492 research outputs found

    Closure or Connection? Healing from Trauma in Richard Van Camp’s The Lesser Blessed

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    Richard Van Camp's 1996 novel The Lesser Blessed contributes to a literature that testifies to the effects of Canadian residential schools on First Nations people. The narrator, Larry Sole, is the son of two residential school survivors. Sexually abused by his father, Larry relives his (and his parents') traumatic past in classically psychoanalytic terms: through a fragmented narrative, the return of the repressed, and acting out. From the perspective of individual recovery, Van Camp details Larry's psychological process of becoming whole. However, there is a broader, systemic rupture that remains unresolved — that of Canada's historical violence toward as well as continuing unjust treatment of First Nations peoples. The novel portrays a tension between individual recovery and national healing that can be understood in terms of dominant and Indigenous views of reconciliation. Reading The Lesser Blessed through the lens of reconciliation reveals a dynamic and double-edged vision of healing, through which we can understand Canada-First Nations relations as ongoing, ambiguous negotiations. The double-edged story relies on an enduring relationship between past injury and the present as well as a relationship between parties whose identities and attitudes are inherently tied to that past

    Breaking off the engagement : A case study about the decision to stand alone in a time of mergers in the Higher Education sector

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    Master's thesis Innovative governance and public management ME523 - University of Agder 2019The development in the Higher Education (HE) sector hasfor the past decade been characterized by structural changes in form of government-initiated mergers. The aim of such structural changes was to enhance the quality by concentrating the resources in fewer but stronger institutions. The signals from the Ministry of Education and Research about such changes was the start of a wave of mergers in the sector, whichover a few years resulted in a decrease in the number of Higher Education Institutions (HEI)from 33 to 21. However, not all of the negotiation processes about potential mergers turned out to be successful. This thesis is a comparative case study that is looking at the decision-making process, and what may have influenced this, towards a decision not to merge. The cases in this study is the negotiations between University of Agder (UiA) and Telemark University College (HiT) and the University of Stavanger (UiS) and Stord/Haugesund University College (HSH). The cases are quite similar when it comes to size and regional standing, but the processes differ in form of time-frame and involvement of internal and external stakeholders. The University Boards were divided in their opinions during the processes but ended in a unanimous vote in the last extraordinary board meeting. Something has happened during the processes and this study aim to identify critical events and stakeholders that have affected the decision-makers ́ decision to terminate the process and by that stand alone in a time of mergers. The following research question is formulated: Which critical events and stakeholders has affected the decision-making process in the merger negotiations at the University of Agder and the University of Stavanger?In order to identify such events and stakeholders, I have conducted interviews from representativesin the University Boards at the time of the merger process and conducted a document analysis as a tool in order to be able ask the right questions and to strengthen the information received from the interview. This has formed the base for a process tracingmethodology. The theoretical framework is built on two theoretical pillars: decision-making theoryand stakeholder theory. Decision-making theory centre around organizational characteristics that mayhave an impact on how an organization make decisions. These characteristics further form the base for five decision-making models. The second pillar is stakeholder theory, whichis important for identifying stakeholders that are important to an organization and how important they are in order to a stakeholder hierarchy. ivThe empirical data show that the theoretical pillars are quite overlapping as stakeholders have an impact on the perspectives that is characterising the organizational decision-making. The findings also indicate the two processes arequite similar in the beginning of the processes when it comes to whoand whathave influenced the merger initiate, but that the organizations further have quite different approachestowards the decision. Due to the different approaches, the internal and external factors that have affected the processes also differ, before the processes again share similarcharacteristicsas a result of the impact of similar factors

    Garden metaphysics: Myth and Ritual among the Awajun People of the Peruvian High Jungle

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    This master thesis explores the intricate ways in which the Awajun people of the Peruvian high jungle practice subsistence gardening. The Awajun garden comprises a dazzling display of flora heterogeneity, though the most important cultigen found in the garden is the sweet manioc, Awajun staple food.This root crop is surrounded by myths and rituals that give the garden a social character. Under special circumstances, notably during planting and harvesting, the manioc plants in the garden reveal their otherwise hidden human-like qualities. This potentializes communication between the Awajun horticulturalists and their plants. This relationship is realised by use of the transformative properties of different incarnations called anen. By use of these songs the Awajun gardener is able to, not only potentialize the non-evident humanity of her plant, but also to adopt the perspective of the mythical figure Nugkui, the master and mother of cultivated plants. By positioning herself in this way, the Awajun gardener nurtures her plants like a mother fosters her children through the dangers of the world. For the Awajun people, the garden is a realm in which the relations vowed between humans and plants make up a symbiotic circle based on co-dependency and nurture. Before reaching these focal points, the first part of this thesis will explore the general ecology of the Awajun garden, its sociality and historical change. Broader changesto their society will also be discussed.MasteroppgaveSANT350MASV-SAN

    Fare på merde? : Behov for endret sikkerhetsarbeid ved norske oppdrettsanlegg

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    -Denne rapporten er en del av forskningarbeidet i HITS og er en rapport om resultater fra en kvalitativ undersøkelse av skkerhet i arbeidet på og rundt et oppdrettsanlegg i to regioner i Norge

