793 research outputs found

    Slowed Development of Natural Products for Chagas Disease, how to Move Forward?

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    Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, is considered an endemic disease that affects millions of people causing generating health, economic and social problems. This study provides a review on research and development of new therapies for Chagas based in natural products of plant origin. We observed that there are more than 400 plant species that have been evaluated against different models of Chagas disease, and in some cases, there are interesting results. Challenge that hinders research work is the purification of the active compound and standardization of the chemical profile of whole extracts. The principal common factor that delays clinical testing is the lack of investment for the development of these products at the clinical phase. In the search of a natural, low cost and available drug for Chagas disease, we propose the use of new methodologies to overcome the existing challenges. The use of plant metabolomic technique is proposed as an option with high potential for the identification of biomarkers that could allow the standardization of chemical profiles. Furthermore, we describe the importance of applying good agricultural and manufacturing practices for reaching a successful development of quality phytotherapeutic products

    Audiovisual accessibility and translation practices in Spanish cinema and theatre: From regulations to screen and stage

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    In the last decade, very specific regulations have been developed in Spain regarding media accessibility. Public institutions and academic initiatives are also working to promote media accessibility. Regulative pillars for the implementation of accessibility practices in the audiovisual media are a reality in Spain. There comes the time to analyse if the practices correspond to their demands. This paper presents the results derived from the study of audiovisual accessibility and translation practices implemented in the cinemas and theatres of Malaga (Spain), Mediterranean paradigm of multilingual cultural offer, during the first quarter of 2019. The audiovisual offer, the accessibility and translation practices used, the technical means applied for the display of the final products and the languages involved in the process are studied consequently. The final results may contribute to foster social inclusion and fill in a theoretical gap in academic research

    La Resolución de problemas de energía en la formación inicial de maestros

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    Este artículo presenta una investigación sobre la introducción de la Metodología de Resolución de Problemas como una Investigación, para abordar el currículo de ciencias de la formación inicial de maestros, dentro de los planteamientos del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Para ello, se diseñó la unidad didáctica «La energía, una realidad que nos envuelve», constituida por cuatro situaciones problemáticas abiertas. Los objetivos del estudio se refieren a la mejora del aprendizaje sobre los procedimientos involucrados en dicha metodología y sobre los contenidos científicos abordados en la unidad. Se contó con 35 futuros maestros de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid que resolvieron los problemas abiertos y que contestaron a cuestionarios de conocimientos (pretest-postest). Los resultados constatan mejoras en su capacidad para resolver problemas y aprender los contenidos científicos.This research aims to test the effectiveness of using the Methodology of Problem-Solving as an Investigation (MPSI) approach to teaching the science curriculum of prospective primary school teachers, in accordance with European Higher Education Area (EHEA) principles. Research began with the design of a didactic unit, "Energy, a Reality that Surrounds Us", composed of four open problematic situations. The target of the study is based on the supposition that there would be significant improvement both in learning of MPSI related procedures and in scientific knowledge. The sample consisted of 35 students of the UCM who performed the problem-solving activities and answered pre-test and post-test knowledge questionnaires. The results verify significant improvement in the application of MPSI procedures and positive evolution in scientific knowledge

    Zoogeographical relationships of the littoral ascidiofauna around the Antarctic Peninsula in the Scotia Arc and in the Magellan region

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    Three Spanish Antarctic research cruises (Ant-8611, Bentart-94 and Bentart-95) were carried out in the South Shetland Archipelago (Antarctic Peninsula) and Scotia Arc (South Orkney, South Sandwich and South Georgia archipelagos) on the continental shelf and upper slope (10-600 m depth). They have contributed to our knowledge about ascidian distribution and the zoogeographical relationships with the neighbouring areas and the other Subantarctic islands. The distribution of ascidian species suggests that the Scotia Arc is divided into two sectors, the South Orkney Archipelago, related to the Antarctic Province, and the South Georgia Archipelago (probably including the South Sandwich Archipelago), which is intermediate between the Antarctic Province and the Magellan region

