273 research outputs found

    "Advanced" data reduction for the AMBER instrument

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    The amdlib AMBER data reduction software is meant to produce AMBER data products from the raw data files that are sent to the PIs of different proposals or that can be found in the ESO data archive. The way defined by ESO to calibrate the data is to calibrate one science data file with a calibration one, observed as close in time as possible. Therefore, this scheme does not take into account instrumental drifts, atmospheric variations or visibility-loss corrections, in the current AMBER data processing software, amdlib. In this article, we present our approach to complement this default calibration scheme, to perform the final steps of data reduction, and to produce fully calibrated AMBER data products. These additional steps include: an overnight view of the data structure and data quality, the production of night transfer functions from the calibration stars observed during the night, the correction of additional effects not taken into account in the standard AMBER data reduction software such as the so-called "jitter" effect and the visibility spectral coherence loss, and finally, the production of fully calibrated data products. All these new features are beeing implemented in the modular pipeline script amdlibPipeline, written to complement the amdlib software.Comment: 10 pages, will be published in the proceeding of the SPIE conference "astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation: Optical and Infrared Interferometry", held in Marseille from 23 to 27 june 200

    AMBER closure and differential phases: accuracy and calibration with a Beam Commutation

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    The first astrophysical results of the VLTI focal instrument AMBER have shown the importance of the differential and closure phase measures, which are supposed to be much less sensitive to atmospheric and instrumental biases than the absolute visibility. However there are artifacts limiting the accuracy of these measures which can be substantially overcome by a specific calibration technique called Beam Commutation. This paper reports the observed accuracies on AMBER/VLTI phases in different modes, discusses some of the instrumental biases and shows the accuracy gain provided by Beam Commutation on the Differential Phase as well as on the Closure Phase.Comment: This paper will be published in the proceeding of SPIE ``astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation: Optical and Infrared Interferometry'

    Statistical characterization of polychromatic absolute and differential squared visibilities obtained from AMBER/VLTI instrument

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    In optical interferometry, the visibility squared modulus are generally assumed to follow a Gaussian distribution and to be independent of each other. A quantitative analysis of the relevance of such assumptions is important to help improving the exploitation of existing and upcoming multi-wavelength interferometric instruments. Analyze the statistical behaviour of both the absolute and the colour-differential squared visibilities: distribution laws, correlations and cross-correlations between different baselines. We use observations of stellar calibrators obtained with AMBER instrument on VLTI in different instrumental and observing configurations, from which we extract the frame-by-frame transfer function. Statistical hypotheses tests and diagnostics are then systematically applied. For both absolute and differential squared visibilities and under all instrumental and observing conditions, we find a better fit for the Student distribution than for the Gaussian, log-normal and Cauchy distributions. We find and analyze clear correlation effects caused by atmospheric perturbations. The differential squared visibilities allow to keep a larger fraction of data with respect to selected absolute squared visibilities and thus benefit from reduced temporal dispersion, while their distribution is more clearly characterized. The frame selection based on the criterion of a fixed SNR value might result in either a biased sample of frames or in a too severe selection.Comment: A&A, 13 pages and 9 figure

    Three recipes for improving the image quality with optical long-baseline interferometers: BFMC, LFF, \& DPSC

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    We present here three recipes for getting better images with optical interferometers. Two of them, Low- Frequencies Filling and Brute-Force Monte Carlo were used in our participation to the Interferometry Beauty Contest this year and can be applied to classical imaging using V 2 and closure phases. These two addition to image reconstruction provide a way of having more reliable images. The last recipe is similar in its principle as the self-calibration technique used in radio-interferometry. We call it also self-calibration, but it uses the wavelength-differential phase as a proxy of the object phase to build-up a full-featured complex visibility set of the observed object. This technique needs a first image-reconstruction run with an available software, using closure-phases and squared visibilities only. We used it for two scientific papers with great success. We discuss here the pros and cons of such imaging technique.Comment: 9 pages, to be published in SPIE proceedings; Optical and Infrared Interferometry III, Amsterdam : Netherlands (2012

