252 research outputs found

    Aplicación del Sistema CAD y el proceso de alfabetización digital a los pobladores del distrito Quilmaná, Cañete 2022

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la relación entre el sistema Centro de Acceso Digital (CAD) y el proceso de alfabetización digital a los pobladores del distrito Quilmaná, Cañete. El alcance de la metodología fue cuantitativo, el diseño no experimental y transversal, y de tipo correlacional. El instrumento fue el cuestionario, y se aplicó a cien pobladores de las zonas rurales registrados en el CAD. El resultado obtenido fue 0.414 para el coeficiente de correlación de Rho de Spearman, con un nivel de significancia de 0.01, menor que 5%, por lo que se rechazó la hipótesis nula y se aceptó la hipótesis alterna, lo que demostró que hubo una relación positiva media entre la aplicación del sistema CAD y el proceso de alfabetización digital. También, se obtuvo 0.244 para el Rho de Spearman que demostró una relación positiva débil entre el sistema CAD y la actitud hacia las TIC. Así mismo, una relación positiva media entre el sistema CAD y el nivel de habilidades digitales con el Rho de Spearman de 0.396. Finalmente, una relación positiva media entre el sistema CAD y el uso de medios digitales con el Rho de Spearman de 0.547

    Supracricoid partial laryngectomy with cricohyoidoepiglottopexy in patients with radiation therapy failure

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    BACKGROUND: To assess functional results, complications, and success of larynx preservation in patients with recurrent squamous cell carcinoma after radiotherapy. METHODS: From a database of 40 patients who underwent supracricoid partial laryngectomy (SCPL) with cricohyoidoepiglottopexy (CHEP) from June 2001 to April 2006, eight patients were treated previously with radiotherapy due to squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic region and were treated for recurrence at the site of the primary cancer. RESULTS: SCPL with CHEP was performed in six men and two women with a mean age of 67 years due to recurrence and/or persistence at a mean time of 30 months postradiotherapy (in case #8 after concomitant chemoradiotherapy). Bilateral neck dissection at levels II-V was performed in six patients. Only case #8 presented metastasis in one node. In case #5, Delphian node was positive. It was possible to preserve both arytenoids in five cases. Definitive surgical margins were negative. Complications were encountered in seven patients. Follow-up was on average 44 months (range: 20-67 months). Organ preservation in this series was 75%, and local control was 87%. Overall 5-year survival was 50%. CONCLUSIONS: In selected patient with persistence and/or recurrence after radiotherapy due to cancer of the larynx, SCPL with CHEP seems to be feasible with acceptable local control and toxicity. Complications may occur as in previously non-irradiated patients. These complications must be treated conservatively to avoid altering laryngeal function

    Consumo de bebidas azucaradas, verduras y frutas en sujetos con alteración del metabolismo de la glucosa

