proteomics"). Wir konnten zeigen, dass M8 vor allem jene Proteine reguliert, die in die Migration, Proliferation und Apoptose von Tumorzellen involviert sind. Insbesondere die relevante Frage der Zellmigration, welche ein notwendiger Schritt zur Metastasierung im Melanom darstellt, konnte wie in dem vorliegenden Schema veranschaulicht, mittels Shotgun-Proteomics aufgeschlüsselt werden. So konnten wir nachweisen, dass M8 sowohl in die amoeboide sowie mesenchymale Zellmigration eingreift über Proteine wie Paxillin, Integrin-linked Protein Kinase oder p21 aktivierte Kinase. Auch in der 2D Gel Elektrophorese konnte der Befund, dass M8 zu einem DNA Schaden führt, beispielsweise durch die Induktion von Ku70 bestätigt werden. Durch die Verwendung der neu etablierten bioinformatischen Datenbank und die Klassifizierung der zytoplasmatischen, nukleären und sezernierten Proteine konnte ich mögliche neue Biomarker identifizieren. Basierend auf der Tatsache, dass M8 anti-inflammatorisch wirkt, könnten konstitutiv expremierte Proteine als mögliche prediktive Marker für das therapeutische Ansprechen dienen. Weiters sind Proteine, die durch M8 unterdrückt werden, wie die pro-inflammatorischen Proteine Interleukin-8 oder ADAMTS, Indikatoren für die Sensitivität gegenüber M8 und könnten als pharmakodynamische Marker dienen. Des Weiteren war ich in der Lage zu zeigen, dass M8 eine selektive biomodulatorische Aktivität aufweist, indem es die Proliferation der tumorassoziierten Fibroblasten aber nicht die von normalen Fibroblasten inhibiert. Die Relevanz des in vitro veranschaulichten Mechanismus konnte in vivo bestätigt werden. So inhibiert M8 signifikant das Tumorwachstum und die Metastasierung zu den lokalen Lymphknoten in unserem spontan metastasierenden, humanen Melanom-Maus Model. Diese umfassende Studie veranschaulicht, dass durch den Einsatz neuer Technologien die Evaluierung und mechanistische Analyse innovativer Therapieansätze ermöglicht wird. Durch das Verständnis des zugrundeliegenden Mechanismus neu designter Wirksubstanzen sowie die genaue Charakterisierung der Tumorzellen könnte es damit in Zukunft möglich sein, rationale Therapiekonzepte im metastasierenden Melanom zu entwickelnMetastasis in melanoma is associated with poor prognosis. Early detection and new therapeutic designs may thus tremendously improve patient survival. Stilbenes comprise a group of polyphenolic compounds, which exert inhibitory effects on various malignancies. I aimed to evaluate the anti-tumor effects of a novel stilbene derivative - 3,3',4,4',5,5'-hexahydroxystilbene, termed M8 -on human melanoma cells. Cell cycle analysis of the metastatic melanoma cell line M24met showed that M8 treatment induces G2/M arrest accompanied with a dose- and time- dependent upregulation of p21 and downregulation of CDK-2 and leads to apoptosis. M8 induced the expression and phosphorylation of p53 and the expression of proteins involved in the mismatch repair machinery (MSH6, MSH2, MLH1) and a robust tail moment in a comet assay. Additionally, M8 inhibited cell migration in matrigel assays. Shot gun proteomics and Western analysis demonstrated the regulation amongst others of paxillin, integrin-linked protein kinase, p21- activated kinase and ROCK1 indicating that M8 inhibits mesenchymal and amoeboid cell migration. In 2D-electrophoresis I was able to confirm that M8 leads to DNA damage accompanied with a robust upregulation of Ku70, to an induction of apoptosis, an inhibition of cell migration, of tumor progression and metastasis since important hnRNPs, elongation factor 2 or stress-induced-phosphoprotein 1 were regulated. Proteome profiling by shotgun analysis of cytoplasmic, nuclear and secreted protein fractions in combination with a recently established bioinformatic tool chain allowed me to identify possible biomarkers by classification of the cytoplasmatic, nuclear and secreted proteins the M24met melanoma cell line. Since M8 exhibits anti-inflammatory activities, constitutivelly expressed inflammatory proteins in M24met melanoma cell line might serve as perdictive markers for therapeutic response. Intriguingly, the M8 inhibited pro-inflammtory proteins such as interleukin-8 or ADAMTS-1 may be established as indicators for the sensitivity of the melanoma cells and might serve as pharmacodynamic biomarkers to monitor the response to M8 treatment. In addition I was able to demonstrate that M8 selectively influence the microenvironment, since tumor associated fibroblast proliferation was inhibited but not proliferation of normal human fibroblasts. Therefore M8 exerts also biomodulatory activity. Identification of cancer biomarkers in addition to resistance markers and analysis of microenvironment dependent pathomechanisms will support the development of novel therapeutic strategies and to identify the most efficient treatment combinations. These in vitro data were confirmed in vivo in a metastatic human melanoma SCID mouse model. I demonstrated that M8 significantly impairs tumor growth. M8 also interfered with the metastatic process, since M8 treatment prevented the metastatic spread of melanoma cells to distant lymph nodes in vivo. In summary M8 exerts strong anti-tumor effects with the potential to become a new drug for the treatment of metastatic melanoma.submitted by Verena PaulitschkeAbweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersZsfassung in dt. SpracheWien, Med. Univ., Diss., 2010OeBB(VLID)171396

