200 research outputs found

    Modelling of Continuous L-Malic Acid Production by Porcine Heart Fumarase and Fumarase in Yeast Cells

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    Continuous production of L-malic acid will be presented in this paper. The fumarase isolated from porcine heart, fumarase in the permeabilized non-growing cells of baker’s yeast and Saccharomyces bayanus (UVAFERM BC) were used as biocatalysts. In the production of L-malic acid with fumarase isolated from porcine hearts, there was no enzyme deactivation for a period of two days.At the average residence time of 4 hours, the conversion of about 80 % was achieved.Inactivation of the enzyme was observed using permeabilized cells.Thi s inactivation is described as a reversible process.C onversion of about 50 % was achieved with the remaining enzyme activity.A mathematical model that describes the production of L-malic acid, which contains the enzyme inactivation rate, was developed. Based on simulations, the used biocatalysts were compared. The results show that in the continuous production of L-malic acid, one milligram of purified enzyme corresponds to 68 g (wet weight) cells of Saccharomyces bayanus or 120 g (wet weight) cells of baker’s yeast

    Quantum scars of bosons with correlated hopping

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    Recent experiments on Rydberg atom arrays have found evidence of anomalously slow thermalization and persistent density oscillations, which have been interpreted as a many-body analog of the phenomenon of quantum scars. Periodic dynamics and atypical scarred eigenstates originate from a “hard” kinetic constraint: the neighboring Rydberg atoms cannot be simultaneously excited. Here we propose a realization of quantum many-body scars in a 1D bosonic lattice model with a “soft” constraint in the form of density-assisted hopping. We discuss the relation of this model to the standard Bose-Hubbard model and possible experimental realizations using ultracold atoms. We find that this model exhibits similar phenomenology to the Rydberg atom chain, including weakly entangled eigenstates at high energy densities and the presence of a large number of exact zero energy states, with distinct algebraic structure

    Nation-state in the political ideas of "Great Serbia" and "Great Albania"

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    Позната је и широко прихваћена чињеница и схватање да је свим владарима и државницима кроз досадашњу политичку историју било веома важно да им царства и државна територија са народом којим управљају буде што већа. Међутим, као нови политички и историјски феномен у доба модерне, појавио се широко распрострањени интерес уједињавања народа који су често били са друге стране границе неке државе, али, и појава иредентизма и сепаратистичких лидера, странака и покрета. Њихова појава и активности посебно су били видљиви и карактеристични на Балканском полуострву од прве половине XIX и током читавог XX , протежући свој континуитет и на почетак XXI века. У самом центру великодржавља налази се често нерешено или на незадовољавајући начин решено национално питање, као нпр. српско и албанско национално питање у региону Југоисточне Европе, па отуда, нарочито код националиста, сепаратиста и екстремиста и различита виђења и пројекти етничког инжењеринга као и у конкретној, компаративној студији случаја – Велике Србије и Велике Албаније. Научни рад је структуиран тако да поред уводних напомена и закључног разматрања, садржи пет делова – тематских целина: I. Држава у савременим политичким теоријама и легитимацијским концептима, II. Пропедеутика политичке теорије нације, III. Појава и развој политичких идеја Велике Србије и Велике Албаније, IV. Идејни и политички контекст конфликта око Косова и Метохије, V. Доминантне опције и политички модели за решавање будућег статуса Косова и Метохије и VI. Будућност српско-албанских односа и могућности остваривања Велике Србије и Велике Албаније у XXI веку. У првом делу рада под називом – Држава у савременим политичким теоријама и легитимацијским концептима предмет истраживања обухватао је појаву и историјску генезу државе са њеним најбитнијим елементима и структуру која је чини. Поред тога, важно место у докторској дисертацији представљају и различита одређења државе у овдашњој и иностраној политичкој науци. Свакако, централно место у овом делу научног рада представљали су и различити легитимацијски концепти државе у политичкој науци, и то: а) национална држава, б) правна држава, в) демократска држава г) социјална држава и д) држава благостања. Најзад, размотрене су и водеће тенденције и трансформациони модели који карактеришу позицију, функцију и перспективу државе и у савременом политичком добу, имајући у виду један глобални феномен који се јавља све чешће, а то је глобална држава у ери глобализације са успостављеањем новог светског поретка...Throughout political history, it is a well known and well accepted fact that all the rulers and statesmen were very keen on making the territory of their countries as large as possible. In modern times, however, a new political and historical phenomenon appeared - the interest of unification of peoples often living in different, usually neighbouring countries (as well as the outbreak of irredentism and emerging of separatist parties, movements and leaders). The activities of the politicians advocating separatist causes have in particular been intense in the Balkans starting in the early 19th century, throughout the 20th century, even in the early 21st century. The concept of greater states in its core the unsolved or in an inappropriate way solved national issue (a good example is the Serbian or Albanian national issue, typical of the region of South-eastern Europe); this is especially among the nationalists, separatists and extremists the source of various visions and projects of ethnical engineering, presented in the comparative case study - Great Serbia and Great Albania. The structure of this dissertation, apart from the introduction and the conclusion, includes five parts: I) The nation in the modern political theories and legitimating concepts, II) Propaedeutics to the political theory of the nation, III) Emerging and development of political ideas of the Great Serbia and Great Albania, IV) Ideas and political context of Kosovo and Metohija conflict, V) Dominant options and political models for resolution of the future status of Kosovo and Metohija. The first part of the dissertation, entitled ''The nation in the modern political theories and legitimating concepts'', deals with the historical genesis of the nation, and its most important elements and structure. Also, an important part of the dissertation includes various definitions of the nation in domestic and international political science. In addition, this part deals with legitimating concepts of the nation in political science, such as: a) nation-state, b) rule of law, c) democracy, and d) welfare state. Finally, this part of the dissertation deals with the leading tendencies and transformation models, typical of the position, function and the perspectives of the nation in the political post-modern, bearing in mind an emerging global phenomenon of the global nation, emerging during the globalisation and followed by the establishing of the new world order..