    Erfaringer fra fire skolers arbeid med å bli lærende organisasjoner

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    -​Denne rapporten tar for seg fire videregående skolers utvikling mot å bli bedre lærende organisasjoner. Arbeidet er en del av prosjektet ”Redusert bortvalg i en lærende organisasjon”. Rapporten bygger på kvalitative og kvantitative data om oppfatningene til medarbeidere ved disse fire skolene. I første kapittel introduseres prosjektet og datainnsamlingen

    Using Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) and Slack: A Case Study of Coordination in Large-Scale Distributed Agile

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    Today, many large-scale software projects have members working from home, which has changed the way teams coordinate work. To better understand coordination in this setting, we conducted a case study through which we examined two teams in a large-scale agile project by observing meetings and conducting 17 interviews. Through the lens of Relational Coordination Theory (RCT), we analyzed the use of the goal-setting framework Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) and the collaboration tool Slack. Slack was used for frequent, timely, and problem-solving communication and, and its use decreased the number of planned meetings. However, discussions often started on Slack and continued in virtual ad-hoc meetings. The use of OKRs facilitated knowledge sharing, helped the teams align their goals, and provided inter-team insights. The main implication of our research is that projects using OKRs need to support project members, especially in formulating the key results that align and motivate the teams to work toward the same mission

    Educational Ground Station Based on Software Defined Radio

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    Most of student satellite missions are based on the design, construction and launch of a picosatellite (cubesat) including the design of the ground station (GS). Traditional GS are based on commercial elements and are designed to support only one mission. These stations access the mission data very inefficiently, as only contact the satellite during short visibility periods. In this paper, we present a novel GS concept based on software defined radio technology that can be integrated in a global network for satellite tracking. The station will be implemented by a group of students as a part of a space project under the supervision of a faculty coordinator. The design must fulfil the requirements of low cost, remote operation, and flexibility to operate in different frequency bands. The set-up of this mid-term educational space project to build an operational GS will hopefully motivate Telecommunication Engineering students to participate and gain real hands-on experience in an international space environment


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    3.1 Kesimpulan BAB 3 KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan dan pengamatan setelah Praktik Kerja Lapangan, dapatlah disimpulkan sebagai berikut : 1. Perjalanan Dinas adalah perjalanan yang dilakukan untuk keperluan tugas perusahaan dengan tempat tujuan di luar kantor wilayah Perum BULOG Divre Jatim dan didasarkan atas perintah dari pejabat pemberi tugas (Kadivre) yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan perjalanan dinas. 2. Perum BULOG Divre Jatim telah menggunakan software SIAB dalam pemrosesan transaksi. Catatan akuntansi yang digunakan untuk pengeluaran kas atau bank adalah jurnal pengeluaran kas. Pembayaran perjalanan dinas dicatat sebagai beban dalam sistem SIAB. 3. Sistem Informasi Akuntansi perjalanan dinas yang diusulkan, dapat pengendalian atas biaya perjalanan dinas. 3.2 Saran Berdasarkan kesimpulan diatas ada beberapa saran yang dapat dipertimbangkan oleh perusahaan, antara lain : 1. Sistem pengeluaran kas perjalanan dinas yang terkomputersasi dapat memudahkan dalam melakukan pengendalian internal. 2. Perum BULOG Divre Jatim sebaiknya membuat SOP khusus yang mengatur tentang perjalanan dinas, SOP ini akan berfungsi sebagai pedoman bagi pelaksana dan pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan perjalanan dinas 3. Agar manajemen mempertimbangkan sistem usulan perjalanan dinas dengan E- Budgeting

    Issues Related to Combining Multiple Speciated PM2.5 Data Sources in Spatio-Temporal Exposure Models for Epidemiology: The NPACT Case Study

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    Background: Regulatory monitoring data have been the most common exposure data resource in studies of the association between long-term PM2.5 components and health. However, data collected for regulatory purposes may not be compatible with epidemiological study. Objectives: We aimed to explore three important features of the PM2.5 component monitoring data obtained from multiple sources to combine all available data for developing spatio-temporal prediction models in the National Particle Component and Toxicity (NPACT) study. Methods: The NPACT monitoring data were collected in an extensive monitoring campaign targeting cohort participants. The regulatory monitoring data were obtained from the Chemical Speciation Network (CSN) and the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE). We performed exploratory analyses to examine three features that could affect our approach to combining data: comprehensiveness of spatial coverage, comparability of analysis methods, and consistency in sampling protocols. In addition, we considered the viability of developing a spatio-temporal prediction model given: 1) all available data; 2) NPACT data only; and 3) NPACT data with temporal trends estimated from other pollutants. Results: The number of CSN/IMPROVE monitors was limited in all study areas. The different laboratory analysis methods and the protocol differences for sampling resulted in incompatible measurements between networks. Given these features, we determined that it was preferable to develop our spatio-temporal model using only the NPACT data and under simplifying assumptions. Conclusions: Investigators conducting epidemiological studies of long-term PM2.5 components need to be mindful of the features of the monitoring data and incorporate this understanding into exposure model development