3,924 research outputs found

    Powering Cuba: A Study of Cuba\u27s Energy Autonomy and its Effect on Culture

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    Cuba’s national pride comes from their autonomy in many industries, although they have been dependent on other countries to supply them with energy since the revolution. In the 1990’s, after the demise of the Soviet Union, Cuba entered its “Special Period” in which it faced energy shortages that caused oil consumption to drop by 20 percent from 1989 to 1992. In later years, the “Cuban Energy Revolution” focused on replacing inefficient infrastructure, encouraging energy efficiency, expanding electricity availability, and pursuing renewable energy generation. Luckily, Cuba has a high capacity for various renewable energy sources, including wind, biomass, solar, and hydropower, and as of 2014, Cuban energy experts estimate that renewable sources make up about 7-8% of total electricity generation. Despite its efforts, Cuba is in the midst of another energy crisis, and neighborhoods have been facing blackouts similar to those of the 1990’s. Heavy restrictions on energy consumption and the possibility of blackouts undoubtedly have an effect on the way citizens live and use energy. This study combines the interviews and observations of Cubans as they use energy in their lives, including changes in their culture and daily routine, as well as the study of renewable energy infrastructure across the country

    Estado de salud de los enfermeros en actividad de los hospitales de alta complejidad de Mendoza

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    La enfermería es una profesión de alta complejidad que enfoca su acción en la atención del individuo enfermo, en el que actúa para reconocer su necesidad y satisfacer con la máxima calidad posible. El personal de enfermería desempeña su actividad laboral en ambientes de instituciones de atención preventiva, curativa, de rehabilitación y promoción de la salud. Debe haber un equilibrio entre las tareas desarrolladas por el profesional en cuanto al cuidado del paciente y las medidas de autocuidado que el mismo debe tomar para cuidar su propia salud. Cabe aclarar que no son solo medidas tomadas por los enfermeros, sino que las instituciones donde desarrollan sus labores deben ser responsables de proveerles condiciones de higiene, seguridad y medio ambiente del trabajo adecuado. Las condiciones de trabajo en los hospitales públicos son precarias y trascienden en un malestar de enfermería que presenta la dificultad de soportar una carga de trabajo frecuentemente sobrecargado repercutiendo así en los estilos saludables del personal. Se puede mencionar la inactividad física, el cansancio permanente por el exceso de trabajo, alimentación no saludable, escasas horas de sueño y descanso, escasos controles médicos, restricciones por bajos salarios. Esta sobrecarga de trabajo afecta la salud de los trabajadores y los resultados sobre la eficiencia productiva, de los cuales se pueden mencionar: accidentes de trabajo, enfermedades profesionales y enfermedades relacionadas con el trabajo. Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre los estilos inadecuados y el deterioro físico del personal de enfermería del Clínica Médica de los Hospitales Humberto Notti, Hospital Central y Luis Lagomaggiore en 2016 y determinar factores de riesgo más relevantes que puedan potenciar el desarrollo de enfermedades. Es un estudio cuantitativo descriptivo trasversal, con una muestra de 59 enfermeros de los Servicios de Clínica Médica de los Hospitales de Alta Complejidad de Mendoza.Fil: Flores, Luisa. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Chávez, Elizabeth. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Vargas, Deolinda. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.

    Acoustic Source Localisation in constrained environments

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    Acoustic Source Localisation (ASL) is a problem with real-world applications across multiple domains, from smart assistants to acoustic detection and tracking. And yet, despite the level of attention in recent years, a technique for rapid and robust ASL remains elusive – not least in the constrained environments in which such techniques are most likely to be deployed. In this work, we seek to address some of these current limitations by presenting improvements to the ASL method for three commonly encountered constraints: the number and configuration of sensors; the limited signal sampling potentially available; and the nature and volume of training data required to accurately estimate Direction of Arrival (DOA) when deploying a particular supervised machine learning technique. In regard to the number and configuration of sensors, we find that accuracy can be maintained at state-of-the-art levels, Steered Response Power (SRP), while reducing computation sixfold, based on direct optimisation of well known ASL formulations. Moreover, we find that the circular microphone configuration is the least desirable as it yields the highest localisation error. In regard to signal sampling, we demonstrate that the computer vision inspired algorithm presented in this work, which extracts selected keypoints from the signal spectrogram, and uses them to select signal samples, outperforms an audio fingerprinting baseline while maintaining a compression ratio of 40:1. In regard to the training data employed in machine learning ASL techniques, we show that the use of music training data yields an improvement of 19% against a noise data baseline while maintaining accuracy using only 25% of the training data, while training with speech as opposed to noise improves DOA estimation by an average of 17%, outperforming the Generalised Cross-Correlation technique by 125% in scenarios in which the test and training acoustic environments are matched.Heriot-Watt University James Watt Scholarship (JSW) in the School of Engineering & Physical Sciences

