530 research outputs found

    Game-Based Learning, Gamification in Education and Serious Games

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    Video games have become one of the predominant forms of entertainment in our society, but they have also impacted many other of its social and cultural aspects. The new forms of interaction and communication in online multiplayer games, the millions of viewers of professional e-sports competitions, the huge following of gaming streamers through channels such as Twitch, and the communities of players that are formed around a specific title are just some examples of the impact of games in everyday life today.[...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Response to salinity in young olive trees of three Iberian varieties

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    Soil salinization is a problem in the Mediterranean region. This paper reports a research on the response to salt in two year-old olive trees (Olea europaea L.) of three Iberian varieties: Arbequina, Cobrançosa and Galega Vulgar. Plants were grown in plastic pots containing approximately 9 Kg of a sandy granitic soil, on a greenhouse at the University of Évora since February 2010. The experiment went from February to April 2012. As a rule, plants were watered every other day alternating salt solution (0 mM, 80 mM or 200 mM NaCl) or tap water. After three months irrigation with the different NaCl solutions, soil electric conductivity and soil water content were significantly higher on salt-irrigated pots. Salt also decreased significantly stomatal conductance (gs) and mid-day leaf water potential (), Cobrançosa having in general higher gs and but lower SLA than the two other varieties. Chlorophyll content of leaves was not affected by salt after this three months exposure to NaCl but was significantly higher on Arbequina and lower on Cobrançosa. In general, hyperspectral reflectance indexes did not show significant correlations with salt irrigation, except for the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) which was clearly lower on plants of all three varieties irrigated with salt. Interestingly, Cobrançosa showed frequently vegetation indexes different from the other two varieties

    O Brasil sob a lente dos Direitos Humanos : análise do conteúdo da lei 10.216/2001

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    RESUMO: O Brasil em 2001 aprovou a Lei de Saúde Mental, n° 10.216, e vem implantando um conjunto de regulamentações focado na atenção integral à saúde e nos Direitos Humanos. Esta pesquisa descritiva tem como intuito conhecer e identificar o conteúdo desta lei, objetivando analisar a abrangência e adequação desse conteúdo a partir do Checklist da OMS (2005) destinado a assegurar os Direitos Humanos assinados em protocolos internacionais. Para tal, um grupo focal foi constituído com diferentes atores envolvidos com a saúde mental no Brasil, em dois encontros, com até duas horas cada. O grupo realizou um debate sobre o conteúdo da Lei 10.216/01, o Checklist foi o roteiro e norteador dos debates, tendo sido considerado minuciosamente cada ponto de checagem da lei. Ao final, buscou-se uma resposta-consenso do grupo a cada item. Optou-se ainda por observar outros dois dados complementares: os discursos públicos do deputado Paulo Delgado e a as recomendações da IV Conferência Nacional de Saúde Mental. A apreciação dos dados foi conduzida por meio de análise de conteúdo, pela qual foi possível identificar 16 temas (a partir dos 27 itens do Checklist) e organizá-los em quatro categorias de análise: Teórico-Conceitual, Técnico-Assistencial, Jurídico-Político e Sociocultural. Ficou evidente que o conteúdo da Lei, em geral, está adequado por conseguir operar e sustentar boa parte das questões da Saúde Mental no Brasil. O texto em si garante e promove os direitos das pessoas com sofrimento mental. Foi possível identificar recomendações para a gestão federal, movimento social e outros atores, tanto para aplicar e interpretar coerentemente a Lei quanto para qualificar a legislação que se desdobra a partir dela. Ficou evidente a importância da CRPD – Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, cuja aplicação à saúde mental tem sido pouco debatida no Brasil.-----------------ABSTRACT: In 2001 Brazil approved the Mental Health Law, number 10.216 and has been implanting, a group of regulations focused on the attention to health and Human Rights. This descriptive research intends to get to know and identify the contents of the above mentioned law, in order to analyze its scope and conformity to the OMS’ Checklist (2005) in assuring the Human Rights signed in international protocols. For such a proposition, a focal checking group was formed by different actors involved in mental health in Brazil, in two meetings, during average to two hours each. The group has realized a debate on the contents of the Law 10.216/2001, the Checklist from OMS, was the script and the north for the debates considering each check point of the law. At the end, a consensual group answer was given to each of the items on the checklist. Decided to observe two other complementary data: the public speeches by Deputy Paulo Delgado and the recommendations of the IV National Conference on Mental health. The Data appreciation, conducted through the analysis of the contents: it was possible to identify 17 themes (based on the 27 items on the Checklist) and organize them into four categories: Theoretical-Conceptual, Technical-Assistance, Legal-Politics and Sociocultural. It is clear that generally the law’s content is adequate; it can operate and sustain a big part of the mental health issues in Brazil. The text itself ensures and promotes the rights of the ones with mental disorder. It was possible to identify recommendations for the federal management, social movement and other actors, both to apply and interpret the law consistently as to qualify the legislation that unfolds from it. It was evident the importance of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities-CRPD, whose application to mental health have been little debated in Brazil

