6 research outputs found

    Combined treatment of acute deep vein thrombosis of the lower limbs

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    The article represents the combined treatment results analysis of 50 patients with deep vein thromboses of inferior vena cava system. The complex clinical and instrumental examination of patients included duplex ultrasound scan, X-ray phlebography, multislice computed tomography with intravenous contrast and radionuclide fleboscintigrahpy. All patients were performed the regional thrombolytic therapy, combined with an open palliative thrombectomy in 19 (38%) patients and endovascular implantation of a temporary or constant cava-filter in 31 (62%) patients. In postoperative period for 12 months’ monitoring the local and general complications after combined treatment were found in 4 (8.0%) out of 50 patients, who were performed the combined treatment

    Cyfrowe metody zarządzania czasem pracy w warunkach elastycznego rynku pracy

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    Subject and purpose of the work: Working time management has become particularly relevant by mid-20th century. It has now become one of the top areas of interest for scientists who conduct research on management. This study is designed to review and evaluate selected new forms of work organization in the reality of today’s digital economy. Materials and methods: This research was based on literature review covering scientific publications exploring working time management and forms of work organization in the digital economy. A descriptive method was used. Results: The latest information technologies, computerization and digitization, the use of mobile devices and smartphones, and advanced geolocation technologies add a new dimension to the modern types and methods of working time management. The development of the digital economy accelerates and drives the transformation of the labor market, promoting the uptake of flexible employment systems, which produces multiple types of remuneration and working time systems, and leads to a variety of forms of employment contracts and their reduced duration. Conclusions: Digital technology creates a virtual labor market which is dominated by informal and flexible forms of employment based on outsourcing programs, individual orders, and fixed deadlines with are not accompanied by any regulations of the contractor’s working time. Under these conditions, flexibility and multifunctionality, and the ability to adapt to changing conditions are the key features that make a particular employee competitive.Przedmiot i cel pracy: Zarządzanie czasem pracy nabrało szczególnego znaczenia w połowie ubiegłego wieku. Obecnie stało się jednym z obszarów, na którym skupili się naukowcy zajmujący się zarządzaniem. Celem opracowania jest dokonanie przeglądu i oceny wybranych, nowych form organizacji pracy w gospodarce cyfrowej. Materiały i metody: Pracę przygotowano w oparciu o studia literaturowe obejmujące publikacje naukowe dotyczące problematyki zarządzania czasem pracy oraz form organizacji pracy w gospodarce cyfrowej. Zastosowano metodę opisową. Wyniki: Nowoczesne technologie informacyjne, komputeryzacja i cyfryzacja, korzystanie z urządzeń mobilnych i smartfonów, zaawansowane technologie geolokalizacji nadają współczesnym rodzajom i metodom zarządzania czasem pracy nowy wymiar. Proces rozwoju gospodarki cyfrowej jest katalizatorem transformacji rynku pracy na rzecz wzrostu udziału elastycznych systemów zatrudnienia, co wpływa na zmienność form wynagrodzeń, reżimów czasu pracy, prowadzi do różnorodności form umów o pracę i skrócenia czasu ich trwania. Wnioski: Technologia cyfrowa tworzy wirtualny rynek pracy, w ramach którego przeważa nieformalne zatrudnienie, stosuje się elastyczne formy zatrudnienia oparte na programach outsourcingu, zamówienia jednostkowe, stałe terminy realizacji zamówień z brakiem regulacji czasu pracy wykonawcy. W tych warunkach najważniejszą cechą decydującą o konkurencyjności pracownika jest jego elastyczność i wielofunkcyjność, zdolność do dostosowania się do zmieniających się warunków

    Digital methods of working time management in a flexible labor market

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    Subject and purpose of work: Working time management has become particularly relevant by mid-20th century. It has now become one of the top areas of interest for scientists who conduct research on management. This study is designed to review and evaluate selected new forms of work organization in the reality of today’s digital economy. Materials and methods: This research was based on literature review covering scientific publications exploring working time management and forms of work organization in the digital economy. A descriptive method was used. Results: The latest information technologies, computerization and digitization, the use of mobile devices and smartphones, and advanced geolocation technologies add a new dimension to the modern types and methods of working time management. The development of the digital economy accelerates and drives the transformation of the labor market, promoting the uptake of flexible employment systems, which produces multiple types of remuneration and working time systems, and leads to a variety of forms of employment contracts and their reduced duration. Conclusions: Digital technology c reates a v irtual labor market which is dominated by informal and flexible forms of employment based on outsourcing programs, individual orders, and fixed deadlines with are not accompanied by any regulations of the contractor’s working time. Under these conditions, flexibility and multifunctionality, and the ability to adapt to changing conditions are the key features that make a particular employee competitive

    Digital Methods of Working time Management in a Flexible Labor Market

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    Subject and purpose of the work: Working time management has become particularly relevant by mid-20th century. It has now become one of the top areas of interest for scientists who conduct research on management. This study is designed to review and evaluate selected new forms of work organization in the reality of today’s digital economy

    An experimental investigation of unsteady thermal modes of non-isolated wire lines before icing process

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    Для визначення діапазонів уставок системи технічної діагностики проводів при обледенінні проведені лабораторні дослідження. Описані умови і методи експериментальних досліджень, лабораторне обладнання та конструкція досліджуваних зразків проводу. Діапазон потужності охолодження зразка неізольованого проводу АС- 50/8, необхідної для утворення на ньому штучних ожеледно-паморозевих відкладень, при найбільш ймовірних метеорологічних умовах для його природнього обледеніння склав 0,25-0,17 Вт/см. Отримані експериментальні дані дозволять підвищити точність роботи систем технічної діагностики проводів в умовах обледеніння. In the article were conducted laboratory studies to determine the ranges of technical diagnostics settings of wires at icing process. We described the conditions and methods of experimental research, laboratory equipment and design of wire samples. Cooling process power range of the sample non isolated wire AC- 50/ 8, required for the formation of the artificial ice and frost deposits at the most likely weather conditions for its natural icing was 0,25-0,17 W / cm. The experimental data will improve the accuracy of technical diagnostics wires in icing conditions

    An Historiographical Guide to Subcarpathian Rus'

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