8 research outputs found

    Draamaopetus tupakasta Martinlaakson lukion terveystiedon tunnilla

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    Tupakkakokeilut aloitetaan yleensä 12–14 vuoden iässä. Suomessa 14-vuotiaista pojista ja tytöistä yli kolmasosa on kokeillut tupakointia. 16- 18- vuotiaista pojista ja tytöistä lähes kolmasosa tupakoi päivittäin. (Kansanterveyslaitos 2006, 19.) Terveys 2015 -kansanterveysohjelmassa tärkeimpiä nuorten terveyden edistämisen tavoitteita on 16–18-vuotiaiden tupakoinnin vähentäminen alle 15 prosenttiin vuoteen 2015 mennessä. (Stakes 2002, 70- 71.) Lukiolaisista noin kymmenen prosenttia ilmoittaa tupakoivansa päivittäin.( Kouluterveyskysely 2008) Opiskelijaterveydenhuollon tavoitteena on koko kouluyhteisön hyvinvoinnin ja oppilaiden terveyden edistäminen sekä terveen kasvun ja kehityksen tukeminen yhteistyössä oppilaiden, oppilashuollon muun henkilöstön, opettajien ja vanhempien kanssa. Opinnäytetyössä perehdyttiin nuorten tupakointiin toiminnallisen draamaopetuksen kautta. Työ toteutettiin Martinlaakson lukion 1- 2-vuosikurssin opiskelijoille. Työ on osa Vantaan ehkäisevän päihdetyön ja Laurean yhteistyötä. Työn tarkoituksena oli johdatella lukiolaisia itse löytämään ratkaisuja tupakoinnin aiheuttamiin terveyshaittoihin ja lisätä heidän tietämystään tupakoinnin lopettamisesta. Ajatuksena on tuoda yhdessä esiin oppilaiden asenteita ja kokemuksia tupakasta. Opetus toteutettiin draaman kautta. Tunnin aluksi johdateltiin oppilaat aiheeseen ja esitettiin väittämiä tupakasta. Tarkoituksena oli, että päihdevalistuspäivästä tulisi toiminnallinen ja mieluisa oppimiskokemus oppilaille. Draamatehtävänä oli näytellä jonkin henkilön huono päivä. Jokaiselle ryhmälle annettiin eri tukisanat, joita tuli käyttää esityksissä. Tukisanat olivat tupakka, nikotiini, nuuska ja vierotusoireet. Lisäksi oppilaat saivat yhdessä keksiä muita avainsanoja ja käyttää niitä esityksessä. Draamaopetus on hyvä valistamismuoto nuorille, sillä heillä on jo paljon tietoa tupakoinnista.Drama Education about Smoking for the Students in Martinlaakso School Experiments with tobacco begin usually at the age of 12 to 14. One third of 14-year-old boys and girls have tried smoking. One third of 16 to 18-year-old boys and girls smoke daily (Kansan-terveyslaitos 2006, 19.) In Terveys 2015 public health program one of the most important health improvement goals is to decrease the number of 16 to 18 year-old smokers to 15 % by the year 2015. (Stakes 2002, 70- 71.)About ten per cent of high school students state that they smoke daily. (School health questionnaire 2008) The aim of the Student health care is to promote the students’ health and the wellbeing of the whole school community and to support healthy adolescence and progress in cooperation with the students, the student care staff, the teachers and the parents. In our thesis we study smoking among young adults by functional drama exercise. It took place in Martinlaakso high school and was held for the 1.and 2.year students. This work is a part of the cooperation between Vantaa’s preventive intoxicant work and Laurea. The purpose of our thesis was to guide the students to find the answers to the health hazards caused by smoking and to increase their knowledge of how to quit smoking. Our aim is to bring out the attitudes and experiences with tobacco together with the students. Teaching was executed by drama exercise. At the beginning of the class students were led to the subject by presenting statements of smoking. The purpose was that the drug education day would be functional and pleasant learning experience for the students. The idea of the play was to act some person’s bad day. Each group was given one word that they had to use during the play. The words were tobacco, nicotine, snuff and withdrawal symptoms. In addition the stu-dents were allowed to make up other important words to use in the play. Drama teaching is a good way to educate adolescents because they already have a lot of knowledge about smoking

    Lukiolaisten ja ammattiin opiskelevien liikuntaja syömistottumusten yhteys ruutuaikaan

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    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata lukioiden (n = 46854) ja ammattiin opiskelevien (n = 37794) 1. ja 2. vuoden opiskelijoiden ruutuaikaa ja liikunta- ja syömistottumuksia sekä selvittää näiden ja taustatekijöiden yhteyttä ruutuaikaan. Ruutuajalla tarkoitetaan elektronisen ruudun ääressä vietettyä aikaa. Aineistona käytettiin Kouluterveyskyselyä vuosilta 2010–2011. Tilastollisina menetelminä käytettiin ristiintaulukointia, Khiin neliö-testiä ja logistista regressioanalyysia. Tutkimus osoitti, että lukiolaisista 19 prosenttia ja ammattiin opiskelevista 32 prosenttia vietti aikaa ruudun ääressä neljä tuntia tai enemmän päivittäin. Molempien oppilaitosten opiskelijoilla vähäinen aamupalan ja koululounaan syöminen, runsas energiajuomien nauttiminen sekä vähäinen liikunnan määrä ja lihavuus olivat yhteydessä runsaaseen ruudun ääressä vietettyyn aikaan opiskelupäivien aikana

