107 research outputs found

    A new design for a green calcium indicator with a smaller size and a reduced number of calcium-binding sites

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    Genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) are mainly represented by two- or one-fluorophore-based sensors. One type of two-fluorophore-based sensor, carrying Opsanus troponin C (TnC) as the Ca2+-binding moiety, has two binding sites for calcium ions, providing a linear response to calcium ions. One-fluorophore-based sensors have four Ca2+-binding sites but are better suited for in vivo experiments. Herein, we describe a novel design for a one-fluorophore-based GECI with two Ca2+-binding sites. The engineered sensor, called NTnC, uses TnC as the Ca2+-binding moiety, inserted in the mNeonGreen fluorescent protein. Monomeric NTnC has higher brightness and pH-stability in vitro compared with the standard GECI GCaMP6s. In addition, NTnC shows an inverted fluorescence response to Ca2+. Using NTnC, we have visualized Ca2+ dynamics during spontaneous activity of neuronal cultures as confirmed by control NTnC and its mutant, in which the affinity to Ca2+ is eliminated. Using whole-cell patch clamp, we have demonstrated that NTnC dynamics in neurons are similar to those of GCaMP6s and allow robust detection of single action potentials. Finally, we have used NTnC to visualize Ca2+ neuronal activity in vivo in the V1 cortical area in awake and freely moving mice using two-photon microscopy or an nVista miniaturized microscope

    Chemical Architecture and Applications of Nucleic Acid Derivatives Containing 1,2,3-Triazole Functionalities Synthesized via Click Chemistry

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    There is considerable attention directed at chemically modifying nucleic acids with robust functional groups in order to alter their properties. Since the breakthrough of copper-assisted azide-alkyne cycloadditions (CuAAC), there have been several reports describing the synthesis and properties of novel triazole-modified nucleic acid derivatives for potential downstream DNA- and RNA-based applications. This review will focus on highlighting representative novel nucleic acid molecular structures that have been synthesized via the “click” azide-alkyne cycloaddition. Many of these derivatives show compatibility for various applications that involve enzymatic transformation, nucleic acid hybridization, molecular tagging and purification, and gene silencing. The details of these applications are discussed. In conclusion, the future of nucleic acid analogues functionalized with triazoles is promising

    7,8-Dihydro-8-oxo-1,N6-ethenoadenine: an exclusively Hoogsteen-paired thymine mimic in DNA that induces A→T transversions in Escherichia coli

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    14 pags., 9 figs.This work investigated the structural and biological properties of DNA containing 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-1,N6-ethenoadenine (oxo-ϵA), a non-natural synthetic base that combines structural features of two naturally occurring DNA lesions (7,8-dihydro-8-oxoadenine and 1,N6-ethenoadenine). UV-, CD-, NMR spectroscopies and molecular modeling of DNA duplexes revealed that oxo-ϵA adopts the non-canonical syn conformation (χ = 65º) and fits very well among surrounding residues without inducing major distortions in local helical architecture. The adduct remarkably mimics the natural base thymine. When considered as an adenine-derived DNA lesion, oxo-ϵA was >99% mutagenic in living cells, causing predominantly A→T transversion mutations in Escherichia coli. The adduct in a single-stranded vector was not repaired by base excision repair enzymes (MutM and MutY glycosylases) or the AlkB dioxygenase and did not detectably affect the efficacy of DNA replication in vivo. When the biological and structural data are viewed together, it is likely that the nearly exclusive syn conformation and thymine mimicry of oxo-ϵA defines the selectivity of base pairing in vitro and in vivo, resulting in lesion pairing with A during replication. The base pairing properties of oxo-ϵA, its strong fluorescence and its invisibility to enzymatic repair systems in vivo are features that are sought in novel DNA-based probes and modulators of gene expression.MIT Skoltech Next Generation Program Pilot Grant (to J.M.E.); National Institutes of Health (NIH) [R01-CA080024 to J.M.E.]; NIEHS Center Grant [P30-ES002109 (to Center for Environmental Health Sciences, which provided access to NGS facilities)]; Skoltech (to T.S.Z.); MICINN [PID2020-116620GB-I00 to C.G.]; Ministry of Science and Higher Education Russian Federation [07515-2021-1049 to A.V.A. – synthesis and UV/CD studies]. Funding for open access charge: Skoltech.Peer reviewe

    The systematic approach to describing conformational rearrangements in G-quadruplexes

