11 research outputs found


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    Activity of Community service (PPM) as part of The Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi has been done on October 2015. The activity was about "The development of women’s creativity on production of various handicrafts made from flowers and dried plants by herbarium techniques” and was conducted on Semambu Island Village that is located on The North Indralaya District, Ogan Ilir Regency. This activity was in line with the home scale creative business development program of Sriwijaya University as an effort to improve the family income through the formation, fostering and assistance of small and medium-sized businesses, this activity is primarily targeted house-wives and young women in rural areas as an effort to support their family economy. Empowerment activities in this area are expected to have a positive impact on the development of creativity with economic value that also contained some of education, research and community service values. The activities were done by demonstration of making herbarium and handicrafts, and then it was followed by monitoring and evaluation. The utilisation of plants, flowers, and leaves for producing more high-value and economical handicrafts products by the herbarium can increase the community income and welfare

    Cultivation Strategy for Freshwater Macro- and Micro-Algae as Biomass Stock for Lipid Production

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    In this research, an algae cultivation strategy was studied. Integrating algae cultivation with wastewater treatment is currently seen as one of the most economical ways of producing algae biomass. A combination of an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) and a constructed wetland (CW) was applied for treating domestic wastewater with an additional collection tank for improving effluent quality. The effluent produced from the three stages was used as algae cultivation media and suplemented with 10% bold basal medium (BBM). The results showed both micro- and macro-algae growth and their lipid contents were higher when they were grown in effluent-BBM (9:1 v/v) media. The lipid content of the micro-algae mixed culture was 16.5% while for macro-algae Oedogonium sp and Cladophora sp it was 6.90% and 6.75% respectively

    Coliform Test and Escherichia coli Antibiotics Susceptibility of Sekanak River Water Samples in Palembang City

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    The aim of this research was to study Sekanak River water quality based on thedensity of coliform and potential of resistance of Escherichia coli isolated fromthe River to antibiotics. Most Probable Number (MPN) methods and Escherichiacoli susceptibility tests to antibiotics by disk diffusion methods were used in thisstudy. The results indicated that all water samples have a coliform density exceedsthe quality standards of river water listed in South Sumatera Governor StandardsNumber 16th, year 2005 that the bacterial total should not exceed the 10.000MPN/100ml limit. The susceptibility test showed some of the Escherichia coliisolated from the samples showed indications several levels of susceptibility toantibiotics such as Ampicillin, Gentamycin, Tobramycin, Canamycin, Cefiximeand Cotrimoxazole

    Total lactic acid bacteria, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities of pineapple waste and Indigofera zollingeriana leaves by liquid fermentation

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    This study aims to determine the best combination of pineapple waste liquid fermentation and Indigofera zollingeriana leaves, which produces the highest amount of lactic acid bacteria, the highest vitamin C content, and total phenols, and the best antioxidant from the combination of the fermentation results. The resulting fermentation product will be used as a natural feed additive in poultry rations. This research was conducted with an experimental method using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), which consisted of five preparations and four replications. The treatments were combination of pineapple waste and Indigofera zollingeriana leaves: P1 (100% pineapple waste), P2 (98% pineapple waste and 2% Indigofera zollingeriana leaves), P3 (96% pineapple waste and 4% Indigofera zollingeriana leaves), P4 (94% pineapple waste and 6% Indigofera zollingeriana leaves) and P5 (92% pineapple waste and 8% Indigofera zollingeriana leaves). Substrate from each combination of pineapple waste and leaves of Indigofera zollingeriana was fermented with the contribution of 10% of lactic acid bacteria obtained from commercial yogurt and incubated for 72 hours. The parameters in this study consisted of total lactic acid (Lactobacillus bulgarius), the concentration of vitamin C, total phenols, and antioxidant activity. The results showed that the combination of pineapple waste and Indigofera zollingeriana leaves proved significantly (P <0.05) to total lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus bulgarius), vitamin C concentration, total phenols and antioxidant activity of the fermented liquid (supernatant) products. In conclusion, the combination of 92% pineapple waste and 8% leaves of Indigofera zollingeriana had the highest total bacterial contribution, produced the highest vitamin C and phenolic compounds, and increased antioxidants

    Berat Larva Spodoptera litura dan Luas Daun Cabai yang Dimakannya setelah Diaplikasikan Berbagai Isolat Jamur Entomopatogen

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    Gustianingtyas M, Herlinda S, Anggraini E, Arsi A, Suwandi S, Hasbi H, Verawaty M, Setiawan A, Elfita E, Suparman S, Hamidson H, Khodijah K. 2020. Weight of spodoptera litura larvae and chili leaf area eaten after treated with some entomopathogenic fungal isolates. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-8 Tahun 2020, Palembang 20 Oktober 2020. pp. xx. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Spodoptera litura is one of the important insect pests on chili in Indonesia that attacks the vegetative and generative phases. This study aimed to observe the effect of the entomopathogenic fungal isolates explored from the low and highlands on the decrease in feed and weight of S. litura larvae. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Block  Design (RBD) with 52 treatments consisted of 29 isolate of Beauveria bassiana and  23 isolate of  Metarhizium spp. applied on  25  second instar of  S. litura  per replicate. The results showed that the body weight of larvae applied to B. bassiana isolates on the first day of observation was significantly different from the control. The body weight of larvae on the first day of observation of BJgTs isolates (0.30 g) and Bby (0.31 g) was significantly different and lower than the other treatments. The body weight of larvae applied isolate Metarhizium spp. significantly different from the controls. The body weight of larvae on the 9 day applied isolates MPdMs2 (4.74) and MKbTp2 (4.63) was significantly different from other treatments, the leaf area eaten was significantly different from the 7 day to the 12 day of observation. From this research, it can be concluded that B. bassiana isolates coded BJgTs and Bby, isolates Metarhizium spp. MPdMs2 and MKbTp2 codes are isolates that have an effect on reducing feed and larvae weight and cause changes in behavior of S. litura larvae