    Obstructive sleep apnea associated with Diabetes mellitus Type 2: a proteomic study

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    Background: We previously showed that Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a common public health concern causing deleterious cardiometabolic dysfunction, induced proteomic alterations in red blood cells (RBC) such as changes in the redox-oligomeric state of peroxiredoxin 2 (PRDX2)1-2. Herein, we aimed to investigate whether OSA patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus before and after positive airway pressure (PAP) treatment present similar changes in the RBC antioxidant protein PRDX2 to better understand the molecular basic mechanisms associated with OSA and OSA outcomes. Methods: RBC samples from control snorers (n=22 being 3 diabetics) and OSA patients before and after six month of PAP-treatment (n=29 being 8 diabetics) were analysed by non-reducing western blot using antibody against PRDX2 or PRDXSO2/3 to measure the total and overoxidized levels of monomeric/dimeric/multimeric forms of PRDX2. Results: We confirmed previously data by showing that in OSA RBC the overoxidation on the monomeric forms of PRDX2 was higher compared to controls. After PAP treatment, this overoxidation decreased followed by an increase of multimeric-overoxidized forms of PRDX2 described to be associated with chaperone protective function. In contrast, the level of PRDX2 monomers in RBC diabetic OSA, although higher abundant its overoxidation level was much lower than those observed in OSA without comorbidity and did not significant change after treatment. Moreover, the level of PAP-induced PRDX2-overoxidized-multimers was also lower in these diabetic OSA patients. The level of overoxidized monomeric/dimeric forms of PRDX2 correlated negatively with levels of insulin / triglycerides and HbA1C, respectively. After PAP, the level of (overoxidized) PRDX2SO2/3 multimers correlated positively with adrenaline levels. Conclusions: The redox/oligomeric state of RBC PRDX2 that is regulated by overoxidation of the active cysteines was differentially modulated in diabetic OSA patients compared to OSA without this comorbidity. PAP-induced overoxidized oligo forms of PRDX2 that is associated with chaperone protective function showed decreased in OSA patients with diabetes. The clinical impact of these findings needs further investigation and validation.Project partially supported by Harvard Medical School-Portugal Program (HMSP-ICJ/0022/2011), ToxOmics - Centre for Toxicogenomics and Human Health (FCT-UID/BIM/00009/2013).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of reliability in isokinetic testing among adolescent basketball players

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    Background. The reproducibility of day-to-day testing of isokinetic concentric and eccentric muscular actions among adolescent basketball players aged 14 to 16 years and relationships of mean within-subject variation in two isokinetic testing sessions with chronological age, biological maturation (estimated age at peak height velocity), training experience, body size, lower-body morphology, and initial strength performance were evaluated. Material and Methods. The sample included 27 basketball players who completed replicate test sessions of 5 repetitions of reciprocal concentric and eccentric knee extensions and flexions at 60 degrees s(-1). A randomly selected subsample of 8 players completed a third testing session to confirm reliability estimates. Results. Coefficients of variation (CV) between sessions 1 and 2 ranged from 8.1% to 17.4%, and intraclass coefficients (ICCs) ranged from 0.72 to 0.89. For sessions 1 and 3, CVs ranged from 3.9% to 6.0%, and ICCs ranged from 0.95 to 0.99. The initial level of strength of eccentric knee flexion (r=-0.43) and eccentric knee extension (r=-0.42) were correlated (P<0.05) with eccentric knee extension within-variation between two sessions. Training experience (r=-0.37, P<0.05) and initial values of concentric knee flexion (r=-0.62, P<0.01) were correlated with concentric knee flexion within-subject differences. Within-subject variation of eccentric knee extension was correlated (P<0.05) with chronologic age (r=0.41), estimated age at peak height velocity (r=-0.38), body size (r=0.41 to 0.47), and leg volume (r=0.39). Conclusions. Familiarization sessions may improve the reliability of concentric and eccentric knee isokinetic strength testing at 60 s(-1) in adolescent basketball players. Age, maturity status, and training experience of young athletes should be considered when testing knee isokinetic strength at 60 degrees s(-1)

    Relocating Social Justice to the Axis of Citizenship—For a Deaf Mediation

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    Based on the tangible relationship of strangeness seen in the lines of communication between a deaf and a hearing individual, in which full comprehension of the (gestural) linguistic metaphors used among the deaf is not always assimilated, and vice versa, we will from the beginning put emphasis on the differences and ruptures between the fields of representation and communication. We will thereupon approach deafness as a relationship by deconstructing the view of disability, i.e. by granting privilege to the differences yet underscoring the equality of intelligence (the wise hearing individual versus the profane deaf). It is from this standpoint (the recognition of difference) that so-called profane knowledge gains visibility and importance in the upward climb to the expertise acquired by the deaf. Nevertheless, it is fundamental to know how to coordinate this recognition with the conquests of redistributive social justice. Finally, we explore the central role of the (deaf) mediator in the construction of meaning and citizenship, especially when dealing with the isolated deaf, with the objective of underpinning situations of marginality that, perhaps unintentionally, are shaped by the social project

