
Modelo Input-Output de Agua. Análisis de las relaciones intersectoriales de agua en Andalucía


The aim of this work is to demonstrate the relationships between an economy’s productive sectors and the water consumption generated during productive processes. The methodology used is a water input-output model. We obtain this model combining the Leontief’s model and the Proops’ energy model. We study the andalusian reality, a region of southern Spain characterized by water scarcity, and we will examine whether excessive dependence on water resources which, may occur in some productive sectors, might affect not only the conservation and quality of this resource, but also have negative effects upon the solidity of the economy itself. In other words, we tried to detect the sectors that more amount of water consume, direct and indirect form, and we analyse if this factor could limit the economic growth of the region. This model allow us to distinguish between direct and indirect water consumption and this difference can be used like a factor of saved water policy. In the same way, the model permit us to make simulations in order to determinate the new level of consume when a rule is applied and its consequences on regional economy.Input-Output Model, Water consumption

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