349 research outputs found

    Ecological optimum of ectothermic organisms: static-dynamical approach

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    During 20th century the majority of researchers interpreted ecological optimum as a certain combination of ambient factors which is optimal for growth, existence and reproduction of an organism. However, it was revealed in many species, that the maximum rates of various processes in an organism are achieved at various combinations of values of different factors, and under variable regimes as opposite to constant regimes. One may state that there is no well defined general concept which takes into account a bulk of data that do not conform the traditional definition of ecological optimum. Here, we show that it is necessary to make distinction between concepts of "static" and "dynamic" optima. It is needed for definition of real ecological optimum and creation of optimum conditions for given factor. We show also that it is necessary to take into account so-called delayed effects of factors. Basing on the analysis of responses of zooplankton to various temperatures and phosphoric load, we show that an optimum has "dynamic" characteristics besides previously known "static" ones, like a range of factor values on tolerance curve or a doze of factor. These "dynamic" characteristics are cyclic and stepwise changes of a factor, a directionality of factor's dynamics in case of stepwise changes and additionally, we reveal stimulating and inhibiting delayed effects of factors. Our results allow for a more detailed concept of ecological optimum, and also may stimulate investigations of quantitative contribution of various parameters of environmental factors to an ecological optimum of an organism or population

    The model of education for developing the culture of tolerance in future specialists in the university environment

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    The model for forming the culture of tolerance in future specialists in the university environment was developed and implemented after receiving the data of the ascertaining experiment, confirming the necessity of development of the culture of tolerance in educational activities. This model suggests a focused and systematic work on formation of the culture of tolerance in higher schoo

    Media Competence as an Integral Quality of a New Teacher for a New School

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    The proposed article considers the issue of social and cultural determinants having impact on qualitative alteration of requirements to teacher’s personality, media competence as an integral property of a new teacher for a new school. The main ideas of media education’s development are represented in the social-humanitarian context of realization of presidential initiatives “Our New School” which reflect subjective aspect of interpreting the category “media competence” in a wide social and cultural meaning

    Simulation study of signal formation in position sensitive planar p-on-n silicon detectors after short range charge injection

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    Segmented silicon detectors (micropixel and microstrip) are the main type of detectors used in the inner trackers of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments at CERN. Due to the high luminosity and eventual high fluence of energetic particles, detectors with fast response to fit the short shaping time of 20-25 ns and sufficient radiation hardness are required. Charge collection measurements carried out at the Ioffe Institute have shown a reversal of the pulse polarity in the detector response to short-range charge injection. Since the measured negative signal is about 30-60% of the peak positive signal, the effect strongly reduces the CCE even in non-irradiated detectors. For further investigation of the phenomenon the measurements have been reproduced by TCAD simulations. As for the measurements, the simulation study was applied for the p-on-n strip detectors similar in geometry to those developed for the ATLAS experiment and for the Ioffe Institute designed p-on-n strip detectors with each strip having a window in the metallization covering the p(+) implant, allowing the generation of electron-hole pairs under the strip implant. Red laser scans across the strips and the interstrip gap with varying laser diameters and Si-SiO2 interface charge densities (Q(f)) were carried out. The results verify the experimentally observed negative response along the scan in the interstrip gap. When the laser spot is positioned on the strip p(+) implant the negative response vanishes and the collected charge at the active strip increases respectively. The simulation results offer a further insight and understanding of the influence of the oxide charge density in the signal formation. The main result of the study is that a threshold value of Q(f), that enables negligible losses of collected charges, is defined. The observed effects and details of the detector response for different charge injection positions are discussed in the context of Ramo's theorem.Peer reviewe

    Willingness to Communicate and International Students\u27 Use of L2

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    Willingness to Communicate (WTC) in the second language (L2) is the readiness to enter into discourse which is considered to be the direct precursor of students\u27 communication in L2 (MacIntyre et al., 1998). Oral language is thought to precede written language which creates an assumption that ongoing refining of oral skills may impact writing fluency. In respect to WTC model, there have been several versions that describe the construct (MacIntyre et al., 1998; Wen & Clement, 2003; Matsuoka, 2006). This study references self-efficacy, a cognitive variable in Matsuoka\u27s (2006) proposed model, when analyzing writing as a phenomenon in relation to WTC. Two sequential writing samples collected from 12 international students are closely examined for key themes, which are informed by the responses to the WTC and Language History questionnaire. The results show a moderate correlation (rs=.646) between self-efficacy and willingness to communicate among the surveyed participants as well as a moderate correlation between the error frequencies and WTC scores (rs=.536)

