31 research outputs found

    Informality as an Important Feature of Luanda’s Urban Process. A Closer Look at Bairro Prenda

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    Observing Luanda, one usually distinguishes formal areas from informal settlements, the musseques. To understand its urban process, however, it is necessary to see beyond this dichotomy. Without any previous city plan, Luanda grew in a spontaneous way, mostly due to micro-scale social and economic dynamics. The attempts to formalize some areas usually resulted in social and economic segregation, as poor people from informal areas near the centre are expropriated and pushed towards the periphery. Our focus is on Bairro Prenda, as a closer approach to the city’s urban process. Evolving from farmland to musseque, later to a modernist neighbourhood and from then to now: a melting pot of formal and informal processes, in which informality illustrates how the city survived forty years of war (colonial 1961-1974; civil 1975-2002). It is the aim of this paper to question whether this urban informality should be fought or, on the contrary, is an integrating part of Luanda’s character and, as such, should be taken into account in its relationship with the world

    Effects of an innovative group program of multisensory stimulation of older adults

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    Background: Aging presents a risk for worsening health and quality of life (QoL). Multisensory stimulation programs (MSP) can promote health and QoL of older adults. Art and Mindfulness are innovative strategies. This study has the following purposes: to present an innovative MSP, with art and strategies based in Mindfulness, of 10 sessions to implement in a group of older adults; to present the verified effects of MSP in cognitive functioning, depressive symptomatology and quality of life of Portuguese older adults. Methods: 33 older adults, aged 65 to 94 years old (M=82.18, SD=7.85), participated in 2 groups, group with intervention (GI, n=16) and a waiting group (GC, n=17). A sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire was used, as well as the following evaluation instruments: Mini Mental State Examination; Patient Health Questionnaire-9; WHOQOL-OLD. We also used the MSP developed, with 10 biweekly sessions. Results: We registered a decrease of depressive symptomatology and an increase of the global and some QoL facets (autonomy; activities, social participation and death), as well as, a decrease of the facet of intimacy from pre to post test of the GI; a decrease of the QoL facet sensory functioning from the pre to post test of the GC. Conclusions: The results obtained allow us to conclude that MSP program, with art and strategies based in Mindfulness, is effective on maintain cognitive function, diminish depressive symptomatology and increase QoL of older adults. Taking into account the importance of the results to “give quality to the years” of older adults, future studies with this and similar programs are encouraged.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Alergénios do pólen de oliveira (Olea europaea): os níveis de exposição e a sua relevância para a sintomatologia alérgica numa população do Alentejo

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    A oliveira, uma espécie relevante na região do Alentejo, constitui uma das maiores causas de hipersensibilidade do tipo I. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram caracterizar o perfil alergénico da Olea europaea no Alentejo, estudar a sensibilização a esta espécie nesta região e desenvolver um método que permita avaliar “in vitro” a resposta celular ao alergénio. Preparou-se um extrato de pólen de oliveira cujo perfil alergológico foi estudado por Western-Blot, após separação das proteínas por IEF ou SDS-PAGE, utilizando soros de pacientes alérgicos (Consulta do Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora – HESE). A taxa de desgranulação de células RBL-h21 foi usada como biosensor de alergenicidade. Os resultados evidenciam a presença de reatividade dos soros com Olea europaea com características semelhantes ao publicado. Os soros mais reativos mostraram efetivos em sensibilizar as células para os alergénios de oliveira. Assim, desenvolveu-se com sucesso um ensaio que permitirá avaliar a resposta biológica a alergénios; ABSTRACT: Allergens from the olive tree pollen (Olea europaea): exposure levels and the relevance for the allergy symptoms in a population of Alentejo Olive, an important tree in Alentejo, is the second most relevant cause of type I hypersensitivity. The aim of this work was to characterize the allergen profile, study the sensitization and develop a methodology to monitor cell response to olive allergens. An extract of olive pollen was prepared and the allergen profile was evaluated by immunoblot, after IEF or SDS-PAGE, using sera from allergic patients (provided from Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora – HESE). Allergen induced degranulation of RBL-h21 was used as a bioassay to monitor alergenicity. The protein content was determined by the Bradford method. The imunoblot analysis showed reactivity between sera and several protein bands in keeping with the literature. The most reactive sera successfully induced sensitization of the RBL-h21 to olive allergens. In summary, a bioassay to monitor allergen-induced degranulation, thus, potentially allergic reaction was developed