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    Introduction: Little is known about dietary patterns among individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in Peru. This study aimed to determine whether there is association between glucose metabolism disorder and consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, vegetables and fruits.Material and methods: Secondary analysis of a population-based cross-sectional study conducted in Tumbes, a region in northern Peru. The outcomes variables were consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, vegetables and fruits, defined by self-report; whilst the exposure was glucose metabolism disorder status (euglycemic, with T2DM but not aware of diagnosis, and with T2DM and aware of diagnosis), defined by the oral glucose tolerance test. To assess the associations of interest, Poisson regression models with robust variance were created, and prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were reported.Results: A total of 1607 individuals, mean age 48.2 (SD: 10.6), and 809 (50.3%) females, were enrolled. The prevalence of T2DM was 11.0% (95%CI: 9.5%-12.6%), and out of them, 105 (597%) had previous diagnosis. Only 213 (13.3%) reported consuming sugar-sweetened beverages >once/week, whilst 409 (25.5%) and 736 (45.8%) reported consuming vegetables and fruits, respectively. Those with previous T2DM diagnosis had lower probability of consuming sugar-sweetened beverages (sometimes vs. never: PR=0.57; 95%CI: 0.41-0.78, and >once/week vs. never: PR=0.39; 95%CI: 0.18-0.85). Both the consumption of vegetables and fruits were similar among those with and without previous T2DM diagnosis. Conclusions: Compared to euglycemic subjects, individuals with previous T2DM diagnosis had lower consumption of sweetened beverages, but such association was not present among those with T2DM but without previous diagnosis. Vegetables and fruits consumption were not different between the different glucose metabolism disorder categories.Introducción: Poco se conoce sobre los patrones de dieta de individuos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) en Perú. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar si existe asociación entre la alteración del metabolismo de la glucosa y ciertos patrones de dieta (consumo de bebidas azucaradas, verduras y frutas). Material y métodos: Análisis secundario de un estudio poblacional de tipo transversal realizado en Tumbes, en el norte del Perú. Las variables resultado fueron consumo de bebidas azucaradas, consumo de verduras y consumo de frutas, definidas por autoreporte; mientras que la exposición fue la alteración del metabolismo de la glucosa (euglicémico, con DM2 pero sin diagnóstico previo, y con DM2 y diagnóstico previo), basado en la prueba de tolerancia oral a la glucosa. Para evaluar las asociaciones de interés, se crearon modelos de regresión de Poisson con varianza robusta y se reportaron razones de prevalencia (RP) e intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC 95%).Resultados: Un total de 1607 individuos, media de edad de 48,2 (DE: 10,6), y 809 (50,3%) mujeres, fueron incluidos en los análisis. La prevalencia de DM2 fue de 11,0% (IC95%: 9,5%–12,6%), y de ellos, 105 (59,7%) tuvieron diagnóstico previo. Solo 213 (13,3%) consumieron bebidas azucaradas >1 vez/semana, mientras que 409 (25,5%) y 736 (45,8%) consumieron verduras y frutas en forma casi diaria, respectivamente. Aquellos con diagnóstico previo de DM2 tuvieron menor probabilidad de consumir bebidas azucaradas (algunas veces vs. nunca: RP=0,57; IC95%: 0,41–0,78 y >1 vez/semana vs. nunca: RP=0,39; IC95%: 0,18–0,85). Ni el consumo de frutas ni el de verduras fue mayor en aquellos con o sin diagnóstico previo de DM2.Conclusiones: Comparados con los euglicémicos, los individuos con diagnóstico previo de DM2 tuvieron un menor consumo de bebidas azucaradas, pero dicha asociación no estuvo presente en aquellos con DM2 sin diagnóstico previo. El consumo de frutas y verduras no fue diferente entre las categorías de alteración del metabolismo de la glucosa estudiadas

    Sellantes odontopediátricos, ¿Realmente protegen a los dientes de diferentes procesos mecánicos? Revisión de literatura

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     The use of pit and fissure sealants in the area of pediatric dentistry has been very helpful as a preventive measure to avoid carious lesions generally given in the occlusal area of the first permanent molars erupted. These sealants have had constant variations over time, however, the most used are resinous sealants. These types of sealants are mainly classified in polymerization, viscosity and translucency. As dentistry has advanced, they have been divided into two groups (hydrophobic and hydrophilic), both with different characteristics, but with the same purpose, to provide a protective barrier between extrinsic factors and the tooth. However, when in contact with different elements such as humidity, carbohydrates and saliva, as well as having a bad application on the pits and fissures, these tend to fail and begin to present diverse problems such as microfiltration, retention failures and their microhardness. The objective of this literature review was to recognize whether these sealants are adequate to protect the teeth from external factors and whether they can resist various mechanical changes. For this purpose, a literature review was carried out in various databases and dental journals, and articles were selected according to their evidence, established criteria and the year of publication, which was between 2015 and 2020. El uso de los sellantes de fosas y fisuras en el área de odontopediatría han sido de mucha ayuda como medida preventiva para evitar lesiones cariosas generalmente dados en la zona oclusal de los primeros molares permanentes erupcionados. Estos sellantes han tenido constantes variaciones con el paso del tiempo, sin embargo, los más usados son los sellantes resinosos. Este tipo de sellantes se clasifican principalmente en polimerización, viscosidad y traslucidez, a medida que la odontología ha ido avanzando, estos se dividieron en dos grupos (hidrofóbicos e hidrofílicos), ambos con características diferentes, pero con un mismo propósito, el de brindar una barrera de protección entre factores extrínsecos y el diente. No obstante, al estar en contacto con diferentes elementos como la humedad, carbohidratos y saliva, así como también tener una mala aplicación sobre las fosas y fisuras, estos tienden a fracasar y comienzan a presentar diversos problemas como microfiltración, fallos en la retención y su microdureza. El objetivo de esta revisión de literatura fue reconocer si estos sellantes son los adecuados para proteger los dientes de factores externos y si pueden resistir a diversos cambios mecánicos. Para esto se realizó la revisión bibliográfica en diversas bases de datos y revistas de carácter odontológico, se procedió a la selección de artículos según su evidencia, criterios establecidos y el año de publicación ubicado entre los años 2015 y 2020.

