868 research outputs found
Thromboprophylaxis in day surgery
AbstractMany patients undergoing day surgery are at low-risk of venous thromboembolic events. However, given that pulmonary embolism is the most common preventable cause of hospital death, the risk-benefit profile of thromboprophylaxis should be accurately balanced. In this narrative review, we will briefly discuss some topics of thromboprohylaxis in ambulatory surgical procedures: venous thromboembolic risk stratification, venous thromboembolic risk during laparoscopic surgery, use of antithrombotic drugs in case of neuraxial anesthesia/analgesia, American College of Chest Physicians recommendations for thromboprophylaxis
Using an Evolutionary Algorithm for Harmonic Load Modeling by Norton and Thevenin Equivalents.
The Norton equivalent model for harmonic load modeling is used widely. The parameters of the model are usually calculated analytically. These calculations are based on measured or simulated voltage/current waveforms. In this case, harmonic analysis is needed to obtain the harmonic spectra. After this step, model parameter values are calculated for each harmonic separately. Relative phase shifts of all measured harmonic voltages and currents are most important for correct calculation of Norton model parameters. Different estimations in the power network are used to determine the phase shifts. The use of an evolutionary algorithm to determine the voltage and current harmonic phase shifts is researched in the paper. The proper optimization problem is defined and an evolutionary algorithm is used to solve the problem. The verification of the method will be done by comparing simulated waveforms obtained by a computer program
Modelling of synchronous motor with concentrated windings and interior permanent magnets
Rad se bavi dvoosnim magnetskim nelinearnim dinamičkim modelom sinkronoga motora s unutarnjim permanentni magnetima (SMUPM) i koncentriranim namotom. Model je napisan u smjeru vektora ulančanoga toka permanentnoga magneta. Rad uključuje cjelovitu matematičku analizu modela. Počinje opisivanjem električnih i mehaničkih jednadžbi trofaznoga motora. Magnetski nelinearna svojstva željezne jezgre u ravnotežnim jednadžbama opisuju se karakteristikama ulančanih tokova faznih namota koji ovise o položaju rotora i strujama svih trofaznih namota.
Izvorni trofazni model transformira se u dvoosni model orijentiran u osi ulančanoga toka permanentnoga magneta transformacijom trofaznog u rotirajući dvoosni sustav. Slijedom toga, magnetno nelinearna svojstva željezne jezgre postaju funkcija položaja rotora i dvije struje. Prva struja leži u smjeru vektora ulančanoga toka permanentnoga magneta (d osi), dok je druga struja ortogonalna na prvu (q osi).
Ravnotežne jednadžbe uključuju magnetske tokove i njihove derivacije. Potonji se mogu izraziti u smislu produkta parcijalnih derivacija od ulančanih tokova i odgovarajućih varijabli s vremenskim derivacijama. Magnetski nelinearni dinamički model SMUPM neupotrebljiv je dok se ne odrede magnetno nelinearna svojstava i njihove parcijalne derivacije. Te magnetno nelinearne karakteristike predstavljaju varijabilne parametre izvedenoga modela i određene su metodom konačnih elemenata (MKE). Karakteristike su podijeljene u dvije skupine.
U dinamičkom modelu su po prvi puta dodani gubitci u željeznoj jezgri, koji su izračunati MKE_om za cijelo radno područje rada SMUPM_a. S time se poboljšava preciznost simulacijskih izračuna i bolje slaganje simulacijskih izračuna s mjerenjima na realnom motoru.
Podrobno su objašnjene eksperimentalne i numeričke metode za određivanje opisanih karakteristika. Magnetski nelinearni dinamički model PMSM-a uključuje efekte zasićenosti magnetskoga materijala, utora statora, geometrije motora i svojstava permanentnih magneta određenih magnetno nelinearnim karakteristikama ulančanoga toka. Rad također opisuje realizaciju magnetskoga nelinearnoga modela SMUPM_a u programu MatLAB/Simulink, što omogućuje izvršavanje simulacijskih izračuna. Rezultati dobiveni simulacijom uspoređuju se s onima dobivenim mjerenjima i analizom metode konačnih elemenata.The thesis deals with the two-axis magnetically nonlinear dynamic model of the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). The model is written in the orientation of the permanent magnet flux linkage vector. The thesis incorporates the complete mathematical derivation of the model. It starts by describing the electrical and mechanical balances of the three-phase motor in the form of equations. The magnetically nonlinear properties of the iron core in the balance equations are described with characteristics of phase-winding flux linkages, which depend on the rotor position and currents of all the three phase windings.
The original three-phase model is transformed into the two-axis permanent magnet flux linkage oriented model with help of the three-to-two phase transformation and the rotational transformation. Consequently, the magnetically nonlinear characteristics of the iron core become a function of the rotor position and two currents. The first current lies in the direction of the permanent magnet flux linkage vector (d axis), while the other current is orthogonal to the first one (q axis).