    Role of retinal pigment epithelium permeability in drug transfer between posterior eye segment and systemic blood circulation

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    Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is a major part of blood-retinal barrier that affects drug elimination from the vitreous to the blood and drug distribution from blood circulation into the eye. Even though drug clearance from the vitreous has been well studied, the role of RPE in the process has not been quantified. The aim of this work was to study the role of RPE clearance (CLRpE) as part of drug elimination from the vitreous and ocular drug distribution from the systemic blood circulation. We determined the bidirectional permeability of eight small molecular weight drugs and bevacizumab antibody across isolated bovine RPE-choroid. Permeability of small molecules was 10(-6) -10(-5)cm/s showing 13-15 fold range of outward and inward permeation, while permeability of bevacizumab was lower by 2-3 orders of magnitude. Most small molecular weight drugs showed comparable outward (vitreous-to-choroid) and inward (choroid-to-vitreous) permeability across the RPEchoroid, except ciprofloxacin and ketorolac that had an over 6 and 14-fold higher outward than inward permeability, respectively, possibly indicating active transport, Six of seven tested small molecular weight drugs had outward CLRPE values that were comparable with their intravitreal clearance (CLIvr) values (0.84-2.6 fold difference). On the contrary, bevacizumab had an outward CLRPE that was only 3.5% of the CLIvt, proving that its main route of elimination (after intravitreal injection) is not RPE permeation. Experimental values were used in pharmacokinetic simulations to assess the role of the RPE in drug transfer from the systemic blood circulation to the vitreous (CLBv). We conclude that for small molecular weight drugs the RPE is an important route in drug transfer between the vitreal cavity and blood, whereas it effectively hinders the movement of bevacizumab from the vitreous to the systemic circulation.Peer reviewe

    Flow of information contributing to medication incidents in home care—An analysis considering incident reporters' perspectives

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    Aim: To describe the contributing factors and types of reported medication incidents in home care related to the flow of information in different phases of the medication process, as reported by multi-professional healthcare groups. Design: This descriptive, qualitative study used retrospective data. Methods: An incident-reporting database was used to collect 14,289 incident reports from 2017 to 2019 in a city in Finland. We used this data to select medication incidents (n = 1027) related to the flow of information in home care and between home care and hospitals. Data were divided into five groups based on the medication phase: (1) prescribing, (2) dispensing, (3) administration, (4) documentation and (5) self administration. In addition, the types of medication-related incidents were described. The data were examined using abductive content analysis. The EQUATOR SRQR checklist was used in this report. Results: Four main categories were identified from the data: (1) issues related to information management, (2) cooperation issues between different actors, (3) work environment and lack of resources and (4) factors related to healthcare workers. Cooperation issues contributed to medication-related incidents during each phase. Incomplete communication was a contributing factor to medication incidents. This occurred between home care, remote care, hospital, the client and the client's relatives. Specifically, a lack of information-sharing occurred in repatriation situations, where care transitioned between different healthcare professionals. Conclusion: Healthcare professionals, organisations, clients and their relatives should focus on the efficient and safe acquisition of medications. Specifically, the use of electronic communication systems, together with oral reports and checklists for discharge situations, and timely cooperation with pharmacists should be developed to manage information flows

    The Effect of Single Nucleotide Variations in the Transmembrane Domain of OATP1B1 on in vitro Functionality

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    Purpose Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptide 1B1 (OATP1B1) mediates hepatic influx and clearance of many drugs, including statins. The SLCO1B1 gene is highly polymorphic and its function-impairing variants can predispose patients to adverse effects. The effects of rare genetic variants of SLCO1B1 are mainly unexplored. We examined the impact of eight naturally occurring rare variants and the well-known SLCO1B1 c.521C > T (V174A) variant on in vitro transport activity, cellular localization and abundance. Methods Transport of rosuvastatin and 2,7-dichlorofluorescein (DCF) in OATP1B1 expressing HEK293 cells was measured to assess changes in activity of the variants. Immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy determined the cellular localization of OATP1B1 and LC-MS/MS based quantitative targeted absolute proteomics analysis quantified the amount of OATP1B1 in crude membrane fractions. Results All studied variants, with the exception of P336R, reduced protein abundance to varying degree. V174A reduced protein abundance the most, over 90% compared to wild type. Transport function was lost in G76E, V174A, L193R and R580Q variants. R181C decreased activity significantly, while T345M and L543W retained most of wild type OATP1B1 activity. P336R showed increased activity and H575L decreased the transport of DCF significantly, but not of rosuvastatin. Decreased activity was interrelated with lower absolute protein abundance in the studied variants. Conclusions Transmembrane helices 2, 4 and 11 appear to be crucial for proper membrane localization and function of OATP1B1. Four of the studied variants were identified as loss-of-function variants and as such could make the individual harboring these variants susceptible to altered pharmacokinetics and adverse effects of substrate drugs.Peer reviewe