509 research outputs found

    The use of acute responses of endocrine and immune biomarkers to highlight overreaching

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    A Thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyThe action of overtraining may lead to the different states of overreaching or the overtraining syndrome (OTS). Chronic maladaptation in endocrine and immune mechanisms, and performance decrements occur with the incidence of these states. Circulating cortisol and testosterone have been proposed as endocrine markers of overreaching/OTS. Salivary measurements of these hormones have been used as a non-invasive surrogate for circulating levels. Chapter 4 (study 1) on this Thesis examined the influence of consuming water 10 min, 5 min and 1 min before providing a saliva sample in diluting saliva and consequently providing invalid salivary cortisol and testosterone concentration levels. No trial effect was found. However, exercise-induced salivary cortisol and testosterone significantly elevated in response to the 10 min and 5 min trials only, with lower absolute-changes observed in the 1 min trial. No differences were found in the resting samples. It was suggested that consuming water up to 5 min before providing a saliva sample does not appear to influence the hormone concentrations at rest and during exercise. However, the recommended guidelines for saliva collection have been followed in the subsequent studies. Chapter 5 (study 2) examined the reproducibility of salivary cortisol and testosterone responses to a 30-min cycle named as the 55/80. This test has been proposed as a suitable indicator of hormonal alterations associated with overreaching/OTS. Reproducibility of salivary cortisol and testosterone to the 55/80 was confirmed by determining intra-individual coefficients of variation (CVi). However, the 55/80 is a cycle test and therefore, may not be appropriate for runners. Chapter 6 (study 3) focused on designing a 30-min, running bout (i.e. the RPEtreadmill) to reproduce the effects of the 55/80. The RPEtreadmill is a self-paced test and therefore, will not require aVO2maxtest to determine exercise intensities. An acute elevation of plasma and salivary testosterone, but not cortisol was observed in response to the RPEtreadmill. These responses have been shown to be reproducible. The data from Chapter 6 suggest that the RPEtreadmill may be a suitable tool to indicate hormonal alterations associated with overreaching/OTS. This led to the design of study 4 (Chapter 7). Plasma and salivary cortisol and testosterone responses were examined before and after a 12-day intensified-training period. Immunity markers (specifically salivary immunoglobulin A (SIgA), leucocyte subset proliferation and phagocytic activity) were examined before and after training. Plasma and salivary cortisol were unaffected by acute exercise and training. However, testosterone elevated to the RPEtreadmill Pre-Training, and these responses were reduced Post-Training. Total leucocytes and mucosal immunity were unaffected by exercise and training. However, increased upper respiratory tract infection symptoms were found Post-Training. Baseline phagocytic function was 47% lower Post-Training. This Thesis suggests that testosterone may be a more reliable exercise-stress marker. Moreover, the RPEtreadmill may be a suitable tool to highlight alterations in testosterone when in an overreached state in an attempt to avoid the incidence of OTS, and that this tool may be practically applied in the field of exercise science. Additionally, this Thesis shows that a 12-day intensified-training period induced a marked decrease in phagocytic responses, and therefore using the RPEtreadmill to highlight overreaching may be important to also prevent further impairments in immunity status

    El acontecimiento como contenido de las noticias: repensando una metodología

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    This article reflects on the methodology of content analysis, in its limits and its implications as a method of understanding the relationship between journalism and event. Widespread in journalism studies, content analysis is seen here in its assumptions and impossibilities, as detailed in a small case study on the covers of newsmagazines.Este artículo reflexiona sobre la metodología de análisis de contenido, en sus límites y sus implicaciones como un método de comprensión de la relación entre periodismo y acontecimientos. Difundido en estudios de periodismo, el análisis de contenido es visto aquí en sus presupuestos e imposibilidades, como es detallado en un estudio de caso de portadas de revistas semanales de información

    Maximum drawdown: models and applications

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    Financial series may possess fractal dimensions which would induce cycles of many different durations. This inherent characteristic would explain the turbulent cascades in stock markets when strong local dependence is observed. A drawdown is defined as the percentual accumulated loss due to a sequence of drops in the price of an investment. It is collected over non-fixed time intervals and its duration is also a random variable. The maximum drawdown occuring during a fixed investment horizon is a flexible measure that may provide a different perception of the risk and price flow of an investment. In this paper we propose statistical models from the extreme value theory for the severity and duration of the maximum drawdown. Our empirical results indicate that there may exist a relation between the pattern of the GARCH volatility of an investment and the fluctuations of the severity of the maximum drawdown and that, typically, extreme (but not outlying) maximum drawdowns occur during stress periods of high volatility. We suggest applications for the maximum drawdown, including the computation of the Maximum Drawdown-at-Risk with exceedance probability α, and the classification of investments according to their performance when controlling losses via the maximum drawdown.Indisponível

