361 research outputs found

    Tornado-induced wind loads on a low-rise building

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    The effects of wind loading on buildings due to straight line boundary layer type winds have been studied extensively in the past. Building code estimates are mainly based on these works. Little research has been, however, done to study the effect of tornado winds on built structures. This research work essentially deals with the study of the effects of tornado type wind loading on low-rise buildings. Extensive testing was performed on a scaled down low-rise gable roof building model (1:100) to understand the loading pattern. The vortex generated using the ISU tornado simulator agreed well with the Doppler radar data from the Spencer, South Dakota tornado of May 30, 1998 and the Mulhall, Oklahoma tornado of May 3, 1999. The building model was tested using tornado vortices with five different core radii. The tornado could be translated using a crane mechanism; this enables realistic recreation of the actual effects on the low-rise building due to a moving vortex (which is the case in real world). The building model was also tested for four different vortex translation speeds. The lowest speed cases invariably produced larger loads. The effect of building orientation was also investigated by testing the model at seven different angles of attack. The results showed higher wind loads for the smallest vortex core with lower translation speeds. The building orientation of 60 deg had a higher loading pattern. In general the force and moment coefficients were higher than current building code provisions. Further wind tunnel tests were also carried out to study the effects of different roof types and building heights

    Dégradation aérobie des biosolides municipaux et récupération de biocatalyseurs pour le traitement des eaux usées