    Management of patients with post-stroke dementia

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    Dementia occurs in 10-20% of cases and substantially hampers the rehabilitation of patients who have had stroke. Management of patients with post-stroke dementia is based on the prevention of recurrent stroke, cognitive stimulation, and the use of drugs improving cognitive functions. The paper gives the data available in the literature on the results of randomized placebo-controlled trials evaluating the efficacy of central acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and the NMDA receptor antagonist akatinol memantine in vascular dementia, as well as the author’s positive experience with akatinol memantine used in 20 patients

    Properties of a radiation-induced charge multiplication region in epitaxial silicon diodes

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    Charge multiplication (CM) in p+^+n epitaxial silicon pad diodes of 75, 100 and 150 \upmum thickness at high voltages after proton irradiation with 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluences in the order of 101610^{16} cm2^{-2} was studied as an option to overcome the strong trapping of charge carriers in the innermost tracking region of future Super-LHC detectors. Charge collection efficiency (CCE) measurements using the Transient Current Technique (TCT) with radiation of different penetration (670, 830, 1060 nm laser light and α\alpha-particles with optional absorbers) were used to locate the CM region close to the p+^+-implantation. The dependence of CM on material, thickness of the epitaxial layer, annealing and temperature was studied. The collected charge in the CM regime was found to be proportional to the deposited charge, uniform over the diode area and stable over a period of several days. Randomly occurring micro discharges at high voltages turned out to be the largest challenge for operation of the diodes in the CM regime. Although at high voltages an increase of the TCT baseline noise was observed, the signal-to-noise ratio was found to improve due to CM for laser light. Possible effects on the charge spectra measured with laser light due to statistical fluctuations in the CM process were not observed. In contrast, the relative width of the spectra increased in the case of α\alpha-particles, probably due to varying charge deposited in the CM region.Comment: 11 pages, accepted by NIM

    Identification of new DNA markers of endometrial cancer in patients from the Ukrainian population

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    Aim: To identify clinically significant molecular markers of endometrial cancer. Materials and Methods: Cancer and normal endometrial tissue samples from 20 patients of the Gynecology Clinic of Odessa State Medical University (Odessa, Ukraine) with confirmed endometrial cancer were compared for SSR and ISSR polymorphisms. Identified polymorphic fragments from anonymous genome regions situated between microsatellite repeats underwent direct DNA sequencing; analysis of their homology to sequences from human genome database has been performed. Results: No significant variability for the microsatellite loci adjacent to the E2F1, BAX, TCF7L2, C-MYC, WNT1, FES, DCC, P27, THRA, APC, CYP19 and P53 genes was detected. Search for new molecular markers of endometrial cancer within anonymous DNA sequences located between microsatellite repeats revealed 100 bp and 174 bp polymorphic fragments. These fragments were detected correspondingly in 60% and 35% of patients. 100 bp fragment appeared to be homologous to a region within the NFKB gene, 174 bp fragment – to a sequence within the DDR1 gene. Conclusions: NFKB1 and DDR1 genes may be regarded as potential markers for some types of endometrial cancer. This is a first report about possible association of these genes with endometrial cancer.Цель: идентификация клинически значимых маркеров рака эндометрия. Материалы и Методы: проведен анализ SSR- и ISSR-полиморфизма в образцах опухолей и непораженной ткани эндометрия двадцати пациентов, получавших лечение в клинике гинекологии Одесского государственного медицинского университета (Одесса, Украина). Выполнено секвенирование выявленных полиморфных фрагментов ДНК, локализованных в анонимных участках генома между микросателлитными повторами (ISSR-полиморфизм), осуществлен анализ их гомологии с известными участками ДНК из базы данных генома человека. Результаты: не установлено значительной вариабельности микросателлитных повторов, соседствующих с генами E2F1, BAX, TCF7L2, C-MYC, WNT1, FES, DCC, P27, THRA, APC, CYP19 и P53. В процессе поиска новых маркеров рака эндометрия среди анонимных последовательностей ДНК, локализующихся между микросателлитными повторами, выявлены полиморфные фрагменты длиной 100 и 174 пн. Эти фрагменты присутствовали соответственно у 60 и 35% пациентов . Фрагмент длиной 100 пн оказался гомологичным участку гена NFKB1, а фрагмент длиной 174 пн – участку гена DDR1. Выводы: гены NFKB1 и DDR1 могут рассматриваться в качестве потенциальных маркеров некоторых типов рака эндометрия. Это первое сообщение о возможной ассоциации данных генов с опухолями эндометрия


