1,984 research outputs found

    The water supply of the roman city in el Cerro de la Virgen de la Muela (Driebes, Guadalajara)

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    Presentamos un acueducto romano localizado en el término municipal de Driebes, que abastecería a la ciudad romana del Cerro de la Virgen de la Muela, y que ha sido identificada como la antigua Caraca. Esta obra de ingeniería es prueba de la relevancia que esta ciudad tuvo en la época altoimperial.In this paper we describe a Roman aqueduct located in the valley of the Tajo river, in Driebes, which served for the water supply of the Roman city located in the Cerro de la Virgen de la Muela, probably the city of Caraca. This enginerial work is an evidence of the relevance of this city during the High Roman Empire

    An alternative Drum test method to UNECE Regulation 117 for measuring tyre/road noise under laboratory controlled conditions

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    Tyre/road sound emissions have been proved to be the main source of noise caused by road traffic when traveling at medium and high speeds (Sandberg and Ejsmont, 2002). Tyre/road noise has been widely studied among the last decades. However, an important part of this research has been focused, mainly, on track tests. Different track or road methods have been developed for measurement of tyre/road sound emissions. The most important ones are the Coast-By, the Close-Proximity, the Statistical Pass-By or the Controlled Pass-By methods. Among all of them, the Coast-By method has been raised in Europe as standard method concerning the approval of tyres with regard to tyre/road sound emissions as preconized in UNECE Regulation 117 (2007)[2]. However, all the above mentioned methods have several disadvantages such as the influence of environmental factors, the different results that can be obtained depending on the test track or the vehicle upon which the tests are carried out, the lack of repeatability or, the most important aspect, which is the limitation of the measured magnitude, the sound pressure level. A new methodology (Clar-Garcia et al., 2016) based on drum tests and the ISO 3744 (1994), which was developed in order to avoid these limitations, has been proved to be comparable to the Coast-By (CB) method. This paper describes how different tyres have been tested according to both the CB and the new Alternative Drum test method (A-DR) while their results have been compared. In order to be able to carry out this comparison, as the measured magnitudes and test conditions differ widely from one test to another, the standardised ISO 9613 sound propagation method (ISO 9613-2, 1996) has been applied to obtain the sound pressure value at 7.5 m from the sound power level of a tyre measured under laboratory-controlled conditions when rolling against a drum. Results have shown that both methods are not only comparable but also have remarkably similar sound spectra and, for that reason, the new methodology based on drum tests can be used in order to obtain tyre/road noise emission approved values

    An alternative close-proximity test to evaluate sound power level emitted by a rolling tyre

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    The noise emission of a rolling tyre is produced by different physical mechanisms generated during the tyre-road interaction, being the main noise source of a vehicle when driving at high speeds. Diverse measurement methods can be found in the literature to assess the rolling noise emission. In that sense, the close-proximity (CPX) method allows to evaluate tyre/road sound level with at least two microphones operating in the close field of the test tyre. This paper presents a new methodology, based on the CPX method, which allows assessing the sound power level of the rolling tyre by introducing some changes in the traditional close-proximity test. The methodology (named A-CPX) has been analytically and experimentally validated, and is finally used to obtain the total tyre/road sound power level emitted by the whole set of tyres of a vehicle

    A methodology for the extrapolation of coast-by noise of tyres from sound power level measurements

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    Traffic noise is one of the most predominant noise sources that affect citizens’ quality of life in urban areas. The increasing presence of alternative powered vehicles, such as electric or hybrid vehicles, could provide an improvement of such a situation due to the absence of internal combustion engines. However, tyre/road noise is independent of the vehicle type and still exists in alternative powered vehicles. Hence, efforts should focus also on reducing noise emission by means of new tyre designs. The tyre/road noise emission of newly produced tyres is currently evaluated by the Coast-By method, and as a result the rolling sound pressure level at the measuring distance, located 7.5 m away from the test vehicle is obtained. Such an acoustic index provides a very representative data of the annoyance that a pedestrian located at such distance could suffer. However, this value could be affected by external factors, such as environmental conditions. For that reason, this paper presents a methodology for extrapolating the sound pressure levels that are obtained in a Coast-By test, by means of the sound power level emitted by the specific tyre/road combination evaluated. This methodology could serve as the basis for defining a universal model to evaluate a tyre when rolling on a road, by using its sound power emission and predicting the Coast-By sound pressure level

    Assessing the Impact of Attendance Modality on the Learning Performance of a Course on Machines and Mechanisms Theory

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    University education approaches related to the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), have generally particularized on teaching activity and learning programs which are commonly understood as reoriented lessons that fuse theoretic concepts interweaved with practical activities. In this context, team work has been widely acknowledged as a means to conduct practical and hands-on lessons, and has been revealed to be successful in the achievement of exercise resolution and design tasks. Besides this, methodologies sustained by ICT resources such as online or blended approaches, have also reported numerous benefits for students’ active learning. However, such benefits have to be fully validated within the particular teaching context, which may facilitate student achievement to a greater or lesser extent. In this work, we analyze the impact of attendance modalities on the learning performance of a STEM-related course on “Machines and Mechanisms Theory”, in which practical lessons are tackled through a team work approach. The validity of the results is reinforced by group testing and statistical tests with a sample of 128 participants. Students were arranged in a test group (online attendance) and in a control group (face-to-face attendance) to proceed with team work during the practical lessons. Thus, the efficacy of distance and in situ methodologies is compared. Moreover, additional variables have also been compared according to the historical record of the course, in regards to previous academic years. Finally, students’ insights about the collaborative side of this program, self-knowledge and satisfaction with the proposal have also been reported by a custom questionnaire. The results demonstrate greater performance and satisfaction amongst participants in the face-to-face modality. Such a modality is prooven to be statistically significant for the final achievement of students in detriment to online attendance

