402 research outputs found


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    Dilatarbelakangi oleh hasil belajar kognitif yang belum mencapai standar ketercapaian dan hasil observasi yang menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran yang belum melatih siswa untuk berpikir kreatif dan mandiri, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif fisika dalam pembelajaran fisika di SMP. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperiment dengan desain penelitian one group pretest-posttest design. Pengambilan data pada penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes berupa soal pilihan ganda dengan empat opsi jawaban untuk mengukur ranah kognitif serta lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Analisis data tes kognitif dilakukan dengan menghitung gain normalissi dari perbandingan pretes dan postes serta perhitungan per ranah kognitif antara C1, C2 dan C3. Analisis data hasil observasi keterlaksanaan model PBM dilakukan dengan menghitung persentase tahapan pembelajaran yang terlaksana, lalu diinterpretasikan ke dalam kategori Keterlaksanaan Model Pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai rata-rata gain yang dinormalisasi untuk ranah kognitif sebesar 0,40 termasuk kategori sedang, dengan rincian nilai gain yang dinormalisasi untuk aspek C1sebesar 0,45, aspek C2 sebesar 0,35, aspek C3 sebesar 0,37. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif siswa SMP. ---------- Motivated by cognitive learning outcomes that have not reached the standard of achievement and observations indicate that the learning process is not to train students to think creatively and independently, this study aims to determine the application of the model to Problem Based Learning to improve learning outcomes in the cognitive learning physics physics in junior . The method used in this study is a quasi experimental research design with one group pretest-posttest design. Collecting data on research carried out by using the test in the form of multiple choice questions with four answer options to measure cognitive and learning feasibility observation sheet. Data analysis was performed by calculating the cognitive tests normalissi gain from pretest and posttest comparisons and calculations per cognitive domain between C1, C2 and C3. Analysis of data from observational feasibility PBM models is done by calculating the percentage of the learning phase has been completed, then interpreted into the category successful implementation learning model. The results showed an average value for the normalized gain of 0.40 cognitive domains including the medium category, with details of the value of the gain is normalized to 0.45 C1aspect, the aspect of 0.35 C2, C3 aspect of 0.37. Therefore, it can be concluded that the application of the model of Problem Based Learning can improve cognitive learning outcomes junior high school students

    Methods for obtaining dust samples by means of grinding concrete in order to determine the chloride concentration profile

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    This RILEM Technical Recommendation intends to give a general description of methods of sampling for obtaining chloride concentration profiles in concrete, applicable both for laboratory cast concrete specimens, for concrete cores taken from structures and for testing on site. These sampling procedures may be applied for obtaining concentration profiles of any other chemical species present in concrete

    Skogsmaskinentreprenører 5/5 – Budsjett

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    I en kartlegging blant 50 av 250 kjente skogsmaskinentreprenører i 2011 fant Skogkurs at bare 1 av 5 bedrifter opererte med budsjetter. Omtrent samme andel fikk vi bekreftet i en dybdeundersøkelse i 2013. Dette betyr ikke nødvendigvis at 4 av 5 ikke har kontroll, men det kan tyde på at mange vil ha et forbedringspotensial for bedre økonomistyring i bedriften

    Skogeiere – «Fra ti til en»

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    Graphite–Cement Paste: A New Coating of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements for the Application of Electrochemical Anti-Corrosion Treatments

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    This paper reviews research carried out towards the development of a novel conductive coating for reinforced concrete structures in order to enable the application of electrochemical anti-corrosion treatments. The coating is composed of a hardened paste containing graphite powder and cement. The applied techniques were electrochemical chloride extraction (ECE), cathodic protection (CP), and cathodic prevention, as well as combined treatments such as ECE-CP. This research has demonstrated their efficiency when using the new conductive coating as an anode system. The influence of the shape of the structural elements on the performance of the electrochemical treatments was also studied. Several characteristics of the coating have been determined, such as conductivity, durability, adhesion to the concrete surfaces, and ease of application. The results demonstrate the adequacy of using this coating as the anode for anti-corrosion treatments on reinforced concrete structural elements of different shapes, for the purpose of extending service life.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (and formerly by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) and ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) through projects BIA2010-20548 and MAT2009-10866, and also through the project PROMETEO/2013/035 of Generalitat Valenciana (Spain)

    Providing packages of relevant ATM information: An ontology-based approach

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    ATM information providers publish reports and notifications of different types using standardized information exchange models. For a typical information user, e.g., an aircraft pilot, only a fraction of the published information is relevant for a particular task. Filtering out irrelevant information from different information sources is in itself a challenging task, yet it is only a first step in providing relevant information, the challenges concerning maintenance, auditability, availability, integration, comprehensibility, and traceability. This paper presents the Semantic Container approach, which employs ontology-based faceted information filtering and allows for the packaging of filtered information and associated metadata in semantic containers, thus facilitating reuse of filtered information at different levels. The paper formally defines an abstract model of ontology-based information filtering and the structure of semantic containers, their composition, versioning, discovery, and replicated physical allocation. The paper further discusses different usage scenarios, the role of semantic containers in SWIM, an architecture for a semantic container management system, as well as a proof-of-concept prototype. Finally the paper discusses a blockchain-based notary service to realize tamper-proof version histories for semantic containers.acceptedVersio

    Nitrate Reductase and Chlorate Toxicity in Chlorella vulgaris

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    The Nitrate Reductase of Chlorella

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