15 research outputs found

    Hábitos de consumo sobre la cerveza

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    Estudio de los hábitos de consumo de cerveza en un pueblo determinado situado en la provincia de Segovia, Cantalejo. Contiene un resumen sobre la historia de la cerveza y su tipología y un estudio de mercado sobre la cerveza partiendo de una encuesta.Grado en Comerci


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    Inés y Juana transitan la adolescencia, juntas vivirán la pérdida de cierta inocencia enmarcada en el verano de un pueblo rural. En las siestas estas dos amigas encontrarán su tiempo para estar solas y descubrirse. Es verano. La siesta es el momento ineludible en el cual los adultos se van a dormir y liberan la zona, la mirada de los otros y los prejuicios que condicionan se invisibilizan, en la siesta del pueblo los adolescentes se liberan del deber-ser. Ese es el tiempo para la pileta, el río, el campo, el club, las esquinas; para el ser-estar de Inés y Juana, jóvenes mendocinas que crecen y se descubren, con la naturaleza como único testigo

    Relationship between laboratory classes with simulation of geological processes and meaningful learning / Relação entre aulas de laboratório com simulação de processos geológicos e a aprendizagem significativa

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    This work aims to discuss the use of experiments that simulate geological processes as an important didactic resource in the teaching of geosciences. The activities that make up these experiments must be carried out by the students from the topics indicated by the teacher. During these activities students will have as essential functions the choice of materials to be used, the execution of the experiment, observation and recording of the results. Students will be able to do the experiment in the classroom with teacher supervision and / or at home, with video recording for later presentation to their classmates and / or other students. This type of activity allows the development of the student in different fields of knowledge, since it provides a better understanding of the geological phenomenon due to the assembling of the environment by the student and the subsequent observation of the phenomenon based on the experiment. In addition, the student becomes more independent, diffuser of knowledge and proactive, as it is responsible for all the stages of the activity developed, which is something very interesting at a moment that reaffirms the need to centralize the study directly in the student. 

    TRPC Channels: Dysregulation and Ca2+ Mishandling in Ischemic Heart Disease

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    Transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) channels are ubiquitously expressed in excitable and non-excitable cardiac cells where they sense and respond to a wide variety of physical and chemical stimuli. As other TRP channels, TRPC channels may form homo or heterotetramericion channels, and they can associate with other membrane receptors and ion channels to regulate intracellular calcium concentration. Dysfunctions of TRPC channels are involved in many types of cardiovascular diseases. Significant increase in the expression of different TRPC isoforms was observed in different animal models of heart infarcts and in vitro experimental models of ischemia and reperfusion. TRPC channel-mediated increase of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration seems to be required for the activation of the signaling pathway that plays minor roles in the healthy heart, but they are more relevant for cardiac responses to ischemia, such as the activation of different factors of transcription and cardiac hypertrophy, fibrosis, and angiogenesis. In this review, we highlight the current knowledge regarding TRPC implication in different cellular processes related to ischemia and reperfusion and to heart infarction

    Comparative analysis between synthetic vitamin E and natural antioxidant sources from tomato, carrot and coriander in diets for market-sized dicentrarchus labrax

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    Synthetic vitamin E is commonly used in aquafeeds to prevent oxidative stress in fish and delay feed and flesh oxidation during storage, but consumers’ preferences tend towards natural antioxidant sources. The potential of vegetable antioxidants-rich coproducts, dried tomato (TO), carrot (CA) and coriander (CO) was compared to that of synthetic vitamin E included in diets at either a regular (CTRL; 100 mg kg−1) or reinforced dose (VITE; 500 mg kg−1). Natural antioxidants were added at 2% to the CTRL. Mixes were then extruded and dried, generating five experimental diets that were fed to European sea bass juveniles (114 g) over 12 weeks. Vitamin E and carotenoid content of extruded diets showed signs of degradation. The experimental diets had very limited effects on fish growth or body composition, immunomodulatory response, muscle and liver antioxidant potential, organoleptic properties or consumer acceptance. Altogether, experimental findings suggest that neither a heightened inclusion dose of 500 mg kg−1 of vitamin E, nor a 2% inclusion of natural antioxidants provided additional antioxidant protection, compared to fish fed diets including the regular dose of 100 mg kg−1 of vitamin E.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring the Associations of Inflammatory and Oxidative Stress Biomarkers with Pancreatic Diseases: An Observational and Mendelian Randomisation Study

