597 research outputs found

    Luova yhteistyö : yhteistyö tekstiilitaiteilijan kanssa

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    Tiivistelmä Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli havainnoida luovan yhteistyön kokemuksia tekijöissä ja tuoda esille millainen on toimiva yhteistyö. Työn aineisto on peräisin tekijän ja tekstiilitaiteilijan yhteistyöstä, harjoittelun ja opintojen osalta, kesien 2011 ja 2012 aikana. Työn kohteena on tekstiilitaiteilija ja hänen työskentely harjoittelijoiden kanssa. Työn tekijä on kerännyt aineistoa omista kokemuksista, päiväkirjamerkinnöistä sekä teettättämällä narratiivisia kertomuksia. Aineistoon on perehdytty hermeneuttisen tulkinnan keinoin. Lisäksi on tutustuttu monipuolisesti kirjallisiin julkaisuihin ja artikkeleihin dialogisesta työskentelystä ja sen merkityksestä. Tiedonhaulla ja kirjallisilla lähteillä vahvistetaan yhteistyön aikana havaittuja kokemuksia. Tietoperusteisista lähteistä muodostetutuista päätelmistä, havainnoinnista sekä narratiiveista tehdyistä tulkinnoista on kiteytynyt tärkeimmät kokemukset yhteistyön ajalta. Lopputulokseksi on kiteytetty ne asiat, joita voi tulevaisuudessa hyödyntää ohjaajan näkökulmasta luovissa tapahtumissa.Abstract The subject of this thesis is to observe the effects of creative working in a group and to present what functional cooperation is composed of. The material is derived from the author’s and the textile artist's work in conjunction with trainees during the summers of 2011 and 2012. The subject of this work is the textile artist and her work with her trainees. The author has collected material from her own experiences and journal entries and she has prepared a narrative report. The material has been studied through hermeneutic interpretation. In addition, the author has researched using a wide range of publications and articles about dialogue and its significance in cooperative work. The observations made during the work have been strengthened through the use of online sources and literary references. The conclusions of this work have been obtained through the use of databases, observations and analysis based on the narrative reports. All of these have influenced the result of this work. The ultimate goal of this work is to prepare in a concise form the ideas that can be utilized for future cooperative work with the aim of directing

    III-V -puolijohteiden sinkkidiffuusioseostus uusia optoelektroniikan sovelluksia varten

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    Modern high-power light-emitting diodes (LEDs) employ nanoscale structures composed of multiple layers of different III-V compound semiconductors. The same basic types of double heterojunctions (DHJs) have been used in high-efficiency LEDs for decades, and these structure have enabled LEDs to reach higher luminous efficacies than any competing lighting technology. However, issues with current crowding are limiting further improvements in efficiency. One novel method of current injection that could solve some of these problems is diffusion-driven current transport (DDCT), which involves using diffusion currents to drive charge carriers into the active area of the LED. This thesis aims to investigate the viability of Zn diffusion doping as a fabrication technique for realizing GaAs-based DDCT LED structures. A spin-on glass process for Zn diffusion doping is developed and samples are fabricated using this method. An alternative contact scheme involving metal contacts directly deposited on the sample with no diffusion doped areas is also tested. Characterization of the fabricated samples is performed using current-voltage (IV), capacitance-voltage (CV) and Hall effect measurements. Visual inspections of surface and coating quality were performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Light emission from the samples was observed using an infrared microscope camera system. Successful p-type doping of intrinsic GaAs samples was achieved but attempts to convert n-type samples into p-type were unsuccessful due to insufficient density of diffused dopants. Light emission from the alternative contact structure was observed, which indicates successful hole injection. This suggests that direct deposition of metal contacts could be a viable option for realizing the first DDCT devices.Nykyaikaisissa hohtodiodeissa (LED, engl. lightemitting diode) käytetään useista eri III-V -puolijohteista koostuvia nanomittakaavan kerrosrakenteita, joilla pyritään kasvattamaan niiden hyötysuhdetta. Korkean hyötysuhteen LEDien pohjana on jo vuosikymmenien ajan ollut samantyyppinen kaksoisheterorakenne, ja sillä on saavutettu merkittävästi muita valaistustekniikoita korkeampia hyötysuhteita. Virransyötön ongelmat rajoittavat kuitenkin nykyisillä rakenteilla saavutettavaa suorituskykyä. Näiden ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi on esitetty uudenlaista, diffuusiovirtoja hyödyntävää virransyöttömenetelmää (DDCT, engl. diffusion driven current transport) LEDeihin. Tämän diplomityön tavoite on tutkia mahdollisuutta käyttää sinkkidiffuusioseostusta galliumarsenidiin (GaAs) pohjautuvien DDCT LED -rakenteiden valmistuksessa. Tätä tarkoitusta varten työn osana kehitettiin näytteen pinnalle levitettävään piidioksidikerrokseen perustuva seostusmenetelmä. Tällä menetelmällä valmistettiin diffuusioseostettuja näytteitä. Lisäksi tehtiin näytteitä, joihin ei valmistettu diffuusioseostettuja alueita, vaan metallikontaktit höyrystettiin suoraan n-tyypin näytteen pinnalle. Näiden näytteiden tarkoitus oli tutkia vaihtoehtoista aukkojen syöttötapaa rakenteeseen. Näytteitä karakterisoitiin virtajännite-(IV), kapasitanssi–jännite- (CV) sekä Hall-mittauksilla. Lisäksi näytteitä tarkasteltiin pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskoopilla (SEM, engl. scanning electron microscope) pinnan laadun havainnoimiseksi. Valon emissiota havainnoitiin infrapunakameralla. Työn menetelmällä onnistuttiin seostamaan intrisiikkisten GaAs-näytteiden pintaan p-tyypin johtava kerros. Yritykset muuttaa n-tyypin näytteen pinta p-tyypin puolijohteeksi sen sijaan eivät onnistuneet, sillä seostustiheys oli liian matala. Vaihtoehtoisesta metallikontaktirakenteesta havaittiin valon emissiota, mikä osoittaa aukkojen injektoinnin rakenteeseen onnistuneen. Näin ollen suorat metallikontaktit voisivat olla lupaava tapa toteuttaa ensimmäiset DDCT-laitteet