    Culturas y estilos directivos en hombres y mujeres: Un análisis empírico

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    The scarce number of women man agers in proportion to the high female activity rate has given rise to a large number of works that intend to analyse the phenomenom labelled as "glass ceiling", a transparent barrier that prevents women from being promoted above certain levels within organizations. This work presents an empirical analysis whose purpose is to give a more realistic image of the traditional woman manager stereotype, and to defend the need to incorporate into organizations both female and male cultural values. These values seem to be less and less bound to the variable sex, and their incorporation would be of benefit not just for man and women, but also for many men.La disproportion qui existe entre les élevés taux d'activité feminine et le faibletaux de femmes cadres a entrainé de nombreuses analyses du phénoménenommé le “toit de cristal" ou "barriére transparente" qui les empáche d'atteindre certains niveaux dans les organisations. Dans cette étude nous offrons une analyse empirique dont l'objectif est d'offrir une image plus proche de la réalité que l'image traditionnelle et stéréotypée de la femme cadre, en plus de plaider en faveur de la nécessité d'adopter des valeurs culturelles féminines et masculines au sein des organisations. Ces deux valeurs qui sont parailleurs de moins en moins reliées á la variable sexeet dont l'assimilation das la culture organisative favorise non seulement á beaucoup de femmes mais aussi a de nombreux hommes

    Aseptiikan ja käsihygienian toteutuminen hemodialyysipotilaan hoitotyössä HUS:n nefrologian klinikassa : systemoitu havainnointi

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on osa Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun, HUS:n infektiosairauksien klinikan, Potilasjärjestö MUSILI ry:n ja Turun Yliopiston hoitotieteiden laitoksen yhteistyöprojektia, jonka tarkoitus on kehittää aseptiikan ja käsihygienian toteutumista nefrologisen potilaan hoitotyössä. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoitus on selvittää käsihygienian ja aseptiikan toteutumista hoitotyöntekijöiden osalta hemodialyysipotilaan hoidossa kuvaamalla hoitohenkilökunnan aseptista toimintaa ja käsihygieniaa sekä siinä tapahtunutta mahdollista muutosta projektin alkuvaiheesta kevääseen 2009. Aineisto opinnäytetyöhön on kerätty havainnoimalla hemodialyysihoitoa toteuttavia hoitajia HUS:n nefrologian klinikan osastolla. Opinnäytetyössä käytetyn havainnointilomakkeen ovat tehneet Aaltonen, Haapalainen ja Kirjavainen (2008) omaan opinnäytetyöhönsä ”Aseptiikan ja käsihygienian toteutuminen hemodialyysipotilaan hoidossa: systemoitu havainnointi HUS:n Kirurgisen sairaalan nefrologian klinikassa”, joka on osa samaa projektia kuin tämä opinnäytetyö. Havainnointilomakkeessa on 29 kohtaa liittyen hoitajien käsien kuntoon, käsien saippuapesuun ja desinfioimiseen, suojakäsineiden käyttöön sekä henkilökohtaiseen ja ympäristön aseptiikkaan. Havainnoitavia hoitajia oli 15. Aineisto kerättiin toukokuun ja elokuun 2009 aikana. Saatujen tulosten perusteella hoitohenkilökunnan aseptiikan ja käsihygienian toteuttamisessa oli puutteita. Erityisesti puutteita ilmeni käsien desinfioimisessa potilaan luota poistuttaessa, käsien desinfiointitekniikassa, suojakäsineiden toimenpidekohtaisuudessa ja potilaan hoidossa käytettyjen tarvikkeiden asianmukaisessa hävittämisessä. Tulosten perusteella hoitajat desinfioivat kätensä useammin potilaan luokse mennessään kuin potilaan luota poistuessaan. Luotettavia johtopäätöksiä mahdollisesti tapahtuneesta muutoksesta hoitohenkilökunnan aseptiikasta ja käsihygieniasta on vaikea tehdä. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan kuitenkin todeta henkilökohtaisessa aseptiikassa ja käsien kunnossa sekä käsien desinfioimisessa tapahtuneen muutosta parempaan suuntaan käsihygieniakoulutusten jälkeen. Sen sijaan desinfiointitekniikassa, suojakäsineiden käytössä ja hoitotarvikkeiden asianmukaisessa hävittämisessä muutosta on tapahtunut huonompaan suuntaan. Hyvä aseptiikka ja käsihygienia ovat tärkeä osa potilaan hyvää hoitoa ja infektioiden ennaltaehkäisyä. Opinnäytetyön tulosten avulla voidaan kehittää hoitajien aseptiikan ja käsihygienian toteuttamista.This final project was part of the co-operation project between Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Department of Nephrology of the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, Patient Organisation MUSILI ry and Department of Nursing Science of the University of Turku. The aim of this final project was to examine the implementation of nurses’ hand hygiene and asepsis in a Department of Nephrology and to examine if the implementation of nurses’ hand hygiene and asepsis had changed since the beginning of the project. The data of this final project were collected by observing three haemodialysis units. The observation form that was used in this final project was made by Aaltonen, Haapalainen and Kirjavainen (2008) for their final project Implementation of Asepsis and Hand Hygiene in Nursing of Haemodialysis Patients, which was part of the project at hand. The observation form included 29 statements concerning nurses’ skin condition, hand wash and disinfection, use of gloves, nurses’ personal asepsis and asepsis of work environment. The observations were performed between May and August 2009. Fifteen haemodialysis treatments were observed. The results of the observations indicate that the implementation of nurses’s asepsis and hand hygiene were deficient. Hand disinfection after leaving a patient, proper disinfection technique and disposal of treatment instrument were particularly deficient. Nurses disinfected their hands more often before coming up to a patient than after leaving him/ her. It was difficult to make reliable conclusions of the changes that might have taken place since the beginning of the project. Moreover the indicated that personal asepsis, skin condition of the nurses and hand disinfection had improved as the results of hand hygiene training courses, which was part of the project at hand, whereas the findings of disinfection technique, use of gloves and disposal of treatment instruments were inferior than in the previous observational study which was made by Aaltonen, Haapalainen and Kirjavainen (2008). The results of this final project showed that there was still need for improvement in almost every field of hand hygiene and asepsis

