580 research outputs found


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    Malaria is a aisease of parasitical origin characterised by splenic enlargement,brief febrile attacks which recur periodically ,melanaemia,and a tendency in protracted cases to irregular fever and extreme anaemia. The most characteristic malarial manifestations are intermittent or remittent fever, certain forms or disease described as "pernicious", and a chronic cachexia with enlargement of the spleen and anaemia

    The incidence of pathogens in honey bee (Apis mellifera L) colonies in Finland and Great Britain

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    Dead adult bees collected from 26 apiaries distributed throughout Southern Finland were examined for protozoan, microsporidian and viral pathogens. Malpighamoeba mellificae was not found, but Nosema apis was detected at low levels in 11 of the 39 samples examined. Of the 51 samples examined for viruses, bee virus Y was detected in 2, cloudy wing virus in 14 and filamentous virus in 13. These findings are compared with pathogen incidence in honey bee colonies in Britain and discussed with reference to winter losses and Varroa jacobsoni infestation

    Climate-driven interannual variability of water scarcity in food production potential: A global analysis

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    Interannual climatic and hydrologic variability has been substantial during the past decades in many regions. While climate variability and its impacts on precipitation and soil moisture have been studied intensively, less is known on subsequent implications for global food production. In this paper we quantify effects of hydroclimatic variability on global "green" and "blue" water availability and demand in global agriculture, and thus complement former studies that have focused merely on long-term averages. Moreover, we assess some options to overcome chronic or sporadic water scarcity. The analysis is based on historical climate forcing data sets over the period 1977-2006, while demography, diet composition and land use are fixed to reference conditions (year 2000). In doing so, we isolate the effect of interannual hydroclimatic variability from other factors that drive food production. We analyse the potential of food production units (FPUs) to produce a reference diet for their inhabitants (3000 kcal cap-1 day -1, with 80% vegetal food and 20% animal products). We applied the LPJmL vegetation and hydrology model to calculate the variation in green-blue water availability and the water requirements to produce that very diet. An FPU was considered water scarce if its water availability was not sufficient to produce the diet (i.e. assuming food self-sufficiency to estimate dependency on trade from elsewhere). We found that 24% of the world's population lives in chronically water-scarce FPUs (i.e. water is scarce every year), while an additional 19% live under occasional water scarcity (water is scarce in some years). Among these 2.6 billion people altogether, 55% would have to rely on international trade to reach the reference diet, while for 24% domestic trade would be enough. For the remaining 21% of the population exposed to some degree of water scarcity, local food storage and/or intermittent trade would be enough to secure the reference diet over the occasional dry years

    Yhdenvertiasuusperiaate julkisen osakeyhtiön omien osakkeiden hankinnassa

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    A New Method for Combined Hyperventilation and Hypoxia Training in a Tactical Fighter Simulator

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    Physiological episodes are an issue in military aviation. Some non-pressure-related in-flight symptoms are proved to be due to hyperventilation rather than hypoxia. The aim of this study was to validate a new training method provoking hyperventilation during normobaric hypoxia (NH) training in an F/A-18 Hornet simulator. METHODS: In a double-blind setting, 26 fighter pilots from the Finnish Air Force performed 2 setups in a WTSAT simulator in randomized order with full flight gear. Without the pilot's knowledge, 6% O2 in nitrogen or 6% O2 + 4% CO2 in nitrogen was turned on. Ventilation (VE) was measured before, during, and after hypoxia. SpO2 and ECG were monitored and symptoms documented. The subjects performed a tactical identification flight until they recognized symptoms of hypoxia. Thereafter, they performed hypoxia emergency procedures with 100% O2 and returned to the base with a GPS malfunction and executed an instrument landing system (ILS) approach with the waterline HUD mode evaluated by the flight instructor on a scale of 1 to 5. RESULTS: Ventilation increased during normobaric hypoxia (NH) from 12 L · min−1 to 19 L · min−1 at SpO2 75% with 6% O2, and from 12 L · min−1 to 26 L · min−1 at SpO2 77% with 6% O2 + 4% CO2. ILS flight performance was similar 10 min after combined hyperventilation and hypoxia (3.1 with 6% O2 + 4% CO2 and 3.2 with 6% O2). No adverse effects were reported during the 24-h follow-up. DISCUSSION: Hyperventilation-provoking normobaric hypoxia training is a new and well-tolerated method to meet NATO Standardization Agreement hypoxia training requirements

