212 research outputs found

    Aplicação de instruções de trabalho para o processo de controlo da qualidade numa empresa produtora de limas

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    O relatório representa o trabalho realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica: Gestão industrial, em ambiente industrial, realizado na SNA Europe, empresa produtora de ferramentas manuais. Este projeto teve como principal objetivo a padronização das atividades de controlo da qualidade na secção de picagem. As empresas necessitam de se diferenciar das restantes implementando estratégias capazes de aumentar a produtividade e diminuir desperdícios, e é neste âmbito que a padronização das atividades e operações se torna imprescindível. Para alcançar o principal objetivo do trabalho, é realizado um estudo de temas que incluem a qualidade, o controlo, a inspeção e o Standard Work. O estudo da secção em análise é, também, uma etapa fundamental para a deteção de problemas e oportunidades de melhoria. Posto isto, são detetados, através de observação direta dos processos e a aplicação de questões aos operadores, alguns problemas no processo de controlo da qualidade tais como, a incoerência do processo de autocontrolo e a dificuldade de deteção dos defeitos visuais. De maneira a solucionar os problemas encontrados, apresentam-se ferramentas acessíveis, nomeadamente instruções de trabalho (IT) e lições de um ponto (LUP), que incluem informação detalhada das atividades a realizar e das características a verificar. A aplicação destas propostas resulta num aumento da percentagem de não conformidades detetadas na secção de picagem assim como, a consequente redução da quantidade total de produto não conforme. Tratando-se a picagem de uma atividade com um custo elevado para a empresa a deteção precoce dos defeitos produzidos é de tremenda importância e resulta numa redução substancial de custos de não qualidade. A introdução destas ferramentas práticas nas empresas resulta em melhorias significativas que se estendem por toda a organização, podendo ser adaptadas e aplicadas a qualquer área empresarial.The report represents the work done within the master's degree in mechanical engineering: industrial management in industrial environment, held in SNA Europe, manufacturer of hand tools. This project had as main objective the standardization of quality control activities in the chipping section. Companies need to differentiate from other implementing strategies able to increase productivity and reduce waste, and it is in this context that the standardization of activities and operations becomes essential to achieve the main objective of the work is carried out a study of topics that include the quality, control, inspection and Standard Work. The study of the section in question is also a fundamental step for the detection of problems and opportunities for improvement. Having said that, are detected, through direct observation of the processes and implementation of questions to the operators, some problems in the process of quality control such as, the incoherence of the self-control process and the difficulty of detection of visual defects. In order to solve the problems encountered are accessible tools, in particular working instructions (WI) and one-point lessons (OPL), including detailed information on the activities to be carried out and characteristics to verify. The implementation of these proposals will result in an increase on the percentage of non-conformities detected in the chipping and the consequent reduction of the total amount of non-compliant product. When it comes to chipping, an activity with a high cost for the company, the early detection of defects produced is of tremendous importance and results in a substantial reduction of costs of nonequality. The introduction of these practical tools in companies result in significant improvements that extend throughout the whole organization and can be adapted and applied to any business area

    El modelo de gestión de Parques de Sintra: estudio de caso sobre el Palacio Nacional de la Pena