    Perceived stress and high fat intake: A study in a sample of undergraduate students.

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    OBJECTIVES: Different studies have reported the association between perceived stress and unhealthy diet choices. We aimed to determine whether there is a relationship between perceived stress and fat intake among undergraduate medical students. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A cross-sectional study was performed including first-year medical students. The outcome of interest was the self-report of fat intake assessed using the Block Screening Questionnaire for Fat Intake (high vs. low intake), whereas the exposure was perceived stress (low/normal vs. high levels). The prevalence of high fat intake was estimated and the association of interest was determined using prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Models were created utilizing Poisson regression with robust standard errors. Data from 523 students were analyzed, 52.0% female, mean age 19.0 (SD 1.7) years. The prevalence of high fat intake was 42.4% (CI: 38.2%-46.7%). In multivariate model and compared with those with lowest levels of stress, those in the middle (PR = 1.59; 95%CI: 1.20-2.12) and highest (PR = 1.92; 95%CI: 1.46-2.53) categories of perceived stress had greater prevalence of fat intake. Gender was an effect modifier of this association (p = 0.008). CONCLUSIONS: Greater levels of perceived stress were associated with higher fat intake, and this association was stronger among males. More than 40% of students reported having high fat consumption. Our results suggest the need to implement strategies that promote decreased fat intake

    Comprobación experimental de la velocidad de salida de una esfera en una rampa elevada.

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    El presente artículo tiene como finalidad determinar la velocidad horizontal de salida en una rampa acanalada, utilizando la ley de la conservación de la Energía Mecánica, y el movimiento de caída libre de una esfera, a través del desarrollo de una experimentación basada en una rampa casera. El método consistió en liberar la esfera a partir de diferentes alturas para determinar la velocidad que alcanza la misma al salir de la rampa. Se analizan el movimiento parabólico generado de esta interacción al caer la esfera al piso y por medio de la determinación de las ecuaciones del movimiento se evalúa sus componentes horizontal y vertical. Se comprueba que la componente horizontal de velocidad de dicho movimiento coincide con el valor de la velocidad alcanzada por la esfera al abandonar la rampa y una vez ha recorrido una distancia d determinada.The main purpose of this article is to determine the horizontal exit speed in a ribbed ramp by using the Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy and the free falling of a sphere, through the development of an experiment based on a homemade ramp. Sphere is released from different heights with the purpose of determine its reached speed when leaving the ramp. The parabolic movement generated when the sphere falls to the ground is analyzed, and its horizontal and vertical components are evaluated through the determination of the equations of motion. Also it is verified that the horizontal component of speed is equal to the value of the speed reached by the sphere when leaving the ramp and once it has travelled a certain distance d