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    <p>Conformational changes in DNA G-quadruplex (GQ)-forming regions affect genome function and, thus, compose an interesting research topic. Computer modelling may yield insight into quadruplex folding and rearrangement, particularly molecular dynamics simulations. Here, we show that specific parameters, which are distinct from those commonly used in DNA conformational analyses, must be introduced for adequate interpretation and, most importantly, convenient visual representation of the quadruplex modelling results. We report a set of parameters that comprehensively and systematically describe GQ geometry in dynamics. The parameters include those related to quartet planarity, quadruplex twist, and quartet stacking; they are used to quantitatively characterise various types of quadruplexes and rearrangements, such as quartet distortion/disruption or deviation/bulging of a single nucleotide from the quartet plane. Our approach to describing conformational changes in quadruplexes using the new parameters is exemplified by telomeric quadruplex rearrangement, and the benefits of applying this approach to analyse other structures are discussed.</p

    Data on secondary structures and ligand interactions of G-rich oligonucleotides that defy the classical formula for G4 motifs

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    The data provided in this article are related to the research article "The expanding repertoire of G4 DNA structures" [1]. Secondary structures of G-rich oligonucleotides (ONs) that represent “imperfect” G-quadruplex (G4) motifs, i.e., contain truncated or interrupted G-runs, were analyzed by optical methods. Presented data on ON structures include circular dichroism (CD) spectra, thermal difference spectra (TDS) and UV -melting curves of the ONs; and rotational relaxation times (RRT) of ethidium bromide (EtBr) complexes with the ONs. TDS, CD spectra and UV-melting curves can be used to characterize the topologies and thermal stabilities of the ON structures. RRTs are roughly proportional to the hydrodynamic volumes of the complexes and thus can be used to distinguish between inter- and intramolecular ON structures. Presented data on ON interactions with small molecules include fluorescence emission spectra of the G4 sensor thioflavin T (ThT) in complexes with the ONs, and CD-melting curves of the ONs in the presence of G4-stabilizing ligands N-methylmesoporphyrin IX (NMM) and pyridostatin (PDS). These data should be useful for comparative analyses of classical G4s and “defective”G4s, such as quadruplexes with vacancies or bulges

    Data set on G4 DNA interactions with human proteins

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    Guanine-rich DNA/RNA fragments can fold into G-quadruplexes (G4s) – non-canonical four-strand secondary structures. The article contains data on quadruplex interaction with human proteins. Binding of three topologically different G4 structures to more than 9000 human proteins was analyzed. Physicochemical methods were used to verify the results.The dataset was generated to identify the protein targets for DNA quadruplex structures for the purpose of better understanding the role of the structures in gene expression regulation. Presented data include functional interpretation of obtained gene lists, visualized with Cytoscape

    A Solution to the Common Problem of the Synthesis and Applications of Hexachlorofluorescein Labeled Oligonucleotides.

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    A common problem of the preparation of hexachlorofluorescein labeled oligonucleotides is the transformation of the fluorophore to an arylacridine derivative under standard ammonolysis conditions. We show here that the arylacridine byproduct with distinct optical characteristics cannot be efficiently separated from the major product by HPLC or electrophoretic methods, which hampers precise physicochemical experiments with the labeled oligonucleotides. Studies of the transformation mechanism allowed us to select optimal conditions for avoiding the side reaction. The novel method for the post-synthetic deblocking of hexachlorofluorescein-labeled oligodeoxyribonucleotides described in this paper prevents the formation of the arylacridine derivative, enhances the yield of target oligomers, and allows them to be proper real-time PCR probes

    Obtaining and Studying the Properties of Chitosan Films Containing Natural Phytohormones Cytokinins

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    A promising carrier for the development of polymer systems with controlled release of biologically active compounds is the aminopolysaccharide chitosan. In the present work, we studied the possibility of using chitosan films as a matrix for the N6-benzyladenine (BA), which is the natural cytokinin widely used in tissue culture. The aim of this work was to develop biopolymer carriers containing phytohormones cytokinins that provide its controlled release. As a result of the work, a number of biopolymer carriers containing BA were obtained, and the kinetics of moisture absorption of the resulting complexes and the kinetics of their release of cytokinins were studied. It has been shown that the use of a polymer carrier based on chitosan is a convenient matrix for achieving a prolonged biological effect from cytokinins. The obtained results will make it possible to purposefully design materials with an optimal delivery rate of cytokinins for a biological object
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