    Evaluation of an Educational Model Based on the Development of Sustainable Competencies in Basic Teacher Training in Spain

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    The environmental deterioration of the planet, caused by unsustainable development and an unfair model, requires global change on a political, social and environmental level. To boost this change, it is necessary to redirect education and, specifically, environmental education, to educate citizens so that they are capable of making responsible decisions and behaving sustainably. The purpose of this study is to evaluate an educational teacher training model based on the development of sustainable competencies and on the solving of environmental problems. Its final aim is to search for a model that enables students to participate, individually and collectively, in the solution of socio-environmental problems in their surroundings, but without losing the global perspective, and that fosters sustainable life styles. To do so, a quasi-experimental quantitative research was performed with two pretest-posttest phases to compare the results of an active and participative methodology with another more expository one. The results show significant differences in the knowledge, attitudes and intention of the behavior of the aspiring teachers. Thus, this first analysis shows that the experiential educational model promotes and favors sustainable actions in higher education (the faculty of educational science, responsible for basic teacher training) more efficiently and could be the basis for future proposals in this field

    Tipos de conflictos que se presentan entre padres e hijos de los estudiantes del colegio Técnico 31 de Octubre, de la ciudad de Otavalo programa de comunicación asertiva orientado a mejorar sus relaciones

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    Determinar los tipos de conflictos que afectan las relaciones interpersonales entre padres e hijos en los estudiantes del Colegio Técnico 31 de Octubre de la ciudad de Otavalo.Esta investigación denominada “Tipos de conflictos que se presentan entre Padres e Hijos de los estudiantes del Colegio Técnico 31 de Octubre, de la ciudad de Otavalo. Programa de comunicación asertiva orientado a mejorar sus relaciones”, utilizó la metodología que está basada en un diseño cuasi- experimental (pre test) el mismo que permitió estudiar el problema central de Investigación que se realizó una vez que se identifica las dificultades de interrelación y comunicación que mantienen los adolescentes con sus padres o representantes; los estudiantes comprenden una edad de 11 a17 años. En esta investigación por efecto de los cambios físicos, psicológicos que atraviesan los adolescentes les embarga ciertos desequilibrios emocionales que se afectan por las condiciones del entorno familiar y sus diferentes generaciones. En el estudio realizado se identifica que en el entorno familiar existen diversos tipos de conflictos entre padres e hijos como: ámbito social, ámbito familiar, ámbito académico y situación económica manteniendo una relación no adecuada en la comunicación familiar que llevan al conflicto entre padre e hijo. Los adolescentes en estas situaciones de conflicto; no se sienten comprendidos, situación que afecta a su interrelación en el centro educativo, generándose dificultades de adaptación o integración al grupo y por consecuencia al bajo rendimiento académico, desempeño y disciplina escolar. Frente a la realidad observada se propone un “Programa de comunicación asertiva orientado a mejorar las relaciones interpersonales mediante estrategias motivacionales para padres y estudiantes del Colegio Técnico 31 de Octubre.”, para promover un ambiente familiar asertivo, propuesta alternativa de solución que con lleva al desarrollo de talleres motivaciones de formación de padres e hijos basada en la comunicación asertiva, para la construcción de un ambiente cálido de respeto y autonomía en el hogar, favoreciendo el desarrollo de una personalidad equilibrada y una buena comunicación entre padres e hijos mejorando sus relaciones interpersonales.Licenciatur