The balance equations incorporate flux linkages and their derivatives. The latter can be expressed in terms of products of partial derivatives of flux linkages respecting the adequate variable with time derivatives of these variables. The magnetically nonlinear dynamic model of the PMSM is unusable until the magnetically nonlinear characteristics and their partial derivatives are determined. These magnetically nonlinear characteristics represent variable parameters of the derived model and can be determined experimentally or by finite element method. The characteristics are divided into two groups. The first group represents characteristics of flux linkages, which are caused by the permanent magnet excitation.
The second group represents characteristics of flux linkages, which are caused by the stator currents. Experimental and numerical methods for determination of the described characteristics are explained in detail. The magnetically nonlinear dynamic model of the PMSM incorporates effects of magnetic material saturation, cross-coupling, stator slotting, motor geometry and properties of permanent magnets by the adequately determined magnetically nonlinear characteristics of flux linkages. The thesis also describes the realization of magnetically nonlinear dynamic model of the PMSM in program Matlab/Simulink, which enables the execution of simulations. The results obtained by simulations are compared with those obtained by measurements and finite element analysis
A história e a atualidade da compressão do tempo e do espaço
Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a história e a atualidade de duas categorias analíticas centrais para a análise sociológica: o espaço e o tempo. O tempo no capitalismo é debatido enquanto fenómeno presente no desenvolvimento das atividades produtivas, e, também, como elemento fundamental na racionalização do processo de produção. A dimensão social do controlo do tempo na sociedade capitalista é discutida sob a perspetiva da possível formação de uma nova norma temporal, diferenciada da construída no fordismo, que repercute nas relações de trabalho e sociais, bem como na vida privada. Toma-se como base a análise de tais configurações num trabalho de tipo novo, qual seja o realizado nas centrais de chamadas, conhecido no Brasil popularmente como telemarketing. A organização do trabalho em foco estabelece ritmos de trabalho e pressão hierárquica para o aumento da produtividade, conformando condições de trabalho degradadas. São resultados evidenciados em três pesquisas realizadas que retratam a evolução desse setor produtivo: nos anos 1990 a análise privilegiou as centrais de atendimento ainda instaladas no interior das empresas, cujo foco foi o setor bancário; nos anos 2000, frente a um significativo processo de terceirização dos serviços, visando redução de custos, ampliação da competitividade e criação de grandes call centers, estes foram investigados; no final dos anos 2000, uma nova prática de terceirização começa a instalar-se nos países periféricos e semiperiféricos e, portanto, o nosso objeto foi o trabalho concretizado nos call centers, a partir de então, também realizado noutro idioma. Todas as pesquisas foram de caráter qualitativo
A Dog with Pseudo-Addison Disease Associated with Trichuris vulpis Infection
A female Rottweiler dog was presented with a history of intermittent vomiting and diarrhoea, dysorexia, weakness, and weight loss. Haemocytometry and biochemistry values were within normal ranges except for electrolyte analyses, that demonstrated hyponatremia and hyperkalemia with a decreased sodium/potassium ratio. A diagnosis of hypoadrenocorticism was suspected. Basal and post-ACTH stimulation cortisolemia were within the normal values. Electrocardiography was normal, and thoracic radiography showed no significant modifications. On abdominal ultrasonography, adrenal glands appeared normal, while the bowel was distended, and several thin linear hyperechoic objects floating in the lumen were observed. Two adult female whipworms (Trichuris vulpis) were collected following bowel irrigation. Anthelmintic treatment against the parasite was curative
“Estado-patrão”: rumo ao desaparecimento do emprego público?
O presente artigo focaliza as relações de trabalho praticadas pelas secretarias estaduais de educação junto aos docentes da educação básica em três níveis: macro, que abarca os contratos temporários firmados em cada estado e Distrito Federal; meso, o mesmo fenômeno é verificado no estado de São Paulo, um dos precursores no Brasil da lógica gerencialista orientada pela racionalidade econômica e pela política de resultados; e, micro, na Região Metropolitana de Campinas, com vistas a identificar a existência de algum padrão da precariedade praticado entre professores, segundo características socioeconômicas municipais, em especial a renda per capita, índices de vulnerabilidade social e de desenvolvimento humano. A pesquisa, de caráter documental, com base nos microdados do Censo Escolar e das estatísticas oriundas da Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo, permite afirmar que há um movimento crescente em todo o país, com raras exceções, pelo fim dos concursos públicos para professores da educação básica, ainda que essa seja a forma prevalente de contratação no país
Pensar as relações entre educação e trabalho: a experiência de Lucie Tanguy
Lucie Tanguy é diretora de pesquisa honorária no CNRS . Suas pesquisas sobre o ensino profissional são imprescindíveis nesse e entre outros campos, pois ela soube articular a sociologia do trabalho e a sociologia da educação. Por essa razão, esse espaço lhe foi conferido nesse número da Revista Images du travail/travail des images, à medida que suas obras a respeito do ensino profissional na França (PUF, 1991) até Enseigner l’esprit d’entreprise à l’école (La Dispute, 2016), assim como numerosos artigos, fizeram história e abriram caminhos abandonados e/ou pouco explorados pela análise sociológica. Mas Lucie Tanguy não se restringiu a uma só especialidade: ela soube também explorar os territórios contíguos, como atestado no livro Les instituts du travail: la formation syndicale à l’université de 1955 à nos jours (PUR, 2006) ou ainda La sociologie du travail en France. Enquête sur le travail des sociologues (1950-1990) (La Découverte, 2011). Convidá-la a retornar a seu trabalho por ocasião dessa entrevista foi, portanto, uma ocasião de compreender como o espírito científico e crítico que nela habita e a impulsiona foram reunidos em suas abordagens de pesquisa