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    Le volume Ă©levĂ© de biosolides municipaux et industriels (BS) produits dans le monde entier est une source de prĂ©occupation majeure pour les Ă©cologistes. Actuellement, la production mondiale de BS est estimĂ©e Ă  environ 100 Ă  125 millions de tonnes par an et devrait augmenter continuellement. Au Canada, 6,6 millions de tonnes de BS stabilisĂ©s secs sont produites chaque annĂ©e par plus de 3 500 stations d’épuration des eaux usĂ©es (STEP). La gestion et l’élimination des BS sont trĂšs prĂ©occupantes pour de nombreuses municipalitĂ©s, car cela peut reprĂ©senter plus de la moitiĂ© du coĂ»t total du traitement des eaux usĂ©es. La valorisation des BS pour la production de biogaz prĂ©sente un grand avantage. En effet, la digestion anaĂ©robie des BS peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour produire du biogaz comme combustible si celui-ci est correctement collectĂ© et purifiĂ©. Outre cet avantage, les BS reprĂ©sentent une menace environnementale Ă  travers la production de gaz Ă  effet de serre (GES), et la production de lixiviat contenant de nombreux contaminants organiques (incluant des contaminants organiques Ă  l’état de traces (TrOCs), tels que les composĂ©s pharmaceutiques actifs (PhACs) et pesticides). Ainsi, Ă  partir des sites d'enfouissement et de l'amendement des sols avec les BS municipales, ces contaminants peuvent se retrouver dans les eaux souterraines. Pour remĂ©dier Ă  cela, le QuĂ©bec a mis en place des politiques strictes en matiĂšre d’élimination des BS. On compte parmi les mesures prises l’interdiction du dĂ©versement des BS dans les dĂ©charges et Ă©tablit une taxe verte qui est prĂ©levĂ©e en fonction de l’inflation pour chaque tonne de BS incinĂ©rĂ©e ou mise en dĂ©charge au QuĂ©bec. Cependant, avec l’aide de technologies de bioprocĂ©dĂ©s avancĂ©es, ces BS peuvent ĂȘtre traitĂ©s et utilisĂ©s simultanĂ©ment comme matiĂšre premiĂšre pour la production de produits de grande valeur ou de prĂ©curseurs de produits de grande valeur. Ce travail de recherche fournit une Ă©valuation des principales mĂ©thodes d’élimination (rĂ©duction du volume et des contaminants) et passe en revue l’état des processus biotechnologiques, en particulier pour la digestion aĂ©robie pour la production d’enzymes hydrolytiques et lignolytiques Ă  partir des BS. En premier lieu, l’impact des microorganismes endogĂšnes a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© avec ou sans co-traitement. En ce sens, divers traitements comprenant l’utilisation de microorganismes indigĂšnes prĂ©sents dans les BS, l’effet combinĂ© d’un prĂ©traitement enzymatique, la biostimulation par l’ajout d’une source externe de carbone et l’effet synergique de la biostimulation et du prĂ©traitement enzymatique ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s pendant 28 jours. En raison de diverses stratĂ©gies de traitement, une rĂ©duction totale des solides en suspension de 12% Ă  23%, une Ă©limination des PhACs de 44% Ă  62% et une Ă©limination des pesticides d’environ 10% Ă  54% ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es. Aussi, pour amĂ©liorer l’élimination des solides en suspension des PhACs et pesticides, l’effet de quatre stratĂ©gies de prĂ©traitement diffĂ©rentes (ultrasonication, congĂ©lation-dĂ©congĂ©lation, addition enzymatique et traitement alcalin), suivis d’une bioaugmentation avec la souche de bactĂ©rie Bacillus subtilis a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e. AprĂšs 28 jours de traitement, la bioaugmentation a amĂ©liorĂ© l’élimination totale des solides en suspension par 8 Ă  54% et une l’élimination des PhACs par 21 Ă  80% et une l’élimination des pesticides par 22 Ă  76%. La production d‘un cocktail d’enzymes extracellulaires (ex. : laccase, peroxydase, glucose oxydase, lipase, phosphatase, estĂ©rase
etc.) Ă  la suite de la bioaugmentation des BS avec B. subtilis a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. Ces enzymes peuvent ĂȘtre impliquĂ©es dans l’élimination des contaminants prĂ©sents dans les BS ainsi que dans la rĂ©duction des solides observĂ©e. Cette Ă©tude est une approche bio-intĂ©grĂ©e, oĂč les enzymes produites lors de la digestion aĂ©robie des BS ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es pour l’élimination des contaminants organiques prĂ©sents dans les BS issus du traitement des eaux usĂ©es municipales. Pour souligner cela, la bioaugmentation des BS avec la souche de champignon Aspergillus niger a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e dans le but de produire une enzyme d’intĂ©rĂȘt telle que la glucose oxydase (GOD). La GOD sĂ©crĂ©tĂ©e par A. niger, a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour le processus d’oxydation avancĂ© basĂ© sur le bio-Fenton pour la dĂ©gradation de 15 PhACs d’intĂ©rĂȘt dans l’eau. En somme, l’utilisation des BS comme substrat par les microorganismes Ă©tudiĂ©s a permis d’une part de diminuer les contaminants organiques et, d’autre part, de rĂ©duire le volume des BS.Abstract : The high volume of municipal and industrial biosolids (BS) produced all over the world is a cause of major concern to the environmentalists these days. Currently, the worldwide production of BS is estimated to be around 100-125 million tonnes per year and is expected to increase continuously. According to Canadian context reported on, 6.6 million tonnes of dry stabilized BS are generated yearly by more than 3500 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Management of BS is primarily handled as a technical matter. The disposal of BS is of great concern for many WWT facilities because it accounts for over half of the total cost of wastewater treatment. BS disposal in landfill sites leads to a great advantage of biogas generation by anaerobic digestion which can be used as a fuel if the biogas is properly collected. Apart from adding advantages, it poses environmental threat such as trace organic contaminants (TrOCs), green house gases (GHGs) production, potential contaminant leachate into the ground water system at the landfill site as well as soil amendment of municipal BS . Stringent laws in BS disposal are followed in Quebec which focuses on restraining from the dumping of BS in landfills and green tax is levied based on the inflation for each ton of biosolid that is incinerated or landfilled in Quebec. However, with the help of advance bioprocess technologies these biosolids can be treated and simultaneously used as a raw material for the production of high value products or high value product precursors. This current research work delivers an assessment of the leading disposal methods (volume and contaminant reduction) and reviews the state of biotechnological processes, particular to aerobic digestion for the production of hydrolytic and lignolytic enzymes from BS. During aerobic digestion, various pretreatments including utilization of indigenous microbes present in BS, the effect of an enzymatic pretreatment, biostimulation by the addition of an external carbon source and the synergic effect of biostimulation and enzymatic pretreatment were studied for 28 days. As a result of various treatment strategies, the total suspended solids reduction of 12-23% ,total PhACs removal of 44-62% and total pesticides removal around 10- 54% were observed. Further, to enhance the total suspended solids, total PhACs and total pesticides removal, effect of four different pre-treatment strategies (ultrasonication, freezethawing, enzymatic and alkaline addition) subsequent bioaugmentation with Bacillus subtilis for IV 28 days were studied. Impact of bioaugmentation improved the total suspended solids removal by 8-54%, total PhACs removal by 21-80% and total pesticides removal by 22-76%. The production of enzymatic cocktail by bioaugmented along with indigenous microorganisms, which contain high laccase, peroxidase, glucose oxidase, lipase, phosphatase, esterase activities and other activities related to elimination of contaminants present in the BS. This study is biointegrated approach, where the enzymes producing during aerobic digestion of BS is evaluated to reduce the contaminants present in water or wastewater. To emphasize that, bioaugmentation of Aspergillus niger to BS to produce glucose oxidase (GOD), which was utilized for bio-Fenton based advanced oxidation process for the partial removal of 15 pharmaceutically active compounds in water. Therefore, the use of BS residuals as a substrate can decrease the contaminants on the one hand and, on the other hand, it can reduce the volume of BS

