533 research outputs found

    Invasive Wild pigs as primary nest predators for Wild turkeys

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    Depredation of wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) nests is a leading cause of reduced recruitment for the recovering and iconic game species. invasive wild pigs (Sus scrofa) are known to depredate nests, and have been expanding throughout the distributed range of wild turkeys in north America. We sought to gain better insight on the magnitude of wild pigs depredating wild turkey nests. We constructed simulated wild turkey nests throughout the home ranges of 20 GPS-collared wild pigs to evaluate nest depredation relative to three periods within the nesting season (i.e., early, peak, and late) and two nest densities (moderate = 12.5-25 nests/km2, high = 25-50 nests/km2) in south-central Texas, USA during March–June 2016. Overall, the estimated probability of nest depredation by wild pigs was 0.3, equivalent to native species of nest predators in the study area (e.g., gray fox [Urocyon cinereoargenteus], raccoon [Procyon lotor], and coyote [Canis latrans]). female wild pigs exhibited a constant rate of depredation regardless of nesting period or density of nests. However, male wild pigs increased their rate of depredation in areas with higher nest densities. Management efforts should remove wild pigs to reduce nest failure in wild turkey populations especially where recruitment is low

    Sensitivity of the polar boundary layer to transient phenomena

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    Numerical weather prediction and climate models encounter challenges in accurately representing flow regimes in the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer and the transitions between them, leading to an inadequate depiction of regime occupation statistics. As a consequence, existing models exhibit significant biases in near-surface temperatures at high latitudes. To explore inherent uncertainties in modeling regime transitions, the response of the near-surface temperature inversion to transient small-scale phenomena is analyzed based on a stochastic modeling approach. A sensitivity analysis is conducted by augmenting a conceptual model for near-surface temperature inversions with randomizations that account for different types of model uncertainty. The stochastic conceptual model serves as a tool to systematically investigate which types of unsteady flow features may trigger abrupt transitions in the mean boundary layer state. The findings show that the incorporation of enhanced mixing, a common practice in numerical weather prediction models, blurs the two regime characteristic of the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer. Simulating intermittent turbulence is shown to provide a potential workaround for this issue. Including key uncertainty in models could lead to a better statistical representation of the regimes in long-term climate simulation. This would help to improve our understanding and the forecasting of climate change in high-latitude regions.</p

    The asymmetry of the dimension 2 gluon condensate: the zero temperature case

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    We provide an algebraic study of the local composite operators A_\mu A_\nu-\delta_{\mu\nu}/d A^2 and A^2, with d=4 the spacetime dimension. We prove that these are separately renormalizable to all orders in the Landau gauge. This corresponds to a renormalizable decomposition of the operator A_\mu A_\nu into its trace and traceless part. We present explicit results for the relevant renormalization group functions to three loop order, accompanied with various tests of these results. We then develop a formalism to determine the zero temperature effective potential for the corresponding condensates, and recover the already known result for \neq 0, together with <A_\mu A_\nu-\delta_{\mu\nu}/d A^2>=0, a nontrivial check that the approach is consistent with Lorentz symmetry. The formalism is such that it is readily generalizable to the finite temperature case, which shall allow a future analytical study of the electric-magnetic symmetry of the condensate, which received strong evidence from recent lattice simulations by Chernodub and Ilgenfritz, who related their results to 3 regions in the Yang-Mills phase diagram.Comment: 25 page