    Determining Features of Aerobic Granular Sludge Formation, Stability and Performance in Sequencing Batch Reactors

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    Breakage and growth towards a stable aerobic granule size during the treatment of wastewater

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    To better understand granule growth and breakage processes in aerobic granular sludge systems, the particle size of aerobic granules was tracked over 50 days of wastewater treatment within four sequencing batch reactors fed with abattoir wastewater. These experiments tested a novel hypothesis stating that granules equilibrate to a certain stable granule size (the critical size) which is determined by the influence of process conditions on the relative rates of granule growth and granule breakage or attrition. For granules that are larger than the critical size, granule breakage and attrition outweighs granule growth, and causes an overall reduction in granule size. For granules at the critical size, the overall growth and size reduction processes are balanced, and granule size is stable. For granules that are smaller than the critical size, granule growth outweighs granule breakage and attrition, and causes an overall increase in granule size. The experimental reactors were seeded with mature granules that were either small, medium, or large sized, these having respective median granule sizes of 425 mu m, 900 mu m and 1125 mu m. An additional reactor was seeded with a mixture of the sized granules to represent the original source of the granular sludge. The experimental results were analysed together with results of a previous granule formation study that used mixed seeding of granules and floccular sludge. The analysis supported the critical size hypothesis and showed that granules in the reactors did equilibrate towards a common critical size of around 600-800 mu m. Accordingly, it is expected that aerobic granular reactors at steady-state operation are likely to have granule size distributions around a characteristic critical size. Additionally, the results support that maintaining a quantity of granules above a particular size is important for granule formation during start-up and for process stability of aerobic granule systems. Hence, biomass washout needs to be carefully managed to optimize granule formation during the reactor start-up. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Calcium Oxide Decomposed From Chicken\u27s and Goat\u27s Bones as Catalyst for Converting Discarded Cooking Oil to Be Biodiesel

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    Thermal decomposition of calcium oxide from chicken\u27s (Gallus gallus domesticus) and goat\u27s (Capra Hircus Aegragus) bones was prepared at temperature variations of 400, 500, 800, 900, 1000, and 1100 oC respectively. X-ray diffractometer (XRD), FT-IR and SEM were used for calcium oxide characterization. XRD diffraction pattern of the bone\u27s after thermal decomposition at 1100oC has similarity to the XRD standard diffraction pattern from Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standard (JCPDS). Diffractions of 2q values being used are 34.2o, 37.3o, 58.3o, 64.1o, and 67.3 o. Ca-O presence in the samples was detected by FT-IR characterization at wavenumber of 354,90 cm-1. SEM profile show reducing size of bones after decomposition in both chicken\u27s and goat\u27s bones. Furthermore, the prepared calcium oxide was applied for biodiesel synthesis from discarded cooking oil through transesterification reaction. By applying the catalysts decomposed from chicken\u27s and goat\u27s bones, the biodiesel product showed characteristics as follows: biodiesel applied the chicken\u27s bone catalyst has fatty acid number of 0.56 mg/KOH, iod number of 22.41 g I2/100 g KOH, density of 0.88 g/cm3 and viscosity of 5.91 mm2/s, while biodiesel applied the goat\u27s bone catalyst has 0.56 mg/KOH, iod number of 21.57 g I2/100 g KOH, density of 0.88 g/cm3 and viscosity of 6.34 mm2/s. Those biodiesel\u27s characteristic values meet the National Standard of Indonesia (SNI) for biodiesel

    Catalytic Desulfurization of Benzothiophene Using Keggin Type Polyoxometalates as Catalyst

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    Performance of catalytic desulfurization of benzothiophen (BT) was studied using polyoxometalates as catalyst. Polyoxometalates H3[a-PW12O40] and H4[a-SiW12O40], have different heteroatom in Keggin structure and catalytic activities. Polyoxometalates H3[a-PW12O40] and H4[a-SiW12O40] have high crystallinity with homogeneous distribution particles. Desulfurization of BT using polyoxometalates H3[a-PW12O40] and H4[a-SiW12O40] resulted % conversion up to 99% for 3 h reaction time and at temperature 40 oC. Application of polyoxometalates H3[a-PW12O40] and H4[a-SiW12O40] for crude oil desulfurization showed % conversion of 4-88%. The main functional groups of polyoxometalates still retained after catalytic desulfurization indicated the stability of polyoxometalate compound