    Plan estratégico de marketing del turismo de aventura en el Perú

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    Durante los últimos años, el turismo de aventura a nivel mundial ha crecido impulsado en gran medida por deportes como el trekking, hiking y ciclismo; y también debido a que los turistas están en búsqueda constante de nuevos destinos y únicos para practicar deportes de aventura. Perú no ha estado aprovechando esta oportunidad: El Plan Estratégico Nacional de Turismo de MINCETUR no prioriza al turismo de aventura como un pilar estratégico de crecimiento, a diferencia de países vecinos como Chile, que ha centrado sus esfuerzos en acciones para captar al turista internacional de aventura. Dada estas tendencias y nuevas preferencias en el turismo de aventura es que se plantea desarrollar e implementar un Plan Estratégico de Marketing para el Turismo de Aventura en el Perú, enfocando la oferta en 12 departamentos del país los cuales poseen y ofrecen belleza natural, inmersión cultural y variedad de oferta de actividades de aventura. El objetivo de la presente tesis es incrementar la penetración y la llegada de turistas de aventura a través de estrategias de marketing enfocadas en captar la demanda de los principales países emisores para el subsector de aventura. Por ello, se ha contemplado un plan integral de marketing centrado en factores como la autenticidad y la calidad del recurso humano, como elementos diferenciales y generadores de valor, y una inversión de USD 11.2 millones para el logro de los objetivos propuestos. Estos beneficios se han materializado en la marca Perú of Adventure, la cual posicionará al país como un destino para el turismo de aventura y contribuirá indirectamente con el desarrollo de las comunidades donde se realicen dichas actividades. Con ello se pretende lograr hacia el año 2021 un crecimiento promedio anual de 30%, frente al escenario actual de 23% y un ROI de 1389% que contribuirá a la generación de divisas y al desarrollo del país.During the last years, adventure tourism around the world has grown driven largely by sports such as trekking, hiking and cycling; and also due to the fact that tourists are in constant search for new and unique destinations for adventure sports. Peru has not been taking advantage of this opportunity: The National Strategic Plan of Tourism – MINCETUR not prioritized to adventure tourism as a strategic pillar of growth, unlike neighboring countries such as Chile which manages actions to capture the international adventure tourist. Given these trends and new preferences in the tourism of adventure is that it is proposed to develop and implement a Strategic Plan of Marketing for the Adventure Tourism in Peru, focusing the offer in 12 departments of the country which have natural beauty, cultural immersion and variety of adventure activities. The aim of this thesis is to increase the penetration and the arrival of tourists from adventure through marketing strategies focused on capturing the demand of the main generating countries for the subsector of adventure. Therefore it has contemplated a comprehensive marketing plan focused on factors such as the authenticity and quality of the human resource, such as generators and differential elements of value, and an investment of $ 11.2 million for the achievement of the proposed objectives. These benefits have materialized in the Peru of Adventure brand, which will position the country as a destination for adventure tourism and will indirectly contribute to the development of the communities where such activities are carried out. This is intended to achieve by the year 2021 an average annual growth of 30%, compared to the actual scenario of 23% and ROI of 1389% which will contribute to the generation of foreign exchange and the development of the country.Tesi

    Medición de la transparencia corporativa en el sector inmobiliario

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    ¿Qué tan valorada es la información que muestran las empresas inmobiliarias más representativas del Perú a través del internet? ¿Qué tipo de información muestran las empresas inmobiliarias más representativas del Perú? ¿Cuál es la percepción de los representantes inmobiliarios frente a un sistema de medición de transparencia corporativa? El objetivo de la presente investigación es acercarse a responder estas interrogantes e identificar el índice de transparencia corporativa en las empresas inmobiliarias más representativas. Se ha realizado una revisión de la literatura acerca de la transparencia, obteniendo resultados de organismos internacionales que se preocupan por las iniciativas, el desarrollo, implementación y seguimiento del desempeño y cumplimiento de varios países de todo el mundo, es así que los indicadores que recogen información son medidos a través de índices de medición de transparencia. El presente trabajo toma un modelo de índice de medición de transparencia aplicado a empresas que cotizan en bolsa, para luego ser adaptado en la industria inmobiliaria peruana. La validación se realizó a través de la metodología cualitativa por medio de entrevistas a los representantes de las inmobiliarias más representativas. En síntesis, la presente tesis consta de cinco capítulos. El Capítulo I presenta los antecedentes, la problemática, el propósito de la investigación, los objetivos y las preguntas de investigación; en el Capítulo II se revisa y conceptualiza la transparencia en empresas peruanas, Latinoamericanas, del mundo, y los instrumentos de medición de índices de transparencia que existen; en el Capítulo III se revisa la transparencia corporativa en las empresas inmobiliarias más representativas con mayores colocaciones en viviendas, presenta la metodología de investigación, la población y el instrumento a utilizar; en el Capítulo IV se realiza el análisis de datos, y los resultados de la aplicación del instrumento; finalmente en el Capítulo V se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones.How valuable is the information shown by the most representative real estate companies in Peru through the internet? What type of information do the most representative real estate companies in Peru show? What is the perception of real estate representatives in front of a corporate transparency measurement system? The objective of the present investigation is to approach to answer these questions and identify the index of corporate transparency in the most representative real estate companies. A review of the literature on transparency has been carried out, obtaining results from international organizations that are concerned with the initiatives, development, implementation and monitoring of the performance and compliance of several countries around the world, so that the indicators they collect information are measured through transparency measurement indices. The present work takes a transparency measurement index model applied to companies listed on the stock exchange, and then adapt it in the Peruvian real estate industry. Validation was carried out through qualitative methodology through interviews with representatives of the most representative real estate agencies. In summary, this thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter I presents the background, the problem, the purpose of the research, the objectives and the research questions; in Chapter II, transparency and conceptualization of transparency in Peruvian, Latin American and world companies is reviewed, as well as the instruments for measuring the transparency indexes that exist; Chapter III reviews corporate transparency in the most representative real estate companies with the greatest placements in housing, presents the research methodology, the population and the instrument to be used; in Chapter IV the data analysis is performed, and the results of the application of the instrument; Finally, in Chapter V, the conclusions and recommendations are presented.Tesi