    Estimulação multissensorial : terapia de Snoezelen para idosos com demência

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    Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gerontologia Social.O processo do envelhecimento, bem como a velhice continuam a ser uma das preocupações da humanidade desde o início da civilização (Netto, 2006, p. 2). Com este avanço do envelhecimento demográfico a preocupação mais eminente será claramente o aumento das causas de demência. A incidência da demência no mundo evidencia-se cada vez mais, tendo aumentado dramaticamente nas últimas décadas. Em 2012, as estatísticas apontam para aproximadamente 7.7/ 1000 pessoas por ano com diagnóstico de demência (Santana, Farinha, Freitas, Rodrigues & Carvalho, 2015). A demência é, pois, uma síndrome muito comum nesta fase da vida e é a causa de muitas perdas a nível de várias funções como a memória, pensamento, orientação, compreensão, linguagem, a capacidade de aprender e de realizar cálculos e na tomada de decisões. Estas perdas são quase sempre acompanhadas por uma deterioração do controlo emocional, do comportamento social ou da motivação (WHO, 2012). Também em Portugal, de acordo com os dados epidemiológicos da Associação Alzheimer Portugal (2009), se verifica um aumento significativo do número de pessoas com demência, facto que torna premente e pertinente o desenvolvimento de programas de intervenção que melhorem a qualidade de vida destes indivíduos. O objetivo do presente estudo será contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade de vida das pessoas com demência e avaliar os efeitos da terapia Snoezelen – estimulação multissensorial – na capacidade cognitiva de idosos com demência, institucionalizados. A sua amostra corresponde às pessoas institucionalizadas na Casa de Saúde Bento Menni, diagnosticadas com demência e com idade superior a 65 anos. De acordo com o contexto de realização e os seus objetivos, o estudo é de cariz qualitativo, organizando-se como um estudo de caso. As técnicas de recolha de dados centram-se na observação participante, na entrevista e num instrumento de natureza qualitativa (Mini Mental State Examination) com o objetivo de introduzir maior rigor na análise de dados. Através da triangulação dos dados recolhidos, foi possível referenciar que, relativamente à evolução na capacidade cognitiva dos idosos que participaram no programa, os resultados obtidos não foram conclusivos, no entanto a perceção da satisfação e do bem-estar dos utentes quando realizam a terapia de Snoezelen é evidente, podendo contribuir para a promoção da sua qualidade de vida.The process of aging, as well as old age itself, continue to be something humanity has worried about since the dawn of civilization (Netto, 2006, p.2). With this advancement of demographic aging, the most eminent worry will be clearly be the rise in causes (cases - se for casos e não causas) of dementia. The incidence of ementia in the world gets more evident each day, having risen dramatically in the last decades. In 2012 the statistics show that aproximately 7.7/1000 people per year are diagnosed with dementia. (Santana, Farinha, Freitas, Rodrigues e Carvalho, 2015) Dementia is a very common syndrome in this stage of life and it is the cause of severe loss of functions like memory, thought process, orientation, compreension, language, the ability to learn and complete calculus and in decision making. These losses are almost always accompanied by a deterioration of eotional control, of social behaviour and/or motivation. (WHO, 2012) In Portugal, according to epidemiological studies of the Associação Alzheimer Portugal (2009), a significative rise in people who suffer from dementia is verified, a fact that makes pressing and pertinent the development of intervention programs that can improve the quality of life of these individuals. The objective of this study is to contribute to the betterment of the quality of life of people that suffer from dementia and also to evaluate the effects of the Snoezelen therapy - multisensorial stimulation - on the cognitive capacity of elderly individuals with dementtia that are currently institutionalized. The sample corresponds to the institutionalized people at Casa de Saúde Bento Menni, diagnosed with dementia and with an age superior to 65 years. According to the context of realization and their objectives, the study is of qualitative nature and arranged as a case study. The techniques of data collection are centered around the observation of the participant, on the interview and on an instrument of qualitative nature (Mini Mental State Examination) with the objective of introducing more rigorous data analysis. Through the triangulation of the collected data, it was possible to reference that relatively to the evolution of cognitive capacity of the elderly people that participated in the program, the collected results weren't conclusive. However, the perception of satisfaction and well being of the patients when they performed Snoezelen therapy is evident. It is able to contribute to the promotion of their quality of life

