378 research outputs found

    Plan de autoprotección da Facultade de Socioloxía

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    [Resumo] O obxecto deste Traballo Fin de Grao é a realización do Plan de Autoprotección da Facultade de Socioloxía da Universidade da Coruña. A principal finalidade do traballo é a de definir o conxunto de medidas que o titular do Centro debe poñer en práctica á hora de levar a cabo as actuacións preventivas e de seguridade tendentes a neutralizar posibles situacións de emerxencia, así como as súas consecuencias. Por outra banda, tras analizar as singularidades das distintas instalacións, dependencias e características construtivas do edificio, faise unha proposta de mellora que se amosa necesaria para cumprir coas esixencias da normativa vixente. O Plan de Autoprotección desenvólvese segundo o establecido no Real Decreto 393/2007, do 23 de marzo, modificado polo Real Decreto 1468/2008, do 5 de setembro, polo que se aproba a Norma Básica de Autoprotección dos centros, establecementos e dependencias dedicados a actividades que poidan dar orixe a situacións de emerxencia. Así, conforme á antedita norma, o Plan estrutúrase en nove capítulos e oito anexos que se recollen no tomo da memoria, nos que se pormenorizan os seguintes puntos: - Identificación dos titulares, emprazamento e descrición detallada do edificio e das actividades que nel se desenvolven. - Identificación, descrición e localización dos posibles riscos. - Medios de protección dispoñibles no edificio: materiais e humanos. - Programa de mantemento das instalacións. - Plan de actuación ante as posibles emerxencias. - Mecanismos para a implantación do Plan de Autoprotección así como a actualización e mantemento da eficacia do mesmo. Ademais, no tomo da documentación gráfica, axúntase un último anexo correspondente aos planos.[Abstract] The aim of this Bachelor degree final thesis is to elaborate the Self-Protection Plan of the Faculty of Sociology of the University of A Coruña. The main purpose of this work is to define the set of measures that the owner of the Centre should implement when carrying out preventive and safety actions aimed at counteracting possible emergency situations, as well as their consequences. On the other hand, after analysing the singularities of the different facilities, quarters and structural characteristics of the building, we present a proposal of improvement which proves necessary to meet the requirements of current regulations. The Self-Protection Plan is developed pursuant to Royal Decree 393/2007, of the 23th of March, modified by Royal Decree 1468/2008, September 5th, which approves the Basic Regulation on the self-protection of centres, establishments and quarters dedicated to activities that may result in emergency situations. Thus, in accordance with the aforementioned regulation, the Plan is structured in nine chapters and eight appendices included in the report volume, in which the following items are detailed: - Identification of the owners, location and detailed description of the building and the activities carried out therein. - Identification, description and location of possible risks. - Means of protection available in the building: material and human. - Action plan to respond to possible emergencies. - Mechanisms for the implementation of the Self-protection Plan as well as updating and maintaining its effectiveness. In addition, a final appendix corresponding to the building drawings is enclosed in the graphic documentation volume.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.EUAT). Arquitectura técnica. Curso 2017/201

    Polycrystallization effects on the nanoscale electrical properties of high-k dielectrics

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    In this study, atomic force microscopy-related techniques have been used to investigate, at the nanoscale, how the polycrystallization of an Al2O3-based gate stack, after a thermal annealing process, affects the variability of its electrical properties. The impact of an electrical stress on the electrical conduction and the charge trapping of amorphous and polycrystalline Al2O3 layers have been also analyzed

    A new type of Na+-driven ATP synthase membrane rotor with a two-carboxylate ion-coupling motif