    Nordic Countries in Finnish Perspective

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    Underlying reasons for career change among graduated equine science students

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    Equine students labour market – reasons to change career The Swedish University of Agricultural Science offers a variety of courses and educations in the field of agriculture, natural sciences, forestry and environmental science. Equine Science is one of the bachelor programs. It was founded in the year of 1994. According to an inquiry to equine science alumni who graduated throughout the years 1996-2011, more than one fourth of the alumni who answered the inquiry no longer work in the equine sector. This study aims to elucidate the factors leading to the change of vocation among equine science alumni. Therefore, this study can contribute to knowledge about and improvement of working conditions within the equine sector. Prior studies have found that labor market mobility is a complex phenomenon. People deciding to change career have expressed lower rates of satisfaction with their employment. Other reasons to change career was attractive working conditions within the new vocation, better salary, better opportunities to combine work with family, more meaningful work tasks and further possibilities for personal development. This study was performed through semi-structured telephone interviews with eight female equine science alumni who at some point worked outside of the equine sector. The results showed that the physical working environment was tough and strenuous. Several equine science alumni had injuries caused by their work. Half of the respondents thought that there was a problem with collective boards at Swedish riding schools. The main problems concerned cooperation and communication with or within the boards. The psychosocial working environment was negatively influenced by multiple factors, such as different approaches on horse keeping and the welfare of horses, poor leadership and collective boards when working at riding schools. The salaries within the equine sector was considered to be low by the majority of the respondents. The working hours and the possibilities of a normal family life was not considered to be favorable. The majority of the equine science alumni could consider working within the equine sector again if the working conditions became more favorable. The conclusion of this study proves that there is more than one specific reason for equine science alumni to change vocation, such as physical and psychosocial working environment, salary, collective boards and the effects on personal and family life. This can be concluded to the influence of the individuals physical and psychological health. To improve the working conditions within the equine sector stables and yards need renovation and modernization. The leadership and the support from the trade unions are also in need of improvement.Arbetet i häststallar är tungt och innebär bland annat besvärliga arbetsställningar och tunga lyft. Enligt en alumnenkät till hippologer som påbörjat studier vid hippologprogrammet år 1994–2009 där 46% av det totala antalet utexaminerade hippologer svarade, arbetar idag mer än en fjärdedel av hippologalumnerna utanför hästsektorn. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka bakomliggande orsaker till att hippologer inom ridhästinriktningen väljer att byta yrke efter avslutad universitetsutbildning. Studien kan därmed bidra till att ge insikt i hippologernas arbetsförhållanden och därmed även hur de kan förbättras. Studien baserades på frågeställningarna; Vilka är anledningarna till att hippologer lämnar hästsektorn? Hur uppfattas arbetsförhållandena inom hästsektorn av de som lämnat branschen? Hur skulle branschen kunna utvecklas för yrkesverksamma? Tidigare studier har funnit att rörlighet på arbetsmarknaden är ett komplext fenomen. De personer som valt att byta karriär har generellt sett påvisat en lägre trygghet och tillfredsställelse med arbetet. Andra anledningar till yrkesbyte har visat sig vara attraktiva arbetsförhållanden inom det nya yrkesområdet, högre lön, bättre möjligheter att kombinera arbetet med familjelivet och mer givande arbetsuppgifter. Ett annat skäl att byta yrke var bättre möjligheter till personlig utveckling. Studien utfördes genom semistrukturerade kvalitativa telefonintervjuer med åtta kvinnliga hippologalumner. Intervjupersonerna valdes slumpmässigt ut från klasslistor med hippologer som utexaminerats mellan år 1996–1999. Intervjuerna transkriberades och bearbetades sedan genom fenomenografisk analys. Resultatet visade att den fysiska arbetsmiljön ansågs hård och påfrestande av hippologerna som deltog i studien. Flera hade ådragit sig arbetsskador. Hälften av hippologerna upplevde styrelser som ett problem vid arbete på ridskola. Det som ansågs problematiskt var att styrelserna kunde variera kraftigt från år till år och att det kunde finnas stor oenighet inom styrelserna samt att kommunikationen ofta var bristfällig, såväl inom styrelsen som med personalen. Den psykosociala arbetsmiljön vid arbete i hästsektorn påverkades av flera faktorer. Vid arbete på ridskola påverkades den i stor grad av styrelsen. En annan påverkande faktor var huruvida synen på hästhållning och hantering överensstämde med kollegor och arbetsgivare. Majoriteten av hippologerna ansåg att lönen inom hästsektorn var låg. Arbetstiderna och möjligheterna till ett privatliv utanför arbetet ansågs av vissa hippologer problematiskt. Tre av hippologerna hade redan innan de påbörjade hippologprogrammet andra yrkesdrömmar, vilket påverkade deras beslut om att lämna hästsektorn. Överlag upplevde hippologerna att ledaregenskaper hos chefer inom hästsektorn behövde utvecklas. Majoriteten av hippologerna kunde tänka sig att återgå till hästsektorn om arbetsförhållandena var tillräckligt gynnsamma. Slutsatsen av denna studie är att det finns flera bakomliggande faktorer till att hippologer väljer att byta yrke såsom den fysiska och psykosociala arbetsmiljön, lönen, styrelser och påverkan på privatlivet. Detta kan sammanfattas till arbetets påverkan på individens fysiska och psykiska hälsa. Hästsektorn uppfattas som en rolig men hård bransch av de hippologer som bytt yrke. Modernisering av anläggningar, förbättrat ledarskap samt mer kunniga och aktiva fackförbund är de områden som främst behöver utvecklas för att förbättra arbetsförhållandena inom hästsektorn