    A cross-sectional study of differences in 6-min walk distance in healthy adults residing at high altitude versus sea level

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    BACKGROUND: We sought to determine if adult residents living at high altitude have developed sufficient adaptation to a hypoxic environment to match the functional capacity of a similar population at sea level. To test this hypothesis, we compared the 6-min walk test distance (6MWD) in 334 residents living at sea level vs. at high altitude. METHODS: We enrolled 168 healthy adults aged ≥35 years residing at sea level in Lima and 166 individuals residing at 3,825 m above sea level in Puno, Peru. Participants completed a 6-min walk test, answered a sociodemographics and clinical questionnaire, underwent spirometry, and a blood test. RESULTS: Average age was 54.0 vs. 53.8 years, 48% vs. 43% were male, average height was 155 vs. 158 cm, average blood oxygen saturation was 98% vs. 90%, and average resting heart rate was 67 vs. 72 beats/min in Lima vs. Puno. In multivariable regression, participants in Puno walked 47.6 m less (95% CI -81.7 to -13.6 m; p < 0.01) than those in Lima. Other variables besides age and height that were associated with 6MWD include change in heart rate (4.0 m per beats/min increase above resting heart rate; p < 0.001) and percent body fat (-1.4 m per % increase; p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: The 6-min walk test predicted a lowered functional capacity among Andean high altitude vs. sea level natives at their altitude of residence, which could be explained by an incomplete adaptation or a protective mechanism favoring neuro- and cardioprotection over psychomotor activity

    Assessing the implementation of user-centred design standards on assistive technology for persons with visual impairments : a systematic review

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.Despite scientific and technological advances in the field of assistive technology (AT) for peoplewith visual impairment (VI), technological designs are frequently based on a poor understanding of the physical and social context of use, resulting in devices that are less than optimal for their intended beneficiaries. To resolve this situation, user-centred approaches in the development process of AT have been widely adopted in recent years. However, there is a lack of systematization on the application of this approach. This systematic review registered in PROSPERO (CRD42022307466), assesses the application of the ISO 9241-210 human-centred design principles in allegedly “user-centred designed” AT developments for persons with VI (see Supplementary PROSPERO Protocol). The results point to a wide variation of the depth of understanding of user needs, a poor characterization of the application of the User Centred Design (UCD) approach in the initial design phases or in the early prototyping, and a vague description of user feedback and device iteration. Among the principles set out in ISO 9241-210, the application of 5.6: “the design team includes multidisciplinary skills and perspectives” is the one for which the least evidence is found. The results show there is not enough evidence to fully assess the impact of UCD in (1) promoting innovation regarding AT products and practices, and (2) Judging if AT produced following such standards is leading to better user access, wellbeing outcomes and satisfaction. To address this gap it is necessary to, first, generate better implementation of UCD in AT development and second, to strengthen evidence regarding the implementation and outcomes of using UCD for AT. To better engage with the realities of persons with VI, we propose capacity building across development teams regarding UCD, its principles and components; better planning for UCD implementation; and cross-fertilization across engineering disciplines and social and clinical science.The Ambizione grant funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Fondation Gelbert .https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/rehabilitation-sciencesam2024Centre for Human RightsSDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein