260 research outputs found

    Análisis comparativo entre un pavimento rígido y flexible en la vía Taricá – Pariahuanca, Carhuaz – Ancash 2018

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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulada “ANÁLISIS COMPARATIVO ENTRE UN PAVIMENTO RÍGIDO Y FLEXIBLE EN LA VÍA TARICÁ – PARIAHUANCA, CARHUAZ - ANCASH 2018”, tiene como objetivo realizar el análisis comparativo entre un pavimento rígido y flexible para determinar la mejor alternativa de pavimentación de la vía Taricá – Pariahuanca, Carhuaz – Ancash 2018. Se citan las teorías relacionadas al tema, principalmente se trata de las definiciones del pavimento, los tipos, las capas estructurales, los factores de diseño. Se realizó esta investigación con una población que está dada por la vía que une los distritos de Parihuanca y Taricá en una longitud de 2.730 kilómetros, trabajando con una muestra de tres tramos de la vía. Se recolecto datos de campo realizando el estudio de tráfico, para clasificar la vía y ver la demanda del tráfico, posteriormente las calicatas de acuerdo a la clase de carretera. Una vez obtenida los datos de campo se precedió a efectuar los ensayos de suelos teniendo como resultado el CBR del terreno y cálculos de los espesores de las capas del pavimento de ambos casos utilizando la metodología AASHTO 93. Finalmente obtenido los resultados del paquete estructural se realizó el presupuesto de cada obra, para efectuar la comparación técnica y económica. Llegando a concluir que por factores económicos el pavimento flexible es la mejor alternativa para pavimentar esta zona en estudio

    Uso de las tecnologías digitales para la enseñanza en niños de 4 años de la I.E.P Coronel Mariano Sosa, Puente Piedra 2022

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo principal conocer el uso de las tecnologías digitales para la enseñanza en niños de 4 años de la IEP Coronel Mariano Sosa donde las clases pasaron de lo presencial a enseñanza remota, alejándonos de las aulas y encontrarnos a través de una pantalla con el uso de diferentes aplicativos y herramientas digitales. Asimismo, se llevó a cabo mediante un estudio cualitativo, con un enfoque fenomenológico, empleando la guía de entrevista a 2 docentes de educación inicial en la ciudad de Lima, con la finalidad de ejecutar los propósitos de la investigación a través de sus experiencias diarias. En los resultados las docentes mencionaron que las tecnologías digitales pasaron a ser necesarias en la vida del ser humano. Sin embargo, a través de ello los docentes no fueron ajenos a esta nueva modalidad de aprendizaje e hicieron uso de las tecnologías para impartir conocimientos a sus alumnos. Concluyendo que las tecnologías digitales son fundamentales para la enseñanza de manera virtual, asimismo fue de gran ayuda para el ámbito educativo ya que se pudo continuar con la educación. Las tecnologías han proporcionado recursos educativos a los maestros e infantes facilitando la comprensión de aprendizajes

    Evidencias de validez y confiabilidad del cuestionario de actitudes ambientales en escolares de instituciones educativas de Trujillo

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo principal “Determinar las evidencias de validez y confiabilidad del cuestionario de actitudes ambientales en escolares de instituciones educativas de Trujillo”, con una muestra de 624 estudiantes de ambos sexos del nivel primario de las instituciones educativas públicas de la ciudad de Trujillo. Los resultados obtenidos en cuanto a la validez contenido por medio del criterio de jueces muestran índices desde .82 a 1.00, con un límite inferior en el intervalo de confianza que supera el mínimo esperado para ser considerados aceptables. Se utilizó el análisis factorial confirmatorio a través del método de mínimo cuadrado no ponderado (ULS) mostrando índices de ajuste que no respaldan su estructura (CFI=.77, TLI=.73), siendo menores al .90, es por ello que se realizó la re-especificación conformada por cuatro dimensiones, logrando un mejor ajuste que el modelo unidimensional, sin embargo, no alcanzó los estándares exigidos (CFI = .85, TLI = .81) <.90. En cuanto a la confiabilidad se estableció a través del coeficiente omega, encontrándose en el modelo 2 y 3, una consistencia no aceptable teniendo valores mínimos de .39 y .30 y máximos de .61 y .57, mencionando que dichos resultados se deben a la gran diferencia de contextos donde se han desarrollados las investigaciones del CATES

    Implicit body representations and the conscious body image

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    Recent studies have revealed that somatosensory processing relies on a class of implicit body representations showing large distortions of size and shape. The relation between these representations and the conscious body image remains unclear. Dissociations have been reported in the clinical literature on eating disorders between different body image measures, with larger and more consistent distortions found with depictive measures, in which participants compare their body to a visual depiction of a body, than metric measures, in which participants compare their body to some non-body standard. Here, we compared implicit body representations underlying position sense to the body image measured with both depictive and metric methods. The body image was measured using both a depictive method (template matching) in which participants judged whether their hand was wider or more slender than a shown hand picture, and a metric method (line length) in which participants judged whether different parts of the their hand were shorter or longer than a presented line. Consistent with previous findings, characteristic distortions were found for the implicit body representation underlying position sense. These distortions were also found in attenuated form for metric – but not depictive – body image measures. While replicating the basic dissociation between implicit body representations and the conscious body image, these results demonstrate that this dissociation is not absolute and specific tasks may utilise both to varying degrees depending on task demands. Metric measures may not be pure measures of body image, but some combination of visual and somatosensory body representations

    Efectos de un programa de intervención de acceso al léxico en adultos mayores con envejecimiento típico

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    Tesis (Fonoaudiólogo)Durante la vejez se van evidenciando diferentes cambios tanto físicos, psicológicos, fisiológicos y cognitivos. Dentro de este último, están los problemas para elicitar palabras específicas en diferentes contextos, manifestándose como fenómeno de “Punta de Lengua” (PDL) que es, más bien, un problema en la capacidad de acceso al léxico de los individuos. La terapia fonoaudiológica, actualmente, cuenta con escasa evidencia empírica con respecto a cómo la intervención fonoaudiológica permite incrementar la capacidad del acceso al léxico del adulto mayor (AM). El propósito de esta investigación fue determinar el efecto que tiene un programa de intervención en acceso al léxico en adultos mayores con envejecimiento típico. La muestra constó de 12 adultos mayores autovalentes a quienes se les aplicó una prueba fonoaudiológica de evaluación previa a la implementación del programa de intervención para contar con una línea de base. Los test FAS World Fluency y el Test de vocabulario de Boston. Estos test fueron aplicados nuevamente al finalizar el programa de intervención fonoaudiológico para evaluar los avances. El programa en cuestión constó de 10 sesiones de 45 minutos cada una, dividida en 3 actividades por sesión, 3 veces a la semana. Los resultados analizados con la prueba T de Student indican que no existe evidencia estadísticamente significativa para establecer que el programa de intervención aplicado generó un efecto en la capacidad de acceso al léxico en los AM.During old age different physical, psychological, physiological and cognitive changes are evident. Within this last one, there are the problems to elicit specific words in different contexts, manifesting itself as "Tip of Tongue" (TOT) phenomenon that is, rather, a problem in the ability of lexical access of older adults. The speech therapy, today, has limited empirical evidence about the speech therapy can increase the skills for lexical access in older adults (OA), therefore, the purpose of this research was to determine the effect that has an intervention program in lexical access in elderly with typical aging. The study group consisted of 12 self-sustaining seniors who underwent an evaluation test prior to the intervention program to have a reference base through the FAS World Fluency tests and the Boston Vocabulary Test. These same evaluations were applied again after the speech therapy to evaluate the advances. The program consisted in 10 sessions of 45 minutes each, divided into 3 activities per session, 3 times a week. According to the results analyzed with the Student's T test, they indicate that there is no statistically significant evidence to establish that the applied intervention program generates an effect in the lexical access ability in OA

    Copy number variation mapping and genomic variation of autochthonous and commercial turkey populations

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    This study aims at investigating genomic diversity of several turkey populations using Copy Number Variants (CNVs). A total of 115 individuals from six Italian breeds (Colle Euganei, Bronzato Comune Italiano, Parma e Piacenza, Brianzolo, Nero d\u2019Italia, and Ermellinato di Rovigo), seven Narragansett, 38 commercial hybrids, and 30 Mexican turkeys, were genotyped with the Affymetrix 600K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) turkey array. The CNV calling was performed with the Hidden Markov Model of PennCNV software and with the Copy Number Analysis Module of SVS 8.4 by Golden Helix\uae. CNV were summarized into CNV regions (CNVRs) at population level using BEDTools. Variability among populations has been addressed by hierarchical clustering (pvclust R package) and by principal component analysis (PCA). A total of 2,987 CNVs were identified covering 4.65% of the autosomes of the Turkey_5.0/melGal5 assembly. The CNVRs identified in at least two individuals were 362\u2014189 gains, 116 losses, and 57 complexes. Among these regions the 51% contain annotated genes. This study is the first CNV mapping of turkey population using 600K chip. CNVs clustered the individuals according to population and their geographical origin. CNVs are known to be indicators also of adaptation, as some researches in different species are suggesting

    Evaluación de estrategias para la gestión integral de residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos

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    Este artículo presenta un modelo para la evaluación de estrategias en la gestión de Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos (RAEE). Estos residuos representan un riesgo para la salud pública y para el medio ambiente, por los compuestos de tipo peligroso que los constituyen y el aumento de su generación. En Colombia existe desde 2013 la ley 1672 lineamientos para la adopción de una política que mejore la gestión de los RAEE. Esta Ley propone objetivos gestión pública, de los cuales en este artículo se evaluaron tres de ellos (Reducción en la generación, incentivo al aprovechamiento, promover la participación integrada). Para esta evaluación, se construyó un modelo utilizando la metodología de Dinámica de Sistemas, la cual permitió establecer la estructura del sistema socio-ambiental de generación y manejo de los RAEE. Así mismo, fueron definidos dos escenarios de evaluación, el primero es el estado inicial o natural que corresponde al sistema sin ninguna estrategia y el segundo es el sistema con la implementación de las estrategias, las cuales se dividieron en dos grupos. Uno es Estrategias de economía circular, educación ambiental y fomento de empleo, y el otro grupo contiene las estrategias de responsabilidad extendida del productor, estímulos de la ciudadanía y tarifa de recolección. Las simulaciones del modelo y comparaciones los escenarios, mostraron que el primer grupo de estrategias disminuyeron la tasa de generación de RAEE. De igual manera, permitieron evaluar segundo grupo de estrategias sobre la tasa de disposición. De igual manera El modelo propuesto para la gestión de Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos es útil, para la evaluación de estrategias de gestión de residuos en distintos escenarios.This paper presents a model for the evaluation of strategies in the management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). Waste represents a risk to public health and the environment, the dangerous type compounds that constitute them and the increase of their generation. In Colombia, there is a law of 1672 guidelines for the adoption of a policy that improves the management of WEEE.This Law proposes public management objectives, of which in this article three of them were evaluated (Reduction in generation, incentive to use, promote integrated participation). For this evaluation, a model was built using the Dynamics of Systems methodology, which allowed the establishment of the socio-environmental system structure for the generation and management of WEEE. Likewise, the evaluation scenarios were defined, the first is the initial or natural state that corresponds to the system without any strategy and the second is the system with the implementation of the strategies, which were divided into two groups. One is Economic Circular Strategies, Environmental Education and Job Promotion, and the other group contains the producer's extended liability strategies, citizenship incentives and the collection rate. Model simulations and scenario comparisons showed that the first group of strategies decreased in the generation rate of WEEE. Likewise, they allowed a second group of strategies on disposition rate. Likewise, the proposed model for the management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment is useful for the evaluation of waste management strategies in different scenarios

    Thyroid Pathology Findings in Cowden Syndrome: A Clue for the Diagnosis of the PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome