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    Identifying biomarkers linked to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and chronic pancreatitis (CP) is crucial for early detection, treatment, and prevention. Methods: Association analyses of 10 serological biomarkers involved in cell signalling (IFN-gamma, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10), oxidative stress (superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) enzyme activities, total glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA) levels), and intestinal permeability proteins (zonulin, I-FABP2) were conducted across PDAC (n = 12), CP (n = 21) and control subjects (n = 23). A Mendelian randomisation (MR) approach was used to assess causality of the identified significant associations in two large genetic cohorts (FinnGen and UK Biobank). Results: Observational results showed a downregulation of SOD and GPx antioxidant enzyme activities in PDAC and CP patients, respectively, and higher MDA levels in CP patients. Logistic regression models revealed significant associations between CP and SOD activity (OR = 0.21, 95% CI [0.05, 0.89], per SD), GPx activity (OR = 0.28, 95% CI [0.10, 0.79], per SD), and MDA levels (OR = 2.05, 95% CI [1.36, 3.08], per SD). MR analyses, however, did not support causality. Conclusions: These findings would not support oxidative stress-related biomarkers as potential targets for pancreatic diseases prevention. Yet, further research is encouraged to assess their viability as non-invasive tools for early diagnosis, particularly in pre-diagnostic CP populations

    Impact of stirring speed, glycerin and sodium chloride concentrations on photoprotective nanoemulsions

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    New technologies that improve the physical as the sensory properties of sunscreens can help to increase its continued use and impact on health. The use of nanoemulsions in the development of photoprotective vehicles is an advantage, since nanostructured components may have superior properties regarding their performance when compared to conventional products. The advantages of using nanobiotechnology in manufacture of cosmetic and dermatological formulations arise from the protection of compounds from chemical or enzymatic degradation, from the control of their release, and also to the prolonged retention time of cosmetic ingredients in the stratum corneum. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the impact of stirring speed and of glycerin and sodium chloride concentrations in the development and effectiveness of a nanoemulsion containing ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate and benzophenone-3. The results of statistical analyses regarding the impact of the variables in the process of nanoemulsion development showed that these parameters affect the phase inversion temperature (PIT). However, this did not affect the particle size and the photoprotective efficacy in vitro

    Influence of particle size on appearance and in vitro efficacy of sunscreens

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    A nanotecnologia se aplica a diversos setores da ciência. Na área de cosméticos, os investimentos têm reforçado a idéia de que nanoprodutos oferecem inúmeros benefícios para os consumidores. A exposição excessiva à luz solar pode causar efeitos indesejáveis, logo, a adição de filtros UV em produtos cosméticos é frequentemente usada como prevenção. O p-metoxicinamato de octila e a benzofenona-3 são filtros UV amplamente utilizados em formulações de protecção solar, que absorvem radiações UVB e UVA, respectivamente. Neste estudo, desenvolveram-se formulações de protetores solares na forma de nano e macroemulsão, mas compostos pelas mesmas matérias-primas. A nanoemulsão foi obtida pelo método da temperatura de inversão de fases (PIT). As propriedades físicas e funcionais foram avaliadas por análise visual, distribuição de tamanho de partículas e por espectrofotometria de reflectância difusa. A nanoemulsão obtida apresentou brilho azulado, menor consistência aparente quando comparada `a macroemulsão, estabilidade superior a 48 horas (22,0 ± 2,0 ° C) e distribuição de tamanhos de partícula bimodal, com média (média) de tamanhos ao redor de 10 nm (61%) e 4,5 µm (39%) . A macroemulsão apresentou aspecto leitoso, maior consistência aaprente do que nanoemulsão, instabilidade após 48 horas (22,0 ± 2,0 ºC) e distribuição de tamanhos de partícula bimodal, com média (média) de tamanhos ao redor de 202 nm (9%) e 10,4 µm (91%). O perfil de eficácia das formulações fotoprotetoras permaneceu aparentemente similar, com base em resultados obtidos por ensaios de FPS in vitro, relação UVA/UVB e comprimento de onda crítico.Nanotechnology applies to diverse sectors of science. In cosmetic area, investments have strengthened the idea that nanoproducts provide innumerable benefits to consumers. Extreme exposition to solar light can cause undesirable effects, thus, adding UV filters in cosmetic products are often used as prevention. Ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate and benzophenone-3 are UV filters widely used in sunscreen formulations, this UV filters absorb UVB and UVA radiation, respectively. In this study, sunscreen formulations were developed as nano and macroemulsion, but composed by the same raw material. Nanoemulsion was obtained by phase inversion temperature method (PIT). Physical and functional properties were evaluated by visual analysis, particle size distribution and by diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry. Achieved nanoemulsion showed bluish brightness aspect, less apparent consistency than macroemulsion, stability longer than 48 hours (22.0 ± 2.0 °C) and bimodal particle size distribution with average (mean) sizes around 10 nm (61%) and 4.5 µm (39%). Macroemulsion showed milky aspect, higher consistency than nanoemulsion, instability after 48 hours (22.0 ± 2.0 °C) and bimodal particle size distribution with average (mean) size around 202 nm (9%) and 10.4 µm (91%). Effectiveness profile of sunscreen formulations remained apparently similar, based on achieved results of in vitro SPF, UVA/UVB ratio and critical wavelength assays