    Transfer of impurities into crystals in industrial processes : mechanics and kinetics

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    Tese de mestrado. Engenharia QuĂ­mica e BiolĂłgica. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    FPGA Based Efficient OFDM Based Design and Implementation for Data and Image Transmission for Healthcare

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    Enormous growth in telecommunication industry demands for high speed data transmission with better quality of service (Qos). The telecommunication networks are offering the services which is from 1 Mbps to several Mbps of speed. However, most of the existing techniques address to assure the very high speed data for multimedia communication. The multimedia data may find a suitable application in healthcare system. The OFDM modulation technique promises to provide the multimedia services at rather high speed using the spectrum more efficient compared traditional scheme like TDMA, FDMA. The orthogonality of carriers eliminates the interference among the closely packed carriers and offers comparatively efficient bandwidth. The OFDM design requires choosing proper parameter selection. Important feature of OFDM is that the multipaths are effectively eliminated by choosing a higher cyclic prefix values which, gives significant results but causing more energy loss. This paper presents an efficient design for OFDMtransceiver by using FPGA. The design is modeled and simulated using Matlab Simulink and finally the design is coded using Verilog RTL and simulated in modelsim and synthesizing and implementation is done using in Xilinx EDA tool. The image type of data is taken for transmission in the proposed OFDM transceiver system. The received image type data achieves PSNR value of 29.920dB and the binary input data achieves 36.06% improvement in power utilization and less area overhead. The paper also shows the improvement in area and power compared to existing authors.Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) © Copyright: All rights reserved

    murder your green darlings

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    Problems and Perspectives of Health Sciences Libraries in Digital Era : A Descriptive Analysis with Sepcial Reference to Karnataka and Maharastra

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    The ~resent study on health science libraries in «ernetsk« and Mat:arastra indicate that libraries in India have to go tonq- way 10 become IT based knowledge system or to call as Digital Libraries or Virtual Libraries. The development, as it goes in India. to achieve iotcqrsteo information services, on par with the capability of health care services. would remain as a dream. Majority of the libraries as per the study are concentrating on legacy system both in evaluation of inlormation services/resources in medical colleges and they are.yet to Change their mindset towards this transitional effect in the application of IT

