142 research outputs found

    Water Trade in Andalusia. Virtual Water: an alternative way to manage water demand

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    The main idea of this paper is to analyse the relationships between the productive process and the commercial trade with water resources used by them. For that, the first goal is to find out, by means of the estimation of virtual water, the exported crops which have the highest water consumption. Similarly, we analyse the crops that are imported and therefore, might contribute to save water. The second objective is to put forward new ways to save water by means of the virtual water trade. This first conclusion contradicts not only the comparative advantages theory but also the environmental sustainability logic. The previous conclusion is derived from the great exports of water via potatoes and vegetables, and also via citrus fruit and orchards; and, on the other hand, from the imports, such as cereals and arable crops, with lower water requirements. The second conclusion affirms as Andalusia utilises large amounts of water in its exports, and in turn, it does not produce goods with low water requirements, the potential saving would be very significant if the terms of our trade were the other way round. We are convinced that the agricultural sector must modify the use of water to a great extent in order to reach significant water savings and an environmental sustainability path.Virtual Water, Water Trade, Water Demand, Andalusia

    Impact Analysis and Extraction Method: Applications on water resources in Andalusia

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    The objective of this work is to deepen in the relationships between the andalusian productive system and the water consumption. We will use an Impact Analysis and the Extraction Method. The first one allows us to study how it would affect to the regional water consumption a change in the sectorial demand. The second one allows us to simulate how it would affect to the water consumption the hypothetical extraction of a certain sector of the economic system. This study allows us to conclude that a reduction in the exports of some sectors would affect positively on the water saving; and that the extraction, fundamentally of the agro-alimentary industry, would considerably reduce the consumption of this resource. Before this reality we raised the possibility of considering a structural change in the region that consists of a productive specialization less water consumer.Input-Output analysis, Water consumption, Andalusian

    Modelo Input-Output de Agua. Análisis de las relaciones intersectoriales de agua en Andalucía

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    The aim of this work is to demonstrate the relationships between an economy’s productive sectors and the water consumption generated during productive processes. The methodology used is a water input-output model. We obtain this model combining the Leontief’s model and the Proops’ energy model. We study the andalusian reality, a region of southern Spain characterized by water scarcity, and we will examine whether excessive dependence on water resources which, may occur in some productive sectors, might affect not only the conservation and quality of this resource, but also have negative effects upon the solidity of the economy itself. In other words, we tried to detect the sectors that more amount of water consume, direct and indirect form, and we analyse if this factor could limit the economic growth of the region. This model allow us to distinguish between direct and indirect water consumption and this difference can be used like a factor of saved water policy. In the same way, the model permit us to make simulations in order to determinate the new level of consume when a rule is applied and its consequences on regional economy.Input-Output Model, Water consumption

    La Teoría de Grafos aplicada al estudio del consumo sectorial de agua en Andalucía.

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    The aim of this work is to demonstrate the relationships established between an economy’s productive sectors and the water consumption generated during their productive processes. We study de Andalusian reality, region of the South Spain characterized by its scarcity, and we will examine if the excessive dependence on water resources which may occur in some productive sectors might affect not only the conservation and quality of this resource, but also have negative effects upon the stability of the economy itself. A mixed methodology has been used, combining Input-Output analysis with Graphs Theory. We obtain a water Input-Output model and an interrelationship matrix which is analysed by Graphs Theory. The main conclusion is that Andalusian’s economic specialisation does not make a positive contribution to water conservation and, moreover, that the regional economy’s sustainability might be seriously endangered if the authorities do not take into account water limitations in their economic policy.Water consumption, Input-Output, Graphs Theory

    El metabolismo hídrico y los flujos de agua virtual. Una aplicación al sector hortofrutícola de Andalucía (España)

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    Este trabajo (1) propone un nuevo concepto, el Metabolismo Hídrico (MH), como un nuevo marco de análisis para la gestión de la “demanda” de agua mediante la incorporación del estudio de los flujos de Agua Virtual y (2) lo aplica al sector hortofrutícola andaluz en el año 2004. Las principales conclusiones son las siguientes. (a) el MH es un marco conceptual y metodológico apropiado para el estudio de los flujos físicos de agua de una economía, considerando los flujos reales y virtuales, y los de entrada y salida. (b) Con relación a las estimaciones realizadas, la principal conclusión es que se produjeron mayores exportaciones que importaciones en términos de AV. Esto significa que, dadas las condiciones territoriales, climáticas y de escasez hídrica de la región se confirma una inadecuación de la planificación agrícola regional a la disponibilidad de recursos.Agua Virtual, Andalucía, Flujos Físicos, Metabolismo Hídrico, España