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    Parques de Sintra - Monte da Lua, SA (PSML hereafter) is an entirely state owned company set up in 2000 subsequent to UNESCO classifying the Cultural Landscape of Sintra as World Heritage in 1995 and bringing together those institutions with responsibilities in this field as shareholders. The PSML public heritage management model is unique in Portugal. In 2014, the heritage sites received over 1.9 million visits and generating some €18.3 million in revenues and ranking the company as among the three most important cultural tourism poles in the country. The PSML mission involves restoring, maintaining, promoting and opening up the heritage managed for the public good. To ensure the maintenance and functioning of this heritage, the company draws exclusively on the revenues generated by site entrance tickets, by the cafeterias, the stores and by renting out such sites for events. For its investment projects, the company draws on its own income and whenever possible also seeks support from national and European subsidy programs. The Palace of Pena is the most visited monument in the Sintra Cultural Landscape having received around 900,000 visitors in 2014. We now present the PSML management model, applied across its different facets, and particularly in relation to the National Palace of Pena, explaining its economic sustainability, the relationships with visitors and the strategy deployed in the approach to heritage restoration and conservation intervention projects. This correspondingly focuses on aspects such as the “open for works” method, the projects implemented and the future perspectives as well as the “virtuous cycle” vision driving the model’s success: heritage restored and open to public enjoyment, greater and deeper visitor satisfaction, higher revenues, higher investment.Parques de Sintra – Monte da Lua, SA (PSML) es una empresa de capitales exclusivamente públicos creada en el año 2000, después de que la UNESCO declarase en 1995 el Paisaje Cultura de Sintra Patrimonio Mundial. Agrupa a las instituciones con responsabilidades en la zona y que constituyen su accionariado, con la misión de recuperar, conservar, divulgar y abrir al público el patrimonio que gestiona. El modelo de gestión del patrimonio público de PSML es único en Portugal. En 2014 recibió a más de 1,9 millones de visitantes que generaron unos ingresos de cerca de 18,3 millones de euros, situándose entre los tres más importantes polos de turismo cultural del país. El Palacio de la Pena es el monumento más visitado del Paisaje Cultural de Sintra, con cerca de 900 mil visitantes en 2014. El mantenimiento y funcionamiento de las propiedades dependen exclusivamente de los ingresos que reportan las taquillas, las cafeterías, las tiendas y el alquiler de los espacios para eventos. La empresa también recurre a sus propios recursos para financiar sus inversiones, buscando en la medida de lo posible contar con el apoyo de programas nacionales y europeos. El modelo de gestión de PSML que se presenta, aplicado en sus diferentes vertientes y en especial al Palacio Nacional de la Pena, explicita su sostenibilidad económica, la relación con los visitantes y la estrategia utilizada en las intervenciones de recuperación y conservación del patrimonio. Entre los diferentes aspectos tratados destacan el método “abierto por obras”, los proyectos ya realizados y los previstos para el futuro. Se ofrece también una visión sobre el “círculo virtuoso” para el éxito del modelo: patrimonio restaurado y abierto al público, más y mayor satisfacción de los visitantes, mayores ingresos, más inversiones.Depto. de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y ArqueologíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)pu

    Estimating anatomically plausible segment orientations using a kinect one sensor

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consumer perception and willingness to try new food products produced by new food technologies

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    Comunicação em poster apresentada no 36th EFFoST International Conference 2022 - Shaping the Production of Sustainable, Healthy Foods for the Future Dublin, Irlanda. Abstract book: Frias, A., Moura, A. P., & Cunha, L. M. (2022, 7-9 novembro). Consumer perception and willingness to try new food products produced by new food technologies, Abstract book 36th EFFoST International Conference 2022 - Shaping the Production of Sustainable, Healthy Foods for the Future (p. 115). Dublin, Irlanda.The increased demand for healthier and sustainable foods is a major driver for the development of a wide variety of processing technologies, such as ohmic heating, high-pressure processing and edible coating. These technologies have the advantage of better preserving the original quality of food products. Therefore, understanding consumers’ needs and possible barriers to acceptance of these technologies helps to better assess the commercial viability of new food products resulting from their application. The aim of this research is to evaluate Portuguese consumers’ attitudes towards new food technologies and understand their willingness to try new food products produced with such technologies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Centauros de motocicleta: o cavalo como testemunha do “processo domesticatório” do gaúcho

