264 research outputs found

    Application of High-Voltage Discharges for Disinfecting Water

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    A three-factor experiment is conducted on the disinfection of water by treatment with high-voltage discharges formed to achieve an electro-hydraulic effect, in order to detect optimal conditions and rules for the course of the processes under study. In the study, a high-voltage installation with an electro-hydraulic spark gap, an EnSURE luminometer (Hygiena) for measuring the level of hygiene of water and its solutions, test tubes for determining the total number of ATP in AquaSnap Total brand water (AQ100X) are used as materials and equipment. The influence of design parameters and exposure modes of an electro-hydraulic installation on the properties of water as a result of the generation of high-voltage discharges is investigated; experimental data are revealed for measuring the level of microbiological contamination of the water sample, which, according to the analysis of the data obtained, is reduced, which can serve as the basis for the possibility of the potential use of the effects of high-voltage discharges as a method of preparing water under irrigation in greenhouses; optimal ratios of factors for disinfecting a pond water sample from a source of artificial origin are revealed: operating voltage 19.9 kV, capacitance 0.1445 μF and the number of discharges 2861 pieces

    Electrical Conductivity of Water Treated by Spark Discharge

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    Electrical conductivity is an electrophysical characteristic, which is considered to be an estimate of the ability of substances to miss electrical current. Achieving the result of the formation of electrohydraulic discharges in water directly depends on the magnitude of the electrical conductivity, which argues the relevance of the topic. The paper presents the results of a study of the influence of electrohydraulic treatment on the change in the electrical conductivity of water. As a result of identifying significant factors influencing the process, rational parameters of the technological mode of electrohydraulic treatment of distilled, lake and tap water were selected. Curves of functional dependences of electrical conductivity on the number of spark high-voltage pulsed discharges are constructed. The relationship between the electrical conductivity of water and the modes of electrohydraulic effects is established

    Cybersecurity Risk Analysis of Industrial Automation Systems on the Basis of Cognitive Modeling Technology

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    The issues of procuring the cybersecurity of modern industrial systems and networks acquire special urgency because of imperfection of their protection tools and presence of vulnerabilities. International standards ISA/IEC 62443 offer the system risk-oriented approach to solve the tasks of providing the security of industrial control systems (ICS) at all stages of life cycle. But in view of high uncertainty and complexity of procedure of formalizing the factors affecting the final indices of system security, the problem of cybersecurity risk assessment remains open and requires applying new approaches based on the technology of data mining and cognitive modeling. Cognitive modeling of risk assessment using fuzzy grey cognitive maps (FGCM) allows us to take into account the uncertainty factor arising in the process of vulnerability probability assessment for each of security nodes. The interval estimates of FGCM connection weights can reflect the scatter of expert group opinions that allows us to take into account more completely the data available for risk analysis. The main stages of ICS security assessment with use of FGCM are analyzed in the chapter on the example of distributed industrial automation network. The recommendations concerning the choice of the necessary countermeasures improving the level of network security in the conditions of possible external and internal threats are considered

    Modelos matemáticos e computadorizados da mudança dos parâmetros da camada de grão durante o movimento do grão através da zona de microondas e convecção

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    In the process of drying the grain in a dense layer in motion, the grain moves through the grain dryer. The movement of the grain layers is usually uneven. In addition, it is likely that the temperature and consumption of the desiccant agent will not remain the same throughout the height of the drying zone. The specific power of the microwave field in the drying zone can also alter. All these factors affect the speed and uniformity of drying of the grain layer throughout the drying zone.In the first stage, an analysis of the theoretical studies on the subject was carried out. It was determined that to date there has not been presented any work in which mathemati-cal models of heat and humidity exchange in a dense layer of grain in motion with con-sideration of the relative vertical movement of the layers. Therefore, it is necessary to develop such a mathematical model.As an initial configuration for the development of a mathematical description of the drying process, it was deemed appropriate to use the configuration of the microwave and convection zone developed by the authors.The equal probability of combination of parameters of the desiccant agent temperature, its relative humidity, the velocity and distance from the caryopsis to the waveguide was assumed. From this point, we developed a computerized microwave and convection drying model that takes into account this type of change in the parameters.The results of the grain drying simulation demonstrated the efficiency of the computer model obtained, reflecting the influence of fluctuations in grain parameters and the microwave field in the drying process.To evaluate the accuracy of the obtained model, it is necessary to carry out experimental studies.En el proceso de secado del grano en una capa densa en movimiento, el grano se mueve en la secadora de grano. El movimiento de las capas de grano suele ser desigual. Además, es probable que la temperatura y el consumo del agente desecante no permanezcan iguales a lo largo de la altura de la zona de secado. La potencia específica del campo de microondas en la zona de secado también puede alterar. Todos estos factores afectan la velocidad y la uniformidad de secado de la capa de grano en toda la zona de secado.En la primera etapa, llevamos a cabo un análisis de los estudios teóricos sobre el tema. Hemos modelos matemáticos de intercambio de calor y humedad en una capa de grano densa en movimiento con consideración del movimiento vertical relativo de las capas. Por lo tanto, es necesario desarrollar tal modelo matemático.Como configuración inicial para el desarrollo de una descripción matemática del proceso de secado, consideramos conveniente utilizar la configuración de la zona de microondas y convección desarrollada por los autores.Se supuso la probabilidad igual de combinación de parámetros de la temperatura del agente desecante, su humedad relativa, la velocidad y la distancia de la cariopse a la guía de ondas. A partir de ello, desarrollamos un modelo computarizado de secado por microondas y convección que toma en consideración este tipo de cambio en los parámetros.Los resultados de la simulación de secado de grano demostraron la aptitud del modelo computarizado obtenido, reflejando la influencia de las fluctuaciones en los parámetros de grano y el campo de microondas en el proceso de secado.Para evaluar la precisión del modelo obtenido, es necesario realizar estudios experimentales.No processo de secagem do grão em uma camada densa em movimento, o grão se move no secador de grãos. O movimento das camadas de grãos é geralmente irregular. Além disso, é provável que a temperatura e o consumo do agente de secagem não permaneçam os mesmos ao longo da altura da zona de secagem. A potência específica do campo de microondas na zona de secagem também pode ser alterada. Todos esses fatores afetam a velocidade e a uniformidade de secagem da camada de grãos em toda a zona de secagem.Na primeira etapa, realizamos uma análise dos estudos teóricos sobre o assunto. Determinamos que até hoje não houve trabalhos em que modelos matemáticos de troca de calor e umidade em uma camada de grão denso em movimento são contemplados considerando o movimento vertical relativo das camadas. Portanto, é necessário desenvolver um modelo matemático desse tipo.Como configuração inicial para o desenvolvimento de uma descrição matemática do processo de secagem, consideramos conveniente utilizar a configuração da zona de microondas e convecção desenvolvida pelos autores.A probabilidade igual de combinação de parâmetros de temperatura do agente dessecante, sua umidade relativa, a velocidade e a distância entre o cariopse e o guia de ondas foi assumida. A partir disso, desenvolvemos um modelo computadorizado de secagem por microconvecção e convecção que leva em conta esse tipo de mudança nos parâmetros.Os resultados da simulação de secagem de grãos demonstraram a adequação do modelo computacional obtido, refletindo a influência das flutuações nos parâmetros de grãos e do campo de microondas no processo de secagem.Para avaliar a precisão do modelo obtido, é necessário realizar estudos experimentais

    The Environmental Impact of Pig Farming

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    This study aimed to develop a methodology to evaluate the protection of animals and people from the harmful effects of the farm’s microclimate and environment, taking into consideration the energy, economic and environmental indicators. To achieve this goal, the following were determined for 2019 for the eight countries which are the world leaders in the field of pig farming: the volumes of carbon dioxide pollution, ammonia, dust and manure, and the analytical dependencies between the feed consumption, pig productivity and the concentration of ammonia inside the farm. The weight gain of pigs reduced by 15% with an increase in the concentration of ammonia in the internal air of livestock houses to 20 mg/m3 , but the feed wastage increased by 12%. Mathematical models were developed to estimate the relationships between the feed consumption, pig productivity and the concentration of harmful gas (ammonia) which is one of the main parameters of the microclimate. The results will be used in making technical and technological decisions in the field of microclimate, cleaning and disposal of farm manure. Keywords: pig, farming, ecology, environmen

    Trepanacija i povećan parijetalni foramen na lubanjama otkrivenima na otočju Loyalty

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    The goal of this study is a comprehensive examination of openings discovered on two skulls in the collection of skeletal remains from the Loyalty Islands (Melanesia). The skull № 1524 displayed an evidence of successful trepanation, and the skull № 7985 revealed openings that were reminiscent of a trepanation, however, we are inclined to believe that in the latter case we are dealing with a rare genetic anomaly - enlarged parietal foramen.Cilj je ovog istraživanja opsežan pregled otvora otkrivenih na dvjema lubanjama u zbirci skeletnih ostataka s otočja Loyalty (Melanezija). Lubanja br. 1524 dokaz je uspješne trepanacije, a otvori lubanje br. 7985 podsjećaju na trepanaciju, međutim skloni smo vjerovati da se u potonjem slučaju susrećemo s rijetkom genetskom anomalijom – povećanim parijetalnim foramenom

    Role of Confidence and Supply Chain Strategy during Legitimization of Justice in Countries of Transitional Period

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    In recent years representatives of various sciences began to pay attention to the problems of legitimacy of power, making them the subject of scientific and political discussions by considering the supply chain strategy. At the same time, geopolitical changes in the world put on the agenda the search for effective ways of transition to democracy, which was the impetus to the development of the concept of "transit society" and its separate direction - "transit justice". Instability, as a characteristic feature of this stage of social development, bring significant attention to the legitimacy of power and its institutions. Indeed, this question largely determines the perspectives for stabilizing society. It becomes relevant in relation to justice and court system that represents it. The legitimization of court acts as a prerequisite for the legitimization of other authorities and democratic processes in the state. In the most widespread definition of institutional confidence is an integral element of legitimacy and supply chain provides the process for its better transparency. In regard to court it implies faith in the fairness of its actions and decisions as well as public recognition of its authority. In this article we studied key questions about the role of confidence in the legitimization of justice in the countries of transitional period. We argued that the level of confidence in justice in society is directly proportional to the level of its civil consciousness. The informational nature of both predetermines the need of using of information methods for building confidence in court as a necessary condition for legitimizing justice in transitional society