    Curing advanced melanoma by 2025

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW To outline the most urgent challenges in the management of advanced melanoma. RECENT FINDINGS Considerable progress in targeted and immunotherapy of advanced melanoma has opened a perspective for a cure if all molecular and medical information is integrated in a rational precision treatment algorithm. SUMMARY Bioinformatics and system biology approaches will be needed to deal with omics databases. The support of patient advocacy groups may help to increase the acceptance of large scale, routine biobanking

    Functional Classification of Cellular Proteome Profiles Support the Identification of Drug Resistance Signatures in Melanoma Cells

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    Drug resistance is a major obstacle in melanoma treatment. Recognition of specific resistance patterns, the understanding of the patho-physiology of drug resistance, and identification of remaining options for individual melanoma treatment would greatly improve therapeutic success. We performed mass spectrometry-based proteome profiling of A375 melanoma cells and HeLa cells characterized as sensitive to cisplatin in comparison to cisplatin resistant M24met and TMFI melanoma cells. Cells were fractionated into cytoplasm, nuclei and secretome and the proteome profiles classified according to Gene Ontology. The cisplatin resistant cells displayed increased expression of lysosomal as well as Ca<sup>2+</sup> ion binding and cell adherence proteins. These findings were confirmed using Lysotracker Red staining and cell adhesion assays with a panel of extracellular matrix proteins. To discriminate specific survival proteins, we selected constitutively expressed proteins of resistant M24met cells which were found expressed upon challenging the sensitive A375 cells. Using the CPL/MUW proteome database, the selected lysosomal, cell adherence and survival proteins apparently specifying resistant cells were narrowed down to 47 proteins representing a potential resistance signature. These were tested against our proteomics database comprising more than 200 different cell types/cell states for its predictive power. We provide evidence that this signature enables the automated assignment of resistance features as readout from proteome profiles of any human cell type. Proteome profiling and bioinformatic processing may thus support the understanding of drug resistance mechanism, eventually guiding patient tailored therapy

    Corne d’abondance

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    La société Hi-bred International du Zimbabwe a mis au point deux nouvelles variétés de maïs capables de résister à la redoutable maladie des taches grises. Des tests conduits dans de petites et grandes exploitations ont confirmé le rendement élevé de ces variétés (9 à 11t/ha), qui peuvent être transformées localement et ne nécessitent pas plus d’engrais que les autres variétés. Elles sont distribuées au Malawi par Chemicals and Marketing Malawi Limited qui organise des démonstrations.La société Hi-bred International du Zimbabwe a mis au point deux nouvelles variétés de maïs capables de résister à la redoutable maladie des taches grises. Des tests conduits dans de petites et grandes exploitations ont confirmé le rendement..

    Proteome Analysis Identified the PPARγ Ligand 15d-PGJ2 as a Novel Drug Inhibiting Melanoma Progression and Interfering with Tumor-Stroma Interaction

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    <div><p>Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) have been originally thought to be restricted to lipid metabolism or glucose homeostasis. Recently, evidence is growing that PPARγ ligands have inhibitory effects on tumor growth. To shed light on the potential therapeutic effects on melanoma we tested a panel of PPAR agonists on their ability to block tumor proliferation <em>in vitro</em>. Whereas ciglitazone, troglitazone and WY14643 showed moderate effects on proliferation, 15d-PGJ2 displayed profound anti-tumor activity on four different melanoma cell lines tested. Additionally, 15d-PGJ2 inhibited proliferation of tumor-associated fibroblasts and tube formation of endothelial cells. 15d-PGJ2 induced the tumor suppressor gene p21, a G<sub>2</sub>/M arrest and inhibited tumor cell migration. Shot gun proteome analysis in addition to 2D-gel electrophoresis and immunoprecipitation of A375 melanoma cells suggested that 15d-PGJ2 might exert its effects via modification and/or downregulation of Hsp-90 (heat shock protein 90) and several chaperones. Applying the recently established CPL/MUW database with a panel of defined classification signatures, we demonstrated a regulation of proteins involved in metastasis, transport or protein synthesis including paxillin, angio-associated migratory cell protein or matrix metalloproteinase-2 as confirmed by zymography. Our data revealed for the first time a profound effect of the single compound 15d-PGJ2 on melanoma cells in addition to the tumor-associated microenvironment suggesting synergistic therapeutic efficiency.</p> </div

    15d-PGJ2 induces p21 expression and p53, p53ser37.

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    <p>A, 15d-PGJ2 leads to an induction of p21. Immunoblotting of p21 after 48 hours of 15d-PGJ2 treatment with indicated concentrations. B, Immunoblotting of p53 and p53ser37 after 48 hours of 15d-PGJ2 treatment with indicated concentrations.</p

    15d-PGJ2 inhibits tumor cell migration and tube formation of HUVECs and LECs.

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    <p>A, B, Tumor cell migration assay after 48 hours of M24met melanoma cells and A375 melanoma cell line treated with 15d-PGJ2 with indicated concentrations. Representative pictures of three independent experiments. Quantification of the depicted experiment is performed using Axiovision Software. C–F, tube formation assay of HUVECs and LECs with indicated concentrations after 24 and 48 hours. Calcein staining was performed to monitor the vitality of the cells. Tube formation was quantified using Cell Profiler Software Package. Representative pictures of three independent experiments.</p