    Using robust portfolios techniques in emerging markets

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    Financial data are heavy tailed containing some proportion of extreme observations. We propose to use a robust covariance estimator to define the center and orientation of the data. We provide an illustration of the usefulness of the proposed procedure to efficiently allocate among emerging stock markets. We show that the resulting robust portfolios may yield higher cumulative returns and have more stable weights. We strongly recommend that a robust covariance matrix is used to solve emerging stock markets allocation problems. We believe that our technique has a key advantage. Because all we change is the covariance matrix, we can use any commercially available optimizer to obtain robust portfolio weights.Indisponível

    Dificultades en el tratamiento de la bulimia nerviosa: recurrencia y abandono de la terapia.

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    El manejo clínico de los pacientes con bulimia nerviosa suele ser complicado, ya que con frecuencia presentan una elevada tasa de recaídas y a menudo siguen el tratamiento de una forma incompleta, lo que contribuye a ensombrecer el pronóstico. No es infrecuente que el trastorno tenga un curso crónico, con remisiones incompletas que antes o después conducen a una reaparición de los síntomas. Russell definió en 1979 la bulimia como un trastorno con mal pronóstico. Los resultados de los diferentes estudios clínicos desarrollados desde entonces parecen confirmar dicha apreciación inicial, ya que ponen de manifiesto que en el 80 por ciento de los pacientes persisten distintos problemas tras recibir tratamiento. A ello hay que añadir la existencia de importantes dificultades cuando se pretende definir de forma inequívoca el estado clínico del paciente a lo largo del tiempo, ya que no han sido formulados criterios específicos acerca de lo que debe considerarse remisión de los síntomas, resolución del episodio, recaída en el contexto del episodio presente y recurrencia del trastorno

    Dificultades en el tratamiento de la bulimia nerviosa: recurrencia y abandono de la terapia.

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    El manejo clínico de los pacientes con bulimia nerviosa suele ser complicado, ya que con frecuencia presentan una elevada tasa de recaídas y a menudo siguen el tratamiento de una forma incompleta, lo que contribuye a ensombrecer el pronóstico. No es infrecuente que el trastorno tenga un curso crónico, con remisiones incompletas que antes o después conducen a una reaparición de los síntomas. Russell definió en 1979 la bulimia como un trastorno con mal pronóstico. Los resultados de los diferentes estudios clínicos desarrollados desde entonces parecen confirmar dicha apreciación inicial, ya que ponen de manifiesto que en el 80 por ciento de los pacientes persisten distintos problemas tras recibir tratamiento. A ello hay que añadir la existencia de importantes dificultades cuando se pretende definir de forma inequívoca el estado clínico del paciente a lo largo del tiempo, ya que no han sido formulados criterios específicos acerca de lo que debe considerarse remisión de los síntomas, resolución del episodio, recaída en el contexto del episodio presente y recurrencia del trastorno

    Implementação da norma IFS (International Featured Standard) na produção de Migas de Bacalhau da empresa frigoríficos da ermida

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e SegurançaA crescente preocupação das empresas com a qualidade e segurança alimentar dos seus produtos e as exigências de mercados internacionais reforçam a necessidade de implementação de referenciais específicos, como a Norma Internacional IFS - International Featured Standard. Este projeto teve como objetivo a implementação da IFS no processo de produção de Migas de Bacalhau na empresa, Frigoríficos da Ermida, Lda. Numa etapa inicial, procedeu-se ao estudo do referencial IFS 6, de forma a compreender a metodologia para o cumprimento dos requisitos. Foi realizado o enquadramento legal aplicável ao setor e de seguida procedeu-se à realização de uma auditoria diagnóstico, que permitiu avaliar a situação atual da empresa. Numa segunda fase, foi elaborada e revista toda a documentação necessária e estabelecidos planos de ações para dar cumprimento aos requisitos deste referencial. De acordo, com uma segunda auditoria realizada, a empresa conseguiu evoluir de forma muito significativa, alcançando o nível básico ou fundamental da IFS.The growing concern of companies over quality and food safety of their products and the demands of many international markets increase the need for implementation of specific international standards such as the IFS- International Featured Standard. The objective of this project, was the implementation of standard IFS, in an industry that produces Migas de Bacalhau (shredded cod), Frigoríficos da Ermida,Lda. At an early stage, it was obtained the International Featured Standard 6. The standard has been studied and analyzed in order to understand the best methods to meet the requirements. It was researched the applicable legislation of the sector and It was made a pre-audit to evaluate the current situation of the company. In a second stage, it was developed and worked out all the associated documentation, as well as an action plan and changes to be considered for the implementation of the standard. According to a second audit, the company has become a very significant development, reaching the basic or fundamental level of the IFS