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    O presente artigo discute como gaúchos e cavalos compartilham uma trajetória de relações que configuram um processo domesticatório comum, no universo da pecuária no pampa brasileiro – considerando tal processo como parte dos movimentos das elites econômicas e políticas no sentido de burocratização e racionalização do trabalho e da produção nas estâncias de criação de gado bovino. A noção de “sujeição” dos cavalos domados, como fruto da negociação de forças que envolve o emprego das técnicas da chamada doma tradicional ou doma gaúcha, empreendimento em que se privilegia o uso da força bruta como forma de “ensinar” os equinos, acompanha a histórica burocratização da pessoa do trabalhador rural da lida campeira. Os dados etnográficos que embasam esta pesquisa foram elaborados a partir de trabalho de campo realizado entre os anos de 2010 e 2014, com o intuito de subsidiar as análises do Inventário Nacional de Referências Culturais – Lidas Campeiras na Região de Bagé/RS, bem como seus desdobramentos.The present article discusses how gaúchos and horses share a path of relations which set a common domesticating process, in the universe of cattle breeding in the Brazilian Pampa – considering such process as part of movements of the economical and political elites with the intention of bureaucratization and rationalization of the work and the production at cattle farming ranches. The idea of “submission” of the tamed horses, as a result of the negotiation of forces which involve the use of the techniques called as traditional taming or gaúcha taming, a venture in which the use of brutal force is privileged as a way to “teach” the horses, follows the historical bureaucratization of the rural worker in the campeira handling. The ethnographic data on which this research is based were elaborated from field work carried out between the years of 2010 and 2014, with the purpose of subsidizing the analysis of the National Register of Cultural Reference – Campeiras Handling in the Bagé Region/RS, as well as its developments

    Chronic Migraine in Adolescence

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    Chronic migraine (CM) is a clinically and epidemiologically important disease that generates considerable impairment to those affected by it, since there is evidence of higher incidence of depression, anxiety, and chronic pain in patients with this condition. It is characterized by the occurrence of headache for at least 8 migraine days in a month and at least 15 headache days in the same month. Despite the similarity in CM presented in adults, when in adolescents it has some particularities. Thus, the aim of this chapter was to conduct a literature review, using the databases: PubMed, SciELO, and LILACS, in addition to text books, explaining the definition, epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis, pathophysiology, treatment, and prevention of CM in adolescent population

    Motion control for autonomous tugger vehicles in dynamic factory floors shared with human operators

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    We present a motion controller that generates collision free trajectories for autonomous Tugger vehicles operating in dynamic factory environments, where human operators may coexist. The controller is formalized as a dynamic system of path velocity and heading direction, whose vector fields change as sensory information varies. By design the parameters are tuned so that the control variables are close to an attractor of the resultant dynamics most of the time. This contributes to the overall asymptotically stability of the system and makes it robust against perturbations. We present several experiments, in a real factory environment, that highlight different innovative features of the navigation system - flexible and safe solutions for human-aware autonomous navigation in dynamic and cluttered environments. This means, besides generating online collision free trajectories between via points, the system detects the presence of humans, interact with them showing awareness of their presence, and generate adequate motor behavior.This work has been supported by National Funds through FCT -Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019, and by European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project n degrees 002814; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-002814]

    Comparing follow-up of patients with vitamin K antagonists in a health center: pre- and post- COVID-19 pandemic