    Impact des véhicules électrifiés sur le dimensionnement du réseau HTA

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    Le développement annoncé des Véhicules Electriques et des Véhicules Hybrides Rechargeables va augmenter la consommation électrique, notamment dans le secteur résidentiel, ainsi que les pertes dans les lignes. Cette augmentation doit être prise en compte dans le dimensionnement de la section des conducteurs. En effet, un gestionnaire de réseau de distribution dimensionne celle-ci en cherchant l'optimum économique entre le coût du matériau conducteur et le coût des pertes par effet Joule capitalisées sur la durée de vie de la ligne. Dans cette contribution, nous estimons ce nouvel optimum et le surcoût engendré par la pénétration de véhicules électrifiés pour une ligne HTA. Nous montrons que ce surcoût peut être réduit en choisissant des profils de recharge adaptés. Ensuite une étude de la sensibilité du résultat aux paramètres montre que parmi ceux-ci, le choix du taux d'actualisation des pertes futures est prépondérant. Enfin est évalué l'impact de la production photovoltaïque distribuée sur le dimensionnement. Les résultats montrent que l'impact des véhicules électrifiés est environ 4 fois plus important que l'impact de la production photovoltaïque

    The 2010 Interferometric Imaging Beauty Contest

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    We present the results of the fourth Optical/IR Interferometry Imaging Beauty Contest. The contest consists of blind imaging of test data sets derived from model sources and distributed in the OI-FITS format. The test data consists of spectral data sets on an object "observed" in the infrared with spectral resolution. There were 4 different algorithms competing this time: BSMEM the Bispectrum Maximum Entropy Method by Young, Baron & Buscher; RPR the Recursive Phase Reconstruction by Rengaswamy; SQUEEZE a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm by Baron, Monnier & Kloppenborg; and, WISARD the Weak-phase Interferometric Sample Alternating Reconstruction Device by Vannier & Mugnier. The contest model image, the data delivered to the contestants and the rules are described as well as the results of the image reconstruction obtained by each method. These results are discussed as well as the strengths and limitations of each algorithm.Comment: To be published in SPIE 2010 "Optical and infrared interferometry II

    PAINTER: a spatio-spectral image reconstruction algorithm for optical interferometry

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    International audienceAstronomical optical interferometers sample the Fourier transform of the intensity distribution of a source at the observation wavelength. Because of rapid perturbations caused by atmospheric turbulence, the phases of the complex Fourier samples (visibilities) cannot be directly exploited. Consequently, specific image reconstruction methods have been devised in the last few decades. Modern polychromatic optical interferometric instruments are now paving the way to multiwave-length imaging. This paper is devoted to the derivation of a spatio-spectral ("3D") image reconstruction algorithm, coined PAINTER (Polychromatic opticAl INTErferometric Reconstruction software). The algorithm relies on an iterative process, which alternates estimation of polychromatic images and of complex visibilities. The complex visibilities are not only estimated from squared moduli and closure phases, but also differential phases, which helps to better constrain the polychromatic reconstruction. Simulations on synthetic data illustrate the efficiency of the algorithm and in particular the relevance of injecting a differential phases model in the reconstruction

    Estimating the phase in ground-based interferometry: performance comparison between single-mode and multimode schemes

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    In this paper we compare the performance of multi and single-mode interferometry for the estimation of the phase of the complex visibility. We provide a theoretical description of the interferometric signal which enables to derive the phase error in presence of detector, photon and atmospheric noises, for both multi and single-mode cases. We show that, despite the loss of flux occurring when injecting the light in the single-mode component (i.e. single-mode fibers, integrated optics), the spatial filtering properties of such single-mode devices often enable higher performance than multimode concepts. In the high flux regime speckle noise dominated, single-mode interferometry is always more efficient, and its performance is significantly better when the correction provided by adaptive optics becomes poor, by a factor of 2 and more when the Strehl ratio is lower than 10%. In low light level cases (detector noise regime), multimode interferometry reaches better performance, yet the gain never exceeds 20%, which corresponds to the percentage of photon loss due to the injection in the guides. Besides, we demonstrate that single-mode interferometry is also more robust to the turbulence in both cases of fringe tracking and phase referencing, at the exception of narrow field of views (<1 arcsec).Comment: 9 pages (+ 11 online material appendices) -- 8 Figures. Accepted in A&