    El metabolismo hídrico y los flujos de agua virtual. Una aplicación al sector hortofrutícola de Andalucía (España)

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    Este trabajo (1) propone un nuevo concepto, el Metabolismo Hídrico (MH), como un nuevo marco de análisis para la gestión de la "demanda" de agua mediante la incorporación del estudio de los flujos de Agua Virtual y (2) lo aplica al sector hortofrutícola andaluz en el año 2004. Las principales conclusiones son las siguientes. (a) el MH es un marco conceptual y metodológico apropiado para el estudio de los flujos físicos de agua de una economía, considerando los flujos reales y virtuales, y los de entrada y salida. (b) Con relación a las estimaciones realizadas, la principal conclusión es que se produjeron mayores exportaciones que importaciones en términos de AV. Esto significa que, dadas las condiciones territoriales, climáticas y de escasez hídrica de la región se confirma una inadecuación de la planificación agrícola regional a la disponibilidad de recursos.This work (1) proposes a new concept, the Water Metabolism (WM), as an conceptual and methodological framework of the water demand management to study the virtual and real water flows and (2) applies that framework for the estimation of the WM of the fruit and vegetable sector of Andalusia in year 2004. The main conclusions follow. (a) The WM is a good framework for the study of the water flows of an Economy, considering real and virtual flows as well as inputs and outputs. (b) Regarding to the water flows, the study found out that the region is exporting more VW than imported what confirms that the agricultural policy does not fit with the resources, given the water scarcity, climatic and territorial characteristics of the region

    Estudio de los Sistemas de Información Turística y su Accesibilidad en El Vergel

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    [ES] El motivo de esta investigación es realizar un estudio de los sistemas de información turística del municipio de El Vergel y su accesibilidad. Para ello, se elaborará un inventario de los recursos naturales y culturales, se valorará la situación actual de los sistemas informáticos y se comprobará el estado actual de la información. Finalmente, se analizará la accesibilidad a los recursos y a la información turística. Después de la valoración general de los recursos turísticos y su información, la investigación se centrará en analizar uno de los principales recursos turísticos del municipio, como es la Vía Verde, y valorar los sistemas informáticos y su accesibilidad para, posteriormente, realizar una comparativa con el tramo de Colonia, de la Ruta Ciclista del Rin; con el objetivo de ofrecer una serie de propuestas de mejora para la correcta accesibilidad de la información a los recursos turísticos[EN] The purpose of this research is to carry out a study of the tourist information systems of the municipality of El Vergel and their accessibility. For this purpose, an inventory of the natural and cultural resources will be drawn up, the current situation of the computer systems will be assessed and the current state of the information will be checked. Finally, the accessibility of resources and tourist information will be analysed. After the general assessment of the tourist resources and their information, the research will focus on analysing one of the main tourist resources of the municipality, the Greenway, and assessing the computer systems and their accessibility in order to subsequently make a comparison with the Cologne section of the Rhine Cycle Route, with the aim of offering a series of proposals for improvement for the correct accessibility of the information to the tourist resources.Velázquez De La Cruz, E. (2021). Estudio de los Sistemas de Información Turística y su Accesibilidad en El Vergel. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/179580TFG

    Implications of Innovation for Quality in the Smes in the Restaurant Industry. An Empirical Study in Mexico City

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    Este trabajo se centra en examinar las prácticas de innovación de las pequeñas y medianas empresas turísticas de restauración y su implicación en la calidad del servicio. En ese sentido, los datos de esta investigación se obtuvieron mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario estructurado y una guía de observación en 158 empresas pyme de restauración del Corredor Turístico Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México. En los resultados se identifican y clasifican los tipos de innovación –mercadotecnia, organizacional, producto y proceso- que implementan las pymes objeto de estudio. Conjuntamente, esta investigación brinda información útil acerca de los impactos que genera la innovación, tales como mejora de la calidad del servicio, creación de redes de colaboración y reducción de costos, entre otros.This study focuses on examining the innovation practices of small and medium enterprises in restaurant industry and their involvement in the quality of service. In this sense, the data of this research was obtained through the application of a structured questionnaire and an observation guide in 158 SMEs restaurants in the Mexico City's Historical Center. The results identify and classify the types of innovation -marketing, organizational, product and process- implemented by the SMEs under study. Together, this research provides useful information about the impacts generated by innovation, such as improvement of service quality, creation of collaborative networks and cost reduction, among others


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    The adult is a social agent who interacts in group settings where he unfolds mediation processes and the effects of this interaction have implications for its development. The work relationship represents the guiding activity that brings together the largest number of relationships, ties and action scenarios of the adult and is where own and foreign emotions appear, where the key factor is the proper use of them for better performance, which results in the possession of socio-emotional competences. Not expressing them in accordance with the requirement of the position constitutes a warning sign to carry out interventions in favor of the balance between worker and performance. Psychoeducation is an educational process aimed at stimulating psychological resources in people and can promote emotional well-being (Bodai & Tuso, 2015), which supposes its relevance for the expression of socio-emotional competences of adults in work contexts. The present investigation shows the value of theoretical methodological referents of psychoeducation to stimulate the development of the adult in age and employment relationship. The techniques used are the content analysis of articles published in current national and international magazines and the use of the Atlas ti computer program to assist in the qualitative analysis, and facilitate the organization, management and interpretation of textual data in the visualization, integration, discovery and exploration. One of the most relevant conclusions points out that the adult who works in contexts where socio-emotional demands emerge can find ways of psychological development in the postulates of psychoeducation.El adulto es un agente social que interactúa en ambientes grupales donde despliega procesos de mediación y los efectos de esta interacción tienen implicaciones en su desarrollo. El vínculo laboral representa la actividad rectora que aglutina la mayor cantidad de relaciones, vínculos y escenarios de actuación del adulto y es donde aparecen emociones propias y ajenas, donde el factor clave es el uso adecuado de las mismas para un mejor desempeño, lo cual redunda en la posesión de competencias socioemocionales (CSE). No expresarlas en ajuste a la exigencia del cargo, constituye signo de alerta para realizar intervenciones a favor del equilibrio entre el trabajador y el desempeño. La psicoeducación es un proceso educativo orientado a estimular los recursos psicológicos en las personas y puede promover el bienestar emocional (Bodai & Tuso, 2015), lo cual supone su pertinencia para la expresión de CSE del adulto en contextos laborales. La presente investigación muestra el valor de referentes teóricos metodológicos de la psicoeducación para estimular el desarrollo del adulto en edad y vínculo laboral. Se emplea como técnicas el análisis de contenidos de artículos publicados en revistas de actualidad nacional e internacional y el uso del programa computacional Atlas ti para facilitar la organización, manejo e interpretación de datos textuales en la visualización, integración, descubrimiento y exploración dela información científica. Una de las conclusiones más relevantes apuntan a que el adulto que labora en contextos donde emergen exigencias socioemocionales puede encontrar vías de desarrollo psicológico en los postulados de la psicoeducación

    Color characterization of coatings with diffraction pigments

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    Coatings with diffraction pigments present high iridescence, which needs to be characterized in order to describe their appearance. The spectral bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (BRDFs) of six coatings with SpectraFlair diffraction pigments were measured using the robot-arm-based goniospectrophotometer GEFE, designed and developed at CSIC. Principal component analysis has been applied to study the coatings of BRDF data. From data evaluation and based on theoretical considerations, we propose a relevant geometric factor to study the spectral reflectance and color gamut variation of coatings with diffraction pigments. At fixed values of this geometric factor, the spectral BRDF component due to diffraction is almost constant. Commercially available portable goniospectrophotometers, extensively used in several industries (automotive and others), should be provided with more aspecular measurement angles to characterize the complex reflectance of goniochromatic coatings based on diffraction pigments, but they would not require either more than one irradiation angle or additional out-of-plane geometries.European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) (EMRP IND52); Comunidad de Madrid (SINFOTON-CM: S2013/MIT-2790); Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) (DIP2015-65814)