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    Introduction and objectives: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the follow-up of patients treated with vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) may have been affected. This study aims to compare how these patients were monitored preand post-COVID-19 pandemic and understand the impact of non-face-to-face appointments on their follow-up. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study in a Portuguese Health Center. The study included patients treated with VKAs and followed at the Health Center for international normalized ratio (INR) monitoring between March 2019 and March 2021. Data collected: sex, age, type of VKA; INR; date of INR assessment, type of appointment (face-to-face or phone/e-mail). Rosendaal’s method was used to calculate pre-COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 time in therapeutic range (TTR). Good TTR control was defined if values ≥ 70%. Results: 44 patients were included. The mean TTR in the pre-COVID-19 period was 64.55% (95% CI: 58.10 - 71.00%). The post-COVID-19 mean was slightly higher (+ 2.26%), 66.81% (95% CI: 59.66 - 73.97%), but the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.576). The use of non-face-to-face appointments did not contribute to worsening post-pandemic TTR, showing no lower follow-up than during pre-pandemic period in which all contacts were face-to-face [CI (95%) -0.397 - 0.196 for a reference range -0.489 - 0.693]. Conclusions: The TTR value in both periods was similar and lower than the value defined for effective hypocoagulation. The use of non-face-to-face consultation in the post-COVID-19 period does not seem to have influenced the quality of hypocoagulation.Introdução e objetivos: Durante a pandemia COVID-19 o acompanhamento de doentes medicados com antagonistas da vitamina K (AVKs) pode ter sido afetado. Este estudo pretende comparar a forma como estes doentes foram monitorizados antes e depois da pandemia COVID-19 e compreender o impacto da consulta não presencialno seu seguimento. Métodos: Estudo de coorte retrospetivo num Centro de Saúde em Portugal. O estudo incluiu doentes tratados com AVKs e seguidos no Centro de Saúde para monitorização do International Normalized Ratio (INR) entre março de 2019 e março de 2021. Dados recolhidos: sexo, idade, tipo de AVK; INR; data da avaliação do INR, tipo de consulta (presencial ou por telefone/e-mail). Foi utilizado o método de interpolação linear de Rosendaal para calcular o tempo em intervalo terapêutico (TTR) pré- e pós-COVID-19. Foi definido um bom controle se valores de TTR ≥ 70%. Resultados: Foram incluídos 44 doentes. A média de TTR no período pré-COVID-19 foi de 64,55% (95% IC: 58,10 - 71,00%). A média pós-COVID-19 foi ligeiramente superior (+ 2,26%), 66,81% (95%IC: 59,66 - 73,97%), mas a diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,576). A utilização da consulta não presencial não contribuiu para o agravamento do TTR no período pós-pandemia, não mostrando um seguimento inferior ao do período pré-pandemia em que todos os contatos foram presenciais [IC (95%) -0,397 - 0,196 para um intervalo de referência -0,489 - 0,693]. Conclusões: O valor de TTR em ambos os períodos foi semelhante e inferior ao valor definido para hipocoagulação eficaz. A utilização da consulta não presencial no período pós-COVID-19 não parece ter influenciado a qualidade da hipocoagulação

    Constitucionalização do FUNDEB permanente: que atores se envolveram na formulação da política?

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    The article discusses the actors who were involved in the creation of the new FUNDEB. The minutes and tabular notes from the meetings and hearings of the Special Committees of the House of Deputies, which were established to discuss the proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 15 of 2015 (Brasil, 2015) in the 55th and 56th Legislative Sessions, were examined. The theoretical contribution that was used was a cognitive analysis of public policy. It was noted that there was a strong emphasis on the involvement of academic and professional communities in the 55th Legislative, but the participation of politicians who were institutionally authorized to make decisions prevailed in the 56th.El artículo aborda a los actores que se movilizaron en la formulación del nuevo FUNDEB. Se analizaron las actas y notas notales de las reuniones y audiencias públicas de las Comisiones Especiales de la Cámara de Representantes, constituidas para tratar la propuesta de Enmienda Constitucional No. 15 de 2015 en las Legislaturas 55 y 56. La orientación teórica utilizada fue el análisis cognitivo de las políticas públicas. Se identificó que, en la 55ª Legislatura (Brasil, 2015), la participación de comunidades epistémicas y especialistas fue expresiva. En el 56 ha prevaleció la participación de políticos, actores institucionalmente autorizados para tomar decisiones.O artigo aborda os atores que se mobilizaram na formulação do novo Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação (FUNDEB). Foram analisadas as atas das reuniões e audiências das Comissões Especiais da Câmara dos Deputados, constituídas para tratar da Proposta de Emenda Constitucional nº 15 de 2015 nas 55ª e 56ª Legislaturas (Brasil, 2015). O aporte teórico utilizado foi a análise cognitiva de políticas públicas. Identificou-se que, na 55ª Legislatura, o envolvimento de comunidades epistêmicas e de especialistas foi expressivo. Já na 56ª, prevaleceu a participação de políticos, atores institucionalmente autorizados à tomada decisão