16 research outputs found

    Psychological and social aspects of chronic pain experience

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    Cette thèse porte sur la compréhension de l'expérience de la douleur chronique à travers les rôles de facteurs psychosociaux : Douleur chronique comprise en tant que « douleur en situation » et socialement construite, et expérience de la douleur enracinée dans et par la vie sociale. L'expérience est ainsi fonction des significations et du sens que le sujet donne à ses situations de douleur, par l'importance des théories subjectives ou 'profanes' et des représentations sociales. De ce fait, la compréhension de l'expérience de la douleur nous amène à penser le rôle du savoir expérientiel des patients, et ainsi la place du « patient-expert » dans le système de soin. Nous explorons, par ailleurs, le fait que l'expérience, le sens donné à la douleur et le vécu auraient un lien avec la qualité de vie et la souffrance psychologique. Nos intérêts s'élargissent ainsi à la compréhension des déterminants de la qualité de vie et de la santé psychologique, notamment à travers le rôle du rapport au temps et des insertions sociales des patients. De façon plus élargie, cette thèse porte également sur les déterminants de la participation aux études longitudinales et à la prise en charge des patients au long court. En conséquence, nous inscrivons cette présente thèse dans un cadre pluriméthodologique avec des données quantitatives et discursives dans un objectif de triangulation.Our research cover the comprehension of the experience of chronic pain through the role of psychosocial factors. These diseases are understood as "pain in situation" and socially constructed; their experience is related to and conditioned by social life. Experience becomes function of meanings and sense that patients give to their pain situations, by the importance of subjective and 'profane' theories, and social representations. Therefore, the understanding of pain experience leads us to question the role of patients' experiential knowledge and the position of the "expert patient" in the health care system. In addition, we explore the fact that the experience and the meaning gave to the pain may be related to quality of life and psychological suffering. Our interests thus broaden to include the understanding of quality of life and psychological health determinants, especially through the role of the relation to psychological time and patients' social insertions. More generally, we study the determinants of involvement in longitudinal studies and long-term patients care. Consequently, we incorporate our research interests within a multi-methodological framework using quantitative and discursive data to create triangulatio

    Pratiques et interventions en psychologie de la santé. Éditions des archives contemporaines

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    International audienceCet ouvrage s’inscrit dans la longue tradition de diffusion des connaissances et travaux des chercheurs et praticiens de la psychologie de la santé par l’Association Francophone de Psychologie de la Santé (AFPSA). Il fait suite au 10e congrès de l’association qui s’est tenu à Metz en 2018 et qui avait pour thème Pratiques et interventions en psychologie de la santé. Les quatorze contributions qui constituent cet ouvrage sont autant d’illustrations originales de la diversité des champs de recherche et d’applications développés par les chercheurs et praticiens en psychologie de la santé

    Le bien-être des enfants : quelle(s) mesure(s) et avec quels enjeux ?

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    Introduction Bien-être, qualité de vie, bonheur, état de santé, satisfaction… Autant de termes fréquemment employés en tant que synonymes (Missotten, Étienne et Dupuis, 2007) et témoignant de la complexité des notions de bien-être et de qualité de vie, dont il est difficile de tracer les contours. D’un point de vue historique, à la suite des études sur la qualité de vie, les recherches portent, à présent, de plus en plus vers les enjeux de bien-être subjectif et du ressenti des individus quan..

    Time perspective, socioeconomic status, and psychological distress in chronic pain patients

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    International audienceTime perspective (TP) is a fundamental dimension of the psychological constructionof time. It refers to a subjective experience and can be defined as the relationshipthat individuals and groups have with the present, past, and future. Studies haveshown that it is interesting to take into account TP in the field of health, especiallyfor the study of the psychological distress (PD) of individuals faced with aversivesituations. We conducted a research, which aimed to explore the relationship betweenTP and PD in patients with chronic pain. A total of 264 first-time patients (72.3%women; mean age = 49 years) at CHU Timone (Marseille) pain center answered aquestionnaire included TP, socioeconomic status, pain beliefs (PB), pain characteristics,and sociodemographic characteristics. Using hierarchical regression analysesadjusted to the characteristics of pain, sociodemographic characteristics, and PB,we can observe significant relationships between different components of TP,socioeconomic status, and PD. These results emphasize the importance of TP aspsychosocial variable in the analysis of PD in patients with chronic pain. Theseresults also lead us to point out the role of the socioeconomic status that predictslevels of PD

    Does Quality of Life and Sexual Quality of Life in HIV Patients Differ Between Non-treated HIV Controllers and Treated Patients in the French ANRS VESPA 2 National Survey?

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    International audiencePeople living with HIV who spontaneously control the virus without antiretroviral treatment are called HIV Controllers and their status places them at the limits of bio-clinical normality. The objective of this study was to investigate an unexplored field: HIV Controllers' quality of life (QOL). Using quantitative methods, we compared the QOL of untreated (by definition) HIV Controllers in the ANRS CO18 HIV Controller cohort study, with the QOL of treated patients in the French national survey ANRS VESPA 2. In particular, the physical, social, mental and sexual dimensions of QOL were examined. Results highlight that perceiving oneself to be ill or healthy is linked to stigma and to a lack of self-identification with a social group. Some components of the QOL were significantly impaired in HIV controllers. This study is the first to investigate this field

    Does Quality of Life and Sexual Quality of Life in HIV Patients Differ Between Non-treated HIV Controllers and Treated Patients in the French ANRS VESPA 2 National Survey?

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    International audiencePeople living with HIV who spontaneously control the virus without antiretroviral treatment are called HIV Controllers and their status places them at the limits of bio-clinical normality. The objective of this study was to investigate an unexplored field: HIV Controllers' quality of life (QOL). Using quantitative methods, we compared the QOL of untreated (by definition) HIV Controllers in the ANRS CO18 HIV Controller cohort study, with the QOL of treated patients in the French national survey ANRS VESPA 2. In particular, the physical, social, mental and sexual dimensions of QOL were examined. Results highlight that perceiving oneself to be ill or healthy is linked to stigma and to a lack of self-identification with a social group. Some components of the QOL were significantly impaired in HIV controllers. This study is the first to investigate this field

    Barriers and levers to HIV post-exposure prophylaxis

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    International audienceIntroduction: In the context of emerging combined prevention of HIV in France, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) appears to be poorly known and underutilized. This study was designed to investigate the representations and perceived barriers to PEP use and PEP follow-up. Methods: A qualitative, semi-directed interview-based exploratory study was conducted in the Rhone-Alpes region (2015) among individuals who had used PEP during the previous 12 months (n=11), individuals in whom PEP was indicated, but was not administered (n = 9), and healthcare professionals involved in PEP management (n = 9). Data were submitted to textual analysis (Iramuteq) and thematic/categorical analysis (Nvivo). Results: Data analysis indicated that the barriers to PEP access and follow-up were delayed management, a feeling of being judged, treatment adherence difficulties, inconsistent mastery of the protocol and heterogeneous professional practices. In contrast, the quality of the doctor-patient relationship and the presence of support (partner, association, doctor) appeared to be facilitating factors. The participants proposed more diverse access to PEP and training of healthcare providers. Conclusion: Two challenges were identified to improve the place of PEP in combined prevention: (1) improvement of healthcare professionals' knowledge, practices and attitudes; and (2) revision of the guidelines concerning first-line prescription, the conditions for access to PEP, and sexual health support