31 research outputs found

    Efficiency of laminar clean air or ultraviolet radiation in orthopedic operating rooms

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    The study compares the efficacy of air disinfection in orthopedic operating rooms by laminar supply of HEPA filtered air against UV radiation. Qualitative and quantitative parameters of air in two operating rooms were assessed in dynamics. One of the operating rooms was equipped with laminar air supply with high efficiency particulate air filters, the other with ultraviolet lamps for air disinfection. Total bacterial count of the air in the first operating room was nearly 60 times lower than in the second one. Unlike in the operating room with UV light, the air in the operating room with HEPA filtered air supply did not contain any potentially pathogenic species able to cause surgical sight infection. HEPA filtration for air disinfection possesses a number of significant advantages: species spectrum of airborne bacteria is improved – no species known to cause infections in human are found; the air is not only cleaned and disinfected but also conditioned, providing comfortable environment for staff and patients (prevents miscellaneous complications); microbiological parameters of air quality are maintained at high level throughout the working time; air filtering and conditioning is continuous while patients and staff are in the operating room


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    Improving the effectiveness of treatment in patients with the consequences of diaphyseal fractures of the tibia (improperly fused, unfused fractures, pseudoarthrosis, bone defects) is one of the urgent problems of traumatology, which has not only medical but also important social significance. The aim of the study is to publish clinical experience in the use of closed and semi-open blocking intramedullary metal-polymer osteosynthesis (BIMPO) in the treatment of 125 patients with consequences of diaphyseal long bones fractures. An analysis of the use of closed and semi-open blocking intramedullary metal-polymer osteosynthesis (BIMPO) in 125 patients with fracture consequences (non-fused fractures, pseudoarthrosis), who were operated with the use of 3 and 8 BIMPOF. Long-term results were observed in 103 (88.89%) patients. The consolidation of the fracture in the optimal time was noted in 98 (94.64%) patients. Within 44-90 days from the operation, resistance and limb function were restored. No case of osteomyelitis was observed. This result is rated as good.The use of new generation of intramedullary metal-polymer clamps for the treatment of bone fractures and their consequences has provided a significant reduction in surgical trauma, which optimizes the process of anatomical and functional restoration of the limb.Improving the effectiveness of treatment in patients with the consequences of diaphyseal fractures of the tibia (improperly fused, unfused fractures, pseudoarthrosis, bone defects) is one of the urgent problems of traumatology, which has not only medical but also important social significance. The aim of the study is to publish clinical experience in the use of closed and semi-open blocking intramedullary metal-polymer osteosynthesis (BIMPO) in the treatment of 125 patients with consequences of diaphyseal long bones fractures. An analysis of the use of closed and semi-open blocking intramedullary metal-polymer osteosynthesis (BIMPO) in 125 patients with fracture consequences (non-fused fractures, pseudoarthrosis), who were operated with the use of 3 and 8 BIMPOF. Long-term results were observed in 103 (88.89%) patients. The consolidation of the fracture in the optimal time was noted in 98 (94.64%) patients. Within 44-90 days from the operation, resistance and limb function were restored. No case of osteomyelitis was observed. This result is rated as good.The use of new generation of intramedullary metal-polymer clamps for the treatment of bone fractures and their consequences has provided a significant reduction in surgical trauma, which optimizes the process of anatomical and functional restoration of the limb

    Condition of the liver’s liver of rats, received a high-fat diet: biochemical indicators

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    Aim: To determine the liver condition of rats fed with fats of different fatty acid compositions Materials and methods: We used the following dietary fats: refined sunflower oil, refined olive oil, palm oil, milk fat (butter). Feeding of rats was carried out for 41 days using 15 % of the studied oils in the food. The liver condition was evaluated by biochemical markers of liver (elastase, MDA, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), lysozyme, catalase) and blood serum markers (glucose, cholesterol, elastase, ALT, ALP). Results: The increase in the weight gain was more pronounced when feeding with palm oil; the increase of inflammatory markers levels (MDA and elastase) was greater when feeding with palm oil and butter. Conversely, the lysozyme activity in the liver was significantly reduced at fat feeding, particularly for palm oil and butter. In the serum of all animals fed with fat there was the significant increase of glucose and cholesterol levels, as well as the increase of the elastase activity (after palm oil). Conclusion: A high-fat diet causes the development of an initial phase of inflammatory and degenerative processes in liver, which is more pronounced for fats high in palmitinic acid (palm oil and butter)