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    OBJECTIVES: PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome (PHTS) is a hereditary disorder caused by germline inactivating mutations of the PTEN gene. PHTS includes Cowden syndrome and Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome. We describe how the peculiar pathologic and immunohistochemical thyroid features lead pathologists to suggest PHTS. METHODS: A 28-year-old white Spanish woman had a multinodular goiter. Total thyroidectomy was performed after fine-needle aspiration biopsy. Microscopic, immunohistochemical, and molecular analyses of the thyroid lesions were realized. RESULTS: The thyroid was multinodular, showing one papillary microcarcinoma, five follicular adenomas, three adenolipomas, 46 tiny adenomatous nodules (microadenomas), scattered foci of adipose tissue, and lymphocytic thyroiditis. Tumors were positive for thyroglobulin, thyroperoxidase, pendrin, cyclin D1, and p27 but negative for calcitonin and PTEN. A germline heterozygous deletion of one adenine at nucleotide 827 in exon 8 of the PTEN gene was confirmed. No BRAF, NRAS, or KRAS somatic mutations were detected in the papillary microcarcinoma, follicular adenoma, adenolipomas, or microadenomas. Negativity for PTEN was also found in the colonic tubulovillous adenoma and the storiform collagenoma. CONCLUSIONS: Pathologists play a crucial role in recognizing pathologic thyroid findings associated with PHTS for selecting patients for genetic testing

    Implicit and explicit body representations

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    Several forms of perception require that sensory information be referenced to representations of the size and shape of the body. This requirement is especially acute in somatosensation in which the main receptor surface (i.e., the skin) is itself coextensive with the body. In this paper I will review recent research investigating the body representations underlying somatosensory information processing, including abilities such as tactile localisation, tactile size perception, and position sense. These representations show remarkably large and stereotyped distortions of represented body size and shape. Intriguingly, these distortions appear to mirror distortions characteristic of somatosensory maps, though in attenuated form. In contrast, when asked to make overt judgments about perceived body form, participants are generally quite accurate. This pattern of results suggests that higher-level somatosensory processing relies on a class of implicit body representation, distinct from the conscious body image. I discuss the implications of these results for understanding the nature of body representation and the factors which influence it

    Sensory capacity of reinnervated skin after redirection of amputated upper limb nerves to the chest

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    Targeted reinnervation is a new neural-machine interface that has been developed to help improve the function of new-generation prosthetic limbs. Targeted reinnervation is a surgical procedure that takes the nerves that once innervated a severed limb and redirects them to proximal muscle and skin sites. The sensory afferents of the redirected nerves reinnervate the skin overlying the transfer site. This creates a sensory expression of the missing limb in the amputee's reinnervated skin. When these individuals are touched on this reinnervated skin they feel as though they are being touched on their missing limb. Targeted reinnervation takes nerves that once served the hand, a skin region of high functional importance, and redirects them to less functionally relevant skin areas adjacent to the amputation site. In an effort to better understand the sensory capacity of the reinnervated target skin following this procedure, we examined grating orientation thresholds and point localization thresholds on two amputees who had undergone the targeted reinnervation surgery. Grating orientation thresholds and point localization thresholds were also measured on the contralateral normal skin of the targeted reinnervation amputees and on analogous sites in able-bodied controls. Grating orientation thresholds for the reinnervated skin of the targeted reinnervation amputees were found to be similar to normal ranges for both the amputees’ contralateral skin and also for the control population. Point localization thresholds for these amputees were found to be lower for their reinnervated skin than for their contralateral skin. Reinnervated point localization thresholds values were also lower in comparison to homologous chest sites on the control population. Mechanisms appear to be in place to maximize re-established touch input in targeted reinnervation amputees. It seems that sound sensory function is provided to the denervated skin of the residual limb when connected to afferent pathways once serving highly functionally relevant regions of the brain. This suggests that tactile interface devices could be used to give a physiologically appropriate sense of touch to a prosthetic limb, which would likely help with better functional utilization of the prosthetic device and possibly help to more effectively integrate the device with the user's self-image