    Bosonic fractional quantum Hall states in driven optical lattices

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    Strong synthetic magnetic fields have been successfully implemented in periodically driven optical lattices. However, the interplay of the driving and interactions introduces detrimental heating, and for this reason it is still challenging to reach a fractional quantum Hall state in cold-atom setup. By performing a numerical study, we investigate stability of a bosonic Laughlin state in a small atomic sample exposed to driving. We identify an optimal regime of microscopic parameters, in particular interaction strength U and the driving frequency ω, such that the stroboscopic dynamics supports the basic ν=1/2 Laughlin state. Moreover, we explore slow ramping of a driving term and show that the considered protocol allows for the preparation of the Laughlin state on experimentally realistic time-scales


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    The influence of the berry size on the skin anthocyanins content of the black wine grape varieties Cabernet sauvignon (clone 169), Merlot (clone 348) and Pinot noir (clone 115) was studied. Research was conducted in vineyard of Experimental estate “Radmilovac” and  in the laboratory of  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade. The aim of the research was the determination of an anthocyanin of malvidin-3-glucoside on the berry skin. For all three varieties, berries were separated into three categories: small, medium and large. Based on the results, the goal was to compare the berry skin anthocyanin content of different sizes of berries. Determination of fertility coefficients, yield indicators, analysis of the composition and structure of clusters and berries and the content of sugars and total acids were performed regularly. The obtained results on the content anthocyanin of malvidin-3-glucoside were expressed in mg/g skin fresh weight. Varieties Cabernet sauvignon and Pinot noir had an expected result, meaning that the highest anthocyanin content was recorded in the smallest berries (diameter < 7.5 mm). For the Merlot variety, the highest anthocyanin content was observed in the medium berries (diameter 7.6 – 10 mm). The lowest anthocyanin content in varieties Cabernet sauvignon and Merlot was obtained in the largest berries (diameter > 10.1 mm), which was the expected result, while in the Pinot noir variety the lowest anthocyanin content was registered in the medium category (diameter 7.6 – 10 mm). Variety Cabernet sauvignon (clone 169) showed the highest anthocyanins content (average 6.871 mg/g fresh skin weigh), followed by Merlot variety, clone 348 (average 4.61 mg/g fresh skin weigh), whereas the lowest anthocyanin content was observed in Pinot noir, clone 115 (average 4.05 mg/g fresh skin weigh)

    Coordinate transformation based design of confined metamaterial structures

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    The coordinate transformation method is applied to bounded domains to design metamaterial devices for steering spatially confined electromagnetic fields. Both waveguide and free-space beam applications are considered as these are analogous within the present approach. In particular, we describe devices that bend the propagation direction and squeeze confined electromagnetic fields. Two approaches in non-magnetic realization of these structures are examined. The first is based on using a reduced set of material parameters, and the second on finding non-magnetic transformation media. It is shown that transverse-magnetic fields can be bent or squeezed to an arbitrary extent and without reflection using only dielectric structures.Comment: The previous version has been revised and considerably expande

    Thermal stability and mechanism of thermally induced crystallization of Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si15.5B7 amorphous alloy

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    Investigation of thermal stability of the alloy revealed stepwise crystallization process, manifested by two distinct complex exothermic peaks in differential scanning calorimetry curves. Kinetic parameters of individual crystallization steps were found using the Kissinger and Vyazovkin methods. Structural characterization of thermally treated samples showed formation of different iron-based phases including α-Fe(Si), Fe2B, Fe16Nb6Si7 and Fe2Si and some metastable intermediary species. Morphology characterization of the surface and cross-section of the thermally treated samples showed granulated structure composed of several different phases and indicated occurrence of impingement effects during crystal growth. Value of estimated lifetime suggested very high stability against crystallization at room temperature and abrupt decrease of lifetime with temperature increase

    Dynamics of weakly interacting bosons in optical lattices with flux

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    Realization of strong synthetic magnetic fields in driven optical lattices has enabled implementation of topological bands in cold-atom setups. A milestone has been reached by a recent measurement of a finite Chern number based on the dynamics of incoherent bosonic atoms. The measurements of the quantum Hall effect in semiconductors are related to the Chern-number measurement in a cold-atom setup; however, the design and complexity of the two types of measurements are quite different. Motivated by these recent developments, we investigate the dynamics of weakly interacting incoherent bosons in a two-dimensional driven optical lattice exposed to an external force, which provides a direct probe of the Chern number. We consider a realistic driving protocol in the regime of high driving frequency and focus on the role of weak repulsive interactions. We find that interactions lead to the redistribution of atoms over topological bands both through the conversion of interaction energy into kinetic energy during the expansion of the atomic cloud and due to an additional heating. Remarkably, we observe that the moderate atomic repulsion facilitates the measurement by flattening the distribution of atoms in the quasimomentum space. Our results also show that weak interactions can suppress the contribution of some higher-order nontopological terms in favor of the topological part of the effective model