    Photolithographic fabrication method of computer-generated holographic interferograms

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    We consider the fabrication of high-quality interferogram-type diffractive optical elements with conventional photolithographic techniques and compare the results with those achievable with electron-beam lithography. The fringes associated with the phase transfer function of the binary phase holographic interferogram are approximated with rectangles, which can be realized at submicron accuracy using a pattern generator and step-and-repeat camera. The effects of the rectangle quantization are analyzed both numerically and experimentally with the aid of diffraction patterns produced by simple focusing elements. Both resolution and diffraction efficiency of the best holograms approach their theoretical values

    The trouble with vulnerability. Narrating ageing during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    In this paper, we have used the exceptional circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic as a window for investigating the ambivalent, stereotypical and often-incongruent portrayals of exceptional vulnerability and resilient self-management that define the self-constructions available for older adults. From the onset of the pandemic, older adults were publicly and homogenously presented as a biomedically vulnerable population, and the implementation of restrictive measures also raised concerns over their psychosocial vulnerability and well-being. Meanwhile, the key political responses to the pandemic in most affluent countries aligned with the dominant paradigms of successful and active ageing that build on the ideal of resilient and responsible ageing subjects. Within this context, in our paper we have examined how older individuals negotiated such conflicting characterisations in relation to their self-understandings. In empirical terms, we drew on data comprising written narratives collected in Finland during the initial stage of the pandemic. We demonstrate how the stereotypical and ageist connotations associated with older adults' psychosocial vulnerability may have paradoxically offered some older adults novel building blocks for positive self-constructions as individuals who are not exceptionally vulnerable, despite ageist assumptions of homogeneity. However, our analysis also shows that such building blocks are not equally distributed. Our conclusions highlight the lack of legitimate ways for people to admit to vulnerabilities and voice their needs without the fear of being categorised under ageist, othering and stigmatised identities.Peer reviewe

    Continuum – Rethinking BAT emissions of the pulp and paper industry in the European Union

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    This report is the Finnish contribution to the second exchange of information defined in the Council Directive 96/61/EC and to the preparation of the second Reference Document of the European Commission on Best Available Techniques in the Pulp and Paper Industry (BREF). The report is the work of Pöyry Forest Industry Consulting Oy on behalf of the Finnish Forest Industries Federation and Finnish Environment Institute. In this report, a series of suggestions for improvements to the BREF are given. The suggestions are shored up with reasoning and examples behind them. Among key messages in this document we find: - Uphold and emphasise the key principles of the BAT BREF, and increase the readability of the BREF. - The need for ensuring smooth running and minimising accidental releases should be emphasised in the BREF. One way to ensure smoother running is to use simpler processes. - Cross-media effects should be further emphasised in the BREF. Lack of cross-media information and integrated views in decision making can result in wrong measures taken. -  The chapters dealing with new techniques could be improved by reshaping them into a readable, clear and concise analysis of the current technology trends and selected techniques, not forgetting key principles of the BREF. -  Based on information on both Finnish and international mills, it seems that not all the BAT ranges are on same level of stringency. In addition, BAT techniques do not necessarily go hand in hand with BAT emissions levels. It is recommended that this report is read together with the first pulp and paper BREF

    Laajasti työväentutkimuksen tiimoilta

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