    Water Masses and Circulation in the Tropical Pacific off Central Mexico and Surrounding Areas

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    13 páginas, 8 figuras, 2 tablasThe seasonal variations and the interactions of the water masses in the tropical Pacific off central Mexico (TPCM) and four surrounding areas were examined based on an extensive new hydrographic database. The regional water masses were redefined in terms of absolute salinity (SA) and conservative temperature (Θ) according to the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10). Hydrographic data and the evaporation minus (precipitation + runoff) balance were used to investigate the origin and seasonality of two salinity minima in the area. The shallow (50–100 m) salinity minimum originates with the California Current System and becomes saltier as it extends southeastward and mixes with tropical subsurface waters while the surface salinity minimum extends farther north in the TPCM in summer and fall because of the northward advection of tropical surface waters. The interactions between water masses allow a characterization of the seasonal pattern of circulation of the Mexican Coastal Current (MCC), the tropical branch of the California Current, and the flows through the entrance of the Gulf of California. The seasonality of the MCC inferred from the distribution of the water masses largely coincides with the geostrophic circulation forced by an annual Rossby waveThis is a product of the project CONACyT (SEP2011–168034-T), with collaboration from the following sources: CONACyT Projects 168034-T, T-9201, 4271P-T, 38797-T, 26653-T, 1076-T9201, 4271PT9601, C01–25343; 38834-T, C02-44870F,G34601-S, and 103898; Naval Postgraduate School; NOC-US; NOAA (GC04– 219); and the regular UABC budget through Projects 4009, 4015, 0324, 0333, and 0352. Funding came from CONACyT, México through the Grant 1329234 for the Ph.D. studies of Esther PortelaPeer reviewe

    De una sociedad igualitaria a la complejidad de las normas sociales: prevalencia de caries en la población prehistórica de la Necrópolis de La Lajura (La Frontera, El Hierro)

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    En este trabajo se aborda la reconstrucción de diversos aspectos concernientes a la organización socioeconómica de la población prehistórica de la isla de El Hierro. Una aproximación que tiene como eje de discusión los resultados logrados por el análisis de la antropología dental de los restos humanos recuperados en la Necrópolis de La Lajura (El Hierro). Se plantea, de igual forma, la necesaria revisión de las premisas que han llevado a la caracterización de esta sociedad prehispánica.This paper presents the reconstruction of some aspects of the socioeconomic organisation of El Hierro’s prehispanic population. The main points of the discussion are the dental anthropology analyses in human skeletal remains from the Necropolis of La Lajura (El Hierro). The review of the premises which have characterized this prehispanic society is also developed

    Integración del inglés en materias de Anatomía

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    En el curso 2012-13 iniciamos un proyecto de trabajo en red para favorecer la integración del inglés en 5 materias de Ciencias de la Salud. Dado que el aprendizaje de esta segunda lengua es una competencia básica transversal e instrumental en los Grados de la Universidad de Alicante, en el presente estudio pretendemos valorar el nivel de adquisición simultánea en lengua inglesa y española de nuevos términos anatómicos, así como el nivel de conocimientos genéricos de comprensión lectora y escritora del inglés. Para ello, al principio y final del primer semestre del curso 2013-14, se realizaron encuestas con preguntas de respuesta múltiple en las asignaturas de Anatomía impartidas en los primeros cursos de 4 Grados: Enfermería, Nutrición Humana y Dietética, Óptica y Optometría y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte. Observamos una cierta mejora en la adquisición de términos anatómicos en inglés según el sistema de aprendizaje integrado de contenidos en lengua extranjera (AICLE). Sin embargo, los conceptos genéricos de la lengua inglesa permanecen constantes o incluso se algo disminuidos. Concluimos que en un entorno AICLE, con materiales curriculares bilingües, se obtienen buenos resultados de aprendizaje en las materias de Anatomía integradas con el inglés

    Rendimiento académico del ABP en Anatomía

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    Desde que en la Universidad de Alicante se implantaron los nuevos planes de estudios EEES en el curso 2010-11, hasta la actualidad, se ha estado aplicando la metodología docente colaborativa de aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) en asignaturas del área de Anatomía Humana y Embriología impartidas en los primeros cursos de las titulaciones de Grado en “Enfermería”, “Nutrición Humana y Dietética”, “Óptica y Optometría” y “Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte”. El objetivo de este estudio es comparar los resultados de aprendizaje a través del rendimiento académico obtenido en la evaluación continua según diferentes metodologías docentes. En general, las calificaciones obtenidas en la evaluación de la exposición oral en grupo del trabajo ABP fueron mucho mejores en todas las asignaturas a lo largo de los últimos 5 años. Los resultados de las pruebas objetivas de respuesta múltiple usadas para evaluar los logros de aprendizaje mediante el uso de clases magistrales de teoría y prácticas de laboratorio fueron algo inferiores. Se plantea la posibilidad de incrementar el número de actividades de ABP y asignar un mayor peso en la ponderación de los criterios de evaluación de la asignatura