    Профилактика ожирения и неалкогольного стеатогепатита у крыс антидисбиотическим средством = Prevention and treatment effect of antidysbiotic formulation on obesity and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in rats

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    Levitsky A. P., Tkachuk V. V., Velichko V. I., Vasyuk V. L. Профилактика ожирения и неалкогольного стеатогепатита у крыс антидисбиотическим средством = Prevention and treatment effect of antidysbiotic formulation on obesity and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in rats. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(4):281-286. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.50200 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3471 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015). 755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2016; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 20.03.2016. Revised 17.04.2016. Accepted: 17.04.2016. УДК 517.112:612.8+615.462 ПРОФИЛАКТИКА ОЖИРЕНИЯ И НЕАЛКОГОЛЬНОГО СТЕАТОГЕПАТИТА У КРЫС АНТИДИСБИОТИЧЕСКИМ СРЕДСТВОМ А. П. Левицкий1, В. В. Ткачук2, В. И. Величко2, В. Л. Васюк3 1ГУ «Институт стоматологии НАМН Украины» (г. Одесса, Украина) e-mail: [email protected] 2Одесский национальный медицинский университет (Украина) 3Буковинский государственный медицинский университет (г. Черновцы, Украина) Резюме Сочетание высокожирового рациона и кишечного дисбиоза вызывает у крыс развитие ожирения и неалкогольного стеатогепатита (НАСГ). Введение антидисбиотического средства «Квертулин» (кверцетин + инулин + цитрат кальция) предотвращает развитие ожирения и НАСГ. Ключевые слова: ожирение, неалкогольный стеатогепатит, липиды, высокожировое питание, дисбиоз, антидисбиотическое средство. PREVENTION AND TREATMENT EFFECT OF ANTIDYSBIOTIC FORMULATION ON OBESITY AND NONALCOHOLIC STEATOHEPATITIS IN RATS A. P. Levitsky1, V. V. Tkachuk2, V. I. Velichko2, V. L. Vasyuk3 1SE«The Institute of Stomatology of the National academie of medical science of Ukraine» (Odessa, Ukraine) e-mail: [email protected] 2Odessa National Medical University (Ukraine) 3Bukovina State Medical University (Chernovtsy, Ukraine) Abstract Aim: To determine of prevention and treatment effect of antidysbiotic formulation on obesity and NASH in rats. Methods: The experimental obesity and NASH were induced by feeding rats with a high fat diet (HFD) (fodder, plus 15 % sunflower oil – 40 days) and driaking water with lincomycin at a dose of 60 mg/kg day for 5 days. The duration of experiment was 41 days. One group of rats received HFD and lincomycin, received antidysbiotic formulation Quertulin (quercetine + inuline + Ca-citrate) in dose 300 mg/kg 40 days. Determined morphometric parameters like body mass, body mass index, content of triglyceride (TG) and cholesterine (Ch) of liver and serum cjntent of bilirubine and activity of ALT and in serum, alkaline phosphatase (AP). Results: At obesity and NASH body mass, body mass index, content of TR, Ch, in liver and serum were increased; in serum content to bilirubine and activity to ALT and AP were increased. Taking quertulin normalized morphometric and biochemic indexis in liver and serum. Conclusion: Antidysbiotic formulation quertulin made of prevention and treatment effect on obesity and NASH. Key words: obesity, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, lipids, high fat nutrition, dysbiosis, antidysbiotic formulation

    Oxidation resistance of nano-reinforced PC-refractories modified with phenol formaldehyde resin. Part 4. Thermodynamic evaluation of phase formation within Mg–O–C–Al, Mg–O–C–Ni and МgO‒Al₂O₃‒NiO‒SiO₂ systems using SiC + Al + Ni (NiO) complex antioxidant

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    Results are given for the synthesis and co-existence of phases formed from components of complex organic- inorganic antioxidant formed during modification of phenol-formaldehyde resin (PFR) and graphite with silica alkoxide and inorganic or organic nickel precursors. Thermodynamic analysis is given for the Mg–Al–C and Mg–O–Ni–C systems. It is shown that the periclase and carbon can coexist with aluminum and nickel, and also that oxidized antioxidants Al₂O₃ and NiO can interact respectively with the periclase and with the synthesized SiC formed during modification of PFR with silica. In considering the NiO‒MgO‒Al₂O₃‒SiO₂ system it is established that during service noble spinel will be synthesized from the complex antioxidant components, facilitating an increase in PC-refractory durability in service