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    Abstract: The anaerobic bacterium Fusobacterium nucleatum uses glutamate decarboxylation to generate a transmembrane gradient of Na+. Here, we demonstrate that this ion-motive force is directly coupled to ATP synthesis, via an F1Fo-ATP synthase with a novel Na+ recognition motif, shared by other human pathogens. Molecular modeling and free-energy simulations of the rotary element of the enzyme, the c-ring, indicate Na+ specificity in physiological settings. Consistently, activity measurements showed Na+ stimulation of the enzyme, either membrane-embedded or isolated, and ATP synthesis was sensitive to the Na+ ionophore monensin. Furthermore, Na+ has a protective effect against inhibitors targeting the ion-binding sites, both in the complete ATP synthase and the isolated c-ring. Definitive evidence of Na+ coupling is provided by two identical crystal structures of the c11 ring, solved by X-ray crystallography at 2.2 and 2.6 Å resolution, at pH 5.3 and 8.7, respectively. Na+ ions occupy all binding sites, each coordinated by four amino acids and a water molecule. Intriguingly, two carboxylates instead of one mediate ion binding. Simulations and experiments demonstrate that this motif implies that a proton is concurrently bound to all sites, although Na+ alone drives the rotary mechanism. The structure thus reveals a new mode of ion coupling in ATP synthases and provides a basis for drug-design efforts against this opportunistic pathogen. Author Summary: Essential cellular processes such as biosynthesis, transport, and motility are sustained by the energy released in the hydrolysis of ATP, the universal energy carrier in living cells. Most ATP in the cell is produced by a membrane-bound enzyme, the ATP synthase, through a rotary mechanism that is coupled to the translocation of ions across the membrane. The majority of ATP synthases are energized by transmembrane electrochemical gradients of protons (proton-motive force), but a number of organisms, including some important human pathogens, use gradients of sodium ions instead (sodium-motive force). The ion specificity of ATP synthases is determined by a membrane-embedded sub-complex, the c-ring, which is the smallest known biological rotor. The functional mechanism of the rotor ring and its variations among different organisms are of wide interest, because of this enzyme's impact on metabolism and disease, and because of its potential for nanotechnology applications. Here, we characterize a previously unrecognized type of Na+-driven ATP synthase from the opportunistic human pathogen Fusobacterium nucleatum, which is implicated in periodontal diseases. We analyzed this ATP synthase and its rotor ring through a multi-disciplinary approach, combining cell-growth and biochemical assays, X-ray crystallography and computer-simulation methods. Two crystal structures of the membrane rotor were solved, at low and high pH, revealing an atypical ion-recognition motif mediated by two carboxylate side-chains. This motif is shared by other human pathogens, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Streptococcus pneumonia, whose ATP synthases are targets of novel antibiotic drugs. The implications of this ion-recognition mode on the mechanism of the ATP synthase and the cellular bioenergetics of F. nucleatum were thus examined. Our results provide the basis for future pharmacological efforts against this important pathogen

    Escritores de firma: testimonio visual de una presencia urbana. Memoria de la visualidad grafiti en Quito

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    Los muros constituyen uno de los soportes de la memoria de las ciudades. La presente investigación se aproxima a la memoria visual de la ciudad de Quito, con énfasis en lo que el grafiti, en particular, la escritura de firma, implica para la visualidad de la ciudad. Para ello, se explora en dicha expresión cultural y medio expresivo visual durante el período que va desde los años 70 hasta el 2018. Este corte temporal se ha subdividido, a su vez, en tres momentos que constituyen los capítulos de este estudio. El primero hace una revisión breve desde los años 70 hasta el 2000 para explorar las Reapropiaciones visuales foráneas y locales en los muros de Quito. El segundo: Iconografía / iconología de una expresión visual examina la visualidad de la temporalidad central 2001-2012; a este se le confiere el énfasis principal en función del enfoque centrado en los estudios visuales. El tercero: Relaciones represadas al límite y la fractura contiene una breve revisión de los significados del grafiti en el relacionamiento con la ciudad, entre 2012 y 2018. La investigación se inscribe en el campo de los estudios visuales, en diálogo con otras disciplinas que permiten leer una expresión cultural contemporánea en desarrollo; para ello, recurre a fuentes bibliográficas, material de archivo hemerográfico y un amplio archivo fotográfico que documenta la escritura de firma en la ciudad desde 2001 hasta la actualidad

    El daño moral extracontractual y la prueba indirecta

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    El daño moral, regulado en el artículo 1984 del Código Civil, al ser aquel que afecta la esfera psíquica del ser humano especialmente la esfera de los sentimientos de la persona (una gran pena, un gran dolor, una frustración). Tiene dificultades en su probanza dada su naturaleza, ello a pesar que el Sistema de Valoración de la prueba adoptado por nuestro Código Procesal Civil en el artículo 197º vigente ha otorgado mayores herramientas al juzgador para valorar el daño moral y establecer una reparación civil equivalente al menoscabo ocasionado. En tal contexto, la presente investigación intenta dar solución a las dificultades que se presentan al momento de probar el daño moral extracontractual a través de los conocimientos doctrinales sobre la prueba indirecta, la que consiste en partir de varios indicios, verificar que dichos indicios estén debidamente probados y a través de las máximas de la experiencia dar un determinado hecho por probado o no y se llega a una conclusión. La prueba indirecta, dada la dificultad que recrea la valoración del daño moral extracontractual, tiene bondades que bien pueden servir para que el juzgador pueda resolver los conflictos puestos a su conocimiento con mejor criterio y con mayores elementos de motivación

    Clinical features and natural history of clinically non-functioning pituitary incidentalomas

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    ePoster presentation: pituitary and neuroendocrinologyDisclaimer: this is not the definitive version of record of this article. This manuscript has been accepted for publication in Endocrine Abstracts, but the version presented here has not yet been copy-edited, formatted or proofed. Consequently, Bioscientifica accepts no responsability for any errors or omissions it may contains. The definitive version in now freely avaliable at Endocrine Abstracts web page