    Scale interactions and anisotropy in stable boundary layers

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    Regimes of interactions between motions on different time-scales are investigated in the FLOSSII dataset for nocturnal near-surface stable boundary layer (SBL) turbulence. The nonstationary response of turbulent vertical velocity variance to non-turbulent, sub-mesoscale wind velocity variability is analysed using the bounded variation, finite element, vector autoregressive factor models (FEM-BV-VARX) clustering method. Several locally stationary flow regimes are identified with different influences of sub-meso wind velocity on the turbulent vertical velocity variance. In each flow regime, we analyse multiple scale interactions and quantify the amount of turbulent variability which can be statistically explained by the individual forcing variables. The state of anisotropy of the Reynolds stress tensor in the different flow regimes is shown to relate to these different signatures of scale interactions. In flow regimes dominated by sub-mesoscale wind variability, the Reynolds stresses show a clear preference for strongly anisotropic, one-component stresses, which tend to correspond to periods in which the turbulent fluxes are against the mean gradient. These periods additionally show stronger persistence in their dynamics, compared to periods of more isotropic stresses. The analyses give insights on how the different topologies relate to non-stationary turbulence triggering by sub-mesoscale motions

    Fully Homomorphic SIMD Operations

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    At PKC 2010 Smart and Vercauteren presented a variant of Gentry\u27s fully homomorphic public key encryption scheme and mentioned that the scheme could support SIMD style operations. The slow key generation process of the Smart--Vercauteren system was then addressed in a paper by Gentry and Halevi, but their key generation method appears to exclude the SIMD style operation alluded to by Smart and Vercauteren. In this paper, we show how to select parameters to enable such SIMD operations, whilst still maintaining practicality of the key generation technique of Gentry and Halevi. As such, we obtain a somewhat homomorphic scheme supporting both SIMD operations and operations on large finite fields of characteristic two. This somewhat homomorphic scheme can be made fully homomorphic in a naive way by recrypting all data elements seperately. However, we show that the SIMD operations can be used to perform the recrypt procedure in parallel, resulting in a substantial speed-up. Finally, we demonstrate how such SIMD operations can be used to perform various tasks by studying two use cases: implementing AES homomorphically and encrypted database lookup

    Min-Cut Max-Flow for Network Abnormality Detection: Application to Preterm Birth

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    Neuroimaging studies of structural connectomes typically average the data from many subjects and analyse the average properties of the resulting network. We propose a new framework for individual brain-network structural abnormality detection. The framework uses a graph-based anomaly detection algorithm that allows to detect abnormal structural connectivity on a subject level. The proposed method is generic and can be adapted for a broad range of network abnormality detection problems. In this study, we apply our method to investigate the integrity of white matter tracts of 19-year-old extremely preterm born individuals. We show the feasibility to cast the network abnormality detection problem into a min-cut max-flow problem, and identify consistent abnormal white matter tracts in extremely preterm subjects, including a common network involving the bilateral thalamus and frontal gyri

    A novel approach for unraveling the energy balance of water surfaces with a single depth temperature measurement

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    The partitioning of solar energy over the Earth's surface drives weather and climate of the coupled land–ocean–atmosphere system. Over water surfaces, the evolution of water temperatures at a given depth in the mixed layer implicitly contains the signature of surface energy partitioning, and as such it can be used to diagnose the surface energy balance. In this study, we develop a novel numerical scheme by combining the Green's function approach and linear stability analysis to estimate the water surface energy balance using water temperature measurement at a single depth. The proposed method is capable of predicting water temperature in the mixed layer, and solving for the components of the surface energy budgets with physically based schemes. Evaluation against in situ measurement and the maximum entropy production method demonstrates that this approach is robust and of good accuracy. It is found that performance of the proposed method depends strongly on the accurate estimation of turbulent thermal diffusivity from in situ measurements, which carries information of meteorological and limnological conditions. Without explicitly using wind speed or temperature/moisture gradient, the proposed approach reduces uncertainty and potential error associated with meteorological measurements in estimation of water surface energy balance

    A comparison of MNT curves and supersingular curves

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    We compare both the security and performance issues related to the choice of MNT curves against supersingular curves in characteristic three, for pairing based systems. We pay particular attention to equating the relevant security levels and comparing not only computational performance and bandwidth performance. The paper focuses on the BLS signature scheme and the Boneh--Franklin encryption scheme, but a similar analysis can be applied to many other pairing based schemes
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