    Automedicação numa cidade do norte de Portugal

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    A automedicação é definida como o consumo de um medicamento sem orientação ou prescrição de profissionais competentes, no qual o próprio paciente decide o produto que será utilizado, podendo ser realizada com produtos industrializados ou remédios caseiros. Objetivos: Determinar a prevalência e a frequência da automedicação; caracterizar a terapêutica usada, motivos, averiguar a comunicação ao médico, a ocorrência de efeitos indesejáveis e o conhecimento sobre os riscos; bem como determinar fatores associados à automedicação. Métodos: O estudo realizado foi do tipo transversal e descritivo-correlacional. Nele participaram 330 indivíduos, 57,0% do sexo feminino e 43,0% do sexo masculino, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 88 anos (média 41,3). A recolha de dados foi realizada através de um questionário de autopreenchimento. Na análise estatística aplicaram-se medidas de tendência central e de dispersão, e o teste do qui-quadrado considerando o nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Verificou-se que a prevalência da automedicação foi de 87,6%, dos quais 78,2% afirmam tê-lo feito no último ano; a maioria (81,2%) afirma automedicar-se apenas algumas vezes por ano, havendo uma minoria que o faz diariamente (0,9%). Recorrem com mais frequência ao Paracetamol e ao Ibuprofeno, sendo as cefaleias e constipações os principais motivos. Dos indivíduos que se automedicam, 52,1% admitem informar o seu médico dos medicamentos não prescritos que utilizam e 83,0% afirmaram não ter notado a ocorrência de efeitos indesejáveis. Da totalidade dos indivíduos inquiridos, 88,2% afirmam que a automedicação constitui algum tipo de risco para a saúde. O género e a escolaridade parecem estar associados à automedicação (p<0,001 e p=0,01, respetivamente). Conclusão: A automedicação é bastante prevalente, mas pouco frequente ao longo do ano. Os analgésicos e anti-inflamatórios são os medicamentos mais usados, devido a dores de cabeça e constipações. Apenas cerca de metade dos indivíduos que se automedicam informam o médico, e a maioria não sentiu efeitos indesejados. A automedicação é considerada como perigosa para a saúde e parece estar associada ao género e escolaridade

    Terminologias, gradações e continuum de cor: as formas cotidianas de classificar cor e raça em uma feira de Belém

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    Este artigo pretende discutir sobre o sistema de classificação racial brasileiro, especificamente, as formas cotidianas de pensar e classificar em termos de cor e raça. Este sistema privilegia o emprego de terminologias que seguem a lógica de um continuum de cor em detrimento de termos polares, o que revela um profundo conhecimento tácito pelas pessoas das regras e dos códigos deste sistema classificatório. Palavras-chave: Sistema de classificação racial. Continuum de cor. Gradações de cor

    Ver-a-Cor: um estudo sobre as relações raciais no mercado do Ver-o-Peso em Belém (PA)

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-graduação em Antropologia Social, Florianópolis, 2007Este trabalho pretende compreender as relações raciais em Belém, problematizando, mais especificamente, as formas cotidianas de pensar e classificar em termos de cor e raça. A pesquisa se desenvolve no mercado do Ver-o-Peso, considerado a maior feira livre da América Latina e local representativo econômica e culturalmente desta cidade. As classificações sobre cor e raça no Brasil, freqüentemente, aparecem no discurso cotidiano sem polarizações, apresentando inúmeras terminologias e gradações que, na maioria das vezes, são utilizadas de forma relacional levando-se em consideração não só a aparência física, mas também a posição social ocupada pelo indivíduo, o que complexifica esse sistema classificatório. A partir desta pesquisa pretende-se compreender como são utilizadas as diversas categorias que constituem o sistema de classificação racial no Brasil, contextualizando os discursos que fazem referência à cor e os que remetem à idéia de raça, no sentido de melhor apreender suas implicações para este sistema classificatório.This work intends to understand race relations in Belém (PA), specifically discussing the daily forms to think and classify color and race. The research took place at the market of the Ver-o-Peso, considered the largest free fair of Latin America and a key location of the economy and culture of Belém. Frequently color classifications in Brazil occurs in daily speeches without polarization, several terminologies and gradations are used, in most of the situations, in a relational way considering not only the physical appearance, but also the position of people in society, being complex the rules of the classification system. The research intends to understand the several categories used in the system of racial classification in Brazil, indicating the context when the speeches describe color and when express the race idea, with the purpose of verifying the implications for the classification system

    Etnografando mercados: trabalho, sociabilidade e lazer no Ver-o-Peso

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    O presente artigo é uma etnografia sobre o Ver-o-Peso, localizado em Belém (PA). Com base na organização e na dinâmica do mercado busca-se mostrar o cotidiano dos seus trabalhadores e de todos que o compõem, se configurando como local de trabalho, sociabilidade e lazer para os mais variados tipos de pessoas. Tais características fazem do mercado um instigante espaço de troca de bens materiais e imateriais