    Oxidation-resistant nano-reinforced PC-refractories of modified phenol formaldehyde resin. Part 3. Formation mechanism of organic-inorganic complexes during low-temperature synthesis of nanoparticles of additional antioxidants and their effectiveness

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    SiC nanoparticles that could be used as an antioxidant for periclase-carbon (PC) refractories were synthesized from the organic—inorganic complex (‒СН₃)‒(SiO₂)n that formed during heating of silicon alkoxide and thermal destruction of its gels. Use of phenolformaldehyde resins modified with silicon alkoxide and its sols was proposed and enabled the formation of an organic—inorganic complex (-СН₃)‒(SiO₂)n‒С with a high C content. This increased the yield of SiC synthesized in the carbon binder. The addition of Ni precursors (additional antioxidant) formed an even more complicated organic—inorganic complex. Use of the complex (‒СН₃)‒(SiO₂)n‒Ni(NiO)‒С together with Al improved the operating characteristics of the PC refractories. It was found that their resistance to oxidation was increased after the complex antioxidant Al + SiC + Ni(NiO) formed

    Atherosclerosis: new achievements and failures

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    The article presents current information on the leading causes of atherosclerosis and its underlying mechanisms of pathogenesis, examined predictors of early stages of atherosclerosis (ІL-1β, ІL-6, FNP-α, NO, MCP-1, Fres, endothelin-1, CRP, which can join and heparin). The prospects of a new enzyme inhibition and RSSK9, 33a mRNA in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Analyzed the contradictions of using inhibitors cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP), new European and American recommendations in the management of patients with dyslipidemia.В статье представлены современные сведения о ведущих причинах атеросклероза и основных механизмах его патогенеза, рассмотрены предикторы ранних стадий развития атеросклероза (ІЛ-1β, ІЛ-6, ФНП-α, NO, MCP-1, ФРЕС, эндотелин-1, СРБ, к которым может присоединиться и гепарин). Показана перспектива нового ферменте РСSK9 и ингибирование mРНК 33а в лечение сердечнососудистой патологии. Проанализированы противоречиях использования ингибиторов белка переносчика эфиров холестерина (СЕТР), новые Европейские и Американские рекомендации при ведении больных с дислипидемиями

    Особенности липопротеинлипазной активности у больных с гипогепаринемическими состояниями

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    Досліджено активність ліпопротеїнліпази плазми крові у хворих з гіпогепаринемічними станами. Виявлений дефіцит самого ферменту в групі хворих атеросклерозом не дозволяє забезпечити адекватний гідроліз ліпопротеїдів, а низька ефективність ліполізу у осіб з атеросклерозом, ускладненим цукровим діабетомдругого типу, пов’язана зі зниженням активності ліпопротеїнліпази і якісною зміною субстрату для її дії. Відзначено зниження коефіцієнта ефективності ліполізутригліцеридів плазми крові у хворих на ішемічну хворобу серця без ознак атеросклерозу на тлі нормальної середньої активності ліпопротеїнліпази і підвищеної вихідної концентрації тригліцеридів. Низька концентрація гепарину в організмі зменшує кількісні і якісні показники роботи ліпопротеїнліпази, призводить до розвитку гіпертриглицеридемії, і свідчить про порушення функціонування ліпідтранспортної системи крові, що є одним з основних ланок у патогенезі атеросклерозу.We have investigated lipoprotein lipase activity of blood plasma in patients with hypoheparinemiastates. Deficiency of the enzyme in patients with atherosclerosis that does not allow adequate hydrolysis of lipoproteins has been revealed,while low efficiency of lipolysis in patients with atherosclerosis complicated by type 2 diabetesis associated with decreased activity of lipoprotein lipase and a qualitative change in the substrate for its action. We have established a decline in the efficiency of lipolysis of triglycerides in the blood plasma of patients with coronary heart disease without evidence of atherosclerosis against a normal average activity of lipoprotein lipase and an increased initial concentration of triglycerides. Low concentrations of heparin in the body reduce the quantitative and qualitative indicators of lipoprotein lipase, leading to hypertriglyceridemiadevelopment, and constitutes a violation in the functioning of the lipid transport system of the blood, which is one of the main links in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis