38 research outputs found

    Noise Impacts from Professional Dog Grooming Forced-Air Dryers

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    This study was designed to measure the sound output of four commonly used brands of forced-air dryers used by dog groomers in the United States. Many dog groomers have questions about the effect of this exposure on their hearing, as well as on the hearing of the dogs that are being groomed. Readings taken from each dryer at 1 meter (the likely distance of the dryer from the groomer and the dog) showed average levels ranging from 105.5 to 108.3 dB SPL or 94.8 to 108.0 dBA. Using the 90 dBA criterion required by the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration, dog groomers/bathers are at risk if exposure to the lowest intensity dryer (94.8 dBA) exceeds 4 hours per day. If the more stringent 85 dBA criterion and 3 dB tradeoff is applied, less than one hour of exposure is permissible in an 8 hour day. Cautions are recommended for any persons exposed to noise from forced-air dryers

    Assessment of basic life support skills among medical doctors and technicians in Belgrade emergency medical services

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    Objective. Our aim was to assess BLS (basic life support) skills among medical doctors (MDs) and medical technicians (MTs) who work at Belgrade Emergency Medical Services (BEMS). Methods. A prospective study was conducted between 28 September and 9 December, 2016. MDs (Group 1) and MTs (Group 2) attended an accredited course in BLS at BEMS. At the end of the course the participants were given a written test consisting of 20 questions (pass rate 65%). Te results were analyzed for each group i.e. profession (Group 1 and Group 2) according to the number of accurate and inaccurate answers to each question. In the end, a number of participants from each group, who answered all 20 questions correctly, were identifed. Te results obtained, by test analysis, demonstrated the participants’ acquired BLS skills. Results. Te study involved 100 participants (50 in each group). All participants from Group 1 correctly answered questions number 1, 2, 3, 10, 13, 17 and 20. In Group 1 only two participants had three incorrect answers in the test. Te largest number of incorrect answers was related to question number 16. Tirty-four participants in this group answered all questions correctly. All participants from Group 2 gave correct answers to questions number 2, 5, 9, 10 and 13. In Group 2, one participant had six incorrect answers and one participant had 5 incorrect answers. Te largest number of incorrect answers was related to questions number 3 and 20. Nineteen participants from Group 2 answered all questions correctly. Te rate of correct answers between Group 1 and Group 2 was 19.66 : 18.91 (0.75 diference). Conclusion. Te research showed a satisfactory level of knowledge in both groups. However, there is a statistically signifcant diference in the knowledge of MDs afer the BLS course. Te results obtained justify the ambitions that all healthcare professionals, regardless of their qualifcations, should be trained in applying BLS, both at work and as eyewitnesses

    Discovery of the thallium, lead, bismuth, and polonium isotopes

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    Currently, forty-two thallium, forty-two lead, forty-one bismuth, and forty-two polonium isotopes have so far been observed; the discovery of these isotopes is discussed. For each isotope a brief summary of the first refereed publication, including the production and identification method, is presented.Comment: to be published in At. Data Nucl. Data Table

    Családfakutatás, családtörténetek az interneten

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    Tanulmányomban azt kívántam bemutatni, hogyan lehet informatikai szoftverek segítségével megkönnyíteni, kezelhetőbbé és rendszerezhetőbbé tenni a családfakutatás során összegyűlt adatainkat. Dokumentumok (kép, anyakönyvi kivonat, házasságlevél, családfa, stb.) rögzítéséhez különböző szoftverekre lehet szükség. A családfa szoftverek mindezt egy „kézben” képesek végrehajtani, egységes szabvány segítségével a gyors adatcsere, illetve az elkészült családfa weblapon történő közzététele is megvalósulhat

    Konkordanciák megjelenítése Java appletekben

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    A konkordancia fogalma, története, felhasználási területei. Különféle megjelenítési formák. Egy konkordancia Java applet fejlesztésének és működésének bemutatása.régi képzésprogramozó matematiku