    Os internamentos devidos a Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions em Portugal : caracterização e variabilidade espacial em 2013 e 2014

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Especialização em Administração HospitalarRESUMO - Contexto Os internamentos devidos a Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions são internamentos cuja probabilidade de ocorrerem pode ser diminuída através da intervenção apropriada, atempada e efetiva dos cuidados de saúde primários pelo que, têm sido amplamente utilizados como um indicador da qualidade dos cuidados de saúde prestados neste nível de cuidados. No entanto, são vários os fatores que contribuem para a ocorrência deste tipo de internamentos como o nível socioeconómico, a faixa etária, as comorbilidades associadas e a distância ao hospital. Objetivo O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a variabilidade intrarregional da ocorrência de internamentos devidos a Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions. Metodologia Com recurso à Base de Dados de Morbilidade Hospitalar, e com base na metodologia espanhola desenvolvida por Caminal e outros, foram identificados os internamentos devidos a Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions ocorridos entre 2013 e 2014 nas 23 regiões em análise. Resultados No período em análise, o número de internamentos devidos a Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions sofreu um aumento de 11,4%. As diferenças registadas entre 2013 e 2014 no que diz respeito à percentagem de internamentos devidos a Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions foram estatisticamente significativas em 8 das 23 regiões em análise. A nível nacional, os custos decorrentes dos internamentos devidos a Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions sofreram um aumento de 9,2%. Conclusão A caracterização minuciosa das regiões tornará possível um levantamento da informação respeitante a fatores socioeconómicos, à densidade populacional, à distância ao hospital mais próximo e à prevalência das doenças, no sentido de alargar o conhecimento existente acerca das causas relacionadas com os internamentos devidos a Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions.ABSTRACT - Background Hospitalizations due to Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions can be reduced by appropriate, timely and effective intervention of primary health care. These hospitalizations have been widely used as an indicator of the quality of care. However, there are some reasons which can explain the occurrence of this kind of hospitalizations like socioeconomic status, age, comorbidities and the distance to the hospital. Objective The purpose of this paper is to study the occurrence of hospitalizations due to Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions between geographic areas. Methods The database used in the study was data about Diagnostic-Related Groups. Hospitalizations due to Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions occured between 2013 e 2014 in the 23 geographic areas were identified by the spanish methodology developed by Caminal and colleagues. Results During the study period, there was a growth of 11,4% on hospitalizations due to Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions. The differences identified on the percentage of hospitalizations due do Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions between 2013 and 2014 were statistically significant in 8 out of 23 geographic areas. During the study period, there was a growth of 9,2% on costs related to hospitalizations due to Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions. Conclusion The detailed study of the geographic areas will enable a survey of information concerning the socio-economic factors, population density, distance to the nearest hospital and the prevalence of diseases in order to extend the knowledge about the reasons related to the hospitalizations due to Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions.N/

    Estimulação multissensorial através da arte e de estratégias de Mindfulness em idosos