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    In this paper authors developed Cube Online Analytical Model (COLAM) which should anticipate various restrictions and hazards in river transport system. The aim is to construct a theoretical model which will predict certain delays in transport time caused by topographic and hydrographic constraints, natural hazards (such as ice, floods and droughts), economic and political constraints (tariff barriers between the countries, operating costs, terminal costs and sanctions, the threat of war, etc.) and different technical accidents. COLAM integrates hydroinformatic and hydrologic base of knowledge with real time and gives possibility to provide information for economic queries with different hierarchy of time. COLAM is methodological and practical instrument for this challenge. It integrates hydroinformatic and hydrologic base of knowledge with real time. The model in each concrete case is created to receive information about possible changing of navigation periods on the base of multi-dimension all of three groups of risks (natural hazards, social and technical hazards) as also their combinations

    The resolution of the irresolvable: the art and philosophy of the «eternal» contradictions

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    The aim of the work described in the article is to consider theproblem of philosophical understanding of the art of conflict as a model of dialectical contradictions; to justify prefigures the role of art in relation to theoretical knowledge through a comparison with the individual creative act, which gives the idea of a solution in a figurative and symbolic form; to consider «substantial» artistic conflicts in the drama as a manifestation of antinomic contradictions; to show the resolution of the data «eternal» contradictions in a particular situation by shifting to a qualitatively different semantic level of their perception on the example of catharsis in a new, modern drama, and to emphasize the role of art in education, in the understanding and assimilation of educational material, to learn the profession. Methods. Solution of the work purpose is carried out by analyzing dramatic works using the method of «slow reading» by D. S. Likhachev, and the technology of didactic design by V. E. Steinberg. Results. The more than twenty years experience of practice teaching of theatre history and drama theory, theatre criticism at the theatre department (the Ufa State Academy of Arts named by Zagir Ismagilov) for students mastering at theatre critics and directors courses. Developed and tested teaching method to the analysis of drama. The method of training in the analysis of the drama is developed and approved. Features of specifics formation of the concepts «conflict» and «contradiction» in the context of philosophy and art are considered. The main content of the specified concepts, their fundamental difference and a dialectic ratio is disclosed, and their role in the course of knowledge and training is emphasized. The general model of interaction of a contradiction and the conflict is developed. Practical significance. The article can be interesting and useful to teachers of creative and humanitarian universities, as well as directors, playwrights and theater criticsЦель работы, описанной в статье, – рассмотреть проблему философского осмысления художественных конфликтов как модели диалектических противоречий; обосновать предвосхищающую роль искусства по отношению к теоретическому познанию через сопоставление с индивидуальным творческим актом, дающим идею решения в образно-символической форме; рассмотреть «субстанциональные» художественные конфликты в драматическом искусстве как проявление антиномистических противоречий; показать возможность разрешения данных «вечных» противоречий в конкретной ситуации путем перехода на качественно иной смысловой уровень их восприятия на примере катарсиса в новой, современной драме и подчеркнуть роль искусства в системе образования, при понимании и усвоении учебного материала, в овладении профессией. Методология и методики исследования. Работа выполнялась с помощью анализа драматических произведений в технике «медленного чтения» по Д. С. Лихачеву с использованием технологии дидактического дизайна по В. Э. Штейнбергу. Результаты. Представлен опыт более чем двадцатилетней практики преподавания истории театра, теории драмы, театральной критики на театральном факультете Уфимской государственной академии искусств им. Загира Исмагилова у студентов-театроведов и режиссеров. Разработан и апробирован метод обучения анализу драмы. Рассмотрены особенности формирования специфики понятий «конфликт» и «противоречие» в контексте философии и искусства. Раскрыто основное содержание указанных понятий, их принципиальное отличие и диалектическое соотношение, подчеркнута их роль в процессе познания и обучения. Разработана общая модель взаимодействия противоречия и конфликта. Практическая значимость. Материалы статьи могут быть интересны и полезны преподавателям творческих и гуманитарных вузов, а также режиссерам, драматургам и театроведа