    Error production provoked by syntactic transfer and the analysis of possible causes in EFL Pre intermediate students

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    El propósito de este estudio es describir los errores causados por la transferencia lingüística negativa que 10 estudiantes producen cuando han iniciado su proceso de aprendizaje y atienden a un curso de inglés pre-intermedio de un programa de enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera en una universidad pública localizada en el área cafetera colombiana. Categorizando estos errores en diferentes áreas sintácticas propuestas por Ja Park et al (2003). Además de interpretar estos errores e identificar patrones que develan potenciales causas de estos mismos, dichos estudiantes cumplieron con las actividades propuestas en el curso, las cuales en la habilidad de escritura facilitaron la recolección de datos, además de en ambos métodos (recolección de muestras escritas y entrevistas) revelaron una gran variedad de errores originados por transferencia sintáctica negativa que ellos cometen, además de que muchas veces a pesar de que hacen sus trabajos no prestan suficiente atención a releer e incluir practicas de escritura en su cotidiano, asimismo piensan en español cuando escriben en inglés y así se añade una dificultad mas a aprender un idioma extranjero que no es ampliamente hablado en el lugar de aprendizaje, especialmente para una población tan importante como es la de un grupo de futuros profesores de Ingles como lengua extranjera.The purpose of this study is describing the errors caused by linguistic negative transfer, which 10 students produced when they started their learning processes and attend a pre-intermediate course in teaching English as a foreign language program in a public university located in the Colombian coffee area. This, by categorizing those errors in different syntactic areas proposed by Ja Park etal(2003). In addition interpreting those errors and identifying patterns that show causes of these. The data collection of the present study, was facilitated by the learner’s accomplishment of the activities proposed along the course, which in the writing skill, besides, both methods (written simple collection and interviews) evidenced a great variety of errors originated by the syntactic negative transfer that they do, also that many times they make their home works but they do not pay enough attention to re-read and add writing practices in their daily lives, also they think in Spanish when they write in English, and this adds one more difficulty to learn a foreign language which is not widely spoken in the learning place, specially by a population which is so important as a group of future English teachers is

    Adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico asociado a la calidad de vida de hipertensos

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    Determinar si la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico es un factor que influye en la calidad de vida de los pacientes hipertensos que acudieron al Hospital I Florencia de Mora, Trujillo, Perú durante el año 2021 Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal seccional donde se incluyó a 289 pacientes con diagnóstico de hipertensión arterial que reciban al menos un medicamento farmacológico y que sean atendidos por el área de Medicina Interna del Hospital I de Florencia de Mora durante el año 2021, aplicante el test de Morisky Green y MINICHAL, investigando la asociación de la adherencia al tratamiento y como este afecta en la calidad de vida, poniendo en practica la prueba estadística de chi cuadrado. Resultados: La adherencia al tratamiento fue un factor que influyó significativamente a la calidad de vida (p<0.05), la adherencia al tratamiento, la adherencia se asoció significativamente al estilo de vida y manifestaciones somáticas (p<0.5), las comorbilidades se asociaron significativamente con la calidad de vida (p<0.5), dichos pacientes que presentan comorbilidades asociadas reflejaron una peor calidad de vida con un 40.5%. Conclusión: La adherencia al tratamiento fue un factor influyente en la calidad de vida, estilo de vida, manifestaciones somáticas, así como las comorbilidades fueron un componente asociado a la calidad de vida en los pacientes hipertensos atendidos en el Hospital I Florencia de Mora, Trujillo, Perú durante el año 2021To determine if adherence to pharmacological treatment is a factor that influences the quality of life of hypertensive patients treated at Hospital I Florencia de Mora, Trujillo, Peru during the year 2021. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out, in which 289 patients with a diagnosis of arterial hypertension who received at least one pharmacological medication and who were attended by the Internal Medicine area of the Hospital I of Florencia de Mora were included. during 2021 applying the Morisky Green and MINICHAL test, investigating the association of adherence to treatment and how it affects quality of life; applying the chi-square statistical test. Results: Adherence to treatment was a factor that significantly influenced quality of life (p<0.05), adherence to treatment was significantly associated with lifestyle and somatic manifestations (p<0.05), comorbidities were significantly associated with quality of life (p<0.05), patients with comorbidities presented a worse quality of life with 40.5%. Conclusion: Adherence to treatment was an influential factor in the quality of life, lifestyle, somatic manifestations as well as comorbidities were a factor associated with the quality of life in hypertensive patients treated at the Hospital I Florencia de Mora, Trujillo, Peru during the year 2021Tesi