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    Mestrado em Psicologia - Psicologia da Saúde e Reabilitação NeuropsicológicaO crescente envelhecimento da população, tanto a nível mundial como em Portugal, tem estimulado um grande interesse nesta área. Esta fase da vida pode estar associada ao agravamento do estado de saúde, à incapacidade funcional e ao comprometimento cognitivo. A literatura indica que a estimulação multissensorial pode constituir uma boa medida de promoção de envelhecimento saudável. Alguns estudos têm sugerido benefícios da arte e do mindfulness para a saúde e bem-estar dos idosos. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar o impacto de Programa de Estimulação Multissensorial (PEM) no funcionamento cognitivo, na sintomatologia depressiva e na qualidade de vida (QdV) de um grupo de idosos, após 10 sessões de estimulação multissensorial. A amostra é constituída por dois grupos, o grupo de intervenção (GI=16) e o grupo controlo (GC=17). Os instrumentos de avaliação aplicados foram os seguintes: Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Questionário sobre a Saúde do Paciente – 9 (PHQ-9), Inventário de Avaliação da Qualidade de Vida em Adultos Idosos (WHOQOL-OLD), no pré e no pós-teste, para além, da Escala de Avaliação das Emoções (EAS). Os resultados evidenciaram: (a) uma diminuição estatisticamente significativa ao nível da QdV no que diz respeito ao funcionamento sensorial, entre a avaliação inicial e final do grupo controlo; (b) uma diminuição estatisticamente significativa na sintomatologia depressiva; (c) um aumento estatisticamente significativo na qualidade de vida geral e nas facetas da QdV, como autonomia, atividades passadas, presentes e futuras, participação social, morte, e uma diminuição na faceta intimidade do grupo de intervenção entre os dois momentos; (d) uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os dois grupos no segundo momento de avaliação, que revela uma qualidade de vida geral e em algumas facetas superior no grupo de intervenção; (e) efeitos das sessões nos sintomas depressivos; (f) diminuição estatisticamente significativa das emoções de valência negativa ao longo das sessões. Este estudo confirma a importância da implementação de PEM com estratégias de mindfulness e arte nas instituições e centros de dia, de modo a prevenir e/ou atenuar o declínio cognitivo dos idosos, da sintomatologia depressiva e, consequentemente, melhorar a QdV, e diminuição de emoções negativas experienciadas.The growing aging of population, both abroad and in Portugal, has stimulated a great interest in this area. This stage of life can be associated with worsening of health status, functional disability and cognitive impairment. The literature indicates that multisensory stimulation can be a good measure to promote healthy aging. Some studies have suggested benefits of art and mindfulness for health and well-being of the elderly. The aim of this study is to verify the Multisensory Stimulation Program (MSP) impact on cognitive functioning, in depressive symptoms and quality of life (QoL) on a group of elderly after 10 multisensory stimulation sessions. The sample consists of two groups, the intervention group (GI=16) and control (GC=17). The applied evaluation instruments were as follows: Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), Inventory Assessment of Quality of Life in Older Adults (WHOQOL-OLD), pre and post-test, in addition, of the Emotions Rating Scale (EAS). The results showed: (a) a statistically significant decrease in the level of QoL with regard to the sensory functioning between baseline and post-test of the control group; (b) a statistically significant decrease in depressive symptomatology on group with MSP; (c) a statistically significant increase in overall quality of life and aspects of QoL, as autonomy, past, present and future activities, social participation, death, and a decrease in intimacy facet of the intervention group between the two moments; (d) a statistically significant difference between the two groups in the second assessment , which reveals a better general quality of life and some facets in the intervention group than control group; (e) effects of the sessions in depressive symptoms; (f) a statistically significant decrease in negative valence emotions throughout the sessions. This study confirms the importance of MSP implementation with mindfulness strategies and art institutions and day centers, in order to prevent and/or reduce cognitive decline in the elderly, depressive symptoms and thus improve QoL, and decreased experienced negative emotions

    Degradation of ochratoxins A and B by lipases: a kinetic study unraveled by molecular modelling