Teaching work in the context of the New Public Management in the public school system of São Paulo state-Brazil
Este artigo foi publicado num primeiro momento no livro “Calidad de la Educación en Iberoamérica: Discursos, políticas y prácticas, de Monarca (2018), no capítulo VII, pp. 178-199. O trabalho está vinculado ao projeto «Calidad de la Educación en Iberoamérica: discursos, políticas y prácticas», financiado pela “10ª Convocatoria de Proyectos de Cooperación Interuniversitaria UAM-Banco Santander con América Latina”.O artigo apresenta uma análise das transformações do trabalho docente em escolas públicas do estado de São Paulo, a partir da introdução de reformas políticas relacionadas à Nova Gestão Pública. Analisa e discute como estas reformas alteraram significativamente o trabalho docente, contribuindo para a deterioração da qualidade da educaçãoThe article presents the results of researches developed in three universities located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. It evaluates the development of the New Public Management for teaching work and for the quality of public school education from 1996 to 2018. It is concluded that educational reforms, supported by new legal frameworks, have generated attempts to determine teaching work through the standardized curriculum and external evaluations. This attitude caused the expansion of activities control carried out by the schools and chaged the nature and specificity of teaching work, with is reflected on the quality of educatio
Comparison of two echocardiographic views for evaluating the right pulmonary artery distensibility index in dogs.
Echocardiographic evaluation of the right pulmonary artery distensibility
index (RPAD index) was recently described as a valuable
method for early detection and severity evaluation of
pulmonary arterial hypertension in dogs. RPAD index is calculated
as the percentage change in diameter of the right pulmonary
artery (RPA) between systole and diastole, obtained by M-mode
echocardiography from the right parasternal long axis view. The
aim of this study was to compare the RPAD index obtained by 2
different echocardiographic views in dogs. The study design was a
prospective, multicenter, observational study. Forty-five clientowned
dogs from different breeds were included: 31 dogs with
heart disease and 14 healthy dogs. Two different right parasternal
views, long axis (RPLA) and short axis (RPSA), were used to
measure the RPAD index. From the RPLA view (method 1) and
RPSA view (method 2) a short axis and a long axis image were
respectively optimized for the right pulmonary artery. The RPAD
index was calculated by M-mode as the percentage change in
diameter of the right pulmonary artery: [(systolic diameter - diastolic
diameter)/ systolic diameter]*100. Measurements were done
off-line as an average of 5 consecutive cardiac cycles by a single
investigator blinded to the dogs’ diagnosis. A Pearson and a
Bland-Altman test were used to assess correlation and agreement
between the 2 methods, respectively. Intra- and inter-observer
measurement variability was quantified by average coefficient of
variation (CV). Level of significance was set at P < 0.05. M-mode
evaluation of the RPAD index was satisfactorily obtained by both
methods in all dogs. Pearson test showed a strong positive linear
correlation between the values of RPAD index obtained from both
methods (r2 = 0.9346, P < 0.0001). Bland-Altman test showed a
good agreement between the 2 methods in estimating RPAD index
(bias = 0.51%, SD = 2.96%, 95% limits of agreement = 5.30,
6.33%). The mean difference between the 2 methods was 0.51%
(95% confidence interval = 0.35; 1.35). Intra- and inter-observer
measurement variability was clinically acceptable (CV<10%).The
study showed a good agreement between short axis and long axis
M-mode evaluation of RPA. Both methods can be used interchangeably
to evaluate RPAD index. Further studies are needed
to evaluate the RPAD index in a larger population of healthy dogs
and the diagnostic and prognostic role of this echocardiographic
parameter in dogs with different types of pulmonary hypertension
La resilienza dell’Arco Latino: analisi cinestetica della relazione porto-città
Over the centuries, society has considered the sea as a fundamental resource for the establishment and expansion of urban settlements and trades and the definition of their identity. Port and city systems are historically strongly but differently linked: the strength of these links depends on local and global circumstances, and challenges.
Authors focus on the Mediterranean dimension of European coastal cities, and in particular on the macro region of Arco Latino: a complex system with socio-cultural, economic and ecological environments dynamically interrelated. The presented kinesthetic, perceptual and qualitative analysis underlines the peculiarities (as “fixed elements”) that have triggered and continue to fuel the dynamism and the adaptability of places and communities in Arco Latino. Moreover, the research aims to understand the relationship and the degree of (inter-) dependence between the peculiarities of Arco Latino and the characteristics that a port system must develop to reach the goal of resilience. The paper is a general overview of Arco Latino and it is intended as starting point for further in-depth researches
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