476 research outputs found

    On Workers of the World by Marcel van der Linden

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    Marx na Europa do Século XX

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    UID/HIS/04209/2013Com muita frequência é possível encontrar análises sobre a história europeia do séc. XX que não passam de justificações ideológicas do tempo presente, seja a partir de pressupostos a orbitar Washington ou premissas irradiadas desde Moscou, isso para não mencionar as teses pós-modernas ou neoconservadoras. Argumentamos nesse artigo que, para retomar a iniciativa e a luta pela autodeterminação dos trabalhadores e povos europeus, é preciso, também, uma nova escrita da história europeia recente. Nada disso é possível sem levar em conta a tradição intelectual e o movimento político que tem lugar a partir do legado de Karl Marx.publishersversionpublishe

    Habilidades sociales en la comunicación de los profesionales sanitarios en las unidades de cuidados críticos del Hospital Universitario de A Coruña

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    [Resumen] Introducción: El ingreso en unidades de críticos supone una situación de estrés tanto para el paciente como para su familia. Es por ello, que la comunicación entre los profesionales sanitarios, la familia y el paciente es importante, tanto para tomar decisiones como para la recuperación de éste. Objetivos: Evaluar las habilidades sociales de comunicación que poseen los profesionales sanitarios del Hospital Universitario de A Coruña con el paciente y su familia. Metodología: Se plantea un proyecto de estudio descriptivo, observacional, de carácter transversal, realizado por medio de la encuesta validada y desarrollada por Elena Gismero Gonzales. La población a estudio necesaria será de 140 profesionales sanitarios de las unidades de críticos (Unidad de cuidados intensivos y Reanimación) del hospital universitario de A Coruña (α=0.05; precisión=3%; pérdidas=15%) que acepten participar en el estudio.[Resumo] Introducción: O ingreso en unidades críticas é unha situación de estrés tanto para o paciente como para a súa familia. É por iso que a comunicación entre os profesionais da saúde, a familia e o paciente é importante, tanto para a toma de decisións como para a recuperación do paciente. Obxetivos: Avaliar as habilidades sociais de comunicación que teñen os profesionais sanitarios nas unidades críticas do Hospital Universitario da Coruña co paciente e a súa familia. Metodoloxía: Proponse un proxecto de estudo descriptivo, observacional e transversal, realizado a través da enquisa validada e desenvolvida por Elena Gismero Gonzales. A poboación do estudo requirida será de 140 profesionais da saúde das unidades críticas (Unidade de coidados intensivos e de Reanimación) do hospital universitario da Coruña (α=0,05, precisión=3%, perdas=15%) que aceptan participar no estudo.[Abstract] Aims: An hospital admission into critical units is a stress situation for both the patient and his family. That is why communication among healthcare professionals, the family and the patient is important, both to make decisions and to recover from them. Objetive: Evaluate the social skills in communication that health professionals have in the critical units of the University Hospital of A Coruña with the patient and his family. Method: A descriptive, observational and cross sectional study project based on the survey validated and developed by Elena Gismero Gonzales The study population will be 140 health professionals from the critical units (Intensive Care Unity and Reanimation) of the university hospital of A Coruña (α=0.05, accuracy=3%, losses=15%) who will agree to participate in the study.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Enfermaría. Curso 2017/201

    Conflitos sociais na revolução portuguesa (1974-1975)

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    Hacia una caracterización del Inglés para Fines Específicos (Turismo)

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    Nowadays nobody doubts the importance of English as the lingua franca used in international communication. In addition to the numerous countries where English is the mother tongue, it is also spoken as a second language in other countries belonging to the Commonwealth, and it is studied as a foreign language within school system in almost the whole world. In this context, professionals and academics of any discipline need to learn English in order to obtain information necessary to carry out their jobs and to communicate with colleagues from other countries. This necessity easily explains the blossoming, starting as early as the 1960s (Barber, 1962; Herbert 1965; en Swales, 1988), of the study of Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP), and more specifically, the work of English for Specific Purposes (Dudley y St John, 1998). Within the field of languages for Specific Purposes, English for Business has traditionally been the area studied. However, nowadays it is English for Tourism which is reaching a high level of popularity, due to the economic and social importance that this sector represents in our country. In the present article the main characteristics of this ESP are revised and some methodological trends for teaching it are shown.De nos jours, personne ne peut nier l'importance de l'anglais comme lingua franca dans la communication internationale. L'anglais, langue maternelle de nombreux pays, est également utilise comme deuxième langue dans les pays appartenant au Commonwealth et, dans les systèmes scolaires, cette langue est pratiquement étudiée partout. C'est pourquoi les professionnels et universitaires doivent étudier l'anglais pour accéder à l'information, afin d'avancer dans leur travail et de pouvoir communiquer avec des collègues étrangers. Ce besoin explique le développement, depuis les années 60 (Barber, 1962; Herbert 1965; en Swales, 1988), des recherches sur les langues sur Objectifs Spécifiques (Languages for Specific Purposes o LSP), et plus particulièrement sur l'anglais sur Objectifs Spécifiques (Dudley y St John, 1998). Parmi les langues sur objectifs spécifiques, on s'est particulièrement penché sur l'anglais des affaires. Cependant, actuellement, l'anglais du tourisme est en forte hausse dans notre pays ce qui, naturellement, est du à la répercussion économique et sociale que ce secteur représente. Cet article revoit les caractéristiques principales de cette langue de spécialité et expose certaines lignes méthodologiques pour son enseignement