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    OBJETIVOS DO TRABALHO O objetivo geral do trabalho é analisar o andamento e a evolução das políticas afirmativas que versem sobre o acolhimento dos refugiados nos países da União Europeia, essencialmente enquanto essencial desafio jurídico contemporâneo.  Têm-se como objetivos específicos: a) Estudar experiências efetivas de eficácia já comprovada e entender seu papel no progresso das políticas afirmativas; b) Verificar a função da Organização das Nações Unidas na mediação e no progresso de ações afirmativas; c) Comparar a existência de legislações sobre o assunto, salientando as contribuições de países com medidas benéficas já existentes; d) Identificar a necessidade não somente de uma positivação jurídica, mas também do estímulo à plena aceitação social dos refugiados; e) Entender o posicionamento brasileiro em relação a dimensão do conceito de responsabilidade solidária para com os refugiados; f) Estreitar a investigação a partir do ponto de vista dos próprios refugiados, através entrevistas das experiências pessoais de vivência; g) Analisar comparativamente quais os critérios de distinção entre o um cidadão nativo e um refugiado, ainda que apresentem uma cultura semelhante e h) Verificar se há distinção no tratamento dos refugiados de acordo com o país de origem. Pode-se, portanto, assumir como base da pesquisa a indiscutível necessidade de que se perceba a validade de um direito de ter direitos, bem como do direito de pertencer a alguma comunidade organizada e, acima de tudo, não ser perseguido unicamente pelo que imutavelmente se é (ARENDT, 2013)

    Planeamento ambiental para engenheiros do ambiente: uma análise centrada nos mestrados integrados oferecidos em Portugal

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    A prática da engenharia do ambiente requer conhecimentos sobre a interação entre as atividades humanas, o ambiente e o território, bem como instrumentos de política de ambiente, como planos, para a sua prevenção e gestão. Diversos planos de política de ambiente como planos territoriais ou de ambiente integram a lista de atos de engenharia atualmente estabelecida pela Ordem dos Engenheiros Portuguesa. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar de que forma o planeamento ambiental é atualmente integrado no ensino de engenharia do ambiente em Portugal. Para o efeito identifica e analisa as unidades curriculares dedicadas existentes nos principais mestrados integrados em engenharia do ambiente oferecidos por universidades públicas em Portugal Continental. A análise das unidades curriculares selecionadas é desenvolvida através de um conjunto de parâmetros, designadamente os objetivos e competências, os conteúdos e a bibliografia de suporte. Os resultados obtidos com esta análise são depois ponderados com a revisão de literatura sobre planeamento ambiental previamente desenvolvida. Os resultados obtidos indicam que as unidades curriculares analisadas apresentam abordagens de ensino muito diferentes, não só no tipo de conteúdos lecionados, mas também no tipo de competências transmitidas. Foi também possível concluir que apesar de na maioria dos cursos as unidades curriculares sobre planeamento ambiental serem obrigatórias, existem casos onde tal não se verifica. Os resultados permitem também concluir que os conteúdos relacionados com sistemas ecológicos, ferramentas de apoio a tomada de decisões ou design sustentável que, refletem as recomendações identificadas na literatura da especialidade, não estão asseguradas em todos os planos de estudo das unidades curriculares analisadas. O mesmo acontece com a fomentação do desenvolvimento de capacidades como o sentido de ética, pensamento crítico, e a gestão e liderança de equipas e planos.The practice of environmental engineering requires knowledge about the interaction between human activities, the environment and the territory, as well as environmental policy instruments, such as plans, for their prevention and management. Several environmental policy plans such as territorial or environmental plans are included in the list of engineering acts currently established by the Portuguese Engineers' Association. This dissertation aims to analyze how environmental planning is currently integrated into environmental engineering teaching in Portugal. For this purpose, it identifies and analyzes the dedicated curricular units existing in the main integrated master’s degrees in environmental engineering offered by public universities in mainland Portugal. The analysis of the selected curricular units is developed through a set of parameters, namely the objectives and competences, the contents and the support bibliography. The results obtained with this analysis are then weighted with the literature review previously developed on environmental planning. The obtained results indicate that the curricular units analyzed present very different teaching approaches, not only in the type of contents taught, but also in the type of transmitted competences. It was also possible to conclude that although in most courses, the curricular units on environmental planning are mandatory, there are cases where this doesn’t happen. The results also allow us to conclude that contents related to ecological systems, tools to support decision making or sustainable design, that reflect the recommendations identified in the literature of the specialty, are not present in all curricula of the analyzed curricular units. The same happens about the fostering of the development of skills such as sense of ethics, critical thinking, and the management and leadership of teams and plans.Mestrado em Engenharia do Ambient