524 research outputs found

    The current status of dental education and the dental profession in Chile

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    Indexación: Scopus.Objective: To describe the current situation of the dental profession in Chile, including training and workforce issues. Material and Methods: Data were collected from different national institutions, which included information regarding number of current registered dentists, university of graduation, geographical distribution, professional position, additional specialty certifications obtained, the number and characteristics of dental surgeons who work in the public and private sectors, the traditional character of the university, the accreditation status of the undergraduate dental programs and the general population number. Results: Currently there are 32 schools of Dentistry in Chile, of which 21 have their quality certified. There are 19,100 Chilean dentists and 1,727 foreign dentists registered. The number of graduates from private universities has increased significantly. Currently, 2,164 dentists work for MINSAL. Less than a third hold a specialty certification. Forty-five percent of the dental specialists obtained their certification from universities. The current professional ratio is 104 dentists per 100,000 habitants. Conclusion: The number of dentists in Chile has increased progressively during the last years, mainly associated with the opening of new dental schools. Only 28% of the Chilean dental schools have certified their quality for the total duration of the undergraduate program. Regarding the workforce, there is a public/private and geographical inequities in dentists’ distribution.http://revista.uepb.edu.br/index.php/pboci/article/view/3875/pd

    Zastosowanie programu gwarancji dla zdrowia jamy ustnej w opiece nad kobietą w ciąży w rodzinnym centrum zdrowia w Concepción, Chile, w latach 2014–2015

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    Indexación: Scopus.Background. Oral health plays a crucial role in general health, quality of life and well-being of pregnant women and their newborns. In Chile, pregnant women have dental care guaranteed by law. However, due to the lack of previous epidemiological studies on the benefits of this guarantee, it is necessary to describe this situation and evaluate the need to change the methods of providing dental services. Objectives. The objective of this study was to describe the pattern of providing dental benefits resulting from the Explicit Health Guarantee – Integral Oral Health in Pregnant Women (GES-SOIE) program to pregnant women attending the Juan Soto Fernández Family Health Center, Concepción, Chile, in 2014–2015. Material and methods. A cross-sectional study of the electronic dental records of patients admitted to GES-SOIE was conducted. The variables studied were sociodemographic data, dental chair hours, non-attendance, treatment completion, and the type of referral to secondary healthcare (SHC). Results. Of 233 pregnant women, 65.2% were registered for non-attendance, 21.2% required referral to SHC and 76.4% completed their treatment. When performing logistic regression, it was found that for each non-attendance the chance of not completing the treatment increased 1.4 times. Conclusions. The level of non-attendance and opting out of the treatment in pregnant women is high, which hinders the proper functioning and effectiveness of GES-SOIE. © 2018 by Wroclaw Medical University and Polish Dental Society.http://www.dmp.umed.wroc.pl/en/article/2018/55/2/179

    Un análisis de la dinámica de largo plazo de la UVR

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    Los modelos de Box y Jenkins han sido ampliamente usados para la modelación y el pronóstico de muchas variables económicas y financieras. En este artículo se explora la utilización de dicha metodología como una alternativa para el análisis de la dinámica de largo plazo del UVR. El modelo SARIMA resultante fue aceptado después de aplicarle una serie de pruebas estándar de diagnóstico; lo cual dio como resultado que el modelo se ajusta de manera adecuada a los datos, y que la precisión del pronóstico extrapolativo se ajusta estadísticamente bien al representar los patrones ciclos y de largo plazo

    La nueva Constitución y la iusticia

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    La nueva Constitución y la iustici

    Un estatuto para la defensa de la democracia

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    Un estatuto para la defensa de la democraci

    Alegato sobre la valoración de la prueba indiciaria en el proceso penal

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    Alegato sobre la valoración de la prueba indiciaria en el proceso pena

    ¡Una nueva política sobre drogas!

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    ¡Una nueva política sobre drogas


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    Despite the fact that the Law 906 of 2004 was created in order to implement a full criminal prosecution system of guarantees, that is, of parties, based on the principle of freedom, on the presumption of innocence, equality of arms, the separation of functions between investigation and judgment, among others. However, the truth is that these regulations, after multiple reforms and declarations of non-enforceability, have not had any real repercussion, and the prevailing design is as inquisitive or more than the previous one; Furthermore, impunity, judicial congestion, scripturalism, lack of resources, improvisation, politicization, corruption, to name a few, continue. This shows that the origin of the crisis in the administration of criminal justice is not only because of the existing laws, but also because of other phenomena that must be carefully examined in order to start new paths from there. This is what the present work invites to reflect onPese a que la Ley 906 de 2004 nació a la vida jurídica con la finalidad de implantar un sistema procesal penal acusatorio pletórico de garantías, esto es, de partes, fincado en el principio de libertad, en la presunción de inocencia, la igualdad de armas, la separación de funciones entre investigación y juzgamiento, etc. la verdad es que esa normativa, luego de múltiples reformas y declaratorias de inexequibilidad, se ha quedado en el papel y el diseño imperante es tan inquisitivo o más que el anterior; es más, la impunidad, la congestión judicial, el escrituralismo, la falta de recursos, la improvisación, la politización, la corrupción, etc., continúan. Ello demuestra, entonces, que el problema de la administración de justicia penal no es solo de leyes, sino que la crisis existente pasa por otros fenómenos que deben ser examinados de forma cuidadosa para, a partir de allí, emprender nuevos caminos. A eso invita la presente reflexió