22 research outputs found

    Decidability Results for Multi-objective Stochastic Games

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    We study stochastic two-player turn-based games in which the objective of one player is to ensure several infinite-horizon total reward objectives, while the other player attempts to spoil at least one of the objectives. The games have previously been shown not to be determined, and an approximation algorithm for computing a Pareto curve has been given. The major drawback of the existing algorithm is that it needs to compute Pareto curves for finite horizon objectives (for increasing length of the horizon), and the size of these Pareto curves can grow unboundedly, even when the infinite-horizon Pareto curve is small. By adapting existing results, we first give an algorithm that computes the Pareto curve for determined games. Then, as the main result of the paper, we show that for the natural class of stopping games and when there are two reward objectives, the problem of deciding whether a player can ensure satisfaction of the objectives with given thresholds is decidable. The result relies on intricate and novel proof which shows that the Pareto curves contain only finitely many points. As a consequence, we get that the two-objective discounted-reward problem for unrestricted class of stochastic games is decidable.Comment: 35 page

    Robust Multidimensional Mean-Payoff Games are Undecidable

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    Mean-payoff games play a central role in quantitative synthesis and verification. In a single-dimensional game a weight is assigned to every transition and the objective of the protagonist is to assure a non-negative limit-average weight. In the multidimensional setting, a weight vector is assigned to every transition and the objective of the protagonist is to satisfy a boolean condition over the limit-average weight of each dimension, e.g., \LimAvg(x_1) \leq 0 \vee \LimAvg(x_2)\geq 0 \wedge \LimAvg(x_3) \geq 0. We recently proved that when one of the players is restricted to finite-memory strategies then the decidability of determining the winner is inter-reducible with Hilbert's Tenth problem over rationals (a fundamental long-standing open problem). In this work we allow arbitrary (infinite-memory) strategies for both players and we show that the problem is undecidable

    Does your robot know? Enhancing children's information retrieval through spoken conversation with responsible robots

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    In this paper, we identify challenges in children's current information retrieval process, and propose conversational robots as an opportunity to ease this process in a responsible way. Tools children currently use in this process, such as search engines on a computer or voice agents, do not always meet their specific needs. The conversational robot we propose maintains context, asks clarifying questions, and gives suggestions in order to better meet children's needs. Since children are often too trusting of robots, we propose to have the robot measure, monitor and adapt to the trust the child has in the robot. This way, we hope to induce a critical attitude with the children during their information retrieval process.Comment: IR4Children'21 workshop at SIGIR 2021 - http://www.fab4.science/IR4C

    Ergodic mean-payo games for the analysis of attacks in crypto-currencies

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    Crypto-currencies are digital assets designed to work as a medium of exchange, e.g., Bitcoin, but they are susceptible to attacks (dishonest behavior of participants). A framework for the analysis of attacks in crypto-currencies requires (a) modeling of game-theoretic aspects to analyze incentives for deviation from honest behavior; (b) concurrent interactions between participants; and (c) analysis of long-term monetary gains. Traditional game-theoretic approaches for the analysis of security protocols consider either qualitative temporal properties such as safety and termination, or the very special class of one-shot (stateless) games. However, to analyze general attacks on protocols for crypto-currencies, both stateful analysis and quantitative objectives are necessary. In this work our main contributions are as follows: (a) we show how a class of concurrent mean-payo games, namely ergodic games, can model various attacks that arise naturally in crypto-currencies; (b) we present the first practical implementation of algorithms for ergodic games that scales to model realistic problems for crypto-currencies; and (c) we present experimental results showing that our framework can handle games with thousands of states and millions of transitions

    Computer aided synthesis: a game theoretic approach

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    In this invited contribution, we propose a comprehensive introduction to game theory applied in computer aided synthesis. In this context, we give some classical results on two-player zero-sum games and then on multi-player non zero-sum games. The simple case of one-player games is strongly related to automata theory on infinite words. All along the article, we focus on general approaches to solve the studied problems, and we provide several illustrative examples as well as intuitions on the proofs.Comment: Invitation contribution for conference "Developments in Language Theory" (DLT 2017


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    A controller is a device that interacts with a plant. At each time point,it reads the plant’s state and issues commands with the goal that the plant oper-ates optimally. Constructing optimal controllers is a fundamental and challengingproblem. Machine learning techniques have recently been successfully applied totrain controllers, yet they have limitations. Learned controllers are monolithic andhard to reason about. In particular, it is difficult to add features without retraining,to guarantee any level of performance, and to achieve acceptable performancewhen encountering untrained scenarios. These limitations can be addressed bydeploying quantitative run-timeshieldsthat serve as a proxy for the controller.At each time point, the shield reads the command issued by the controller andmay choose to alter it before passing it on to the plant. We show how optimalshields that interfere as little as possible while guaranteeing a desired level ofcontroller performance, can be generated systematically and automatically usingreactive synthesis. First, we abstract the plant by building a stochastic model.Second, we consider the learned controller to be a black box. Third, we mea-surecontroller performanceandshield interferenceby two quantitative run-timemeasures that are formally defined using weighted automata. Then, the problemof constructing a shield that guarantees maximal performance with minimal inter-ference is the problem of finding an optimal strategy in a stochastic2-player game“controller versus shield” played on the abstract state space of the plant with aquantitative objective obtained from combining the performance and interferencemeasures. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach by automatically con-structing lightweight shields for learned traffic-light controllers in various roadnetworks. The shields we generate avoid liveness bugs, improve controller per-formance in untrained and changing traffic situations, and add features to learnedcontrollers, such as giving priority to emergency vehicles

    Bounding Average-Energy Games

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    We consider average-energy games, where the goal is to minimize the long-run average of the accumulated energy. While several results have been obtained on these games recently, decidability of average-energy games with a lower-bound constraint on the energy level (but no upper bound) remained open; in particular, so far there was no known upper bound on the memory that is required for winning strategies. By reducing average-energy games with lower-bounded energy to infinite-state mean-payoff games and analyzing the density of low-energy configurations, we show an almost tight doubly-exponential upper bound on the necessary memory, and prove that the winner of average-energy games with lower-bounded energy can be determined in doubly-exponential time. We also prove EXPSPACE-hardness of this problem. Finally, we consider multi-dimensional extensions of all types of average-energy games: without bounds, with only a lower bound, and with both a lower and an upper bound on the energy. We show that the fully-bounded version is the only case to remain decidable in multiple dimensions.SCOPUS: cp.kinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Neerslag-afvoerrelatie solide basis voor keuzen in hoogwaterbeheer

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    Voor deelstroomgebieden van de rivieren de Dommel en de Aa zijn neerslagafvoerrelaties bepaald. Dit is gedaan met een neerslagafvoermodel dat het toenemen en afnemen van afvoer uit de deelstroomgebieden in de tijd beschrijft. Dit artikel behandelt de modelkeuze, -kalibratie en -validatie en de constructie van een langjarige afvoerreeks voor Ă©Ă©n van de deelstroomgebieden. De berekende afvoeren worden in een hydrodynamisch model in SOBEK-1D2D gebruikt om stroming in open waterlopen en de daarbij optredende waterstanden en inundaties te analyseren. De bouw van het model is geheel geautomatiseerd vanuit GIS-bestande