    Zooplankton diversity and abundance of mangrove ecosystem of Kali estuary, Karwar, west coast of India

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    The present study conducted at the mangrove ecosystem of Kali estuary. Samples were collected from the three fixed stations for the period of thirteen months from January 2008 to January 2009 at regular monthly interval to identify and quantify the abundance, taxonomy and relative ratio of phytoplankton and zooplankton. In the present study of species diversity of zooplankton groups in the mangrove area, composed of twelve groups comprising fifty two species major share comes from the copepods which comprises about seventeen species.  Protozoa taxa comprised by five species, coelenterata and cladocera by two species each, ctenophore comprised by single species whereas the larval forms comprised by fourteen species. Keywords: Zooplankton, Diversity, Abundance, Estuary, Mangrove, Karwar

    Hydrography of Gourikere pond of Siddapur, Karnataka

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    Present work was pertaining to studies conducted at one lentic perinial water body at Talaguppa viz., Gourikere pond Tq:Sagar Karnataka.  The period of study undertaken it one year from May - 2007 to April - 2008. This study is intended to monitor the water quality of Gourikere pond of Talaguppa, Sagar Tq: Shimoga District and also helpful for using this water for making fisheries activity. The present investigation encompassed collection of data pertaining to various aspects such as meteorological condition, physicochemical parameter of water body of Gourikere pond. Air and surface water temperatures varied from 29.7oC to 37.5oC and from 20.6oC – 24.8oC. And the pH ranged between 8.1 to 9.1. Variation in dissolved oxygen content was from 6.4 mg/l to 10.8 mg/l  and variation in CO2 was observed from 7.4 mg/l to 12.00 mg/l.  Concentrations of nutrients viz. nitrates (0.69 mg/l to1.30 mg/l), phosphates (0.30 mg/l to 0.63 mg/l) Magnesium (11.79 mg/l to 88.64 mg/l) sulphate (2.45 mg/l to 5.16 mg/l) Calcium (33.41 to 138.10mg/l), also varied independently. The results of the study revealed that hydrographical conditions fluctuated moderately throughout the year. Keywords: Physico-chemical parameters, lentic, Nutrients, Gourikere pond

    AnalĂœza a optimalizace systĂ©mu kvality ve vybranĂ© společnosti

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    The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the existing quality systems and optimizing the systems in the selected company. The introduction deals with the importance of the quality and production of the selected company and the general goal of the diploma thesis. The theoretical part contains general characteristics of the problem and basic concepts. Based on the analyses of the quality systems a quality dashboard was created to identify various potential to optimize and improve the quality standards. The dashboard created will be utilized on a long-term basis to constantly keep improving the systems.DiplomovĂĄ prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ analĂœzou stĂĄvajĂ­cĂ­ch systĂ©mĆŻ kvality a jejich optimalizacĂ­ ve vybranĂ© společnosti. Úvod se zabĂœvĂĄ vĂœznamem kvality a vĂœroby vybranĂ© společnosti a obecnĂœm cĂ­lem diplomovĂ© prĂĄce. TeoretickĂĄ část obsahuje obecnou charakteristiku ƙeĆĄenĂ© problematiky a zĂĄkladnĂ­ pojmy. Na zĂĄkladě analĂœz systĂ©mĆŻ kvality byl vytvoƙen informačnĂ­ panel, kterĂœ identifikuje rĆŻznĂ© moĆŸnosti pro optimalizaci a zlepĆĄenĂ­ norem kvality. VytvoƙenĂœ informačnĂ­ panel bude dlouhodobě vyuĆŸĂ­vĂĄn k neustĂĄlĂ©mu zlepĆĄovĂĄnĂ­ systĂ©mĆŻ.345 - Katedra mechanickĂ© technologievĂœborn