    Planck-LFI radiometers' spectral response

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    The Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) is an array of pseudo-correlation radiometers on board the Planck satellite, the ESA mission dedicated to precision measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background. The LFI covers three bands centred at 30, 44 and 70 GHz, with a goal bandwidth of 20% of the central frequency. The characterization of the broadband frequency response of each radiometer is necessary to understand and correct for systematic effects, particularly those related to foreground residuals and polarization measurements. In this paper we present the measured band shape of all the LFI channels and discuss the methods adopted for their estimation. The spectral characterization of each radiometer was obtained by combining the measured spectral response of individual units through a dedicated RF model of the LFI receiver scheme. As a consistency check, we also attempted end-to-end spectral measurements of the integrated radiometer chain in a cryogenic chamber. However, due to systematic effects in the measurement setup, only qualitative results were obtained from these tests. The measured LFI bandpasses exhibit a moderate level of ripple, compatible with the instrument scientific requirements.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, this paper is part of the Prelaunch status LFI papers published on JINST: http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/-page=extra.proc5/jins

    The linearity response of the Planck-LFI flight model receivers

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    In this paper we discuss the linearity response of the Planck-LFI receivers, with particular reference to signal compression measured on the 30 and 44 GHz channels. In the article we discuss the various sources of compression and present a model that accurately describes data measured during tests performed with individual radiomeric chains. After discussing test results we present the best parameter set representing the receiver response and discuss the impact of non linearity on in-flight calibration, which is shown to be negligible.Comment: this paper is part of the Prelaunch status LFI papers published on JINST: http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/-page=extra.proc5/jinst; This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in JINST. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher authenticated version is available online at 10.1088/1748-0221/4/12/T12011

    Evaluating the impact of pyrethroid insecticide resistance on reproductive fitness in Sitobion avenae

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    Resistance to insecticides used to control pests is an issue of increasing concern for agriculture. The grain aphid, Sitobion avenae, is a pest of cereals and grasses worldwide, and one of growing concern due to the evolution of resistance to certain insecticides. Resistance confers benefits to insects by enabling them to survive exposure to insecticide compounds; however, the mutations conferring resistance may also penalise the insect in pesticide-free environments due to fitness costs associated with the new phenotype. Here we tested the hypothesis of a reproductive penalty linked to the knockdown resistance mutation (kdr) to pyrethroid insecticides. The mutation occurs predominantly in a single SA3 clone. To date, only heterozygous-resistant forms (kdr-SR) have been detected in populations in Ireland and the UK, and this suggests that a fitness penalty may preclude the formation of both male and female heterozygous-resistant sexual forms. By designing an experiment which included a resistant and a non-resistant clone, we were able to simulate reduced daylight and temperature conditions which, in nature, trigger sexual reproduction and therefore study the responses of each clone. This allowed us to detect the switch from asexual females to sexual females and males and report on the conditions associated with the production of sexual forms. The results showed that both aphid clones were able to produce sexual forms with no difference in the onset of sexual reproduction, although reproductive strategies differed between clones. The later onset of male forms in the SA3 clone may decrease the likelihood of mating interactions to create fully resistant (kdr-RR) genotypes and this may constitute a fitness penalty due to pyrethroid resistance

    Thermal susceptibility of the Planck-LFI receivers

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    This paper is part of the Prelaunch status LFI papers published on JINST: http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/-page=extra.proc5/jinst . This paper describes the impact of the Planck Low Frequency Instrument front end physical temperature fluctuations on the output signal. The origin of thermal instabilities in the instrument are discussed, and an analytical model of their propagation and impact on the receivers signal is described. The experimental test setup dedicated to evaluate these effects during the instrument ground calibration is reported together with data analysis methods. Finally, main results obtained are discussed and compared to the requirements.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Journal of Instrumentation. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher authenticated version is available online at 10.1088/1748-0221/4/12/T1201

    The Planck-LFI flight model composite waveguides

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    The Low Frequency Instrument on board the PLANCK satellite is designed to give the most accurate map ever of the CMB anisotropy of the whole sky over a broad frequency band spanning 27 to 77 GHz. It is made of an array of 22 pseudo-correlation radiometers, composed of 11 actively cooled (20 K) Front End Modules (FEMs), and 11 Back End Modules (BEMs) at 300K. The connection between the two parts is made with rectangular Wave Guides. Considerations of different nature (thermal, electromagnetic and mechanical), imposed stringent requirements on the WGs characteristics and drove their design. From the thermal point of view, the WG should guarantee good insulation between the FEM and the BEM sections to avoid overloading the cryocooler. On the other hand it is essential that the signals do not undergo excessive attenuation through the WG. Finally, given the different positions of the FEM modules behind the focal surface and the mechanical constraints given by the surrounding structures, different mechanical designs were necessary. A composite configuration of Stainless Steel and Copper was selected to satisfy all the requirements. Given the complex shape and the considerable length (about 1.5-2 m), manufacturing and testing the WGs was a challenge. This work deals with the development of the LFI WGs, including the choice of the final configuration and of the fabrication process. It also describes the testing procedure adopted to fully characterize these components from the electromagnetic point of view and the space qualification process they underwent. Results obtained during the test campaign are reported and compared with the stringent requirements. The performance of the LFI WGs is in line with requirements, and the WGs were successfully space qualified.Comment: this paper is part of the Prelaunch status LFI papers published on JINST: http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/-page=extra.proc5/jins
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