    Ecologías del Aprendizaje en la Educación Social: la Tecnobiografía

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    La expansión de los medios de comunicación y todo lo que nos permiten hacer está significando un cambio en el planteamiento de la educación actual. Las nuevas tecnologías nos están permitiendo modificar la realidad en la que vivimos haciendo que cada vez sean más las opciones de las que disponemos para trabajar la educación. Han surgido numerosas transformaciones de los espacios de aprendizaje donde la educación expandida está tomando una especial relevancia. Los aprendizajes invisibles se dan cada vez en contextos más variados y nos permiten expandir la educación yendo más allá de la educación formal sumándole el uso de las nuevas tecnologías. Estos nuevos modelos nos están permitiendo “repensar” la educación incorporando nuevos procesos de aprendizaje modificando la forma de aprender a aprender pues es una realidad que vivimos en una sociedad de conocimiento donde éste es cada vez más variable.Grado en Educación Socia

    A Global Labour History Perspective

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    UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020The Carnation Revolution in 1974 in Portugal marked the end of the last European colonial empire. This was an anachronistic empire of a small peripheral country that since 1961 had been waging a relentless war in Africa to stifle the national liberation movements that contested for control of colonial territory and organized growing sectors of the population, namely the forced labourers who guaranteed a significant accumulation of capital for the beneficiaries of the colonial regime. In this chapter we seek to describe the moment and the conditions in which Portugal freed itself from a long dictatorship of 48 years and the decisive influence of the struggles in the colonies on the military revolt that started the revolution in the metropolis and ended the war to stem the movement towards independence in the former colonial territories. Workers in Portugal and its colonies in Africa alike embarked on a process that created the conditions for the Carnation Revolution and the formation of new independent African states in 1974 and 1975. Together, they succeeded in defeating the longest-running colonial dictatorship of the twentieth century.publishersversionpublishe

    The link between altered glucosylceramide composition and membrane properties : from membrane biophysics to gaucher disease

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    Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Tecnologia Farmacêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2015Lipids are one of the most abundant molecules in a cell and are involved in the regulation of cell events. One of the mechanisms by which lipids control cell signaling is by altering membrane biophysical properties. Therefore, the biophysical properties of several lipids have been thoroughly characterized. However, some bioactive lipids like glucosylceramide (GlcCer) still have their properties poorly studied. GlcCer is a lipid involved in several cell processes. A deregulation in its metabolism triggers damaging signaling pathways ultimately leading to the development of a pathologic state, such as Gaucher Disease (GD). This disease results from the abnormal accumulation of GlcCer in cells, mainly in the lysosomes. Even though the biochemistry and biology context of GD is a subject of intensive research, the molecular mechanisms that underlie this disease remain elusive, likely due to the inherent complexity and heterogeneity of the disease. An underexplored branch of research, related to the understanding of the biophysical impact of increased levels of GlcCer in biological membranes, might provide additional insight into the mechanisms underlying this complex disease. Therefore, research that aims to characterize the biophysical features of GlcCer and its interaction with other membrane lipids is required. Using complementary techniques, including fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy, a thorough biophysical characterization of GlcCer was performed. This comprised the study of the effect of increasing molar fractions of GlcCer in the biophysical properties and morphology in a variety of model membranes containing different lipid composition, as well as in wild type and Gaucher Diseasederived fibroblasts. Since GlcCeris present at higher abundance in the plasma membrane (PM) and in the lysosome, the studies were performed in conditions mimicking the pH environment of those cellular sites. This detailed study revealed that: I) GlcCer increases the order of fluid membranes, II) GlcCer promotes membrane morphological alterations, such as tubules, III) GlcCer effect in membrane properties is pH sensitive, promoting an higher packing at neutral pH, IV) GlcCer impact in the membrane is modulated by cholesterol (Chol) in a concentration dependent manner, V) fibroblasts from GD patients, which are enriched in GlcCer, have a higher global membrane order in comparison to wild type fibroblasts, coherent with the observations in model membranes. These conclusions indicate that GlcCer accumulation in cells alter the biophysical properties of its membranes, possibly affecting protein activity and trafficking. These alterations could underlie some of the effects triggered by GlcCer that might contribute to the development of Gaucher Disease