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    Mycotoxins are toxic substances produced by fungi that are present in a variety of food commodities, being ochratoxin A (OTA) and B (OTB), a non-chlorinated OTA equivalent, examples of fungal toxins. These compounds differ in some chemical groups, promoting different levels of toxicity, being OTA the most common and hazardous for humans and animals. To reduce OTA exposure, many approaches for its degradation using microorganisms have been proposed in the last 20 years, both bacteria and fungi. However, the application of isolated enzymes seems to be one of the most promising strategies. Although there are some studies of OTA degradation using enzymes, they are few and produce unsatisfactory results, when compared to studies using living organisms. When considering simultaneous degradation studies of OTA and OTB, the available knowledge becomes even more limited. We investigated the potential of five isolated lipases to hydrolyze OTA and OTB into non-toxics chemicals. Amano lipase from Aspergillus niger (ANL) and porcine pancreatic lipase A (PPL) effectively degraded both substrates: OTA was totally degraded by ANL after 3 hours, and OTB by PPL after 9 hours. The impact of the chlorine group on the enzymatic hydrolysis of OTA was assessed using molecular dynamics. The analyses support the experimental findings that OTA has a greater affinity for PPL due to an interaction with chloride ions, impairing hydrolysis. To understand how the halogen affects the catalytic activity, the kinetic parameters were determined. These results demonstrate the applicability of these enzymes to detoxify co-occurring ochratoxins A and B in food matrices.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the scope of the strategic funding of UI/BD/152286/2021.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mitigation of Ochratoxin A in the food chain, from prevention to remediation

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    Mycotoxins are metabolites produced by a few filamentous fungi, that are ubiquitous in Nature, being found in many food crops. Their toxicity to humans demands a very strict control under a properly designed food safety program. Also, food losses due to fungal deterioration raise food security concerns. Mitigation actions to avoid or reduce human exposure to mycotoxins start in the field, where most mycotoxin producing fungi are active and mycotoxin accumulation starts. These actions include strategies to prevent mycotoxin-producing fungi from proliferating in the food or feed, to prevent these same fungi to produce the toxins, and to either remove, segregate or degrade the mycotoxins that have been produced. Using the case of ochratoxin A in our food, different strategies to mitigate contamination, from the screening of mycotoxigenic strains, integrated in a preventive approach, to the use of enzymes, as a remediation approach, will be discussed in this presentation. The screening of mycotoxin-producing strains will be discussed based on a microbiome approach, where the producing fungi may be spotted without their isolation, while the use of enzymes will be discussed along with a molecular modelling approach to elucidate enzymatic activity. The authors are grateful for the PhD support grants from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT): 2020.05849.BD. (Teresa Vale Dias) and UI/BD/152286/2021 (Joana Santos).The authors are grateful for the PhD support grants from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT): 2020.05849.BD. (Teresa Vale Dias) and UI/BD/152286/2021 (Joana Santos).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Candida glabrata biofilms response to amphotericin B

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    Background: Candida species are responsible for recurrent human infections, mostly in immunocompromised patients, due to their high vulnerability. Candida glabrata has been showing to have a major role in these infections being the second most prevalent species involved in human fungemia. Amphotericin B (AmB), a common antifungal drug, is a hospital-environment exclusive polyene, normally being efficient when used to fight candidiasis. Objectives: The main goal of this work was to infer about the influence of AmB in Candida glabrata biofilms formation and its effect on matrix composition and ERG genes expression. Methods: Candida glabrata biofilms were formed in the presence of AmB and analyzed by dry weight. Moreover, ERG genes expression was evaluated by qRT-PCR and matrix was analyzed in terms of composition in carbohydrates, proteins, beta-glucans and a new finding: ergosterol. Conclusions: In addition to an inefficient reduction of the C. glabrata biofilms, this work showed that ERG genes seem to be less involved than the matrix composition in C. glabrata biofilms response to AmB. Specifically, C. glabrata biofilms matrices respond with an increase of carbohydrates, particularly beta-1,3 glucans, and with a decrease of total proteins. The ergosterol values did not expressively changed in the presence of AmB. The present work support the theory of multifaceted mechanisms developed by C. glabrata biofilms as response to the presence of AmB