    Desarrollo de la habilidad algoritmizar en el álgebra lineal

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo poner a consideración la propuesta de un proyecto de investigación sobre el desarrollo de habilidades matemáticas en la carrera Ingeniería en Ciencias Informáticas, específicamente, ¿cómo contribuir desde el Álgebra Lineal al desarrollo de la habilidad algoritmizar? Esta es una de las habilidades básicas a desarrollar en los estudiantes de las carreras de perfil computacional e informático, ya que deberán ser utilizadas por ellos en disciplinas propias de la especialidad, entre ellas Programación, Sistemas de Bases de Datos

    Anthropocene in Friction. Dis-Encounters Between Geology and History

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    This article brings attention to the need to introduce social sciences to the Global Environmental Change conversation in order to discuss the notion of the “Anthropocene” postulated by prominent natural scientists (Crutzen &amp; Stoermer 2000; Crutzen 2002). The focus of analysis concentrates on and the way the local and the global are put into friction (Tsing 2005). If natural scientists have achieved to show the dangers Earth currently confronts, what is not yet clear is if they understand how human societies, the main driver of this geological era, work. They tend to consider humans as a specie, so they make a reductionist idea of humans as a compact unity, taking away our knowledge that teaches that they are “social” (Moore 2015). This article starts with a discussion about the apparent common understanding on the “global,” by natural and social sciences. This article poses important challenges to social scientists, is critical toward the Anthropocene concept, and aspires to suggest critical thinking contributions on the global and its friction with the local. This article illustrates how, through the idea of the Anthropocene, Geology meets History in ways that are not easy to accept for social scientists because, they are right when they argue that the “anthropos” of the Anthropocene cannot be reduced to a “specie” because he/she is a socio-ecological entity.Este artigo chama a atenção para a necessidade de introduzir "ciências sociais" na conversa sobre Mudança Ambiental Global com o propósito de discutir a noção de "Antropoceno", como postulado por notáveis cientistas naturais (Crutzen &amp; Stoermer 2000; Crutzen 2002). O foco dessa análise está no modo como o local e o global são colocados em atrito (Tsing, 2005). Se as ciências naturais conseguiram mostrar os perigos que a Terra está enfrentando atualmente, o que ainda não está claro é se eles entendem como as sociedades humanas (o motor principal desta era geológica) operam. Eles tendem a considerar os humanos como uma espécie, então eles redutivamente concebem o humano e o privam de seu caráter social (Moore 2015). Este artigo começa com uma discussão sobre o aparente entendimento comum em torno do global a partir de ciências naturais e ciências sociais. Propõe desafios importantes para as ciências sociais, critica o conceito de Antropoceno e pretende sugerir contribuições críticas para a forma como o global interage com o local. Através da ideia do Antropoceno, a Geologia encontra a História de maneiras que não são aceitáveis para as ciências sociais e argumenta que o Antropoceno "anthropos" não pode ser reduzido a uma "espécie" porque é uma entidade socio-ecológica

    On Improved Training of CNN for Acoustic Source Localisation

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